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单词 Backward
1 Youth looks forward and age backward
2 He who does not advance falls backward
3 Without a backward glance, he walked away.
4 Hannah took a step backward.
5 For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
6 This part of the country is still backward.
7 She can count up to one hundred and backward.
8 She went without a backward glance.
9 He looked backward thirty years.
10 Backward children need a special kind of schooling.
11 The mayor leaned over backward to avoid the appearance of nepotism.
12 Because of his long illness,Tom is backward in his studies.
13 John was rather backward as a child; he was nearly three before he could walk.
14 The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you will see. Winston Churchill 
15 He did a brilliant backward somersault.
16 The country is still in a backward state.
17 She strode past him without a backward glance .
18 He walked away without a backward glance.
19 You may spell her backward.
20 The child was backward in learning to walk.
21 She's not backward in coming forward .
22 He stepped backward and fell over the cliff.
23 All the actors know the play backward.
24 He took two steps backward.
25 He left without a backward glance.
26 We bent over backward to help them.
27 The car passed over the body twice, once backward and then forward.
28 Sheila is very clever but rather backward in expressing her ideas.
29 He unlocked the door of apartment two and disappeared inside after a backward glance at Larry.
30 I disagreed with him about / over / as to how we ought to deal with the backward.
1 Without a backward glance, he walked away.
2 Hannah took a step backward.
3 This part of the country is still backward.
4 She can count up to one hundred and backward.
5 She went without a backward glance.
6 He looked backward thirty years.
7 The mayor leaned over backward to avoid the appearance of nepotism.
8 He unlocked the door of apartment two and disappeared inside after a backward glance at Larry.
9 Because of his long illness,Tom is backward in his studies.
31 She left the city where she had lived all her life without a backward glance.
32 We need to accelerate the pace of change in our backward country.
33 It will take decades to bring this backward country into the modern age.
34 He cut the ball so that it bounded almost backward.
35 The new law is seen by many as a backward step.
36 I tripped and almost did a backward flip down the stairs.
37 It must be a hard life, working as a nurse in a backward country.
38 I was slow to walk and talk and my parents thought I was backward.
39 At a certain age, it's not viable for men to take a backward step into unskilled work.
40 The United Nations appealed to the people of the developed countries for aiding those of the backward countries.
41 He leaned over backward to curry favour with influential officials.
42 She walked out of the door without a backward look.
43 I'm sure Matt will tell you what he thinks of the idea - he's not usually backward in coming forward.
44 Janice did a backward somersault on the mat.
45 The people there are a little bit backward.
46 The boy walked upstairs on the Stairway backward, singing.
47 Then came the great leap backward.
48 He who moves not forward, goes backward. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
49 I walk slowly, but I never walk backward. Abraham Lincoln 
50 It's one of the more backward countries.
51 He walks without a backward glance.
52 Just a slow blink and a shuffling step backward.
53 He took a quick step backward.
54 The equity department seemed desperately backward.
55 He did a backward flip.
56 In the land of the Zulus, everything seems backward.
57 In any backward society the role of sympathetic intermediary agents and interpreters between high and rural politics is crucial.
58 With barely a backward glance, I was on my way to freedom./backward.html
59 That will have been the aim and meaning of his entire backward quest.
60 Xeurons are normally one-way streets, but occasionally they can be forced into working backward.
61 Many US-owned maquilas claim to be in the market for locally produced materials and components, backward linkages.
62 This can involve both forward vertical integration and backward vertical integration.
63 John got him to sit facing backward in the saddle, resting the foot on the horse's rump.
64 Mr Liebenow worries that widespread disappointment, combined with domestic pressures, will prompt some Latin nations to step backward.
65 U-turning, he drove off in the direction of the distant city, without so much as another backward glance.
66 The Tory poster campaign, too, has been criticised for being too backward looking and negative.
67 But then the Triad thug was falling backward, the knife spinning away harmlessly through the air.
68 Second, there was the isolated position of the Soviet Union in trying to establish socialism in a backward country.
69 In 1970 the Sandhurst-educated Sultan Qaboos bin Said decided that the situation in his backward country was intolerably dangerous.
70 Her ankles can not handle the slope, and so she turns around, walking backward, tiny three-inch steps.
71 She left the track without a backward look, intent on hiding in the hotel suite until Ace returned to rescue her.
72 I walked away without a wave or a backward glance.
73 It is pale and lumpy; the tips of the fingers are curled slightly backward.
74 Very backward countries, where life had not changed for centuries, were suddenly brought into contact with highly developed civilizations.
75 The gap between the linguistic creativity of even the most intelligent ape and even the most backward of human beings is immense.
