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单词 Pointless
1. The programme was bitty and pointless.
2. Life just seemed pointless to me.
3. He asked them all kinds of pointless questions, stalling for time.
4. In the end it proved a pointless exercise.
5. Life seemed grey and pointless after she'd gone.
6. Trying to foresee the future is a pointless exercise.
7. It seemed pointless to continue.
8. This is a pointless exercise.
9. Life seems grey and pointless without him.
10. The demonstration is a pointless act/gesture of defiance against the government.
11. They made it perfectly clear that it was pointless to go on.
12. I think it would be pointless to discuss this issue again.
13. Blind faith sent thousands of people to a pointless war.
14. Violence is always pointless.
15. It's pointless trying to keep your friendship secret it's common knowledge already.
16. She considered it pointless to plan in too much detail.
17. It is pointless to have a car if you cannot drive it!
18. It's pointless telling her to clean her room - she'll never do it.
19. We searched until we knew it would be pointless to continue.
20. She couldn't stand all that pointless intellectualizing about subjects that just didn't matter.
21. It's a pointless exercise.
22. He homed on a pointless quarrel when we discussed the plan of cooperation.
22. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
23. Always tragic, it has often proved ultimately pointless.
24. It is pointless to look at the budget again.
25. Until Tuesday night, the question seemed almost pointless.
26. We don't know all the circumstances, so it would be pointless to speculate.
27. All decent people should be sickened by such a pointless waste of life.
28. We had fallen so far behind that it seemed pointless continuing.
29. I had fallen so far behind that it seemed pointless trying to catch up.
30. At my school we had to put up with a lot of do's and don'ts that were completely pointless.
1. The programme was bitty and pointless.
2. Life just seemed pointless to me.
3. We don't know all the circumstances, so it would be pointless to speculate.
4. He asked them all kinds of pointless questions, stalling for time.
5. In the end it proved a pointless exercise.
6. Violence is always pointless.
7. She considered it pointless to plan in too much detail.
31. The first and second would be rather pointless.
32. Without such a real right it is pointless.
33. Officials say the investigation is pointless.
34. To outsiders, these ideological battles seem completely pointless.
35. However, it is pointless to plan too far ahead.
36. It's really rather pointless otherwise.
37. It was pointless even to start the journey.
38. It's also a fairly pointless exercise, too.
39. And so pointless: the soldiers never searched the luggage.
40. The argument was completely pointless.
41. The weight of inexpressible or pointless words oppressed him.
42. He had learned that fighting the ropes was pointless.
43. People stood in groups, making pointless small talk.
44. It's pointless talking to Ken - he won't listen.
45. The rush to Berkshire had been pointless.
46. It was pointless, we were told.
47. There's no pointless, memory-hungry options to change the perspective or style of pieces, but you can alter the colours.
48. He scorns educational research as a self-indulgent and pointless waste of time.
49. It looked a pointless exercise, facing a passed partner, but West had his reasons.
50. Her face was slightly fevered in sleep and, without the focal points of her beautiful eyes, seemed blank and pointless.
51. Those naive souls who have longed for a simpler and better way have had to consign their visions to pointless daydreams.
52. Given his open hostility, it seemed pointless to try and continue to persuade him.
52. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
53. It's pointless to take notes and then never look at them again.
54. Surely the economic regeneration of the area was a priority, without which much vaunted training schemes were somewhat pointless.
55. She decided it was pointless trying to work while her mind was on other things.
56. The boys grumbled at this, saying it was a pointless exercise.
57. The table-tops were imitation wickerwork and there was a pointless trellis pattern on the curtains.
58. As any dairy farmer can attest, this is a procedure that quickly becomes pointless.
59. It's pointless trying to speak to the manager -- she's always too busy.
60. We expend a lot of effort every day upon quite pointless activities.
61. But restoration ecology is pointless if it merely leads to a relapse into high-risk behavior the moment it scores some initial success.
62. The fact that this was credible only if the youth was retarded made the moral crux which followed rather pointless.
63. High-sounding jargon or pointless platitudes cut little ice when one is alert to the actual message being conveyed.
64. Look, it's pointless us both waiting here -- I'll go and find a phone.
65. Reviews of Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals are mostly pointless exercises.
66. Isaac loved the Comet dearly and it would have been pointless to hold this refusal against him.
67. The pace of ideation is for the most part so great that a more formal procedure of idea-handling would be obstructive and pointless.
68. It is clearly pointless and ineffective to qualify community interpreters without the professional cooperation of the services.
69. And it would be rather pointless if I started trying to ape him.
70. Death cannot stop true love. That’s why it’s pointless for me to try to murder all my adoring female fans. Jarod Kintz 
71. His instinctive reaction was to duck when he heard the shot, even though he knew it was pointless.
72. Bush has become embroiled in destructive skirmishing at home even as his aides maneuver adroitly to avoid pointless battles abroad.
73. The whole idea that he'd been thinking about since Christmas seemed pointless all of a sudden.
74. Pointless trying to swim against it, but sometimes it just wasn't that easy to see which way the current went.
75. There was murder for gain, and for the most trivial and pointless reasons, often for hardly any reason at all.
76. I am upset that these pointless matters turn our conversations negative.
77. At best it was pointless; at worst it could be really awkward.
78. That it seems pointless not to remain friends after so long, and ask him to have a meal with you.
79. When you watch them you think it almost looks pointless.
80. We are expecting him back on Monday - but if he's only staying for three days it's a pointless exercise.
81. There has been a long and rather pointless debate on this question.
82. Others were so big and free of obstacles that the drill of placing markers seemed pointless.
83. But for anyone who had watched the earlier episodes,[http:///pointless.html] this was a pointless drama of reiteration.
