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单词 Immaterial
1. That's quite immaterial to me.
2. It is immaterial to me whether he stays or goes.
3. The condition of the car is quite immaterial as long as it works.
4. The body is material but the soul is immaterial.
5. It is immaterial whether he stays or leaves.
6. These facts are immaterial to the problem.
7. When it happened is immaterial.
8. Whether we like him or not is immaterial.
9. When it happened is immaterial; I want to know why it happened.
10. If you sign a document, it is wholly immaterial whether you have read it carefully or not.
11. The cost is immaterial.
12. Persons, for Descartes, are mental or immaterial thinking substances.
13. To Boltwood, the scientific explanation is immaterial.
14. The nature of the seller's possession is immaterial.
15. The difference in our ages was immaterial.
16. It was immaterial to the customers who dealt with them on the telephone.
17. It is immaterial that his promise is far more valuable than the price he has asked for it.
18. There were a thousand and one immaterial reasons to vacate the premises, not the least of which being Mr Mackenzie himself.
19. The general opinion was that comets were immaterial, spiritual portents sent by the Creator as warnings about impending momentous events.
20. Whether the book is well or badly written is immaterial - it has an important message.
21. Whether one agrees or disagrees with this contention is immaterial.
22. And even if, I repeat their findings were valid, enough unchallengeable evidence would remain to make them immaterial.
23. Provided that it is reasonable to incur the particular expense, however, it is immaterial that the expense may be very large.
24. The fact that it had a happy ending was immaterial to me.
25. This may make any savings you anticipate by remortgaging immaterial in the long run.
26. I think you would say that the details,(Sentence dictionary) important to the sufferer are immaterial to the state of mind.
27. The content of the mathematics qualification to them is immaterial.
28. Of course you could also be looking for work at home, where the ability to travel to and fro is immaterial.
29. What one would have believed in certain circumstances is equally immaterial to what one should now believe.
30. The second element is that information is the basis of technological revolution, it is a perfectly immaterial revolution.
1. That's quite immaterial to me.
2. It is immaterial to me whether he stays or goes.
3. The condition of the car is quite immaterial as long as it works.
4. When it happened is immaterial.
5. The cost is immaterial.
31. In most cases it is considered immaterial.
32. That's wholly immaterial to me.
33. It is quite immaterial to me.
34. The order of partial differentiation is immaterial.
35. It tend towards from pure function to immaterial enjoy.
36. That is immaterial to me.
37. I am an immaterial impalpable incarnation.
38. The copyright is a kind of immaterial assets.
39. Exactly how Putin will perpetuate his influence is immaterial.
40. The sum of money is quite immaterial to him.
41. Trade mark law should protect immaterial cultural heritage and should state that immaterial cultural heritage can apply for registration as certification marks or collective marks.
42. Brand is the most important immaterial assets of enterprises, which is also the key factor of urban competitiveness.
43. The network marketing system is the competition ability of the hard mimicry of the company with can obtain income of immaterial assets.
44. No such immaterial burden could depress that buoyant - hearted young gentleman for many hours together.
45. A good logo is not only an immaterial asset for an enterprise, but also it has an irremovable significance in the minds of consumers. Therefore it has definite value for its own sake.
46. Use a pagestack to indicate a group of functionally identical pages whose navigational properties are immaterial to the macrostructure of the site.
47. The immaterial assets enter the account according to the cost during the term while it had been obtained, and it should be amortized within the whole term of valid.
48. Because the amortization of organization costs usually is immaterial in dollar amount, th is convenient treatment is justified by the accounting principle of materiality.
49. The third problem is to give a satisfactory account of the relationship between the immaterial mind and the material body.
50. At last, the author compares incorporeal property with immaterial assets, and concludes the differences of these two conceptions in connotation and extension.
51. With the development of society and economy, the relative proportion of material factors is descending and immaterial factors increasing, which are made up of the whole basic factors.
52. Yao Minority has bequeathed precious immaterial cultural heritage for Chinese, such as timbal dance of Baikuyao at Nandan in Guangxi.
53. This paper analyses the problems in the management of capital assets and immaterial assets in colleges and universities, and discusses the countermeasures of how to strengthen assets management.
54. Since a dummy index just indicates summation, it is immaterial which symbol is used.
55. Color of Hair -- Although base color is immaterial, certain patterns and basic colors predominate.
55. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
56. Whether does the labor of the domain create the argumentative long - standing of value about immaterial production.
57. With the development of society, the status of immaterial assets of hospitals is becoming more and more important.
58. "In the Disturbia film the defendants purposefully employed immaterial variations or transparent rephrasing to produce essentially the same story as the Rear Window story, " the lawsuit said.
