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单词 Swollen
1. He gently rubbed his swollen nose.
2. Her glands were swollen and painful.
3. His bottom lip was swollen.
4. The flesh around the ankle had swollen up.
5. Her leg has swollen badly.
6. She's gone to bed with swollen glands and a temperature.
7. Her legs had got swollen from standing up all day.
8. His face was swollen with toothache.
9. Her hands were swollen and arthritic.
10. Her face was still horribly swollen.
11. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying.
12. The river was swollen with flood water.
13. His fortune has swollen during the war.
14. His legs had swollen with the heat.
15. The stream is swollen because of the heavy rain.
16. Your neck looks swollen; let me have a feel.
17. The glands in my neck are a bit swollen.
18. Her thin hands were twisted by swollen knuckles.
19. The tonsils become fiery red and swollen.
20. He was swollen by victory.
21. His eye had swollen and closed up.
22. Her thumb is painfully swollen.
23. Her face is blotched and swollen.
24. Your arm has swollen by inflammation.
25. The river was swollen after the floods.
26. His ankle is bruised and quite badly swollen.
26. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
27. My eyes were so swollen I could hardly see.
28. His sprained ankle had swollen badly.
29. The bridge collapsed into the swollen river.
30. A mosquito had bitten her and her arm had swollen up.
1. He gently rubbed his swollen nose.
2. Her glands were swollen and painful.
3. His bottom lip was swollen.
4. The flesh around the ankle had swollen up.
5. Her leg has swollen badly.
6. She's gone to bed with swollen glands and a temperature.
7. A mosquito had bitten her and her arm had swollen up.
8. Her legs had got swollen from standing up all day.
9. Her face was still horribly swollen.
10. His fortune has swollen during the war.
11. Your neck looks swollen; let me have a feel.
12. Her thin hands were twisted by swollen knuckles.
13. The tonsils become fiery red and swollen.
14. The doctors have taped his swollen ankle up.
15. Her eyes were all red and swollen from crying.
16. If you slap your face until it's swollen in an effort to look imposing, you'll suffer for sure.
17. Money supply has been swollen by a large capital inflow.
31. His eyes were swollen from crying.
32. The doctors have taped his swollen ankle up.
33. She laid her hands on her swollen belly.
34. The window frame was swollen shut.
35. Her eyes were all red and swollen from crying.
36. The river was swollen with melted snow.
37. The wood had become swollen from prolonged immersion.
38. My ankles have swollen.
39. Her finger was so swollen that she couldn't get her ring off.
40. His thick, swollen fingers bore testimony to a lifetime of toil.
41. If you slap your face until it's swollen in an effort to look imposing, you'll suffer for sure.
42. After the plastic surgery I had two black eyes and was very swollen. But I knew it would be worth it.
43. His eyelid is swollen.
44. Her throat was so swollen that she couldn't get the tablets down.
45. She was looking very woeful, with her eyes red and swollen.
46. Don't compliment him any more, or he'll get a swollen head.
47. Money supply has been swollen by a large capital inflow.
48. The number of applicants has swollen to more than 200.
49. The sky, swollen like a black bladder, rumbled and crackled.
50. Brian's toe is still badly swollen and he cannot put on his shoe.
51. Her glands are swollen.
52. Your ankle is badly swollen; I think the doctor ought to look at it.
53. Her legs were so swollen she had to cover them up.
54. The neck becomes swollen and painful to the touch .
55. Her finger had swollen so much that she couldn't get her ring off.
56. His overcoat was swollen like a full balloon by the wind.
57. She removed the bandage to reveal a red swollen wound oozing pus.
58. Large numbers of refugees have swollen the ranks of the unemployed.
59. His lip was swollen,[http:///swollen.html] his face discolored.
60. Her lower lip was red and swollen.
61. Apart from a swollen lip Meredith's face was unmarked.
62. The mountain streams had been swollen by melting snows.
63. Sore throat with swollen glands and a stiff neck.
64. My eyelids felt thick and swollen.
65. They are both so badly swollen they barely move.
66. I had bruises and a swollen lip.
67. My knee's still really swollen from the accident.
68. I was horrified by her swollen and distended stomach.
69. Most of them had to cross a creek swollen with winter rains, and deadly cold with winter ice and snow.
70. He had the watery eyes and swollen nose of a drinker.
71. Yellow, green discharges too. Swollen glands in weak, sickly, pale, exhausted people.
72. A moor hen's nest floating away on a swollen tyke told a sad story.
73. A swollen optic nerve found by her optometrist led to the discovery of the tumor.
74. Swollen egos battled meaninglessly with a security system which did its level best, but the organisational problems were almost overwhelming.