84. But a sense of apathy arises from the feeling that life is pointless and futile.
85. Was this going to be the ultimate in body language, or a pointless gimmick?
86. The company says it is pointless to compete in the air package holiday market.
87. There is a perfectly logical reason why it seems so pointless and confusing.
88. They had last gone through the pointless business in the visitors' room of a police station.
89. Simon was probably dead, and it was pointless to think he was coming back.
90. We had to change the sheets daily, which always seemed to me to be a pointless exercise.
91. The Commerce Clause was not drawn with a view to having the validity of state laws turn on such pointless distinctions.
92. Speculating like that was always a pointless exercise, but he did it nevertheless.
93. The operation, Back Home, is as straight forward as it is pointless and brutal.
94. What she thought intolerable was that people could hate each other in a silly, pointless place where peace was possible.
95. Perhaps the loss of sunlight was behind a small eruption of quarrels and pointless practical jokes.
96. To operate the program in this manner would therefore be pointless, since the vast majority of results would remain undecided.
97. I found all this odd and annoying and as pointless as any action movie.
98. Vogelstein thought the test would be pointless, but the friend persisted.
99. Instead of allowing this to be a frustrating and pointless event, ask yourself why you created it.
100. The strip search seemed fairly pointless, in as much as they didn't go through my pockets.
101. Thus where the advertisement constitutes a criminal offence, it would seem pointless to complain to the Director General.
102. Trent thought of calling at her to relax but he knew that it would be as pointless as trying another smile.
103. Most people think the project is a pointless waste of money.
104. Speculating about their answers is pointless yet it is inevitable when Mr Garel-Jones's resignation letter crosses the boundary of credulity.
105. Generally speaking cannons have such a long range that it is pointless moving them about.
106. To kick them is not only pointless, it destroys what confidence they have.
107. There was some plastic wrought iron creating a pointless division.
108. Bills with bipartisan sponsorship have been introduced in both chambers to repeal this pointless cruelty.
109. Never give your students pointless exercises to do -- always provide interesting, meaningful tasks.
110. I felt strong; there was a point to a life that had seemed pointless.
111. In such a situation, further collection of data may be pointless in the absence of any fresh conceptual insight.
112. It could also be said that without evaluation,[http:///pointless.html] proper identification of need is pointless!
113. Speculating like this was always a pointless exercise but it occupied a portion of any day.
114. It is pointless to argue about who is more to blame.
115. Unless this could be done, he asserted, its occupation would be pointless.
116. Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless. Bill Watterson 
117. Without an audience the performance is pointless.
118. A pause followed this apparently pointless remark.
119. We must put an end to the pointless conflict.
120. It is pointless to discuss the "function of the university" in abstraction from concrete historical circumstances, as it would be a waste of effort to study any other social institution in this way.
121. I'd say Sino-Japanese War was pointless, and simply a power grab.
122. You can see that the rows I add are fairly pointless: I randomly permute a few possible values for each field, which is just enough to make added rows non-identical to each other.
123. My life is so pointless and empty, utterly self-enclosed and insignificant.
124. One of them, his nephew, told him that it was pointless to wait in Ajdabiya, that he should go to Benghazi to be with his other son, Yousef, who needed him.
125. But by the '60s the ICBM had become routinized as the delivery vehicle for nuclear warheads and everyone realized that super-fast interceptors (and supersonic bombers) were kind of pointless.
126. China knows a rite when it sees one and has become adept at exploiting the EU's passion for summitry,[] agreeing to discussions but turning them into pointless talking shops.
127. It is perhaps pointless to contemplate what might have been changing.
128. What you do is pointless. You can be replaced from one day to the next by any cretin sitting next to you.
129. An intelligent man considers the prospect of failure, but he doesn't preoccupy himself with pointless worry.
130. He shook hands without rising , and made pointless chitchat.
131. It was a completely pointless thing to do for you.
132. It's all utterly senseless and pointless; a matter of misplaced curiosity.'.
133. This does not mean the campaign against meth has been pointless.
134. "I believe Jody made a point not to argue with me, as she felt that would be pointless when I was hypomanic, " he recalls.
135. One called it a singularly pointless waste of technology destined for techno - oblivion.
136. The conquest of Iwo Jima, shown from an American view in "Flags of our Fathers" and from the Japanese side in "Letters from Iwo Jima", was the most brutal and pointless of the second world war.
137. The bill is at best pointless posturing and at worst dangerous demagoguery.
138. It would be pointless to repeat the details of the most horrendous crimes reported.
139. Given Google's advice on rel "no-follow" it's also pretty pointless.
140. The Boer War, or South African War, of 1899-1902 was pretty pointless.
141. By any sensible measure, this 100 - year struggle has been illiberal, murderous and pointless.
142. Making an engine run faster than 19000 rpm is pointless.
143. Kremlin officials dismiss talk of dead ends as pointless whining and alarmism from liberals.
144. This factor was relevant because without such meaningful information the EIS itself would be pointless.
145. At sixty-six, Teacher Fei had seen enough of the world to consider himself beyond the trap of pointless emotions.
146. It is pointless to hang out washing when it is raining.
147. But am I going to flip out just because some dumb reporter asks a bunch of pointless and infuriating questions?
148. Who wouldn't have preferred this with life so pointless, bitter and hopeless?
149. Calcium Block: It's pointless to put a calcium block cockatoo cages.




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