59. University-oriented donation is essentially a kind of economic behavior, with immaterial utility of the donator and utility maximization.
60. Get into knowledge-based economy for ages, the immaterial assets has become the motive and source that government and business enterprise keep on a development.
61. This article sketches the assessment of immaterial assets of hospitals, mainly including assessments of patents, copyrights, trademarks, commercial reputation and the right to use land, etc.
62. According to the dualist, the mind is this immaterial substance and we could call it by different names.
63. The immaterial capital is none of any material but is the capital which can bring its owner and user surplus value.
64. The total - head tubes should be cut off square, and their length is immaterial.
65. As the spiritual pillar and the source of motivating force of university development, university spirit is not only a kind of immaterial assets, but a kind of normative power.
66. That the Hegelian system did not solve the problem it propounded is here immaterial.
67. Judge Turpin: Your meaning is immaterial. Mark me! If I see your face again on this street, you"ll rue the day you were born."
68. Nevertheless, they do not have their corresponding particularity in the accounting arrangement of the immaterial assets and therefore, demand urgent improvement.
69. Beauty parlor not only sells corporeal products, but also sells immaterial services to customers.
70. Bousso notes that the vacua configurations may be immaterial—like atoms in a lump of iron.
71. In various textbooks about asset evaluation, there are few introductions about evaluation of immaterial assets, such as orders for goods of customers, combining labor and marketing channels.
72. That being so just like the chess computer, there may be no need of hypothesize some spooky substance, some immaterial substance.
73. If the soul is immaterial, doesn't it follow automatically, trivially, that the soul can't be destroyed by a material process?
74. Take the gauge of in the value in the process, involve the tangible assets evaluation , the immaterial assets evaluation, the finance calculate, the time value of the future cash flow certain etc.
75. Nowadays, the earning resource is mainly from the immaterial assets.
76. With the rapid development of technology and economy, immaterial assets have influenced economic development.
77. Accountancy's treatment of the immaterial assets that establishment and knowledge - based economy mutually adapt.
78. The animating and vital principle in human beings, credited with the faculties of thought, action, and emotion and often conceived as an immaterial entity.
79. Corporate culture is the most valuable immaterial capital and is one of the inherent factors to influence the corporate development.
80. Base on the law, the owners of immaterial assets have specific rights and privileges as value as the other kinds of assets.
81. In the immaterial society, the interactive interface design has to not only meet the needs of users to function, but also let users utilize it simply and enjoyably .
82. It is immaterial ( to me ) whether he stays or leaves.
83. The commercial reputation is an enthusiastic appraisal to the business operator's ability and commercial quality from the angle of market economy, and it is business operator's immaterial wealth.
84. One possible explanation, the dualist, that's the ghost of your mother, immaterial soul that she is, communicating to you while you're asleep.
85. The connecting link between the material man and the spiritual man is the intellectual man,(http:///immaterial.html) for the mind partakes of both the material and immaterial qualities.
86. Corporation environment image refers to the impression on public resulting from its material surroundings and immaterial circumstance, and the appraisement and identification from the public.
87. To practice it in criminal and vulgar ways is to exploit its scandalous materiality and ignore the immaterial frisson which constitutes its excellence.
88. The enterprise culture is the most precious immaterial assets and huge advantage of corporation. It attaches more and more importance to enterprise development.
89. Damage requires material or immaterial harm to a legally protected interest.
90. The condition of system mechanism of medical institution became the immaterial capital and important resource for medical service.
91. The immaterial capital is very important in the sustained development of the country's economy, market system perfection and the competition for enterprises.
92. In comparison with the traditional enterprises, hi-tech enterprises have the particularity of owning immaterial assets.
93. He loved to find subjects in men's souls - to rule over an invisible and immaterial empire!
94. Whether the nonuniform pulse density is immaterial , of course, depends on the specific application.
95. After studying, we find there are many reports about grass culture in material and immaterial, but it has not been formed a unitary system.
96. The athletics immaterial assets is the most direct material foundation of strong athletics industry, and the important index of the development level of athletics industry.
97. The geographical position of the cut is immaterial, only its direction is important.
98. As long as net emissions are reduced, it is immaterial who reduces them.




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