75. My eyelids were swollen shut, and I was drenched with sweat.
76. They showed a young man whose swollen back was a mass of cigarette burns and bruises.
77. My cheek was swollen like I had misplaced a tennis ball.
78. The brook was swollen and Hazel's ears could distinguish the deeper, smoother sound(), changed since the day before.
79. But this face was bigger; swollen and bigger still than the horror in the car.
80. His thumb rubbed sensuously along the swollen lower lip while his other hand undid his belt buckle.
81. The region around Chimoio is swollen by 400,000 people who sought refuge from the civil war.
82. The well-defined features of the photograph had vanished, the face had swollen in death as had the exposed arms.
83. Her lips were swollen against her pale face and the sight of her distress seemed to infuriate him more.
84. Her face was rather blunt, the features unfinished putty dabs, and now it was swollen with crying.
85. Her swollen lips burned and she knew she must look a mess.
86. The dorsal arm plates are swollen, fan shaped and separated from one another.
86. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
87. Frith stood on the sea wall and watched the sail gliding down the swollen estuary.
88. She looked up at him in confusion, her body still trembling, lips still swollen from his kiss.
89. She couldn't quite suppress a gasp of pain as those long, powerful fingers wrapped around her swollen wrist.
90. I went across to the dripping tap and held my swollen hand under the cold running water.
91. Everyone suffered from that daily and prolonged exposure to a Baldersdale winter - swollen faces and aching joints were commonplace.
92. The pharynx and right side of the neck were heavily swollen.
93. Primo notices his dark swollen belly, pushing out between the flaps of a green flak jacket.
94. It turned out to be the food market, where they sold swollen watermelons and aubergines and strange shaped fruits.
95. His swollen, inflamed face had become unbearable now; he could neither touch it, nor refrain from touching it.
96. One is raised primarily for the purpose of foie gras, the succulent swollen liver of the goose.
97. Swollen mucous membranes, red and enlarged blood vessels; inflammation of all the tissues of the eye.
98. The light was much clearer in this room now. Traffic noise had swollen into the full cancer of morning rush-hour.
99. Salina arrived at the clinic with a grossly swollen foot which had to be lanced on the spot.
100. The rising sun appeared like a swollen red ball suspended low in the tenuous mist.
101. Helen's swollen stomach was finally becoming noticeable, but she still seemed slim and full of energy.
102. Abscesses can be hastened to burst by fermenting the swollen painful area with hot compresses.
103. Leaking, discoloured, swollen, rusty or corroded batteries should never be used.
104. Elisabeth greeted him with a smile of relief, her teeth prominent beneath swollen lips.
105. He struggled through a few games but a swollen knee indicated his problems were not over.
106. Sometimes, with the parasitic cases, elephantiasis had set in, and the swollen legs were particularly horrible.
107. Never my best feature, my face is still swollen, up there on the left-hand side.
108. Two teenage boys were missing feared drowned after their car crashed into a swollen river at Duleek, County Louth.
109. This lamb's leg was tangled with twine and swollen so badly it had to be put down.
110. The lamp beside his bed threw a faint glow over his swollen, passionate, tormented face.
111. Her face was grimy, swollen from tears and smeared with food.
112. The next morning the damaged eye was swollen and protruding from the eye socket.
113. He displayed a swollen, bruised digit and a mangled thumbnail.
114. It was said that the rains had swollen a river to a point where it was threatening a bridge on the line.
115. In Washington his face became so acutely inflamed and swollen that he sought out a local physician.
116. My ankle was so much swollen... and the bruise was so painful that I could get no rest.
116. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
117. Her skinny legs and swollen ankles, covered with white stockings, rest unnaturally on the footrests of her chair.
118. Earl's shirt hung in shreds and one of his eyes was swollen shut.
119. Pressure Gornei piled on the pressure from the start and by the end of the contest Griffin's face was badly swollen.
