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单词 lace
释义  Related topics: Material & textiles, Clothesldoce_191_alace1 /leɪs/ ●○○ noun  1  [uncountable]TIM a fine cloth made with patterns of many very small holes 蕾丝(花边);网眼织物 a handkerchief trimmed with lace 饰有蕾丝花边的手绢 lace curtains 网眼窗帘 →5  See picture of lace 蕾丝 →4  See picture of 见图 lace2. [countable usually plural]DCC a string that is pulled through special holes in shoes or clothing to pull the edges together and fasten them 鞋带;系带 SYN shoelace →4  See picture of 见图 FOOTWEARExamples from the Corpuslace• a lace wedding veil• I was very pleased with the result and my friend thought it looked like fashion lace.• It is possible to knit a bias strip of mesh lace to use as a collar.• My arms and chest exploded with tiny laces of pain when I moved the weights the way he instructed me.Related topics: Drinklace2 verb [transitive]  1  (also lace up)TIE to fasten something by tying a lace 用带子将…系紧 SYN tie Lace up your shoes or you’ll trip over. 把鞋带系好,否则你会绊倒的。lace something to something The canvas was laced to a steel frame. 帆布用绳子系在钢架上。2  DFDto add a small amount of alcohol or a drug to a drink 给〔饮料〕掺入〔酒或药物〕lace something with something coffee laced with Irish whiskey 掺有爱尔兰威士忌的咖啡3  BENDto weave or twist several things together 把〔几个东西〕交织在一起lace something together Hannah laced her fingers together. 汉娜十指相扣。4 lace something with something phrasal verb a) to include something all through something you write or say 在〔文章或话语〕中掺入,加进 He laces his narrative with a great deal of irrelevant information. 他在叙述中掺杂了很多不相关的内容。b) be laced with something written to have some of a quality 带有某种品质 Iris’s voice was heavily laced with irony. 艾丽斯的话音中嘲讽的味道很浓。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuslace• Smoke lay heavy on the far side of the water, laced eerily with threads of light from the blaze.• Loops and spurs of railroad track laced it all together.• He sits on the grass lacing stiff boots into a wreath of effort and breath.• He then put the shoes on and laced them up.• Dave laced up his running shoes and ran off.• While Brown touted initiatives created in his tenure, some of the speech was laced with hyperbole.lace something with something• hot chocolate laced with cinnamon• A woman was poisoned with a soft drink laced with rat poison.Origin lace1 (1100-1200) Old French laz “net, string”, from Latin laqueus “trap”lace1 nounlace2 verbChinese  with a cloth patterns of many fine very made Corpus small




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