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单词 Postwar
1. the bipolar world of the postwar period.
2. I'm a product of the postwar baby boom.
3. The Marshall Plan was the engine of postwar economic growth.
4. The postwar era was one of new affluence for the working class.
5. The postwar vogue for tearing down buildings virtually destroyed the city's architecture.
6. The agreement is the first postwar treaty to reduce non-nuclear weapons in Europe.
7. During the postwar years in Germany, many honours were heaped upon Einstein.
8. What began as a postwar fetish for sunbathing is rapidly developing into a world health crisis.
9. Such conflicts spilled over into the immediate postwar phase.
10. It was a rare concession to the postwar era.
11. Oldman continued to tackle the difficulties of postwar reconstruction.
12. The arrival of synthetic chemicals revolutionized postwar agriculture.
13. New housing starts dropped to postwar lows.
14. How seriously is one to take his postwar repentance, his expressions of self-condemnation?
15. The welfare systems introduced in the immediate postwar years built on previous achievements.
16. The postwar history of lighter-than-air transportation is littered with failed attempts.
17. First, the postwar boom in college enrollments raised levels of civic engagement, offsetting the generational trends.
18. The immediate postwar years had brought a great deal of national publicity to Carville.
19. The worst postwar bear market struck in 1973-1974, a Dow Jones plunge of 45 percent.
20. Her decisions would go far toward shaping the postwar world.
21. Two years of study, postwar, mining and metallurgy, with a wife to encourage him.
21. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. The vast majority of prints published during the postwar era were worked in a traditionally realist manner.
23. The President was not an experienced diplomat, and right to the end he had no clear goals for the postwar world.
24. Employment in industrial production has itself declined in Britain and many other advanced countries during the postwar years.
25. The attitude of the nationalised Boards to the accelerating growth of the postwar space heating load was ambivalent.
26. Fifty years ago, the United States first met the postwar baby boom without enough pediatricians, schools, jobs or housing.
27. Their analysis is: get real, the high electoral turnouts and mass parties of the postwar period were an aberration.
28. The failure of those protests was the beginning of the end of a postwar dream of social transformation through political means.
29. The United States was the only nation in the world with capital resources available to solve the problems of postwar reconstruction.
30. It is no exaggeration to say that the Bayeux speech established a new direction for postwar Gaullism.
1. During the postwar years in Germany, many honours were heaped upon Einstein.
31. By the postwar period, modernism had become part of art history.
32. On Wednesday, he said he will help Maskhadov fight a postwar crime wave.
33. Postwar western feminism, however, is concerned about its own under-representation of younger and older women.
34. The various modernist languages upon which some postwar works depend were those evolved by the mid 1920s.
35. And this was especially true for the neoconservatives who considered themselves the heirs of an abandoned tradition of postwar liberalism.
36. The fact that the postwar treaty had been a dead letter for many years did not worry either party.
37. This stems partly from local resistance to change, and partly from the postwar approach to agricultural policy.
38. Canada enjoyed a real economic boom in the postwar years.
39. By 1815, a brief postwar upsurge in trade had been and gone and in the same year they went bankrupt.
40. In the postwar years, we have seen some tendencies bypass Stalinism and register important achievements.
41. Jenks believed international organizations were not mere conference secretariats, but should be active participants in shaping the postwar world.
42. The Communists vastly exaggerated their own Resistance role in order to attract postwar political support.
43. Butlin himself was to be overtaken by further developments in the postwar holiday industry.
44. The postwar years saw recurrent crises, and resolutions to be more businesslike and to cut losses.
45. Clinton is the sixth president of the postwar era to win election to the White House while already occupying the Oval Office.
46. Various governments have come to office in the postwar years, some committed to reducing public spending, others to raising it.
47. Statutory planning has influenced the evolving social geography of postwar Britain in two main ways.
48. However, some of the problems that were to haunt the postwar aviation industry had already begun to appear.
49. As the graph shows, in the postwar period up to 1972, real wages rose in line with productivity.
50. Postwar politics made extravagant claims for its own power, and unsurprisingly failed to deliver.
51. In the postwar era,(http:///postwar.html) government stimulus to industrial development failed to rescue the city.
52. And the postwar generation of faculty generally had a strong leftward tilt.
53. Roosevelt, like Churchill, saw the significance of postwar civil aviation, and believed in free and open competition.
