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单词 Wide-open
1. That leaves a wide-open space for new filmmakers to make more personal, humanistic cinema.
2. These offered wide-open vistas of rolling farmland, old wooden barns and silos, all surrounded by stunning foliage.
3. Shrieks of mirth issued from her wide-open mouth, and flecks of foam appeared upon her lips.
4. In a wide-open auction, broadcasters would face a harsh economic reality.
5. The blitz was picked up, and Kirby was wide-open over the middle.
6. Opinions changed slowly in these wide-open spaces; they were not subject to the shifting whims of urban taste.
7. Prolonged staring with wide-open eyes has a special significance for the cat.
8. She had also a gallant and generous heart wide-open to affection.
9. The internet was a wide-open space, a new frontier.
10. But on the wide-open Web exists a harsher environment.
11. The wide-open triangular caval anastomosis is easy to perform, allowing short implantation time and size matching and avoiding outflow obstruction.
12. Judging from the havoc created by wide-open capital accounts in other emerging markets, the Chinese decision to liberalise its capital account gradually and slowly is a wise one.
13. But their wide-open attacking style made them perfect victims for a Gunners' team in top form.
13. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. Big recreation is a wide-open platform, the watch person of video also is fabricant .
15. "Yea, forsooth," replied the bond-servant, staring with wide-open eyes at the scarlet letter, which, being a new-comer in the country, he had never before seen.
16. M that he began to gain recognition as an offensive coordinator with an effective wide-open attack and the ability to groom quarterbacks.
17. In the electronic republic, there needs to be assurance of a media environment of wide-open access to send and receive.
18. He gazes at us full on with a half-smile and wide-open eyes.
19. Tijuana in the late teens already was developing the reputation of a wide-open town.
20. There was no mistaking the male tiger with the wide-open amber eyes stretched out on the table.
21. Made a funnel of the waxed paper, and tipped it into my wide-open mouth.
22. "Debate on public issues should be robust, uninhibited and wide-open," he wrote, because "speech on public issues occupies the highest rung of the hierarchy of First Amendment values.
23. A little round, stripy-blue fish slowly wiggled its way right in front of my face, with black wide-open eyes and naturally pursed mouth, as if he didn't notice there was a big monster watching him.
24. Schemas for XML grammars, however, leave a lot of room for creativity: They are low-level, wide-open schemas for which you'll find an almost unlimited number of valid instance documents.
25. If there is an image of mine that captures the wide-open West that has so enraptured me, it is this one of a West Texas cowboy at full gallop.
26. Indeed, horizontal lines are similar to the familiar sight of a horizon line in the distance allowing them to convey a sense of wide-open space.
27. Much of the prairie land in the United States has been developed or converted to agricultural purposes, leaving only a few state and national parks as a reminder of their wild, wide-open past.
28. She didn't want to leave the bustling city of San Francisco for the wide-open plains near Buffalo.
29. Personally, I would welcome such a policy imperative with wide-open arms.
30. Armed as DJs, we really only lack one thing to take our wide-open musical access and turn it into something revolutionary: cell phone radio.
31. That $100 hamburger in a GA airplane that costs $50 in an LSA need cost only $10 in the Aerolite and your wide-open view of the landscape is nearly untouchable by any other aircraft.
32. Scared witless , Pian-pian is simply frozen in her dance pose like a statue, as she continues to stare stupidly at the two just-fallen guards with wide-open eyes.
33. In a wide-open area, make a signal with colorful gear, make a big X out of rocks, or dig a shallow trench, says Dill.
34. Zittrain argues that the demise of the all-encompassing, wide-open Web is a dangerous thing, a loss of open standards and services that are "generative" — that allow people to find new uses for them.




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