76 Battery-powered lights danced around his gold brocade turban and his feet were pressed into gold-trimmed shoes with backward curling points.
77 A mirror can make things look backward. Use a mirror.
78 Picking up her bags,() she dropped an envelope with her rent on the dresser and left without a backward glance.
79 For instance, stomach muscles propel the motion on forward and backward rolls.
80 Now he toppled over backward with the weapon stuck upright in his throat.
81 In desperation, he gave one last, vicious backward kick and launched himself out into the dark.
82 And there's no way to chronicle the advancement of women without looking at the backward pull of violence.
83 I was on the verge of making one last plea when I was propelled backward through the open door.
84 Family photos and a clock that tells time backward add a personal touch to the sterile academic atmosphere.
85 Was it universally backward or were there variations between different sectors and branches of industry?
86 That he nearly fell backward off the railing when he heard her plan was no surprise.
87 She started toward the door, but cast a backward glance as she went.
88 Intolerant societies are often also among the most technologically backward.
89 Backward, and yet forward A principled[/backward.html], worldwide massage parlour owned by everybody: doesn't that sound better?
90 What struck me was the music in the funeral parade, the cortege, the boots backward in the stirrups.
91 Divorce was so common, marital happiness so important, that it was boorish and backward to speak against it.
92 Walk backward, with your eyes on the royal family before you bow to them.
93 The cultures of some 40 indigenous peoples are considered backward and irrelevant to the values of the modern, free-market state.
94 The business is either going forward or going backward because everyone else is going forward.
95 His chute malfunctioned, opening in a direction that carried him straight backward.
96 I began to count backward, silently, in an attempt to calm my stomach.
97 It was the first, all the time, in the cubicle, the lavatory, that Parker took a backward step.
98 However, a second marginal comment in his New Testament both latches on to Crime and Punishment and provokes a backward thought.
99 If he were a wind-up toy, he would run in an engaging curve backward.
100 He wore a blue baseball cap backward and a gold hoop in his left ear.
101 She stumbled backward, out of range, but he stepped toward her and raised his stick again.
102 The logic of transnational production either forbids, permits, or encourages backward linkages.
103 That one has long since vanished, as a result of the Falls' implacable backward erosion.
104 The patient, being well-rehearsed beforehand, starts counting backward from this number.
105 That backward path is the foundation of Western, linear logic.
106 He fell backward, was dragged along the pavement tearing at his hands like shark teeth.
107 Gilly dragged a heavy stuffed chair backward to the shelf and climbed up on the very top of its back.
108 Then he, too, turned and without a backward glance went out into the passage, slamming the door.
109 If a woman with bright red lipstick appeared, a person would fall over backward.
110 Hudson was run out by Simmons from backward point, then Kirsten, the last experienced batsman, went to Cummins.
111 One boy is slouched down in his chair, wearing a baseball cap, the bill turned backward.
112 But it failed to discuss how consent should be interpreted where children, young persons and the mentally backward are concerned.
113 The chicks all scurry to shelter; but if the same models are drawn backward, they do not.
114 It is made up, for the most part, of the most backward reactionaries.
115 Adam stumbled backward, tripped over the steel fireplace screen, then lost his balance and crashed to the floor.
116 New policies on developing the backward western provinces and improving health, education and social welfare are stressed.
117 This is a backward and cruel society, in which people are executed for homosexuality and adultery.
118 Grimma took another step forward and caught it a backward thump across the muzzle.
118 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
119 There was not even time for sentimental looks backward at the receding coast of the homeland.
120 Having to move an offer deadline date backward due to a lack of attractive offers will place a vendor in a weak position.
121 We passed with never a backward look and arrived in Al Ain in well under three hours.
122 He does not think much of the Midwest, which he calls a backward, dumb but snobbish place.
123 He walked away down the corridor, without so much as a backward look, and tears stung her eyes.
124 If our political economy remains backward, our intellectual economy has leaped ahead.
125 He strained backward and he was so frightened that they had a difficult time holding him.
126 For each step forward in market technology they took a step backward in human evolution.
127 As people shuffled backward to make way for the procession, others were pushed against the platform.
128 She fell backward and off the chair and thrashed around holding her throat.
129 Moving the speakers as little as an inch or two forward or backward can make a huge difference.
130 "I'll never forgive you for this," Marge said, and she marched off without a backward glance.
