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单词 Old testament
1 The event was prophesied in the Old Testament.
2 In the Old Testament, a prophet who was swallowed by a great fish and disgorged unharmed three days later.
3 In certain respects the Old Testament is now invalidated.
4 The final surprise is that in the Old Testament the Spirit does not appear as a divine being.
5 But that does not mean that those Old Testament rituals should now be completely ignored.
6 The Old Testament records them running after false gods, the gods of the nations round about them,[] whenever opportunity offered.
7 In accordance with Old Testament practice, it did so by anointing with oil.
8 The Old Testament identifies holy places which were probably early cultic weeping places.
9 Even the Old Testament contains little reference to incorporeal substances or such rewards.
10 After that, the Old Testament is exclusively a chronicle of the Hebrews.
11 Nowhere else does this phrase occur in the Old Testament except in 12.1.
12 It is like some Old Testament parable; these questions were raised five thousand years ago and we still raise them today.
13 The Old Testament ideal of an eye for an eye speaks to that need.
14 The Old Testament ceremonial law came to an end at the crucifixion, its purpose fulfilled.
15 Such inequality was roundly condemned by the Old Testament prophets.
16 One of the earliest men we know of to have such a dream was the Old Testament prophet, Micah.
17 He is a classic modern tough guy as well as being an Old Testament prodigal son.
18 Some of these patriarchs grow magnificent beards and moustaches, the whole effect giving them the appearance of an Old Testament prophet.
19 The subject excites Watts to an enthusiastic exploration of the powerful imagery of the Old Testament.
20 In controversy with his opponents, he regularly uses a quotation from the Old Testament to settle the argument.
21 The roots of this joy in worship can be seen in the psalms, the hymn book of the Old Testament.
22 In one way or another Bede helped to concentrate educated minds in the succeeding generations on the Old Testament.
23 Certainly that link is strong and clear in the Old Testament Scriptures.
24 Matthew throughout maintains his underlying theme of linkage with the Old Testament and proof of prophecy.
25 These entreaties, though modified, come in a direct line from the prophets of the Old Testament.
26 The two greatest works of war mythology in the West are, accordingly, the Iliad and the Old Testament.
27 There are glimpses into the future joy of the coming festival as we revisit the Old Testament prophet Isaiah.
28 These final details give him the look of an Old Testament prophet.
29 Despite these difficulties, Catholic biblical scholarship had advanced, albeit cautiously, particularly as far as the Old Testament was concerned.
30 Thus the Father had been the principal actor during the period of the Old Testament.
1 In the Old Testament, a prophet who was swallowed by a great fish and disgorged unharmed three days later.
31 In the early pages of the Old Testament, Joseph was cruelly treated by his brothers, who sold him into slavery.
32 Tax collector turned apostle; he wrote the first Gospel between 60 and 90, which contains quotes from the Old Testament.
33 It was intended, quite flamboyantly, to fulfil Old Testament prophecy.
34 Many pages of the New Testament contain quotations or allusions to the Old Testament.
34 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
35 But the moral law of the Old Testament retains eternal validity.
36 It was from the book of the Old Testament prophet Zechariah.
37 Children in primary school are often told stories from the Old Testament.
38 The Old Testament however is not just a clinical analysis of poverty.
39 This refrain is a conflation of two verses from the classic period of Old Testament prophecy in Isaiah 11 and Habakkuk 2.
40 The Old Testament prophets were devastatingly political and frequently found themselves in trouble for it.
41 The Old Testament abounds in accounts of peaceful settlements overwhelmed, ravished, and utterly destroyed.
42 A monstrous sea creature mentioned in the Old Testament.
43 Confusing Old Testament Israel with the New Testament Church.
44 The book of Job is in the Old Testament.
45 Books worthy of reading: Old Testament apocrypha, Shepherd,[] Didache.
46 The Old Testament God is fickle, cruel, a despot.
47 He studies the exilic books of the Old Testament.
48 One of the 12 Minor Prophets of the Old Testament, traditional author of the Book of Habakkuk.
49 Origen, who lived from about A.D. 185 to 254, was a slightly later ecclesiastical scholar who produced a version of the Old Testament, called the Hexapla.
50 The diversity and richness of the Bible as literature, especially the old Testament, are unparalleled.
51 Central character of the Book of Job in the Old Testament, known for his faithfulness to God despite his many afflictions.
52 The Old Testament was written in Hebrew, with a sprinkling of Aramaic.
53 It is one of the five books of the Old Testament that make up the Pentateuch.
54 We now find the New Testament in the same book as the Old Testament, as Christians call it; and as Jews call it, the Hebrew Bible or the Tanakh.
55 The Spirit in the Old Testament is God as creator, controller, revealer, quickener, and enabler.
56 and others of their kind: it should be noted that Machiavelli mixes historical and literary figures somewhat indiscriminately here from his readings of the Old Testament, Livy, Plutarch, and Xenophon.
57 That ruler's invasion of the region shortly after Solomon's death is chronicled in the Old Testament and at the Temple of Amun at Karnak.
58 In a sense, typological exegesis is a hermeneutical strategy adopted by early church to unite New Testament and Old Testament and to reconcile Marcionism and Gnosticism.
59 Even the greatest of the Old Testament prophets, John the Baptist, struggled with doubt.
60 The Spirit's distinct personhood was no part of Old Testament revelation.
61 Beelzebub is an Old Testament name for the prince of the demons (the devil) meaning either "lord of the flies" or "lord of the dung heap, " an intentional insult to mankind's greatest enemy.
