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单词 Wives
1. Mills and wives are ever wanting. 
2. The calmest husbands make the stormiest wives
3. Two cats and a mouse, two wives in one house, two dogs and a bone, never agree in one. 
4. Some husbands and wives are always disputing.
5. It was very sad when husbands and wives quarreled with each other.
6. Never fool around with the clients' wives.
7. Husbands and wives may be taxed independently/together.
8. He has Heaven knows how many wives.
8. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. The sultan's wives and concubines lived in the harem.
10. He's always playing about with other men's wives.
11. A newspaper published profiles of the candidates' wives.
12. She set up a sanctuary for battered wives.
13. Usually his cases involved errant husbands and wandering wives.
14. The king had four wives and twenty concubines.
15. The sultan's wives and concubines live in the harem.
16. Vice-presidents' wives would fill in for first ladies.
17. The immigrants were soon joined by their wives and children.
18. She was dark and petite, as all his wives had been.
19. The law was designed to protect wives, and, to a lesser extent, children.
20. Husbands and wives of British nationals do not automatically gain citizenship.
21. All are good lasses, but whence come the bad wives
22. Women are caught in a double bind, marginalised in the community if they are not wives and mothers, under excessive pressure to be perfect if they are.
23. Men are April when they woo,December when they wed;maids are May when they are maids,but the sky changes when they are wives.
24. The police don't usually like to intervene in disputes between husbands and wives.
25. Husbands are discouraged from voting as proxy for their wives.
26. It's a matter of pride for some men that their wives don't have to work.
27. A lot of men would feel emasculated if they stayed at home while their wives went out to work.
28. The typical career pattern was geared to men whose wives didn't work.
29. Whether they say it aloud or not, most men expect their wives to be faithful.
30. I had seriously considered telling the story from the point of view of the wives.
1. Some husbands and wives are always disputing.
2. Women are caught in a double bind, marginalised in the community if they are not wives and mothers, under excessive pressure to be perfect if they are.
3. It was very sad when husbands and wives quarreled with each other.
4. The police don't usually like to intervene in disputes between husbands and wives.
5. The sultan's wives and concubines live in the harem.
6. Husbands are discouraged from voting as proxy for their wives.
7. Husbands and wives of British nationals do not automatically gain citizenship.
31. He was always drawn to other men's wives - the forbidden fruit.
32. It's very tough on the wives when the husbands go off like that.
33. The two men went fishing while their wives prepared the dinner.
34. A crowd comprised of the wives and children of scientists staged a demon-stration.
35. He fathered at least three children by the wives of other men.
36. Men who want their wives at home.
37. Men keep an eye on their wives by proxy.
38. Don't husbands sometimes keep huge secrets from their wives?
39. Ambassadors' wives are expected to look fashionable and well-groomed.
40. Not a lucky man with wives,[] John Carter.
41. One-third of wives in developing countries are physically battered.
42. It will be a better place for my wives.
43. Most had stay-at-home wives and manual jobs.
44. Prisoners' wives are the forgotten victims of crime.
45. He's already had a surfeit of wives.
46. The resort was full of doctors and lawyers with their trophy wives.
47. Members are invited to bring wives or husbands and other guests.
48. I could feel the sad power of disintegration: husbands gone off, wives abandoned(), children baffled.
49. His first two wives divorced him, citing his stinginess as their major complaint.
50. His journal of the time notes that he found the King's many wives very charming to look at.
51. Nine out of ten wives share big decisions with their husbands.
52. Think that farmers wives still wear sackcloth aprons and wellingtons? 2.
53. Most of them are wealthy men whose wives raise their children.
54. Husbands and wives cannot be forced to give evidence against each other.
55. That left him with one explanation for the rarity of polygamy in sparrows: The senior wives do not stand for it.
56. Well-educated men and women are marrying each other, and these well-educated wives are carrying on working.
57. The other soldiers had wives and families to go to, but I felt slightly at a loss away from the TA.
58. They have become impotent - a fact which naturally causes a great deal of anxiety to them and to their wives.
59. Husbands who feel insecure about their masculinity, or wives about their femininity, are especially vulnerable to extra-marital sex.
60. By selectively removing certain males and females he tested various theories about why more males did not have multiple wives.
61. Frequently they were outspoken wives, who were considered monstrous shrews or unnatural traitors to their husbands.
62. It offered married men a tax allowance of some one-and-a-half times the single person's allowance to which working wives were entitled.
63. His complaint was that she was flouting the convention that prime ministers' wives did not intervene in public debate.