131 Dan appeared in jeans, wearing his cap backward as usual.
132 There is no need to go back to square one; just a few steps backward is all that is needed.
133 He allowed himself one backward glance towards the estate, then turned his heels to the task of flight.
134 He seemed to make a point of taking two steps backward for every one step forward.
135 But in their economic desperation, many business and middle-class people have slipped backward, politically.
136 I took my cue to go, and left without a backward glance or wave.
137 But instances like the Primitives get rarer and already one feels ashamed for indulging such backward passions.
138 Archibol was shoved backward from the thrust of her bosom.
139 Carter was merely stunned by the reaction from the East; he was blown over backward by the reaction from the West.
140 Other nations stumbled, slid backward, moved forward again with difficulty.
141 As in billiards, a direct collision results in backward scattering and an off-centre collision results in forward scattering.
142 Backward compatible changes cause the number to increment.
143 Backward, sideward, forward, in all directions?
144 She rose and took a tentative step backward.
145 Executes a hyperlink jump backward within the history list.
146 Some read the sequence backward, thus requiring bidirectional iterators.
147 Employ backward chaining to develop the class.
148 The forward - and - backward path - following control is studied for TFMRs with standard and nonstandard connections.
148 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
149 With this method, texture feature vector cloud is generated backward after fuzzily processing descriptor of textures.
150 The system is a rule-based production system. Inference engine is the core part of expert system. We use forward chaining and backward chaining at the same time.
151 I used to ( mistakenly ) believe Taiwan was a backward place.
152 In 9 Star Hotel, the filmmakers follow Ahmed and Muhammad, one a merry collector of found objects, the other a philosophical criticaster of the Palestinian character ("We think backward."
153 Hand-copied book was the main way in ancient times when the countermark technique was relatively backward .
154 If I sip instead of blow, the chair moves backward.
155 Using cement retainer squeezing technology can prevent the cement backward flow, and cam let the residual cement through the upper party to recycle to the ground.
156 At the same, two arms curving slightly, swinging forward and backward rhythmically like walking.
157 Backward elimination, only resolute, strictly control the total amount of iron and steel in order to resolve a critical situation.
158 But backward technology and the high cost in Cowhouse construction has become a bottleneck of Cow-farming to large-scale development.
159 An improved Backward Error Propagation Algorithm used as neural network controllers to control a nonlinear system is presented in this paper.
160 The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backward.
161 Paper cutter machine is backward with low degree of automation in paperboard processing, so new paper cutter machine has been designed based on pneumatic principle and simulation technique.
162 The absurd and backward - looking notion of locating a research centre in an effete , rundown, has - been country.
163 The pitman arm swings from one side to the other (or forward and Backward on some cars)AS the steering wheel is turned.
164 In 1990 "reservations" in government jobs and university places for dalits were extended to a group of castes slightly higher-up the pecking order, the "Other Backward Classes" (OBCs).
165 As it is, national proper pride, of long standing Islamic legal cultures and relatively backward social productivities decided nativism in operating the procedural system.
166 As our country is still backward, the workers' conditions cannot be improved overnight, but only gradually on the basis of increased production and particularly of higher productivity of labour.
167 Moreover, the author studies the developing trend of backward integration in existing Chinese paper corporations and points out that the way of merging forestry and paper industry is a win-win choice.
168 Compared with the booming overseas investment achievements , the related system research is still backward.
169 By using the backward differential argument and the Markov property of the external process, we derive the integral equation satisfied by the probability of ruin.
170 In addition, the taper also affects the original position of the backward flow.
171 Then the author analyzes the backward study on legal effect in jurisprudential circle, and puts forward to his views on legal effect.
172 Finally, in the view of improving investment environment and strengthening backward linkage we give some political proposals based on the theoretical and empiritical analysis.
173 He had a firsthand taste of life in backward mountainous areas.
174 Given the stability, error estimate and numerical experiments for the nonlinear equation of second order backward difference(4)Given the weighted of second order convolution quadrature.
175 The "forward" face guard theory and "backward" pharynx sound theory, developed from the Italian traditional Bel Canto, are the core threads that run through all ideas in various vocal music schools.
176 However, there exist the problems in logistics, like small-scale enterprise, lower management level, backward technical equipment and low level of information.
177 And when we reach life's rubican, And take a backward view, There'll be few memorise that can, Out shine those of Chefoo !
178 Backward Indicator Bit (BIB), a one-bit field in the SS7 Message Signaling Unit (MSU)[sentencedict .com], indicates a negative acknowledgment by the remote signaling point when toggled.
179 And when fertilizer is insufficient, new branch grows feeble, blade decrescent hair is yellow, the time that bud forms is deferred backward, flower decrescent , fragrance is feeble.
180 Currently, China's small and medium-sized construction enterprise cost management level is comparatively backward, costs for the enterprise to seriously, will reduce the economic benefits.