54. To many, the postwar economic problems of the continent demanded a substantial element of very close cooperation.
55. Union membership fell rapidly to around half of the immediate postwar level.
56. Towards the end of the postwar boom, an imbalance between accumulation and the labour supply led to increasingly severe labour shortage.
57. They have no bearing on postwar peace and stability in the area or stopping some other middle-sized gangster swallowing a weaker neighbour.
58. Explanations of such success creep too easily toward the notion that their sound is nothing more than nostalgia for postwar pre-rock.
59. But postwar merchants struggled against competition from Mission Valley shopping centers that featured ample, free parking.
60. The different approaches to industrial development have absorbed an enormous amount of resources and effort in the postwar period.
61. It will inevitably raise issues about the transparency and accountability of a political system that has changed little since the postwar settlement.
62. The dollar has risen 30 percent since its plunge to a postwar low of 79. 75 yen last April.
63. The mid-1960s were the watershed of postwar society, and the creativity and anarchism of the period left nothing untouched.
64. In the postwar euphoria big crowds flocked regularly to the Oval to see the attacking cricket on which Surridge insisted.
65. Short Cuts captures the moment when the postwar economic boom began its decline into downward mobility.
66. That did not stop Krajisnik from standing as a candidate at the first postwar election in 1996.
67. Their contemporary, postwar work was often as influential as their prewar discoveries.
68. By 1951 rural population was on the increase, a trend that has continued throughout the postwar period.
69. For all that, it was a dismal phase in the chequered history of postwar Britain.
70. Yet postwar experience has shown that the formal foundations of the state were not the sinequanon of nationhood.
71. The postwar family stories suggest that the family has continued in the same trajectory.
72. The dollar has risen 30 percent since its plunge to a postwar low of 79. 75 yen in April last year.
73. During the postwar years, honours were heaped upon Einstein.
74. Business failure registered a postwar record this year.
75. Japan's postwar edifice has rested on two mighty pillars.
76. The official jobless rate conceals a surge in long-term unemployment to a postwar record.
77. Goebbels called her "well-read" in his diaries, but he was the 20th century's greatest liar, and his diaries were written for intended postwar publication.
78. In the narcotized Japan of postwar prosperity, no normal person ever took the slightest interest in politics: the Koizumi revolution changed all that.
79. By the time the wrecking ball began leveling block after block of postwar New York, serendipitously depositing the angel's head at Karp's feet, the city's architectural aesthetic had changed.
80. But most postwar U.S. government spending has followed a pattern.
81. Finally they concluded that postwar American role of global leadership was itself deeply flawed.
82. Bevin:British labor leader and politician who served as minister of labor (1940-1945) and foreign minister (1945-1951) and was instrumental in postwar diplomacy, notably the NaTO treaty of 1949.
83. Feminism and the feminist movement comes from these opportunities – it's Rosie the Riveter who inspired the opportunities that came to postwar women.
84. Viewed from treaty of postwar, Byzantine and Rus is equal.
85. What drove this reorganisation above all wasthe sudden fade-out of the postwar boom.
86. The Katyn affair remained dormant throughout much of the postwar period, although never far below the surface in the "friendly" People's Republic of Poland and in the Polish Diaspora.
87. The first section intends to make a brief analysis of the situation of the postwar British novel by making a summary of the two alternating streams of realism and experimentalism.
88. Iris Murdoch (1919-1999) is considered one of the most productive and prominent writers of postwar British literature.
89. Postwar oil discoveries have been very uneven distributed among countries.
90. In those harsh postwar years, ideals of infant beauty resided chiefly in fat, in Churchillian multiple chins, in dreams of an end to rationing and of the reign of plenty to come.
91. President Nixon's ill-fated, though initially immensely popular, wage and price controls of 1971 were among the last vestiges of postwar general wage and price interventionism in the developed world.
92. During the postwar years, it became a beachhead for Irish and Italian families fleeing the city's grittier precincts.
93. The Reagan administration adjusted the postwar American foreign policy for the third time.
94. It is one Keynes himself had in mind when he put forward his ideas for the postwar monetary system at the Bretton Woods conference in 1944.
95. But the rate of passage of such legislation accelerated in the postwar period.
96. China, as one of the four anti-fascist great powers, played an important and positive role reestablishing peace in the postwar era.
