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单词 Preferences
1 A nationwide poll revealed different food preferences in the North and the South.
2 She's always been very forthright about her preferences.
3 Special preferences were offered initially to encourage investment.
4 What are your preferences?
5 Racial preferences are a way to make up for years of discrimination against minorities.
6 Consumer preferences were placed in rank order from 1 to 5.
7 The Limited tracks consumer preferences daily using point-of-sale computers.
8 In recent times the market reflected strong regional preferences.
9 People's desires and preferences rule America. Dr T.P.Chia 
10 How are we to understand their different feeding preferences?
11 Newspapers can and do express partisan preferences.
12 There are definite regional preferences amongst our clients.
13 To a degree, cravings also reflect cultural preferences.
14 The voter is required to state his preferences, and to state them once for all, before any votes are counted.
15 The harm comes in promoting local preferences into a universal code of ethics.
16 Their voting preferences were, of course, in the reverse order.
17 Borrowers also have distinct maturity preferences according to the needs they are attempting to finance.
18 Neighboring cells tend to have the same preferences for tilt, until suddenly reaching a neighbor that prefers a quite different tilt.
19 The differences in feeding preferences lead, in turn, to differences in migratory habits.
20 By knowing the preferences and pay-off structures, the political scientist can examine all possible combinations of choices by the two players.
21 An unfavorable change in consumer preferences will cause demand to decrease, shifting the curve to the left.
22 He is making the unarguable point that our desires and preferences have a social component.
23 The results of the survey were used to estimate the preferences of the population at large.
24 They now have a database of information to back their hunches about customers' preferences.
25 Jackson called on them to keep up the fight to retain racial and gender preferences in federal hiring.
26 It is hard to argue that the average rat has been endowed with conspicuous display ornaments by the preferences of ancestral females.
27 Coupons generated electronically at the cash register are popular across the country, because they mirror consumer preferences.
28 She guessed these were harlots who were prepared to entertain the men according to their preferences.
29 Thirdly, they should develop new ideas about how existing desires and preferences are affected by influences such as persuasion and coercion.
30 The term structure of interest rates is affected by liquidity preferences, future expectations, and supply and demand conditions.
1 A nationwide poll revealed different food preferences in the North and the South.
2 He is making the unarguable point that our desires and preferences have a social component.
31 Even so, the conventions of the group inevitably overrule the preferences of individual members.
32 There are four plans available to cater for individual preferences.
33 Changing preferences will be shown in siting, and occupation will tend to move about within an area.
34 Technologies and preferences are those used in the previous section.
35 Preferences in politics can include anything from higher wages, a cleaner environment, world peace, or the realization of democracy.
35 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
36 Preferences between wholemeal bread and white bread are largely a matter of habit.
37 What happens when upper tier preferences can not be represented by a Cobb-Douglas utility function?
38 The availability of accurate information with respect to the current sales enables sophisticated marketing capable of responding to consumers' preferences.
39 Similarly, infants as young as 6 weeks of age consistently show preferences for familiar as compared to unfamiliar faces.
40 Early experience with particular individuals is not the only source of variation in adults' mating preferences.
41 Roberts and Brodie's pioneering work on sports careers gives us a crucial insight into the formation of preferences for sports participation.
42 That it is important to use local knowledge and reflect local preferences. 3.
43 These monopoly power functions are constants when preferences are of the S-D-S type.
44 The two texts simply address different readerships and in so doing reflect different textual preferences.
45 Teenagers' tastes and preferences are shaped by what they see in the media.
46 Across occupations, pension ages vary arbitrarily and do not show any systematic relationship to individual skills or preferences.
47 In Fig. 11-9 are illustrated the preferences of the median voter over a private good and the local public good.
48 I rarely spoke to express preferences, preferring to use body language.
49 Partners' preferences can also make it more difficult to control household fuel consumption and to effect cutbacks in personal consumption.
50 He doubts whether the consumer preferences reported by market research teams can be translated into products with sufficient accuracy.
51 Voters can therefore express clear preferences for individuals within or across party boundaries.
52 It implies a less passive consumer than the market research model with the emphasis on market preferences and consumers' rights.
53 We did not want to impose this restriction here but wanted to let the data reveal individual preferences.
54 Hence the pattern of group organization bears little or no relation to the distribution of intense or apathetic preferences among voters.
55 Regardless of their preferences, not every couple is lucky enough to find two equal jobs in the same community.
56 The visas are issued according to a system of five preferences, with the most highly skilled falling into the top preferences.
57 Second, customers decide their preferences with a large pinch of subjectivity.
58 This partisanship is reinforced when parents' preferences are congruent with the influences to be identified below.
59 Depending on the form of government, the voters express their preferences with regard to public decisions.
60 Experimental studies on birds and fish have shown that male ornaments can be favoured by female mating preferences.
61 Store managers have a wide discretion to select what clothing, shoes and accessories their stores sell, based on local preferences.