181 The robber took one quick look backward. The sight of these foreign devils after him was too much. He flung the bag into the air and disappeared in the crowd.
182 From a problem-solving point of view, this means that you can employ backward chaining to develop the methods of a mathematical class.
183 According to our previous discussion, this change would be backward compatible.
184 But then I realized that to him I must sound like a crazy person—like one of those people who claims that he can crack the lotto draw because last night's number was his birthday spelled backward.
185 The result shows it is possible to launch air-to-air missile backward.
186 These tables list the information elements of the forward and backward signals for CCITT signalling systems.
187 Current in tidal river shows a complex periodic characteristic, and it is unsteady flow moving alternately backward and forward.
188 When I first came to China, there were practically no automobiles, very limited consumer goods, and no high-rise buildings. The technology was fairly backward.
189 We can analyze those backward students by using Radar-graph?Wooden-barrel Principle?and some methods of psychometry.
190 China's English education is still backward with the global view. Urgent investigation and reform is needed.
191 This paper brings forth a new relativistic backward wave oscillator with coaxial extractor.
192 After the tribal invasion by the North backward, Aegean Civilization decline.
193 The unit pressure in backward extruding hollow billet has been calculated by the slip line method and the upper bound method.
194 Organizations that develop low-quality software are destined to forever look backward, as they invest time and money fixing defects in "completed" software.
195 This time around, the designers began their development with backward compatibility as a requirement.
196 In this story Lu Hsun writes mainly about a peasant who is backward and politically unawakened.
197 The authors conclude that spondylolysis is mainly the fatigue fracture due to locally increased stress and is contributing most by backward extension of lumbar spine.
198 A forward and backward chaining inference engine suitable for this problem is derived and discussed.
199 This paper presents the "Backward Mixed-Integer programming Method" addressing the latter subproblem.
200 The backward flow of blood through the valve is called mitral valve regurgitation.
201 The results reveal that the forward and backward linkage bars have close relationship with the geometric character of support.
202 In 1964, impatient with Arkansas backward image, he challenged Faubus for governor.
203 Before this fall, "3.14" coalition of the evening of 21 Druze leader Jumblatt said Hezbollah-led camp backward, making the two camps now matched the seats in Parliament.
204 The perceptual interference effect is a phenomenon that a study word is better remembered later on if presented briefly and followed by a backward mask.
205 Defines an iterator that can access elements in a container in the forward direction by using the increment operator and in the backward direction by using the decrement operator.
206 Constipation:Backward bend, yoga mudra, knee to chest, shoulder stand, corpse, belly should be drawn in while doing these postures.
207 The calculation of backward erosion and streamwise erosion of reservoir sediment showed that the depositing in low water period is swept away in flood season.
208 To our surprise, the Godunov scheme can not be performed well for this system when the Riemann solution contains a weak backward rarefaction wave and a strong forward shock.
209 If bad loan decisions don't come with consequences, banks will end up taking a major step backward in their effort to operate on commercial terms, not political ones.
210 We always follow our enterprise spirits "Developement is deep-dyed truth", and remember our philosophy" No forwards means backward. No success means fails".
211 Please note that Single Rate files do not support backward compatibility streams.
212 The positive or negative power flux means energy in waveguide travels forward or backward.
213 Above, this article described the UPDATE XMLSCHEMA command to store updated — and backward compatible — versions of a schema in the XSR.
214 A group of 33 experts including Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys, who pioneered DNA fingerprinting, signed a letter claiming the justice system would take a "backward step".
215 The up arrow key is forward, and the down arrow key is backward.
216 We should look both backward and forward and take a long - range view.
217 Through data collection, calculation and analysis, it was found that liquor-making industrial concentration in China still remains in backward and unstable status.
218 But Chongqing's leaders, determined to make their vast municipality an oasis of modernity in China's backward west, say that by 2020 the municipality must be 70 "urbanised".
219 But after almost a decade of high oil prices - until last summer - Russia has done little to invest in infrastructure, or to help its backward, poverty-stricken regions.
220 Finally, a solution must be backward compatible with the original schema.
221 Nonlinear electric field transient finite element equation is performed based on the backward Euler method and the Variational principle.
222 Piao Dacheng get-off is backward media expresses: "After hoping my incident happens, provide a basis to individual right and democratic opinion on public affairs."
223 This paper investigates Random Walk and Discrete Backward Stochastic Differential Equation.
224 At this late hour, allude Africa, a lot of people still are used to it and a chaos caused by war, disease and desert photograph connection, with poor, unwisdom and backward picture equality sign .