97. Our early postwar successes did not equip us for a new era of more complex problems.
98. Pacific Standard Time is a festival of postwar art in Los Angeles that, with help from $10 million of Getty Foundation grants, will be filling almost all the city's art venues.
99. Based on the historical facts, this paper is to discuss the causes of the Wars of the Roses, the impact of this war on the social development of England and also on the postwar England as a whole.
100. School moral education in postwar America experiences a declining and reviviscent process.
101. Europe had been shedding its overseas responsibilities throughout the postwar period.
102. The postwar Japanese economy provides the world's first example of an economy showing a sustained period of double-digit growth of real gross national product(GNP).
103. Therefore, much of Wednesday was spent on setting the stage for postwar diplomacy.
104. All of them successfully 28 the destruction of postwar redevelopment and remained unchanged.
105. " He envisioned young Unitarians populating intellectual "shock troops" to combat fantasies of an instant postwar utopia.
106. Generally, it is considered that the formation of the main bank system originated on the syndicate loan of the wartime of Japan and the overlapping shares institution began in the postwar period.
107. Iris Murdoch, who combines a prolific output with a consistently high level of fictional achievement, is universally acknowledged as one of the most important novelists in postwar Britain.
108. The emergent postwar youth culture mixed the smoother white country music styles with the energy and aggression of rhythm and blues and the commerciality of straight pop music.
109. In the primary stage of the postwar period, Germany was territorially divided and economically perished.
110. Such policies had worked brilliantly in postwar Europe and Japan.
111. Tatsumi Hijikata was a seminal postwar artist who shattered traditional dance framework.
112. General speaking, the Oekenzaburo's early novel"the Sumptuosity of the Dead" reflects the nothingness of Japanese youngsters postwar which has really the Sartre's style of Existentialism.
113. Gunter Grass is one renowned postwar German writer, is an idea master who is good at reading own emotion, idea to blend with social history culture for the particular art appearance.
114. Came of age in PostWar boom typified by 1951 Charles Jourdan stiletto heel.
115. The increase in postwar borrowing by developing countries has recently excited interest.
116. This slower-growth world isn't all bad: People remember nostalgically the period that began in the late '50s as the era of postwar prosperity.
117. By hearty co - operation, the USSR could hasten victory and help lay the groundwork for postwar co - operation.
118. The United States's position in the postwar diplomacy would have been severely impaired.
119. If it lasts into April — as it almost surely will — this one will go on record as the longest in the postwar era .
120. Ironically, relations between British and American Intelligence in late 1950's were at their lowest postwar ebb.
121. During the postwar years in Germany honors were heaped upon Einstein.
122. What is Marie - Ange Guilleminot MAG account of postwar censorship?
123. Almost a decade ago, when she was a junior at Waseda University here, she was expected to follow postwar Japan's well-trodden path to success by finding a job at a top corporation.
124. Theory of collective security is a postwar concept of security.
125. This paper reviewed entirely the research history of rice transplanter from postwar Japan.
126. Together they combined to give British Intelligence its highest ever postwar profile.
127. The Chrysler fiasco had occurred after thirty years of postwar, scientific management.
128. Gaddis , John Lewis. Strategies of Containment: A Critical Appraisal of Postwar American National Security Policy. New York: Oxford University Press,[http:///postwar.html] 1982.
129. The AFL-CIO, America's largest and most influential labor organization, had initially supported the postwar consensus on trade expansion. But it changed direction in 1970.
130. Other giants of the field followed, including Henri Cartier-Bresson, whose work with a Leica popularized street photography and the impromptu style of postwar photojournalism.
131. Tied aid, the preferred mode of operation of western donors since the postwar period, would now be embraced by China.
132. The French were in a state of postwar shock and clamoring for fearful retribution.
133. Steinbeck's first postwar novel, Cannery Row , returned to the scenes of his native California.
134. You may construct a historical argument that draws on the history of the Fourteenth Amendment, Reconstruction, and postwar American history, or you may choose to focus on the cases themselves.
135. Postwar demand will never reproduce the precise pattern of prewar demand.
136. Arthur Miller is one of the most important postwar realistic playwrights in the United States.
137. The Olympic stadium 30, 000 seating capacity was more than adequate, as the average price of admission, around 2.5 yuan (RMB), was beyond the reach of the majority of postwar Belgians.




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