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单词 Social organization
1. Social organization differs significantly between the different groups.
2. Social organization, we learned, was conventional and man-made and there were often realistic alternatives.
3. One of the fundamental problems of social organization is how to coordinate the economic activities of large numbers of individuals and businesses.
4. Social organization is complex and always includes a variety of classes, orders and groups.
5. At first, social organization is limited to the family, it is therefore dominated by kinship, and property is communal.
6. All have similarities in settlement pattern and in social organization, with unilineal descent systems and chiefdom organization.
7. Existing values and social organization have evolved slowly and have survived the test of time.
8. Instead, it seemed that the nature of social organization in the villages was critical.
9. His ideas on sovereignty and social organization seem to have been influenced by sociological positivism and by Duguit in particular.
10. Their social organization resulted in the building of bridges, roads, and aqueducts that still stand.
11. Langue, livelihood estate, environment, costume, taboo or social organization?
12. Official Organ, Institution and social Organization as Legal person.
13. The human race's first signs of social organization were in the form of clans and tribes.
14. Ants are the history of social organization and the future of computers.
14. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
15. Studies leads the type social organization to continue the development, the coordinated harmonious infinite optimization.
16. At present, the social organization in our country is well organized, open and integration.
17. At present, the social organization of Qianjing village has put on are new appearance again.
18. When these conflicts reach a crisis point, existing dominant groups always fight to maintain the anachronistic form of social organization.
19. They are much less helpful, however, in a search for the source and significance of our social organization.
20. Thus the distinctions are not eternal verities, or supra-historical categories, but actual elements of a kind of social organization.
21. This is the size of many hunter-gatherer bands, the social organization in which mankind has existed throughout most of its history.
22. On the Freudian model it is the repression and sublimation of homosexual desire that helps secure identity and social organization.
23. No one can say that implacable biology ordains failure, that gay social organization is fixed, promiscuous, and doomed.
24. This contains a much lengthier and more important consideration of tribal social organization, as well as of classical and oriental societies.
25. Changes within capitalism generate new forms of spatial organization at the same time as they create new forms of social organization.
26. The reader will recognize the correspondences between Qaddafi's account of social organization and the Zuwaya image of the just society.
27. Business is the most active managerial subject in all modem social organization.
28. By the look of practicality, it involves means and ways of image study of social organization.
29. Article 7 The budget of a unit refers to the budget for revenues and expenditures of a State organ, social organization or any other unit which is listed in the budget of a department.
30. It is our brains that are responsible for the complex social organization and the accumulation of technical, economic and scientific advances that, for better and worse, undergird modern civilization.
31. We can prevent encroachment on public interest effectively only by depending on citizen and social organization.
32. Trade union organization, as the social organization under the leadership of the Party, should take an active part in coordinating labor relations, participating in the social management and services.
33. Technological innovation was spurred by the general advance in the social organization of knowledge.
34. Looking back, these historical, religious and social organization on the explanation is not satisfactory.
35. In some sense, campus is like a complicated social organization, or a traditional community.
36. As the social organization with life characteristics, university can be annotated by the life theory.
37. Charity is a kind of actions of devotion initiated by social organization or personnel unrewarded when disaster happen to people.
38. The social organization of England and America is very different.
39. Knowledge integration in social organization includes partial integration, overall integration, internal integration and exterior integration.
40. Social organization" refers the corporate body representing a government or an enterprise and providing some services for the public."
41. Mainstream economics does not apriori that markets are preferable to other forms of social organization.
42. Any of various social insects of the family Formicidae, characteristically having wings only in the males and fertile females and living in colonies that have a complex social organization.
43. There are those with collectivist notions of social organization (the ideologues and visionaries among us) who assert we should all love one another and share our stuff and not be competitive.
44. As a kind of social organization, trades society is part of people social fields.
45. Before reform, Neighborhood was a welfare-based way of living arrangement, and was the social organization for achieving political control and passing the word under unit of society.




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