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单词 Play politics
1. He accused councillors of playing politics with children's education.
2. The attorney for the union accused the Mayor of playing politics.
3. Barney's a tough cookie. He knows how to play politics.
4. She was never so happy as when she was mingling with neighbors and playing politics.
5. Too much is at stake to play politics with the policing of Northern Ireland at this late stage.
6. Few other Democrats were so bold as to accuse Clinton publicly of playing politics with the issue.
7. Mrs Ogata suspended the aid on grounds the warring parties were playing politics with people's lives.
8. Dole, to his credit, has repeatedly declined to play politics in the most sensitive diplomatic areas.
9. Bush chose to accuse his rivals of playing politics with the nation's strategic assets.
10. Let's be clear. We never tell any manager to "be political" or to "play politics."
11. If they did, they would not play politics with the vote to raise the country's debt ceiling; they would also agree to raise taxes or just repeal the Bush-era tax cuts.
12. China operations criticized Google as trying to play politics and suggested that its business troubles in China were the real reason for the dispute.
13. In order to get elected, he had to play politics with both the unions and the bosses.
14. Li Xiehad also said it before, that even if there is only two person on a lone island, they would still play politics with each other.
15. With all the turbulence in the housing market, this is no time to play politics with such a critical appointment.
16. And so we will let the politicians talk, condemn, and play politics as usual.
17. Because when storms strike Main Street , we don't play politics with emergency aid.
17. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
18. Lawmakers also worry about the public perception that the earmarking process breeds corruption or pay - to - play politics.
19. Sadly, their release was delayed until the day of President Reagan's inauguration, proof that all leaders play politics, even in a theocracy.
20. If you are a businessman, think hard if you are tempted to play politics.
21. So let me just make this simple point. There will be plenty of time between now and November to play politics.




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