120. But it has its mundane side, like backache and swollen ankles.
121. They have abandoned leaves to reduce loss of water by transpiration, and their stems are swollen with stored water.
122. Dark hair sprouted off the stump as if off a swollen knuckle.
123. An encrusted gash scarred his forehead, and one side of his face was swollen with dying yellow bruises.
124. The river, swollen and bloated, lay heavy on the sunken fields.
125. Gazing down, Luke thought how beautiful she was despite the tear-stains and the swollen eyelids.
126. Mr Price said her statement described Mr Robson as having a swollen hand and scratches on his face.
127. My mouth was tender and swollen where he had hit me.
128. They came with noses and lips blue and numb, and fingers stiff and swollen from the icy water.
129. The male becomes bright red under the chin while the females are more silvery in colour and swollen with eggs.
130. Her lips are so swollen she is unable to eat and can only sip drinks through a straw.
131. He sat, impassive, removing his hand from my swollen groin only to applaud at the end of the piece.
132. The face was gross and swollen, heavy jowls covered by thick black sideburns.
133. Wilson instinctively tucked her own swollen legs more securely under her gown and covered her enormous belly protectively with her arms.
134. Usually less serious, but just as annoying, are swollen ankles and leg cramps that can strike.
135. To impress and drive away lesser males, the harem bull develops a darker coat and a swollen neck.
136. You have laboured up an unending hill with heavy feet which are swollen, sore and tired.
137. It was ludicrously swollen, unnecessarily big and wholly obstructive to anything that looked like a new idea.
138. Yet still his outgoings, swollen by servicing the loans, were not covered in their entirety.
139. The floating leaves are spongy and swollen, thus making the plant buoyant.
140. They felt - tinglingly alive, soft and warm and swollen, aching for - for what?
141. For two days they battled to cross the Snake River, swollen by winter's melted snows.
142. These may include night sweats, swollen glands, weight loss or a persistent cough.
143. The soldier looked at my swollen hand and then back at my face.
144. Gallygaskins A single primrose with a distorted and swollen calyx.
145. Speedier communications and the existence of more sovereign states and international bodies have swollen diplomatic records.
146. Luke's stamp lay on her; in the swollen fullness of her lips and the unnatural brightness of her eyes.
147. The doctor noticed that the glands in my neck were swollen.
148. His face had turned a bluish-yellow and his stomach was swollen,[] straining against the thin linen shirt.
149. Flights in close quarters can also lead to back pain, swollen ankles, leg cramps and psychological distress.
150. Except for a lame and swollen front hoof, the bull appeared fine, if dazed by all the commotion.
151. She found a spot on Nowak's calf that was red and swollen like a severe mosquito bite.
152. His face was a mass of purple bruises, his lips swollen and split and his eyes lost behind puffy tissue.
153. The now green stem becomes swollen at the nodes rather like bamboo.
154. She was deathly pale, her face almost swollen as if she had spent her life in tears.
155. Between there and Drumbreck House they came across a number of swollen burns and encountered streams where no streams had existed before.
156. Perhaps swollen by rain, the river rushed into the sea in a torrent of white foam and spray.
157. By lunchtime the next day, her eyes were so sore and swollen that she could hardly see.
158. The mosquito bite on his leg had swollen into a scarlet hillock.
159. Eudo had replied through swollen, bloody lips that he knew nothing, so the questioners changed tack.
160. Exercise Try to get some exercise during the flight to decrease stiffness and the possibilities of cramp and swollen ankles.
161. The right side of her body is badly bruised and her head and eye are swollen.
162. Swollen lymph glands, then, are evidence that the body is busy manufacturing antibodies to some outside invader.
163. She pulled up her nightgown and drummed her fingers on her swollen belly.
164. He said the elbow, which has a torn medial collateral ligament, has been swollen all week.
165. My feet were sometimes so painful and swollen that I could only walk with my heels out of my shoes.
166. But the other was swollen and half closed, with a Technicolor bruise below it right down to her razor-sharp cheekbone.
167. The ankle was already swollen and painful to the touch.
168. Dab with bacterial ulcers and yellow swollen gills were found in hauls across the region.
169. Nina was in the kitchen, her face red with crying, her eyes swollen.
170. My arms are swollen to twice their normal size.
171. Even the coconut trees seemed swollen and expectant.
172. The bulbs were swollen now, turning a fleshy red.
173. An army swollen with pride is bound to lose.
174. Bulbous: Resembling a bulb in shape; rounded or swollen.
175. The zymogen granules decreased and the mitochondria was swollen.
176. Regional lymph nodes become swollen and eventually ulcerate./swollen.html
177. Since a back tooth is bad,it became swollen.
178. He has a swollen opinion of himself.
179. Foreleg Wei 7 years, and now still swollen!
180. Did the eye become swollen how ability detumescence?
181. My swollen knee has given me gyp all day.
182. A bus crosses a bridge over the swollen Ouse.
183. Bloodroot is used for swollen lymph.
184. Her face was red and swollen as though she were choking.
185. Thick nerve fibers in the normal structure of mitochondria of individual swollen Schwann cell swelling reduced the basic restoration of cell morphology.
