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单词 Award-winning
(1) The hotel's award-winning restaurant specializes in traditional food.
(2) Enjoy the delicious cuisine created by our award-winning chef.
(3) Already live is the award-winning website for Wimpole Hall.
(4) An award-winning realtor in a fern-green suit.
(5) The award-winning film updates a Tolstoy tale about Russian soldiers.
(6) Neal Ascherson, the award-winning writer, will be a columnist on the new newspaper.
(7) Award-winning entertainment that flies in the face of gravity lands in Tucson for two nights only.
(8) Troupe co-authored the award-winning autobiography of Miles Davis, and has been invited to participate in the 1997 Venice Biennale.
(9) VARBusiness is an award-winning publication for integrated technology solutions. % % % Verio Inc.
(10) Award-winning magician Oscar Mu oz also pulls the obligatory rabbit out of the hat, and even produces a bird or two.
(11) The award-winning scriptwriter has been talking of reviving the hit sitcom for years but he has been busy on other projects.
(12) Healthy growth: The award-winning Yorkshire Heartbeat scheme to promote healthy eating in pubs across Yorkshire is to be extended.
(13) Working Model Working Model is award-winning desktop based software for analysing and solving engineering problems involving 2D and 3D motion and mechanisms.
(14) Award-winning advertising has promoted the vaccines.
(15) Vicki Mangum, from Katy Texas, is an award-winning quilter.
(16) An industrial designer's award-winning concept for a taxicab generates interest from car builders in Mexico.
(17) The award-winning, forward-scanning pistol grip design minimizes fatigue during scan-intensive tasks, helping users maintain productivity in comfort.
(18) Learn about gardening with soaker hoses from an award-winning horticulturist in this free home landscaping video.
(19) Learn about gardening with light bulbs from an award-winning horticulturist in this free home landscaping video.
(20) the award-winning TV drama.
(21) Learn about gardening with sand from an award-winning horticulturist in this free home landscaping video.
(22) But there is one issue that confronts the Grammy Award-winning musician almost everywhere he goes -- much to his distress.
(23) A veteran independent filmmaker for over 30 years, Young has made award-winning documentaries and well-reviewed feature films.
(24) And those vignettes were made by local college students working with an award-winning independent film director.
(25) Members of up to 15 years of age receive their own award-winning magazine, Bird Life, six times a year.
(26) That year she won a Moliere , the equivalent of a Tony Award, for her performance in "Les Enfants du Silence, " a French version of Mark Medoff's award-winning play "Children of a Lesser Clod.
(27) Learn about gardening with different types of hoses from an award-winning horticulturist in this free home landscaping video.
(28) From 1993 to 1995 he taught and directed an award-winning program of guitar building at Soledad State Prison. Parts of that program are still in operation.
(29) I translate ethnic slurs for Cuban refugees, I write award-winning operas, I manage time efficiently.
(30) 'I'd been an investigative reporter all my life, and then boom, ' says Mr. Wenske, an award-winning journalist of 30 years. 'Suddenly you're not the same person you used to be.
(31) The DAMSL project began when award-winning photographer Myron Wang donated his photographic collection to the school.
(32) Clearly kinda whacky (she grew up on a commune after all) with some skeletons in her bourdoir, Winona has weathered various storms to remain a highly popular, if not award-winning actress.
(33) In demystifying the little-understood speech impediment, the award-winning film reveals myths and fascinating truths about stuttering, and has won praise from stutterers of all ages.
(34) Shaw helped adapt it into an award-winning Hollywood film in 1938, and it formed the basis of Lerner and Loewe's 1956 Broadway musical, My Fair Lady.
(35) Chris de Bode, an award-winning photojournalist, travelled to Brazil, India, Pakistan and the United Republic of Tanzania to gather the stories.
(36) Learn about gardening with hanging baskets from an award-winning horticulturist in this free home landscaping video.
(37) It is worth noting that Nikko manufactures its own award-winning gearless lift propulsion machine, though it is not clear whether one is used as a replacement motor here.
(38) Learn about gardening with watering cans from an award-winning horticulturist in this free home landscaping video.
(39) Philippakis gets into Twitter spats with award-winning authors and chats about the decline of Western civilisation.
(40) Learn how to do the backwards figure eight dance step in the Argentine tango with this free dance lesson from an award-winning tango dancer.
(41) But some of those bittersweet gifts have now been given a new purpose, as part of an award-winning exhibition called the Museum of Broken Relationships.
(42) This update includes Book 9 and the Epilogue to the sweeping epic tale begun with the award-winning Mines of Moria expansion.
(43) But nearby Cabot , his partner in the award-winning Cabot Clothbound Cheddar, offers a 30-minute guided tour complete with movie.
(44) Located on the shore of Sullivan's Island off the coast of South Carolina, the award-winning cube-shaped beach house was built to replace one smashed to pieces by Hurricane Hugo 10 years ago.
(45) What's more, to take the worry out of taking it along, the Toshiba mini NB205 also comes with international limited warranty coverage, plus our award-winning service and support.
(46) With a great deal of patience and careful observation of the wolves' movements, he succeeded in taking the award-winning photograph.
(47) Beijingers now have the opportunity to enjoy the moving melodies of the highland instrument in their own living room thanks to award-winning bagpiper Duncan McKay.
(48) The all-female musical group, created in 2005 by award-winning songwriter and producer, Yasushi Akimoto, has enjoyed much success and increased popularity over the course of their career.
(49) Learn about gardening with different types of soil from an award-winning horticulturist in this free home landscaping video.
(50) With open shop for inheritance award-winning uncomplicated[/award-winning.html], full-time immersed collection.