62 In the Old Testament, a Jewish heroine who rescued her people by slaying an Assyrian general.
63 Most gem scholars trace the tradition to the Old Testament story of Aaron, whose breastplate was decorated with twelve precious stones, one for each of the twelve tribes of Israel.
64 In the Old Testament, for the coming of Christ in the flesh, and the abrogation of the Jewish economy./old testament.html
65 A huge animal, possibly hippopotamus, described in the Old Testament.
66 But the interpretation of Old Testament prophecies involved in the assessment of this evangelical heresy is as important and timely today as Allis found it to be then.
67 Jesus showed them from the Old Testament how the crucifixion was not in fact a denial of the Messiahship of Jesus.
68 In the Old Testament they saw a form of government that, with modifications, could be copied in modern times. That is why they opposed the absolute monarchy of the Jacobean kings in England.
69 The same truth is foreshadowed in so many ways in the Old Testament - Abraham's Iamb which replaced Isaac on Mt.
70 It originates from customs law, and centers on the Old Testament under the influence of Hammurabi Code.
71 But a very large amount of Old Testament prophecy remains unfulfilled.
72 The Hebrew Old Testament was later translated into Greek called the Septuagint.
73 Song of Songs in the Old Testament is the only poetic anthology that takes love as its theme.
74 Judge and hero of ancient Israel, whose deeds are described in the Old Testament Book of Judges.
75 Quarantine regulations and sanitary practices, which are still useful, are set forth in the book of Leviticus in the Old Testament.
76 One of the 12 Minor Prophets of the Old Testament, traditional author of the Book of Haggai.
77 Among all the nation, the Old Testament concentrated on one — the Hebrews belonging to the Semitic tribe.
78 Did the people who put together the Old Testament use the Greek canon of Homer and Hesiod as a template?
79 The Old Testament consists of 39 books, the oldest and most important of which are the first five books, called Pentateuch.
80 Nebuchadnezzar II and last king of Babylon, who in the Old Testament was warned of his doom by handwriting on the wall that was interpreted by Daniel.
81 They took her to live in the Temple in Jerusalem when she was three years old, much like Hanna took Samuel to the Tabernacle, as recorded in the Old Testament (Tanakh, Hebrew Bible).
82 Interestingly, the name Joshua or Yeshua is rendered in the the Greek Old Testament, the Septuagint, as JESUS.
83 In the Old Testament it is said that the men should attend the temple and then go home and teach their womenfolk so that the women would not bring disgrace to the family.
84 Old Testament heroine, central figure in the Book of Esther.
85 Son of Nebuchadnezzar II and last king of Babylon, who in the Old Testament was warned of his doom by handwriting on the wall that was interpreted by Daniel.
86 Now keep your finger there and go all the way to the Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible,to 1 Samuel.
87 The Dead Sea Scrolls support the dating of the Old Testament.
88 Israelite warrior hero of the Old Testament Book of Judges.
89 Esdras is the first two books of the old testament apocrypha.
90 An ancient country of Palestine between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. According to the Old Testament, the original inhabitants were descendants of Esau.
91 Give one Old Testament and one New Testament incident where leavening is mentioned.
92 The entire book of Proverbs in the Old Testament is written to help believers draw the line between wisdom and folly.
93 Ten mother tongue translators, two from each of five different Quechua language groups, are participating through March 6 in one of a series of Old Testament workshops.
94 The revisions more accurately reflect translations of ancient Hebrew and Greek versions of the Old Testament and the constant evolution of modern-day language, Sperry said.
95 The greatest prophet of the Old Testament, he sought to abolish idolatry and restore justice.
96 The Book of Malachi is the last in the canon of the Old Testament Prophets.
97 The early books of The Old Testament reflect the memory of tribal groups in Palestine.
98 Suddenly you got all moral, rampaging like the Old Testament prophet.
99 First of the 12 Minor Prophets in the Old Testament, traditional author of the Book of Hosea.
100 Dogs consumed the body of Jezebel, a princess in the Old Testament, after her defenestration.
101 Malachi a prophet of God wrote the last Old Testament book.
101 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
102 What books of the Old Testament are prophetical? What do they talk about?
103 That is why the Old Testament prophecies that the Messiah will be born of a virgin, which Jesus was.
104 The discovery of Noah's ark would reinforce a literal interpretation of the Bible, says Claude Mariottini, an Old Testament professor at Northern Baptist Seminary outside Chicago.
105 When we talk about apocalypticism, and the Gospel of Mark and Judaism, you have to read at least the last half of the Book of Daniel, from the Old Testament.
106 We have probably inherited some of our knee-jerk reactions to transvestism from the Old Testament attitude that cross-dressers would find 'their blood shall be upon them'.
107 Pilgrim's progress with the old testament and roughly the new testament correspond to the main plot.
108 Elijah is a prophet of the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament.
109 I was reading to you from the book of Isaiah , in the Old Testament.
110 This Hebraic understanding of the name passes from the Old Testament into the New.
111 In the Old Testament, levitical laws guarded against contagion. Among the things that would contaminate a person were contact with certain animals, carcasses, or the sick.
112 Jews who practice a religion based on the Old Testament and the Talmud.
113 The notion of "an eye for an eye" is usually cited or held up as typical of the harsh and cruel standards of the vengeful Old Testament God.




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