62 But they like to keep their political preferences to themselves.
63 That restriction prevented voters who value experience from expressing their preferences when voting, she said.
64 We always try to be respectful of each other's preferences.
65 Staff can produce an individual handbook covering specific aspects of care, for example pre-operative preparation or a doctor's preferences for treatment.
65 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
66 If so, how do they recognise flake food or develop brand preferences?
67 Artificial selection, for instance, has demonstrated a genetic influence on the mating preferences of ladybirds.
68 Many lenders automatically put their borrowers on a budget plan without asking them their preferences at the outset.
69 To the extent that rank-ordering means giving preferences to candidates of one party rather than another it is both easy and reasonable.
70 Policy and practice have to allow for the variety of possibilities as no blanket approach can respond to diverse needs and preferences.
71 Preferences for partners are probably based on the frequency of reciprocation.
72 In practice, the choice was made on subjective grounds, reflecting the institutional preferences of military planners.
73 It is evident that the greater the difference in tastes and preferences, the greater the welfare losses.
74 For this section let us assume S-D-S preferences so that all households have the same tastes.
75 Petitioner certainly was not attempting to conceal or withhold from the Committee his own past political associations, predilections, and preferences.
76 Proposition 209 bars preferences based on race and gender in public employment, contracting and education in state and local government.
77 Everyone's preferences would be reflected in their purchases of goods and their productivity in wages paid.
78 The company needs to be sensitive to local preferences and tastes, and such things as company logos should incorporate local preferences.
79 My effective vote could be my first preference vote, in which case all my other preferences are null and void.
80 It would ban racial and gender preferences in all state government hiring, contracting and education programs.
81 If all preferences are strong, so that only normal mode inference is ever performed, wrong choices will be made.
82 Ask every resident what they would like and try to satisfy individual preferences.
83 On some questions, however, ideas must be accommodated to the political preferences of the particular audience.
84 Our questions are thus more concerned with preferences than with boundary conditions in which plural references may become impossible.
85 In this case we have the simple result that the preferences of the median voter are decisive.
86 These preferences, of course, placed the Wiener Werkstatte squarely in the vanguard of Modernism.
87 Decisions about the development of a local community should reflect local preferences and meet local needs.
88 The choice seems to depend very much on the individual preferences of the supervisor.
89 All who have that responsibility need to be aware of their own musical and liturgical preferences.
90 The results suggested that the birds might have sharply tuned preferences only slightly displaced away from siblings when normally reared.
91 How else is the individual to discover individual tastes and preferences?
92 This extremely flexible system allows the hotel to tailor service preferences for each guest.
93 The use of racial preferences is not permissible under the new law.
94 Art is judged against a background of an aesthetic theory: preferences are entirely subjective.
95 Personal opinion or preferences and speculative imaginings have no place in science.
96 If they are already your customers, the difficulties of changing their preferences become an asset and not a liability.
97 We conduct extensive consumer research in which a large number of women are interviewed about their preferences.
98 Congress recently acted to deny trade preferences to countries that fail to meet their legal obligations to end such abusive child labor.
99 How are such preferences to be understood in terms of underlying processes?
100 Bill Clinton's policy-wonkish preferences plunged his first year in government into organisational chaos.
101 In the case of majority voting, we have already seen one line of approach - to restrict the range of preferences.
102 Their daily routines are starting to reflect their preferences and abilities and to include a level of personal responsibility.
103 It can also be argued that as human beings, while engaged in decision-making, we often ignore our fully conscious preferences.
104 Revolutions are only contemplated by cadres with intense preferences: most workers in liberal democracies will not vote for a revolution.
105 Over time, doubleclick. net Web servers learn your browsing habits and preferences.
106 One view is that rural manufacturing growth stems from the preferences of employers for rural environments.
107 Alternatively, regional preferences would dominate the findings if the survey was restricted to only one of these regions.
108 Other attempts to restrict preferences of voters seem equally to have had limited success.
109 Over the following year Mirror readers as well as Guardian and Telegraph readers proved relatively stable in their political preferences.
110 These have been the subject of intense debate, with religious preferences sometimes intruding.
111 Our analyses of voters' information levels and their changing political preferences confirm and even strengthen that finding.
112 We assess the factors behind the development of the markets, highlighting the importance of the regulatory environment and investor preferences.
113 The above examples illustrate that different preferences exist across languages for certain general patterns of reference.
114 As the programmes developed, some teams began to include a range of options to meet different needs and preferences.
115 The structure we impose on preferences in turn induces a relatively simple form of demand functions faced by individual firms.