64. During our meal the restaurant had begun to fill up with the pre-theatre crowd, Brighton burghers and their wives.
65. Depressed men often strike out at their wives and children.
66. High government officials began to show symptoms, as did chaste wives who had been infected by their straying husbands.
67. Congressional wives take delight in pointing out that kind of error to their husbands.
68. As the soldiers returned home, their wives had to readjust to living with them again.
68. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
69. In addition, Feffer was a busy seducer, especially, it seemed, of young wives.
70. Several men said they are more fearful for their wives, girlfriends and children.
71. A 30s. maternity benefit was to be paid to the wives of insured men.
72. Women are generally ranked lower than men, and wives lowest of all.
73. But lawyers said those defendants were acting primarily to help wives and other relatives in trouble in connection with the espionage.
74. Sixty-five percent of wives were happy to attend in their husbands' place with the remainder not enthusiastic.
75. Wives prepared to report marital rape to the police may well have husbands who fall into this category.
76. The 50% who were competent in the basic crop tasks were wives accustomed to drive tractors.
77. Britain's savers and pensioners are just beginning to wake up to the possibilities of independent taxation of husbands and wives.
78. Nehemiah's law against mixed marriages was paralleled in Athens by Pericles' legislation against foreign wives.
79. Next, their wives were fed since they could bear more children.
80. Advice centre plus hostel for homeless wives, or those travelling long distances.
81. Invariably, the guys who are not making time away with their wives are feeling the highest levels of stress.
82. Maria knew only too well that the ill-health cursing the Gulf War veterans threatened their wives and children too.
83. Polygamy is prevented by wives who resent sharing their husbands lest they also share his contributions to child rearing.
84. Police are certain that Jack Reeves murdered two of his wives and strongly suspect that he killed a third one.
85. The bored wives of old men and burgesses often found happiness in the arms of some court dandy or noble fop.
86. Your wives must show up at the polls, husbands can not vote for them.
87. Gail is very encouraged by a young wives group she started with a friend.
88. Unfaithful husbands are the norm, while unfaithful wives excite no sympathy, just blame.
89. Opposition to contraception is often reinforced by religious teachings and the fear that contraceptives will encourage wives to be unfaithful.
90. It is bad to play around with other people's wives and bad also to spy on President Amin.
91. Many will not accept single men and sometimes throw out those whose wives have died-even if both were naturists for years.
92. He is survived by his three wives and 14 children.
93. It's a get-together for some of our clients and their wives, and hopefully for prospective customers, too.
94. But overall the biggest rise in working wives has been towards the top end of the income scale.
95. He talked about wives being obedient to husbands, so she wanted to show him the other side.
96. Husbands and wives were bound by deep ties-like two branches grafted together.
97. For example in 1983, only 30% of unemployed men had working wives, compared with 58% of employed household heads.
98. To ask wives as well at such short notice might not have been on.
98. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
99. Wives shouldn't talk thus about their husbands, she thought resentfully, especially when they were clergy wives.
100. Many wives do not report acts of marital violence to the police.
101. This is sometimes reversed; wives are not always good listeners.
102. The cuckolding of heiresses and the wives of great lords was considered the highest form of courtly love.
103. Most of them are wealthy men whose wives raise their children. Child care is not high on their agenda.
104. We have introduced independent taxation of husbands and wives, giving married women full eligibility for tax allowances.
105. Arrogant or pretentious wives can sometimes kill the political ambitions of their husbands.
106. Their wives, hand in hand, stepping carefully in expensive shoes over the summer's jetsam, brought up the rear.
107. In practice, the treatment of widows and deserted wives varied considerably from region to region.
108. And I am not talking about the drunken louts who beat their wives to death in a cellar.
109. Men have brought infection home to their wives, and the disease has penetrated the entire society.
110. Women, increasingly, were engaged in industrial struggle: at Ford in Hull with Lil Bilocca's fishermen's wives.
111. Battered wives are kept barefoot and pregnant by their men and are afraid to leave.
112. The wives might not have quite as glamorous a job as their husbands flying the planes.
113. Between 60 and 70 percent of Salisbury's clergy wives now work, and the church hierarchy encourages them to.
114. This perception did not happen overnight, and can not be changed overnight by candidates or wives.
115. Some of the wives and the smaller children were doing smaller chores in the fish house.
116. The four tall brothers walked in stooped silence but their wives chatted agreeably.
117. For one thing, he did not mess with the wives of other men.
118. Women, because of their role as mothers and wives, have diverse careers which are often very dissimilar to those of men.
