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单词 Going public
1. A court order failed to stop her going public with the story.
2. Since going public in late 1994, Corporate Express has made two additional offerings in order to finance its acquisitions.
3. Now, to support that argument, we were going public with some very private stories.
4. After going public at 28, Netscape closed the year at 139.
5. Small companies strike it rich by going public on the stock exchange.
5. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
6. Instead of going public, the firm could sell more equity to big investors.
7. The company is going public next month.
8. So we're going public with everything?
9. Going public could also help Jiangyin Bank to expand through acquisitions.
10. Certainly there does not seem to be a strong argument for government regulation of the corporate charter at the "going public" stage.
11. Typically, the pricing process of a large enterprise going public overseas consists of basic analysis, market investigation and roadshow pricing.
12. Borrowers in the new issue market may be raising capital for converting private capital into public capital; this is known as "going public."
13. Many very young companies consider going public, which is unhealthy.
14. She's said she's going public to give hope to other abused children out there.
15. She recalls few low points in the four years since going public and has never regretted that decision.
16. In the last three months of 1990, the Tribune Company recorded its first quarterly loss since going public in 1983.
17. Christophe Barbier, the editor of L'Express , said he called Bruni before going public with the story.
18. Chapter 5 elaborates the law and accounting issues involved in the going public procedure.
19. The commodities brokerage filed for bankruptcy just two months after going public.
20. What is your projected revenue in Year 3 ( 2010 ) after going public?
21. Huawei says it cannot launch a public stock offering because of Chinese rules that prevent companies with large employee ownership from going public.
22. Along with the reform of share system of State-owned enterprise, there are some problem in the financial information opened in public by corporations going public issue in China.
23. Opening up your company's financial records and making necessary accounting changes are often part of the price of going public.
24. What is your projected revenue in Year 2 ( 2009 ) after going public?
25. What is your projected revenue in Year 1 ( 2008 ) after going public?




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