116 The pricing system thus reveals people's preferences in a realistic way.
117 This partnership can take a variety of forms, depending on particular circumstances and individual preferences.
118 Market research showed considerable differences in consumer preferences in various countries.
119 Every child is unique, with their own needs, preferences and talents.
120 Even with stringent controls for partisanship and ideology, multiple regression analyses show that the press had a significant influence on preferences.
121 If these taxes increase the price of all products in proportion to their original price, they distort market preferences relatively little. 2.
122 Why must we explain these female preferences only in terms of the effects on their sons and daughters?
123 Companies that use refund coupons are now developing a huge data base of information on consumer preferences, Wright says.
124 The leader should always conduct the meeting impartially and avoid stating his preferences and objections.
125 Some beliefs are the hijacker of reason, rationality, intelligence and logic, others are the products of egoism, biases,(http:///preferences.html) prejudices or preferences. Dr T.P.Chia 
126 First appearances can be deceptive because our preferences work on over-all attractiveness not on a check-list of priorities.
127 Whichever category of function is involved, the direct transmission of capitalists' preferences to state officials is unimportant.
128 Earlier, he opposed Prop. 209, which would ban racial and gender preferences in state programs.
129 The lower orders eventually expressed their political preferences rather differently.
130 Media influences on relative preferences for Conservative and Labour were always significant, usually similar in magnitude but opposite in sign.
131 Next, in easy stages, you will need to reshape some of your food preferences.
132 The child shows developmentally inappropriate feeding behaviour and food preferences.
133 Initially, they will all choose different efficient portfolios on the frontier according to their risk return preferences.
134 What slim people are actually like in terms of food intake Food preferences are obviously a very individual matter.
135 And if evil is said not to exist, only personal preferences are left to decide moral behavior.
136 We may also have a heightened sense of smell before periods, exaggerating any food preferences.
137 Put more accurately, individual judges may be clear as to their preferences but those preferences do not always coincide.
138 If preferences are of the S-D-S type, the elasticity of demand is a given constant.
139 Relative preferences for the Alliance were much less predictable than for Labour or Conservative. 2.
140 Third, government is supposed to be representative of society's group preferences i.e. majority opinion.
141 Most important, children tend to inherit their parents' partisan preferences.
142 This theory states that various market participants have distinct maturity preferences.
143 Take care that your teaching is not guided by your preferences as a research worker.
144 So as much as the reviewers' preferences shine through, I still feel that they review without prejudice.
145 Despite the limitations of the survey it did suggest some clear habitat preferences and population trends.
146 As with coupons, there are different preferences among investors regarding term to maturity.
147 People's eating habits and food preferences are learned; they are habits that become ingrained over a period of years.
148 Custom-tailor the information to user preferences.
149 Unable to open mail directory. Please check your preferences.
150 New: file type associations page in preferences.
151 Do you have any preferences about what to eat?
152 We have granted that country special trade preferences.
153 A reduction in protection generally reduces the special benefits from preferences.
154 The problems related to the legal responsibility on the tax preferences should be defined by law.
155 But most of the tax preferences go not to this kind of entrepreneurship , but, for instance,(/preferences.html) to speculative real estate lending.
156 Consumer preferences can be completely described by a set of difference curves, or an indifference map.
157 When there is a diminishing marginal rate substitution, preferences are convex.
158 Gadgets typically have a view mode, which presents the application function, and a customize mode, which lets users modify gadget settings to customize the gadget based on their personal preferences.
159 Gender and level of education both had a strong influence on music, literature and film preferences, but the strongest correlation came from the personality test.
160 Ni sees a lot of potential in the consumption goods import business as Chinese preferences become more international.
161 WS-Policy defines a base set of constructs that can be used and extended by other specifications for Web services to describe a broad range of service requirements, preferences, and capabilities.
162 Utility is a measure of expression of an individual consumer's tastes and preferences.
163 The Water Framework Directive: Stakeholder Preferences and Catchment Management Strategies - Are They Reconcilable?
164 To view the data directly, make sure the spreadsheet is stored using zero compression from the Gnumeric preferences.
165 This method returns a string encoding the values of the user preferences.
166 While these repairs were being made, the old gentleman often dropped in to consult Lena's preferences.
167 The results provide valuable preferences for design and analysis of rocket weapon.
168 These preferences are themselves stored in another property list XML file.
169 Title: The Water Framework Directive: Stakeholder Preferences and Catchment Management Strategies - Are They Reconcilable?
170 The above tax preferences are to be implemented with the approval of the provincial taxation authority upon the application by the enterprise.
171 For example, there is one layer of default preferences defined by the portlet deployment descriptor.
172 The rank expressions, simple or complex, define a numerical value that expresses preferences.
173 Error temporary directory XX does not exist. Please enter a new directory in the preferences box.
174 It allows to automate the group order and to manage the preferences of each of the employees: who wants to have a Coke, Cheese on his sandwich, etc.