225 Then, based on the end-fire array theory, a small broadband twin-whip antenna with big forward to backward ratio is designed.
226 Introduces multi-user access, slot alignment and power control, contention resolution. Presents the multi-user access method based on CDMA employed in the backward link.
227 In view of gyroplane rotate speed adjusting amplifier in backward test technique, a method of automatic test gyroplane rotate speed adjusting amplifier by computer test technique is put forward.
228 This paper focuses on analyzing the low depreciation rate and backward valuation method of depreciation system in grovernment-owned assets in China.
229 Must be able to handle null field name for backward compatibility.
230 A new principle of switched-capacitor RLC simulation, based on backward difference transformation, is presented. SC negative impedance converters and inductance simulation circuits are designed.
231 And both of forward and backward deductive inference are realized.
232 Yet as we evaluate ourselves and our actions, each day each of us has the opportunity to look forward or to look backward, to be optimistic or to be pessimistic.
233 Nanking, Yangchow and Hangchow made Europe's biggest and best cities look dull and backward.
234 Virtually there are no so called "forward" or "backward" theories on an absolute level, but only on a relative level.
235 This results in a backward compatible change to the Web service, which allows both the old and new version of the operation to coexist.
236 Backward Chinese manual textile is before advanced machine spin product, far from so can't bear biff.
237 I'm very dissatisfied with him because he's slipping backward day by day.
238 Her eyes, which AT one moment seemed blue-gray, AT another violet, were shaded by long black lashes, curving backward in most peculiar way.
238 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
239 In a kind of intoxication he would watch the pinkwhite buds of some backward beech tree.
240 Magnetohydrodynamics equations with periodic boundary conditions are considered in this note. The time analyticity of the solutions for the equations is proved and the backward uniqueness is obtained.
241 The industrial structure of Shanghai is that the secondary industry is very outstanding, but the tertiary industry is relatively backward.
242 Back slant: Backward sloping typeface, i . e . opposite to italic.
243 He lost his grip on the youth's jerkin and staggered backward(http://), then fell on his seat.
244 The researcher's videos show that if the descending swatter comes from in front of the fly, the fly moves its middle legs forward and leans back, then raises and extends its legs to push off backward.
245 Found option market, and carry on option transaction, which can change backward status and negative condition of our nation market system, and integrate with international option market.
246 Students from economically backward families whose income is less than Rs. 1 lakh per annum will be considered, " said Hindu College hostel warden Chandrachur Singh."
247 By effectively pruning the SPC, we propose an effective fault dropping technique with a backward selective tracing scheme.
248 In this paper, backward errors for seven kinds of structured unitary matrix eigenvalue problems are discussed.
249 A new method for processing the hexagonal hole in the axle by hot backward extrusion on the friction press was proposed, which threw away the traditional milling or slotting method.
250 Therefore, we design an RDF storage and query framework with flexible inference strategy, which can combine forward and backward chaining inference strategies.
251 A preform shape can be gained with backward simulation from the final bladeshape based on FEM.
252 Existence of anomalistic hexagon structure of honeycomb paperboard core produced by backward equipment has influence on its compression characteristics.
253 The effect of controls parameters on mass transfer enhancement under pulsatile flow with backward flow condition is investigated.
254 At one point I took a step backward and went tumbling.
255 It has since evolved from just walking or jogging forward and backward in the water to jumping jacks and popular cross-country skiing movements.
256 To be minor, a change must be backward compatible, meaning that old clients can still talk with your new web service.
257 A gazelle ( Procapra picticaudata ) native to Tibet and having backward - curving horns in the male.
258 At one point , a large truck was barreling down the highway - backward - apparently toto a missed exit.
259 The requirements for evolution are much stronger than the usual backward compatibility.
260 It can move forward, backward or brake depending on the undulatory motion of the flexible fin.
261 The influences of strip thickness, forward and backward tension, reduction ratio and resistance to deformation on the edge drop were investigated in detail.
262 This new inference engine consists of forward neural network inference model and backward logical inference mcdel.
263 The other people called him a ratter in the backward.
264 Regarding to the estimation of the elevated together with suspended heights of pipeline above the sea floor, they can be calculated with the Frontward and Backward models derived in this dissertation.
265 To go to Pompeii today is take a trip backward in time.
266 Long - term since, in the natural economy that agriculture is in dispersive, backward, autarky all the time.
267 Around here, however, we don't look backward for every long.
268 The final condition is: the development strategies of Justit is backward integration, diversification strategies and market development.
269 An advanced superplastic backward extrusion forming new technology is presented in this paper. By using the technology a cupulate part is formed by the commercial wrought magnesium alloys AZ31D.




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