119. The denial of tenderness cuts them off from communication with wives and children.
120. Like an old-time Mormon, Sukarno kept each of his wives in a separate establishment in a different part of town.
121. Yes, many husbands kept all the money from the maize crop even though their wives had done most of the work.
122. A lot of my friends are now changing careers, changing wives at forty, forty-five.
123. Soho was predominantly a male environment: women, to be tolerated had to be either very beautiful, girlfriends or wives.
124. And such fathers are more likely to support the opportunity for their wives to succeed in the workplace.
125. There is the issue of whether a household's resources really are shared equally between husbands and wives.
126. That first young Seal spread the word about our business to his fellow Seals, their wives, and friends.
127. They were thinking of wives and little ones far away, and wondering if they would ever see them again.
128. Few other Western democracies expect their political leaders' wives to be national hostesses[/wives.html], homemakers or advocates.
129. And these wives are largely locked into a role of helpmate and lead supporter for their husband-the-diplomat.
130. He carried a colour photograph of his mill in the same way that others carry their wives and children.
131. Erich Maria Remarque told the story of three men he had known whose wives died suddenly in accidents.
132. There are of course a few cases where wives earn more than their husbands.
133. At the other end of the scale there were no wives in Speyside who had either attended or wished to attend.
134. Throughout the period policy makers and social investigators were anxious that husbands should fulfil their obligation to maintain dependent wives and children.
135. Wives of diplomats are expected to spend evenings out, or entertain at home.
136. The wives were normally at home and therefore within earshot when assistance was needed.
137. The financial constraints on wives are also not so serious, as an increasing proportion of married women are in full-time work.
138. As Christmas approached our thoughts turned frequently and longingly to our wives and children.
139. We simply do not have the structures or the resources to give proper pastoral care to clergy wives.
140. By this she meant society women who were compelled by their roles as wives and hostesses to live empty and meaningless lives.
141. My husband and the minister wives who come to the party do not care for the rice cake.
142. Lamech takes two wives, and boasts to them of the murder he has committed, outdoing Cain.
143. Wives are easily put aside, and the royal princess already looks upon me as a friend.
144. These dutiful wives will stoke their boilers, fill their tanks to keep them running.
145. Wives may act as secretaries but there is often difficulty in contracting sub-contractors during normal office hours.
146. The gens for Morgan is a grouping within which marriage is communal and where children and wives are pooled.
147. Haavio-Mannila set out to test the assumption that wives share the same status ranking as their husbands.
148. But two of them, King Voukashan and his next brother, broke their word and told their wives.
149. Official concubines became unofficial mistresses, and mistresses became secrets kept from wives.
150. Wives were given a say for the first time, and what they wanted was romantic practicality.
151. Lesbians put their weight behind issues such as child care, abortion, race, battered wives and rape.
152. The Officers arrived with their wives and girlfriends, the children following behind.
153. Fathers have few supports to help them adjust to a more active role with their wives and babies.
154. The workshops can foster better communication between husbands and wives.
155. After six wives and eight children, he emerges as a smiling paterfamilias.
156. Since fathers rarely have experience baby-sitting or playing with dolls, most lack the familiarity with babies that their wives have.
157. Keeping wives in work will therefore maximize the chances of their husbands hearing about possible job openings.
158. Giving up his five wives and dozen concubines, Vladimir demanded that all his subjects in Kiev become baptized./wives.html
159. Thus, wives often admit having provoked their husbands in order to move through the abuse.
160. Clerical wives were divided into those who wore hats on principle and those who, on principle, did not.
161. For men, returning home after years away from their wives and children, a new beginning had to be made.
162. Susan and Claire, the wives of Stephen and Alan, looked on wanly, speechless with exhaustion.
163. Why is it so difficult to find former abusers who are reconciled with their wives?
164. We've been flying here since September, but our wives have regularly sent out Country Living to keep us in touch.
165. Generally, they are intolerant of their wives functioning in a superior position.
166. Health chiefs spent another £350,000 on air tickets, accommodation and lavish entertaining for the firm's executives and their wives.
167. She was showing him the verse where it says, Husbands love your wives, or words to that effect.
168. Like any Eastern potentate he was celebrated for his wives.
169. A crowd gathered at each place, farmers and their wives waiting in their wagons until the children appeared.
170. Which raises the question of why the males' lovers do not simply become extra wives.
171. I said that throughout history a number of great leaders had kept matters of state secret even from their wives.
172. The first nine viceroys all had Goan wives or mistresses, and inter-marriage continued through the centuries, through gradually declining.
