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单词 Ridiculously
1 It is ridiculously absurd to believe that the number 13 is unlucky.
2 Rents here are ridiculously high/low.
3 The whole plot of the film is ridiculously implausible.
4 She was wearing a pair of ridiculously high-heeled shoes.
5 Dena bought rolls of silk that seemed ridiculously cheap.
6 The written test was ridiculously easy.
7 We are, in a word, busy. Ridiculously busy.
8 The meal was ridiculously expensive.
9 Property in the area is now fetching ridiculously high prices.
10 They're ridiculously underpaid, especially as the work is so dangerous.
11 Hotel rooms in the city are ridiculously overpriced during the festival.
12 What a ridiculously wasted effort this was, Bill.
13 The restaurant is stuffy, pretentious, and ridiculously expensive.
14 Hsu Fu was ridiculously low in the water.
15 I gave her a ridiculously expensive mouth organ one Christmas, much like a cocktail cabinet.
16 And, as far as ridiculously pompous, overblown musical statements go,[] no-one holds a candle to Simple Minds.
17 Harry, I thought ridiculously, was dead unlucky with cold dirty water.
18 She decided to risk of pair of ridiculously high-heeled shoes, which she wore only occasionally.
19 But what sticks in my head, ridiculously, is the cabinet pudding.
20 Above, a steep rib requires a ridiculously long reach before an easy traverse leads back into the corner.
21 Fortunately most birds were not shy, in fact many were ridiculously tame.
22 But compared with the assets of the nation as a whole, sixty thousand dollars was a ridiculously small sum.
23 Paulette thought the Prince disgustingly ugly: he was obnoxiously thin, with a bulbous round head on a ridiculously long neck.
24 When we gave it a tightfisted 52% in Issue 79, our main bone of contention was that it was ridiculously overpriced.
25 He had a round face made jovial by bright, almost boyish eyes and eyebrows ridiculously small for a man his size.
26 In Britain, the top end of the fashion market is ridiculously designer-expensive.
27 Also, the extra energy and health power-ups appear with alarming regularity, making fights ridiculously long.
28 In some waters they are extremely hard to catch, in others the are ridiculously easy.
29 For one brief moment he had thought it was Jenny, absurdly garbed and with a ridiculously short haircut.
30 As the train trundled out of Paris, Constance snuggled into her corner feeling almost ridiculously happy, proud and capable.
1 It is ridiculously absurd to believe that the number 13 is unlucky.
31 Cosmo and Blanco had tried ridiculously to open an umbrella, but it instantly blew inside out.
32 This penetrating study of a drunken drop-out, yearning for oblivion, is both ridiculously funny and painfully sad.
33 This is also the place to enjoy the most ridiculously tame bird of prey you have ever seen, the striated caracara.
34 A developer trying to buy up a site in a city comes across an owner who charges a ridiculously high price.
35 The laws that decide who owns items discovered on an archeological exploration are ridiculously archaic.
36 When she crossed her legs, he saw for the first time that her skirt was ridiculously short.
37 This is ridiculously expensive, and the cause of much political rancour.
38 They made it out to be a really interesting job, but in fact it was ridiculously boring.
39 She looked ridiculously young to be a mother.
40 Unless it's a ridiculously big urn.
41 The overhead costs are ridiculously expensive.
42 People in that class are so ridiculously sensitive.
43 Whatever the reasons, most CEOs are ridiculously overpaid.
44 As easy as Bentley, albeit a ridiculously fast one.
45 The examination was ridiculously easy.
46 His views on education are ridiculously behind the times.
47 Men are ridiculously pig - headed and stubborn.
48 In this aptly named technique, the persuader makes a ridiculously large request, knowing the other person is sure to reject it.He then follows up with a favor that is more reasonable.
49 It will keep you from having to pay a ridiculously high transaction fee.
50 I point you to Arachaea, aka Archaebacteria and Extremophiles. These miraculous organisms live in ridiculously extreme climates.
51 Snake : Yeah , I've seen him before. That ridiculously old guy, right?
52 The process is almost ridiculously easy with fgetcontents, which places an entire file within a string.
53 An organization was then established, which they ridiculously named Fire Hook.
54 Most ridiculously, a vagary can become a king just if only he has time to make his dream come true.
55 It is ridiculously absurd to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow.
56 How did I get the Fujian job? It is ridiculously simple.
57 The pool is lovely and the bar boys there work ridiculously hard.
58 Replanting it with trees by hand, however , would be ridiculously expensive.
59 This five - second bridge is, to be honest, ridiculously great - so ROLL it's worthy of a hearty laugh.
60 I noticed that the walls of my apartment are ridiculously thin, when I heard my neighbor slowly walk up the stairs, slam the bathroom door, lift the toilet cover, take a pee and end with a nice "AAHH.
61 I have ridiculously fair skin, and your Light Cream shade is perfect for me.
62 More laughter rose at their homemade overseer's new nickname, " Ol'George,'since he was so ridiculously young.
63 In one of his poems he wrote, "An ant tries to topple a giant tree, ridiculously overrating its ability."
64 Its ridiculously undervalued currency greatly encouraged exports which appeared cheap to the rest of the world.
65 Now, incongruously, ridiculously , she found herself longing for a cheese sandwich.




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