186. "The Tijuana Tornado" had a badly swollen welt under his right eye by the end of the fourth and routinely ate over 60 percent of Pacquiao's power punches the rest of way.
187. For that matter, high-strung and finely sensitive, the ill treatment had flung him into a fever, which fed by the inflammation of his parched and swollen throat and tongue.
188. He had found her waiting for him upon his return from the council chambers, still ruffled from her impulsive flight to the fortress, her eyes red-rimmed and swollen.
189. He looks terrible, his nose red, his eyes swollen like little ravioli.
190. I just have been hit am swollen the face sufficient fat person, deceives oneself and others.
191. Succulents , such as cacti, store water in large parenchyma cells in swollen stems and leaves.
192. A bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes normally colonizes this swollen gland causing the development of inflammation and pus.
193. Your throat is quite swollen. You have a touch of flu.
194. A slightly swollen vein was noted at two days after intravenous and paravenous injection in one out of two rabbits.
195. We will not have to suffer the snagged hair, the jabbing fingernail, the merciless motion of swollen flesh within the ungreased receptacle.
196. In some cases, such as when the swollen epiglottis blocks the windpipe , a tracheostomy may be performed.
197. The hand may become painful, cold, pale, dusky, or swollen.
198. One side of Pockmarked Li's face was bruised and swollen.
199. It may also be combined with proptosis as a result of impaired digestive organs the body of waste discharge problems causing bowel is full then the fish will become even more swollen.
200. Petechial hemorrhage, microthrombosis, nerve cells swollen were founded in cortex contralateral to the trauma.
201. Blood-stasis-removing therapy combining with other methods was adopted to treat ecthyma, antral fistula, gangrene and swollen thigh. And four cases were presented.
202. Enticements gradually included nifty water-proof swollen thorns to live in, handy nectar fountains, and special ant-food buds at the leaf tips.
203. Wool mycosis, malign external auditory meatus is cholecystitis of swollen sex of phlogistic, gas, necrotic quality phlegmon .
204. I've also got a terrible stomach-ache. Is my face still swollen?
205. The most common sports injuries include sprains and strains, knee injuries, fractures and dislocations, Achilles tendon injuries, swollen muscles and shin bone pain...
206. Swollen nasal membranes or condensation can also cause a stuffed schnozzle.
206. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
207. Billions of years ago Mira was likely similar to our Sun, but has now become a swollen red giant star , its outer layers of material blowing off into interstellar space.
208. Meaning : The swollen upper portion of a thundercloud, usually associated with the development of a thunderstorm.
209. This is formed by the swollen lowest rachilla internode and adnate lower glume.
210. The karyotheca dilated and mitochondria swollen with disintegration and lysis of cristae in renal tubular epithelial cells.
211. The hole in my cheek, the blue-black swelling around my eyes, and the swollen red scar of Tyler's kiss on the back of my hand, a copy of a copy of a copy.
212. The Yellow River slid swiftly and steadily southwards , its swollen surface a vast expanse of white.
213. Your mouth may be sore and pale if you're anemic, and your tongue can become swollen and smooth (glossitis).
214. His legs and buttocks had swollen so that they stretched his pants.
215. Six elder brothers seeing by the red and swollen fast wane in the mirror and can not help jubilantly merry, dancing and ticket.
216. Driving to a friend's house on a recent evening, I was awe-struck by the sight of the full moon rising just above Manila rooftops, huge and swollen, yellow through the dust and smoke of the city.
217. They then undergo further morphological changes into swollen and irregularly shaped organisms.
218. Experts believe the high fruit sugar, or fructose, content of juice causes uric acid - a waste product in the blood - to leach into joints, causing them to become swollen and very painful.
219. Asiatic plant cultivated for its swollen root crown and edible foliage.
220. The food is stored during the winter in a swollen underground toot or stem.
221. Taproot A persistent primary root that grows vertically downward. Swollen taproots used for food storage are common in many biennial plants, such as carrot (Daucus carota).
222. They noticed that the Elephant was limping, and then they saw the long blackwood splinter sticking out of his swollen foot.
223. The tug-of-war between Scientologists and anti-Scientologists over Hubbard's legacy has created two swollen archetypes: the most important person who ever lived and the world's greatest con man.