173. It was not intended to suggest that these were battered wives.
174. In this example, wives are the population most seriously affected by whatever research may be done.
175. But for the forgotten victims - the wives - there is little official recognition, let alone pressure for reform.
176. He hangs on to the bark rope as his wives clamber out carrying flat baskets of headless smoked monkeys.
177. Green, who has five wives and 30 children, had been charged with four counts of bigamy.
178. Threatened groups bring in wives from outside and thus establish important social links promising external support and succour.
179. I love her as wives love their husbands, as friends who have taken each other for life.
180. The wives of prosperous burgesses also had a good deal of managerial responsibility and authority.
181. Foreign diplomats and their wives had assembled in the Great Hall to meet the President.
182. The school ethos was mainly concerned with turning out well-educated, potential wives of professional able-bodied men.
183. Wives of rocket forces troops in Siberia blocked the road to the missile silos in 1998 to protest unpaid wages.
184. Husbands, after all, deserted their wives every day, and most of them did not want to be found.
185. A number of sea-faring men had stayed here with their wives over the years.
186. Then he terrorised the hysterical wives into mutilating their private parts with needles and pins, a court heard yesterday.
187. Unless it would be for wealthy men interested in acquiring as trophy wives lapsed radicals who look great in workout gear.
188. Resurrected here, he is considerably more sympathetic, and his last four wives wrestle with their feelings for him.
188. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
189. Elsewhere working women and the wives of working men lacked access to this elementary form of private social security.
190. A larger room was taken up with the endless daily washing that miners' wives were obliged to do.
191. When this happens, the wives are ignored, left to suffer in silence.
192. And men were always resentful about their wives getting into anything.
193. On the part-time farms 18% of the wives had off-farm jobs, varying from 18 hours per week to full-time employment.
194. He overcame his scruples and by 1846 took thirty-five wives, eight of them widows of Joseph Smith.
195. Other men's wives did proper jobs once the children were off their hands.
196. Wives bore a greater burden in dealing with these daily difficulties than did their preoccupied husbands.
197. Where certain sorts of men marched in ahead of their wives.
198. We had a lot of scrawny veterans and their scrawny wives for friends.
199. Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; to our sons, ambition, but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express. Joseph Addison 
200. Husbands are usually higher earners than their wives and their jobs or carers take precedence over those of women.
201. But if it's all right for wives to have this status, then it's all right for cohabitees too.
202. Typically they are husbands or wives walking out to live somewhere else, or teenagers leaving home.
203. Male albatrosses are so faithful to their single wives that virtually every male that reaches the right age will breed.
204. Where was the intuitive faith of the wives and lovers of those other hostages in Beirut?
205. Raimondo, the designer, was frantic; an oil-rich sheikh was coming in for a private showing with his wives.
206. The distribution in the next generation depends on the correlation between the wealth of husbands and wives.
207. Breadwinner wives who are the couple's sole earners are a rarity, wives are typically joint but secondary earners.
208. Many men are afflicted with guilt and remorse at leaving their wives.
209. Protest was immediate and desperate from the wives of farm workers and miners.
210. The comparative freedom that the close presence of grandparents afforded wives contributed significantly to the high standard of farming seen.
211. Wives in the land of the Rising Sun enjoy half as many nights of passion as their Western sisters.
212. We all know husbands and wives who were so devastated by the death of a child that they wound up divorced.
213. This is a suitably slimmer volume on one of his wives, Rita Hayworth.
214. However, unlike in birds, it was not just the wives of low-ranking men who indulged.
215. The majority of the camp followers were however, good honest women who were the wives and sweethearts of the troops.
216. At theological college, near Oxford, the docility of most of the wives of other students irritated Anna.
217. Liquor is a terrible temptation to lonely men cut off from their wives, or fighting for success they can not attain.
218. The rural poor were not compensated by lower prices or by the greater availability of jobs for wives and children.
218. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
219. We have notes on two hunter's wives severely injured by plummeting pheasants.
220. The jealousy of wives is proverbial.
221. Not that stock car racers don't have wives.
222. Wives will have to bring along their marriage certificate.
223. Famous black men often pick light-skinned or white wives.
224. Moslems seclude their wives in the harem.
225. Women who felt abandoned by their fathers are likely to choose emotionally unavailable husbands, for example, and men raised by hypercritical moms will be drawn to wives who pick on them, he says.
226. Senator McCain and the former president came together in a hangar at Houston's Hobby airport and stood side by side with their wives as the 41st president offered his endorsement.
227. Wearing garlic around your neck won't scare off evil . That's just an old wives tale.
228. Henry is often remembered for his pleasure-seeking life style, his cruelty, and his six wives.
229. spend a small fortune in presents to mollify their wives and girlfriends for all the time they intend to spend watching this summer's soccer World Cup, a new survey showed.
