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单词 Quid
1. She earns at least 600 quid a week.
2. I forked out ten quid for/on the ticket.
3. Can you lend me five quid?
4. He earns at least 300 quid a week.
5. It cost him five hundred quid.
6. We stumped up eight quid each.
7. I'll pay you back that two quid tomorrow.
8. It only costs a couple of quid to get in.
9. One hundred and forty quid for a pair of headphones, you've got to be joking!
10. I went through a hundred quid on my last trip to London.
11. He did me for a thousand quid for that car.
12. There's a quid pro quo for everything in politics - you'll soon learn that.
13. The government has promised food aid as a quid pro quo for the stopping of violence.
14. We paid him four hundred quid, a month's rent.
15. There would be no quid pro quo.
16. The neighbouring table are offering thirty quid on Tarzan.
17. Me, a few quid for a handful of stories.
17. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
18. Even labourers out there get fifty quid a week.
19. Maybe eighty quid a week coming in.
20. Five hundred quid for the four.
21. The appearance of a quid pro quo in the Hammer pardon is much more clear-cut than it is in the Rich case.
22. The statement is emphatic in stating that there must be a quid pro quo.
23. Please accept the use of our cottage as a quid pro quo for lending us your car.
24. You must be soft if you think I'll give you fifty quid!
25. The management have agreed to begin pay talks as a quid pro quo for suspension of strike action.
26. We could get a coffee in there but they charge two quid a throw which is a real rip-off.
27. If he said the punter had paid him fifty quid, Joe knew that was what had been paid.
28. What sort of a racehorse d'you think you get for a hundred quid?
29. I have it at home and can well understand why Carmody passed fifty quid under the table to keep Graham quiet.
30. Which was a right drag - Kensal Green was a quid cab ride from the West End which was within my pocket.
1. She earns at least 600 quid a week.
2. I forked out ten quid for/on the ticket.
3. He earns at least 300 quid a week.
4. The statement is emphatic in stating that there must be a quid pro quo.
31. Carter says he had a hundred quid on him, Mike.
32. Crowe then had the vulgar audacity to offer me a pitiful ten quid if I revealed the manager's name.
33. Even if it costs us a few hundred quid, it's been worth it.
34. They are back in play now at 88p, but were floated at a quid each in 1983.
35. She lent me a couple of hundred quid because I was in financial difficulty.
36. But I'd happily put a quid on his being a social worker.
37. I'm really skint -- you couldn't lend me a few quid could you?
38. We got in to an unreserved seating area for 13 quid.
39. We think the night porter called them out, probably to make a few quid.
40. It's a shame we had to pay 14 quid to watch them.
41. The bruiser wouldn't have been promised a reward of twenty quid otherwise.
42. Don't bother trying to blag yourself a ticket - everyone pays 15 quid.
43. I have, as it happens, a 1,000 rouble note, worth around a quid at yesterday's prices.
44. Surely, if i beg nicely, he will lend his old dad four hundred quid.
45. Rover was wise to stay away from the Motor Show, thus saving itself more than a million quid.
46. Those baskets are nice, and they only cost a couple of quid.
47. You don't expect to find their newest recording being knocked out at four quid a go in the cut price racks.
47. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
48. Second hand for about 100. 2400 baud modems will cost under 100 quid.
49. It is clearly illegal to require sex as a quid pro quo for promotion.
50. With the raffle short of a grand by just a few quid, the cry for the remainder went up.
51. The superintendent used quid pro quo to change the work situation.
52. Every time the quid gets gang-banged on the international exchange, all the Arab chicks get a new fur coat.
53. If you wanted style you paid hundreds for it - so blow the sixty quid on something else - but what?
54. Wheel clamps aren't on the list yet, but it's still worth asking for a few quid off your annual premium.
55. It is impossible to understand the reality of modern lobbying by looking for an explicit quid pro quo.
56. He pulls on his hat, wipes his brow, spits out some quid.
57. People paid sixty quid for denims like that in the King's Road.
58. Yvonne's wearing a little black number that to my untutored eye looks like it could have cost ten quid or a thousand.
59. She's got seven million quid, and just look at her face.
60. A forty quid software voucher awaits the sender of the best letter - so whip out yer biros and get scribbling!
61. He had been in the area for hours, and had spent about fifteen quid on teas and coffees.
62. I only have to go a few quid over and I get snooty letters threatening to take it off me.
63. And he turned his quid and spat.
64. Come again quid cherry, each are wrapped apart, thank.
65. I'd like to be half a quid behind him.
66. There are two basic kinds of dizi: the bangdi and the quid.
67. I once stole 500 quid from your wallet, in the studio.
68. It's Saturday, you're down the high street and you've got a few quid burning a hole in your pocket.
69. Sammy seemed sensitive to the quid pro quo of the situation.
70. Few lobbyists proffer an explicit quid pro quo to elected officials.
71. Do not have a law really, we adds his quid.
72. He may regard informal influence over US foreign policy as quid pro quo.
73. Please accept the use of our cottage as quid pro quo for lending us your car.
74. Anyway, I'll bring a check for 5 quid from The Link to tide you over.
75. Please accept the use of our cottage a quid pro quo for lending us your car.
76. However, they also a quid pro quo, that is human blood!
77. It costs a quid ( ie 1 ) to get in.
78. With flowers, dinner and cabs, you're looking at a hundred quid minimum.
79. Will you come if I can get the aunt to fork out twenty quid?
80. Sumon Sadhu, director of intelligence at Quid, a Silicon Valley consultancy, sees a lot of money but no bubble.
81. Fusion Versus Disk Replacement for Degenerative Conditions of the Lumbar and Cervical Spine: Quid Est Testimonium?
82. Using behavioral sensitization animal models, poly-drug abuse about tramadol and betel quid extract was investigated in psychopharmacological profiles.
83. They share a great deal of information on a quid pro quo basis.
84. Few students in experimental group reported that they have use tobacco, alcohol and betel quid at pre-test, however, they stop using or decreasing use amount at post test.
85. man whom he called Morgan - an old, grey - haired, mahogany - faced sailor - came forward pretty sheepishly,(Sentence dictionary) rolling his quid.
86. It would be folly to grant that increase without insisting on some quid pro quo.
87. The quid pro quo Stewart Needham had mentioned , with the girl used as a pawn.
88. They will long for the homely democracy of Mr. Cannon, so often expressed by those homely democratic symbols—Uncle Joe's black cigar and thumping quid.
89. There is a man and his wife and a tertium quid.




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