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单词 Motel
1. The sign outside the motel said "No Vacancies".
2. We are looking for an economy motel.
3. He put Elizabeth's motel bill and airfare on his expense account.
4. We put up at a motel.
5. Straight ahead were the low cabins of the motel.
6. The motel was off the main thoroughfare .
7. The gas station just neighbours to the motel.
8. Late that night he landed at a motel.
9. She found a small, inexpensive motel on the outskirts of the town; it was barren and unlovely.
10. There's a motel a mile or so down the road .
11. Over breakfast at my motel, I fell into conversation with the owner of a hardware shop.
11. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
12. We spent a night at a motel on the way.
13. We check into a very fine motel.
14. He drops me off downwind of the motel.
15. They brought them back to the motel.
16. She could never get accustomed to motel trysts.
17. I left my car at the motel.
18. It's more like the check-in desk at Motel 6.
19. The motel was a recently refurbished Holiday Inn.
20. Others stay in a nearby motel.
21. Staying in a hotel or motel.
22. Like Ferguson, he claimed a motel as his residence.
23. I have nothing to do with the motel.
24. No, we'll find a motel - we don't want to impose.
25. His abhorrence of racism led him to write The Algiers Motel Incident.
26. He took off at once and headed back to the motel.
27. It was vital that he swallowed the story about Juanita being in that motel room that night.
28. We spent the first two nights of our vacation in a cheap motel.
29. The hotels are full up, and the guests have had to go to this dinky little motel way out on Stewart Avenue.
30. Directly underneath it, in hot yellow and red, a much smaller sign signals the entrance to the No-Tel Motel.
1. The sign outside the motel said "No Vacancies".
2. We are looking for an economy motel.
3. He put Elizabeth's motel bill and airfare on his expense account.
31. The motel clerk mistrusted Beattie because he didn't have any ID.
32. To my amazement, although the motel is full judging by the amount of cars, there are no residents on view.
33. The cost of the six-day trip includes meals and motel accommodations.
34. Strange, so in my motel room I pick up the phone book and call one, just to see what happens.
35. Participants camp under the stars, except for one night in a motel.
36. Since childhood, her idea of roughing it has been to check into an economy-class motel.
37. She wondered if he'd stay on in the motel business, or move out.
38. When Converse described his adventures in the motel kitchenette, the lawyer shrugged and smiled in an irritating manner.
39. Their motel was off from the main thoroughfare, protected by trees and woodsy seclusion.
40. It apparently started in a trash can and spread to the attic area of an 80-room wing of the motel.
41. It is said that the operation of the motel here is of a purely local character.
41. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
42. It seems more like a bad motel in Jersey City.
43. The agents arrested the midshipmen couriers, one of whom was Harloff, when they arrived at the motel.
44. Most travellers with their wits about them and an eye for aesthetics would have preferred to rest at the Bates Motel.
45. It may be a cabin in the woods or a motel room that you rent at the beach.
46. Finally, operators recommend that motorhome clients spend their first night in a hotel or motel.
47. In May 1994 she was charged with drugs possession after being arrested in a Miami motel.
48. Sam leaves Tony to guard the civilians in the motel room.
49. Just behind the car a small gap in the curtains reveals a door which leads into the motel apartment.
50. I was beat, but I couldn't risk a motel or even a flophouse.
51. I drove the car under an arch leading to another wing of the motel and parked in front of my own room.
52. From grade school chums in suburban Chicago to motel managers in Sacramento, folks remember him.
53. Cigarette ashes crusted with coffee in saucers or spilled over the sides of motel ashtrays.
54. When they reached the Oak Motel, Cyril opened the door and poured himself out.
55. I only half-facetiously suggest that we get a motel room on this side of town for the night.
56. Or coming back to your motel room to find your co-worker has hooked up with the local bartender.
57. They were at a motel near the freeway, and their time was up.
58. At two-forty-seven the four men pushed through the glass doors and out into the motel parking-lot.
59. In real life, Selena ran out of that motel room with a bullet wound, and bled to death.
60. I had hoped that the cool impersonal air in the Saltine Motel Restaurant would bring me to my senses.
61. She could see the lake behind the motel through the stalwart line of trees.
62. Even your basic beach motel is putting up faux columns.
63. Sam is outside the motel room with two colleagues now.
64. They're all supposed to meet tomorrow night at the Valhalla Motel in some place called Lonesome Snapper.
65. We make a dive into the motel office, two travelling strangers.
66. And when was the last time you stayed at a motel and got to know your next-door neighbors?
67. I walk along the side of the motel scratching myself on the pebble dash, for carelessness.
68. They rub each other up the wrong way, and yet end up having a raunchy scene in a motel room.
69. Regular winter rates at the motel range from $ 45 to $ 65 a night.
70. In the process, he alienated his wife and kids and began living in a motel room.
71. She returned to her motel(), reassured by the nurses that her husband would be quite all right.
72. Acting on a tip, police went to the motel and arrested Upton.
73. Cooke was 33 in 1964 when he was shot to death in a Los Angeles motel.
74. She walked out on to it, her boots sinking in with each step, and left the Katz Motel behind her.
75. He must have parked around the front of the motel.
76. My grandparents stayed at a nearby motel and visited daily, along with my father.
77. Enterprising police departments in California are earning money by renting out motel rooms as weekend jails.
78. Universal Studios' research department is in the basement of a former motel across the street from the studio.
79. The Agip Motel, it was called; the Speke seemed quite luxurious by comparison.
80. Later the same evening a bomb exploded at the Gaston Motel, where King had been staying during the Birmingham campaign.