230. To see a doctor for oneself, the elder brothersand his wives have put out all savings.
231. A great deal of Jeff's money went in alimony to his three former wives.
232. Nowadays Her Majesty's judges are treated as if they were Caesar's wives and we should be unsuspicious.
233. The Zulu king Goodwill Zwelithini, who has five wives, hosts an annual reed dance in which 25, 000 bare-breasted women perform, after undergoing virginity tests.
234. Women in Indonesia have secured modern divorce laws that equalize the rights of husbands and wives.
235. What shocks me is the dehumanization of sex by young wives who reduce that powerful force to a technique no different from driving a car or mastering the methods of good grooming.
236. In the months that followed, the Spanish invaders seized the palaces of Cusco and the spacious country estates and took royal women as mistresses and wives.
237. Young wives naturally prefer to be undisputed queen of their own establishment.
238. Four expectant fathers were in a Minneapolis hospital waiting room , while their wives were in labour.
239. The house was filled with farmers and their wives, red-faced daughters and clean, washed sons. The tables were filled with different things to eat. Wine filled many glasses.
240. One last prediction the model makes is that the income differential paid to prostitutes will rise with the status the culture accords wives.
241. The analysis of four different patterns of idyll prospects, round dance, husbands and wives, poets and virginity, shows the hidden philosophical, political and life meaning in these idyll prospects.
242. What if he was faithless to his friends and to his wives?
243. Then I had the wives of hoteliers in Papeete calling, and then the mistresses started to call.
244. The members of an extended family are related by blood (grandparent, parents, children, brothers, sisters, etc.) or by marriage (husbands, wives, mothers-in-law, etc).
245. Nowadays Her Majesty's judges are treated as if they were Caesar's wives and we should be unsuspicious. This is nonsense.
246. Fretting over crime and violence, girlfriends and wives of gang members in the Colombian city of Pereira have called a ban on sex to persuade their menfolk to give up the gun.
247. November 30 , 2006 -? A Sultan and His Four Wives?
248. I thought it was unethical for doctors to operate upon their wives.
249. Village, the youngest of the two wives, hair wearing a white paper flower . In a withered.
250. Is there's a risk of something like the unfortunate Burberry 'chav effect' happening in China because of certain brands' association with Second Wives?
251. Since all the maid were good and livable from whence come the evil wives?
252. Husbands and wives in the process of divorce easily fall into the trap of denigrating the other, publicly if possible, and as often as possible.
253. Some of us had careers, but we had no hesitation in giving them up to work alongside our wives.
254. Many sailors drink their wives and children out of doors.
255. And David's two wives were and Abigail the wife of Nabal the Carmelite.
256. Wives and daughters was composed by Mrs. Gaskell while Sons and Lovers was composed by D. H. Lawrence.
257. Few wives in their forties can weather such a scrutiny.
258. Swedish wives wear three wedding rings: betrothal, for marriage, and for motherhood.
259. How soon marriage counseling sessions would end if husbands and wives were competing in thoughtful self - denial!
260. Mothers, wives, and daughters have been threatened with acid in the face, or honor-killing, or vicious beating, if they do not adopt the humiliating outer clothing that is mandated by their menfolk.
261. Men who reported frequent kissing and cuddling were three times as happy, on average, as those who had less snuggling with their wives or girlfriends.
262. Not the most credulous of art lovers, not the most trusting of wives.
263. Chinese head of household might have a legion of wives and concubines, but they were crouching and hidden, not interacting with guests or out partying.
264. The hall was at present occupied by two deplorably sober men and their highly indignant wives.
265. Many modern churchgoers quickly grow uncomfortable at the words, "Wives, be submissive to your husbands" (Colossians 3:18).
266. Our homeland, the lives of our wives and children are at stake.
267. The mormon 's religion is singular, and his wives is plural.
268. His father, Onyango, who later changed his name to Hussein, regularly beat his wives and children with a four-pronged whip.
269. In the first episode, the jury of mothers called only by their first names such as Mamma Rosa and Mamma Ambra quizzed 18 hopefuls about their suitability(5) as wives.
270. Such anniversaries offer the opportunity for all husbands and wives to rededicate themselves to love, honor and cherish their spouse and renew their sacred vows.
271. As a rule concubinage was more the custom than multiple wives.
272. The customers were mostly milkmen from Uttar Pradesh, or homeless laborers with wives back in villages, or eternal bachelors who only had these squalid streets and sidewalks to call home.
273. Gregory stirred up riots of the laity against married priests and their wives, in which both often suffered brutal ill-treatment.




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