(51) On our first or second date, Dave asked me so many earnest questions about my award-winning background in ballroom dance that I finally confessed I knew only the jitterbug.
(52) No-holds-barred advice on sex, top celebs in the buff on the centrefold, interviews, fun stuff and award-winning fiction too - what an explosive mix!
(53) Walter Elias Disney was a multiple Academy Award-winning American film producer, director, screenwriter , voice actor, animator, entrepreneur, and philanthropist.
(54) Bush also said he never saw the award-winning network television show "The West Wing" about a fictitious U.S. president, preferring instead to watch sports and read books.
(55) Making the situation bigger than life can help us to regain a humorous perspective, says Patty Wooten, R.N., an award-winning humorist and author of Compassionate Laughter: Jest for the Health of It.
(56) For this year, the award-winning works covered a wide range of topics, among them "Aide Haiti", "Climate Change" and "No Replacement", a piece in memory of the Calypso icons of the past.
(57) For the mythic Le Mans 24 Hour race, TAG Heuer equips the Audi Sport team with award-winning Squadra Night Vision – the world's first opthalmic shield with integrated corrective lenses.
(58) Discover how to do the purl stitch from an award-winning knitter in this free video on knitting techniques.
(59) An Emmy award-winning team.
(60) Award-winning travel photographer Richard I'Anson helped establish Lonely Planet Images and wrote the Lonely Planet Guide to Travel Photography.
(61) The event was part of the fifth Edward R. Murrow Program for Journalists, named for the award-winning and pioneering broadcast journalist.
(62) Jason saw an opportunity to leverage his background in boutique wedding photography and "marry" it with his network of award-winning photographers.
(63) On hand to make the announcement were Richard Moe, president of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and Academy Award-winning actress Diane Keaton.
(64) Learn about gardening with peat moss from an award-winning horticulturist in this free home landscaping video.
(65) "Doubt, " based on the award-winning play by director John Patrick Shanley, takes place in the St. Nicholas Church School in 1964.
(66) The Financial Times was the first major news publisher to launch an app of this type, which allows readers to access its award-winning journalism easily and quickly direct from the phone’s browser.
(67) As far as footballers' haircuts go, award-winning British hairdresser Mark Woolley said they have got more conservative and sophisticated of late.
(68) The Grammy award-winning composer writes and records his own albums, but he also enjoys writing music for movies.
(69) In the award-winning American film Precious, the title character dreams of receiving the red-carpet treatment.
(70) Have a ha-ha bulletin board where you only post funny sayings or signs, suggests Allen Klein, an award-winning professional speaker and author of The Healing Power of Humor.
(71) William Cran, an award-winning documentary film-maker, was born in Australia in 1946 and came to this country as a small boy on the SS Otranto.
(72) Baldwin, an Oscar nominee and the Emmy award-winning star of TV comedy 30 Rock, is a debutant as host, though he has appeared to present awards in the past.
(73) Make a knit stitch with tips from an award-winning knitter in this free video on knitting basics.
(74) Award-winning journalist Rosenberg shares how she lives a life of high style without the stress of high costs or deprivation.
(75) Another writer, James Cloyd Bowman, wrote an award-winning children's book called "Pecos Bill: The Greatest Cowboy of All Time."
(76) His work has been featured in National Geographic, Audubon and Time, as well as numerous award-winning books.
(77) Learn about gardening with large rakes from an award-winning horticulturist in this free home landscaping video.
(78) Learn the figure eight dance step in the Argentine tango with this free dance lesson from an award-winning tango dancer.
(79) Back in 1995, George Steinmetz, an award-winning photographer, documented clans of tree-dwelling people in Indonesian New Guinea.
(80) Swing into action with an all-new set of primate puzzles in the fantastic sequel to the award-winning hit.
(80) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(81) Guys like a girl who can be as vulgar as their guy friends, but don't trot out your award-winning burps or four-letter fiestas until at least the second or third date.
(82) I confidently handed in my doctoral-level, award-winning work, absolutely convinced my professor would be as thoroughly impressed with it as I was!
(83) York really is a foodie heaven with so many quality local producers, award-winning restaurants and speciality markets.
(84) One of those literary, award-winning adult novels that I secretly think was written for teens all along (see To Kill A Mockingbird).
(85) Learn about gardening with hoes from an award-winning horticulturist in this free home landscaping video.
(86) Paul Davies, an award-winning Arizona State University physicist known for his popular science writing said Tuesday that life may have developed on Earth not once but several times.
(87) The number of visitors to Dingle skyrocketed after the scenic harbor town served as the setting for the Academy Award-winning Ryan's Daughter, a 1970 film starring Robert Mitchum.
(88) In 1994, she was the subject of the Academy Award-winning documentary Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision.
(89) Learn about gardening with backyard soil from an award-winning horticulturist in this free home landscaping video.
(90) Learn about gardening covers and protecting plants from an award-winning horticulturist in this free home landscaping video.
(91) O’Donnell is an 11-time Emmy Award-winning American comedienne, talk show host, television personality, celebrity blogger, film, television, and stage actress.
(92) Learn about gardening with Hydretain from an award-winning horticulturist in this free home landscaping video.
(93) Award-winning author Eric A. Kimmel's whimsical retelling of this Rosh Hashanah tale, paired with Jill Weber's charming illustrations, will take readers to a higher place.
(94) Tanco found inspiration on his travels to Southeast Asian luxury resorts, boutique hotels and spas such as the award-winning Banyan Tree spas and Mandara Spa.
(95) There are talented artists, student government leaders, star athletes, passionate activists, award-winning poets, prize-winning scientists, and people who are just simply "well-rounded."




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更新时间:2025/3/14 11:35:02