81. Men prowled the motel like packs of wolves searching out easy prey.
82. In 1951 it was renamed the DeAnza, and sold again in 1957, when it became the Tucson Holiday Motel.
83. Lodging: Resort lodging ranges from motel rooms to three-bedroom cabins with fireplaces and full kitchens.
84. We spent the week in a dingy motel off Route 9.
85. He retrieved the motel key hidden in the carburetor air filter.
86. The motel man old Mr Brown that he would have to pay in advance.
87. Adlai Stevenson phoned me. Are you going to phone or shall I? I'am calling for the A company. I went back to the motel to phone jane.
88. When returning to your hotel or motel late in evening, be aware of your surroundings, stay in well-lighted areas , and use the main entrance.
89. Back at the motel, the "Star Trek" reruns looped endlessly on Channel 73 or 31 or some other prime number, the washed-out Technicolor planets more familiar to me than our own.
90. It was a cooler, packed, before we left the motel, by the other mother, the kindly, round-faced equivalent of my own mother.
91. The room rate at this motel range from $ 30 to $ 50 per day.
92. Most middle - priced hotel and motel rooms resemble each other somewhat.
93. To fuck a porn star in a cheap motel room?
94. The black-and-tan Australian shepherd with the odd, loping gait and a way with a Frisbee had been found as a three-week-old puppy discarded in a motel room.
95. Students in this major prepare to provide retail services to hotel and motel guests. They study hotel operations, telephone sales, office management, and more.
96. Four days later, on the night of April 4, Martin Luther King Jr. was killed on the balcony outside his room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, where he had gone to support striking sanitation workers.
97. Within a week they were tearing off each other's polyfibres at Arlen's Adult Motel near the George Washington Bridge.
98. The word motel was created by combining motor and hotel.
99. If I hadn't been such a dick and taken her to that motel room.
100. You don't mind squeezing 20 people into one motel room.
101. We arrived at the El Rancho Motel and checked in.
101. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
102. A love motel for dogs in Sao Paulo proved a big hit with amorous Brazilian pooches, offering a heart-shaped mirror on the ceiling and headboards resembling doggy bones.
103. Now I know where they got the idea for the Roach Motel.
104. The motel or motor inn is the latest kind of place in which people who are away from home can stay.
105. Let me ask you something, penny. Have you ever woken up in a fleabag motel Covered in your own vomit, Next to a transsexual prostitute?
106. The print belongs to a male fugitive who recently attacked a woman in a motel room.
107. He more or less imprisoned himself in his motel room.
108. A shakeout in the industry is inevitable, says Zhou Yubo, director of marketing at Motel 168.
109. Scared out of Miami Beach, we decamped for Fort Lauderdale, where a Yugoslav woman sheltered us in a faded motel, beach-adjacent and featuring free UHF reception.
110. The Hobbit Motel resembles an authentic hobbit hole built into the side of the mountain.
111. We left our luggage at the airport and walked to what turned out to be a rundown motel where we waited for my mother's plane to arrive before taking our domestic flight to Labasa on Vanua Levu.
112. My wife was nearly hysterical. She wanted to check into a motel.
113. Here the woman who wrangled with truck drivers over motel bills wore a turquoise bathing cap and bright red lipstick to swim in the backyard pool.
114. She blamed the noisy motel room, but her sleeping did not improve at home.
115. Students in this major prepare to provide retail services to hotel and motel guests.
116. Think I'll stop by the motel and rinse off a bit before coming out. "
117. A few blocks from the excitement and attractions of Clifton Hill, this Niagara Falls motel is near the famous Horseshoe Falls and offers comfortable accommodations in a central location.
118. Is there a reason we couldn't just come here through the motel room?
119. I'm a deputy sheriff and was parked near a motel, running radar checks, when a man approached my vehicle and asked for help.
120. The doggy love motel, complete with a heart-shaped mirror on the ceiling and a headboard resembling a doggy bone, has opened for amorous pooches in Brazil.
121. Let's check into a motel as soon as we get to Chicago.
122. Motel owners are much more interested in having full occupancy than getting their standard rate.
123. Or, perhaps you wish that all bugs were limited to the six-legged variety and all you needed to write perfect code was a USB bug zapper or the electronic equivalent of a Roach Motel.




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