224. But there is a place she will turn black red and swollen still long grain!
225. The steamed fabric is of a brownish-yellow color. Most of the impurities on the cloth have been swollen and decomposed, but have not been removed.
226. Her face hung just under his, yielded and worshiping, her swollen lips parted and faintly red.
227. The spermatozoa protected by glycerol usually displayed the following morphological changes after thawing: the head plasma membrane ruptured, the midpiece swollen and the mitochondria exposed.
228. He was good for nothing now except navvy work, and his broken nose and swollen ear were against him even in that.
229. In swollen areas the pulb is deep purplish black and it bulges from the cut surfaces.
230. Except advocate treat ulcer of apoplectic, tetanic, scrofulous , sore swollen poison, vasomotor outside waiting for a disease, in recent years clinical practice proves.
231. In this autoimmune disorder, the joints become painful, swollen, stiff and, in severe cases , deformed.
232. The neurites swell where ceroid collects, and amyloid, or senile, plaques characteristic of the disease form on the outside of the swollen neurites.
233. Experts believe the high fruit sugar, or fructose, content of juice causes uric acid - a waste product in the blood - to leach into joints, causing them to become swollen.
234. Tophi usually are not painful, but they can becomes swollen and tender during gout attacks.
235. For one out of five unlucky souls in the U. S. , there's no mistaking the red, swollen eyes, drippy nose, sore throat and angry, inflamed nasal passages.
236. Myocyte cells of central zone of I/R heart showed intracellular edema, swollen and damaged mitochondria, and fragmentation of cristae and concentrated nucleus.
236. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
237. We saw his lips were puffed both eyes were discolored. His face discolored and swollen.
238. Its clinical manifestations are mainly pain occurring in walking upstairs and downstairs, swollen joints, genual asthenia, locking, articular dysfunction and deformation.
239. Among 11 positive cases, 8 liver samples mild histological changes could been found, such as swollen, acidophilic degeneration, and lymphocytic infiltrate in portal tract.
240. In isolated cases there are swollen faces, hematuria, cloudy urine and infection of the urinary tract.
241. Shrubs evergreen, epiphytic, rarely terrestrial trees, usually with a swollen rootstock.
242. "I don't know how long it's going to take to heal, " said Zeng Defang, 46, touching a leg wrapped in a bloodstained bandage and swollen to three times its normal size.
243. This involves using serological tests (only available for T.b.gambiense) and checking for clinical signs - generally swollen cervical glands.
244. Plant oil added to the culture medium highly stimulated swollen hyphal fragments into arthrospore and enhanced the Cephalosporium acremonium to produce Cephalosporln C.
245. Tumour of blood capillary gnawing flesh, in fluctuation jaw is bitten forcibly when tightening swollen content apophysis, after loosening, disappear.
246. The river was swollen due to heavy rains from Hurricane Irene, which also claimed at least three lives on the Caribbean island country.
247. Her face looked sallow and swollen in the dreary light.
248. By material and crystal analysis of the swollen and cracked pyrolysis furnace tubes, summarizes reasons for the failure of the tubes, and proposes preventive measures.
249. The patient's symptoms and a cherry-red swollen epiglottis, which was seen during intubation and a neck CT (which was done later) confirmed the diagnosis of acute epiglottitis .
250. Are sty and graupel bead swollen have why to differ?
251. In severe cases, the female genitals can sometimes have more cauliflower-like swollen content to cover, even urine occurs difficulties, patient in pain.
252. Her feet were red and swollen with frostbite, but she did not seem to notice.
253. The swollen river Mosel and the flooded promenade are pictured at sunset on January 9, 2011 in Zell an der Mosel, Germany.
254. The changes of endogenous phytohormone finally resulted in the development of swollen stem, slightly more active physiological state and decrease of the resistance to cold.
255. This time Steavens looked fearfully, almost beseechingly into her face, red and swollen under its masses of strong, black, shiny hair.
256. Orbital cellulitis typically presents with fever and an erythematous, swollen, tender eyelid with a recent history of sinusitis or upper respiratory tract infection.
257. The wart disease is a typal clinical desease,(http:///swollen.html) it's symptom indicates the bulk swollen agglomeration on both aides of the Adam apple in the front of the neck.
258. Syphilis, soft chancre, venereal disease is lymphatic granulation is swollen, etc in genital areas have also lesions.
259. Her blood pressure was 115/90 mm Hg and there were no abnormal signs on heart and lung examination. Her left leg was diffusely firm and swollen.




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