175 So, the double factors of the national well-being maximization and attracting investment should be considered according to the positive and negative influence during adjusting tax preferences.
176 Dr Baron - Cohen suggests that innate preferences can be carried into adulthood, too.
177 If David's preferences are represented by an indifference curve like U1 , would he choose to work for more than eight hours?
178 Judith had not much reserve in the manifestations of her preferences.
179 If you use the extended interface (from user's preferences), you can select the way to control your supplier invoices: based on the order, based on the receptions or manual encoding.
180 The fundamental model of duopoly competition in vertical differentiated market has two very important assumptions: consumers' information is complete and their preferences are stable.
181 In addition to proactively monitoring your location, Aloqa can also send out "push notifications" based on your own preferences for the types of alerts and levels of intrusiveness you want.
182 You can change your preferences frame rate, size and other parameters.
183 She was fanciful, had all sorts of unspoken preferences, and was easily offe nded.
184 Bilateral trade deals, food aid, and special preferences have further distorted trade flows in agriculture.
185 Preferences: Enables to view monthly transactions ordered by data, ascending or descending.
185 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
186 In this article, you've seen how to use data templates by dragging data from the Page Data view onto the page and then learned how to locate these templates in the Preferences dialog.
187 Extends the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program, which provides duty-free treatment for thousands of items from 133 beneficiary developing countries.
188 The feeding and oviposition preferences of polyphagous flies in urban garbage were more plastic than those of saprophagous flies.
189 Branding creates memorability , but it also establishes preferences, habits, and loyalties. In short, it encourages a relationship between a brand and its user.
190 Sexual preferences, partners, and preferred foreplay are all part of achieving an orgasm.
191 Reading is my usual preferences, I like to read more swim, that a passionate story always pull the wires.
192 The efficient Lindahl equilibrium and the non—cooperative Nash equilibrium are determined endogenously based on the individual preferences elicited in second price auctions.
193 The preferences a great impact on convergence rate of the known algorithm.
194 Server Studio employs user profiles to securely store personalized information such as user connections, log-on parameters, data, preferences, system configurations, and more.
195 Base broadening often keeps pace with a rate cut, and many countries have put more emphasis on tax preferences for scientific innovations.
196 Even more significantly, Britain had to end its system of imperial preferences, which meant no more tariffs and duties on goods to and from colonies such as India.
197 The relationships among the needs and preferences were examined through canonical variate analysis.
198 The grape is the fruit preferences, but serious grape phylloxera, has been identified as the main quarantine objects at home and abroad.
199 New assimilator and validator installed. Let us know if there is still problems with host corruption. If your host is corrupt try resetting the venue under your preferences.
200 Many CCRC preferences can influence the control behavior and appearance of the ClearCase operations.
201 A software environment enabling the visualization of biomechanical sensory perceptions and preferences which consideration psychophysical models.
202 Think of programs that write original poetry or cobble together new student essays, or programs that store information about your shopping preferences and suggest books or clothes you might like next.
203 It will encode a rich semantic graph of your information, relationships, interests, behavior and preferences.
204 The foregoing shall include , by way of example and not by way of limitation , all rights to recover preferences voidable under Title 11 of the United States Code.
205 When you have finished your list of personal preferences, go through it again.
206 Lightness and darkness have particular meanings attachedthem and we subconsciously relate those moral preferences to women.
207 A moviegoer's brain will reveal their personal preferences, while creators will be able pay attention to those important details to produce better films and know how to effectively market them.
208 So they learn to understand the probabilities of various things happening, they learn the preferences [of users] and costs of outcomes and, perhaps most important, they are becoming self-aware.
209 First, the economy is changing continuously, as citizens freely express their economic preferences directly in the marketplace and indirectly in the voting booth .
210 Consensus did not emerge from a compromise between individual preferences.
211 If you want to use default preferences for R2009a, and do not want MATLAB to migrate preferences from R2008b, the R2009a preferences directory must exist but be empty when you start MATLAB.
212 So it is necessary to review the tax preferences to foreign investment and make due adjustments.
213 This page lets you edit the preferences for any user. You can also edit DSPAM's default preferences by leaving the input field empty.
214 Ignoring the preferences of future generations thus could result in greatly distorted resource allocation over time.
215 Varying preferences on labels also reflect differences between old money and new, said the survey's authors.
216 Therefore, it is necessary for the implementation of tax preferences performance assessment to tax preferences to maximum effect.
217 These rates generally reflect the rate of duty in effect on July 1, 1991, including rates under the U. S. Generalized System of Preferences and the General Preferential Tariff of Canada.
217 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
218 And the Doha round, through which multilateral liberalisation might erase regional trade preferences, remains stuck.
219 We'll use the default preferences in this book, but you might find that you'll want to customize some of the preferences when you develop your own Web services.
220 Diversification of color and pictorial, in response to a different friend's preferences.




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