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单词 Staircase
1. The spiral staircase led to an upper gallery.
2. He followed her up a rickety staircase to a squalid bedsit.
3. The house has a superb staircase made from oak and marble.
4. The gallery is terminated by a staircase.
5. The staircase winds upwards round a central pillar.
6. They passed each other on the staircase.
7. They walked down the staircase together.
8. The staircase was almost perpendicular .
9. He picked his way down the narrow staircase.
10. Footsteps on the staircase interrupted his train of thought.
11. She climbed the staircase cautiously, holding fast to the rail.
12. There was a stone staircase against the side of the house.
13. She tore up the staircase two steps at a time.
14. Make sure the staircase is well lit, with no awkward corners.
15. The main staircase was in the form of a big 'S'.
16. The wooden staircase leads to three bedrooms, the bathroom, and a separate WC.
17. He groped his way up the staircase in the dark.
18. Five firemen narrowly escaped death when a staircase collapsed beneath their feet.
19. Higher than from the back staircase like Cardiff said.
20. We must redecorate the staircase.
21. The staircase was old and rickety.
22. An imposing staircase led out of the hall.
23. He sped down the staircase and into the ballroom.
24. In the same building there is triple spiral staircase.
25. The back staircase collapsed a few weeks later.
26. Some one clattered down a wooden staircase.
27. The house, which was completed in 1856,[sentencedict .com] was famous for its huge marble staircase.
28. She was sitting on the bottom step of the staircase.
29. She heard the priest's familiar, flat footfall on the staircase.
30. Ancient family portraits hung on the walls of the staircase.
1. The spiral staircase led to an upper gallery.
2. He followed her up a rickety staircase to a squalid bedsit.
3. The house has a superb staircase made from oak and marble.
4. Footsteps on the staircase interrupted his train of thought.
31. I get confused and climb the wrong staircase.
32. She glanced up the wide staircase.
33. A grand staircase went to nowhere.
34. These provided a view of the great central staircase.
35. You see her coming down a great staircase in your house, dressed in a velvet negligee.
36. Finally, they doused the few lights and climbed the hall staircase.
37. The great wide wooden staircase into the empty hall with its patterned marble floor.
38. A small lamp was mounted on an upright stanchion near the head of each staircase.
39. He charged his customers a flat dollar for a trip down his spiral staircase to the foot of the cataract.
40. Well-dressed suckers were pouring out of the upstairs theatre, barrelling down the rickety spiral staircase, skidding on the highly polished floor.
41. To get a better view, I climbed the narrow staircase leading to the balcony at the top of the east wall.
42. It can without difficulty also be seen as a staircase with the under surface of the stairs visible.
43. An opening on El Castillo's north face leads inside to an ascending staircase.
44. The prince walked past all the sleeping nobility and climbed the staircase to the room where Sleeping Beauty slept.
45. He didn't speak as he led her through a stone-floored hallway to a sweeping staircase.
46. The staircase appears almost to be floating on air(), as it winds its way up three stories.
47. They climbed the curving staircase to the first floor and rang a bell.
48. There was a grand marble staircase, spiralling up to the eaves and the upper areas of the casino.
49. No doubt she'd soon get used to it she told herself as she followed Kerly down a metal spiral staircase.
50. When he had woken up that morning the voices were waiting, whispering out on the staircase.
51. Constance never forgot standing in front of one on the main staircase.
52. The Nanny Ogg expeditionary force corkscrewed up the spiral staircase.
53. It has an agreeable courtyard with an elegant staircase and houses a small museum dealing with the history of Funchal.
54. Provided there is space you will be able to install a traditional-style staircase for access to your loft conversion.
54. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
55. He attempted to descend a steep staircase which had no handrail, whilst holding a small child by the hand.
56. On a cut-string staircase, the spindles are usually housed in the treads and these are covered with moulding.
57. The marbled staircase leads to 126 rooms and suites filled with period furniture.
58. If only I had a crinoline to sweep down the grand staircase in!
59. On the small landing at the top of the main staircase he stopped to examine his reflection in the mirror.
60. Thick smoke billowed up a narrow staircase and smothered the sleeping youngsters in their second-floor bedroom.
61. The posters are intended to cheer up the staircase, which is in urgent need of renovation.
62. Down the great wide wooden staircase and into the hall: I am sharp, she thought.
63. I run down the spiral staircase and along the empty corridor.
64. Then his feet turned, and shuffled a few steps, and began climbing the long staircase home.
65. First Floor Stained wood staircase rises to Landing: Access to insulate loft space with folding loft ladder.
66. Kali and Jit moved out of the way of the back staircase and the sheep flooded down past them.
67. The curving staircase with its sea-swell balustrade is like a journey through the inner ear.
68. A blast of warm foetid air rose up from the precipitous staircase to greet us.
69. I felt around for a switch and threw it down to reveal a stone staircase with iron handrail.
70. The physics classroom had a spiral iron staircase leading from it to some region inhabited only by science masters.
71. They had walked up the worn stone staircase, arm in arm, with their beautiful girl child dancing around them.
72. The staircase beckoned up a modest rise, then disappeared around a bend.
73. Inside, a grand and generous staircase rose from a pale stone flagged hall patterned with black stone diamonds.
74. As I emerged, she walked silently towards the staircase, a curious lack of urgency in her manner.
75. Once inside, Wasswa, the Minister, beckoned me impatiently from the top of a wide staircase.
76. I am far up above a marble staircase past a balcony in a large room with long tables.
77. Some one saw me running up that right-hand staircase,() running for the train.
78. And on your way upstairs, don't forget the bannisters and those tricky areas in between the rails on your staircase.
79. She went downstairs to make coffee, using a back staircase to the kitchen.
80. The space age escalator and exposed metal piping of the foyer segued into a spiraling wooden staircase and crinkly old master prints.
81. Servants would probably warn them but if there was an outside staircase and his men dashed up -?
82. There was a bust of Miguel de Unamuno at the bottom of the staircase, and it seemed to have been defaced.
83. He knew the feel of every cold stone step on the wide staircase leading down to the main hall.
84. I have never seen anything like that hall, with its lovely curving staircase.
84. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
85. It is surprising the difference such a relatively small decorative touch can make to an ordinary room or staircase.
86. I climbed the stone staircase, lit by the dimmest of light bulbs.
87. Karl von Bruhel, waiting impatiently at the foot of the curving marble staircase to greet his guests, glanced angrily upwards.
88. One view of the art market is that it is like a staircase with several landings.
89. She now hurried round the corner and into the yard and there she knocked on the back staircase door.
90. Ruth's legs were soon aching with climbing steps, only to turn and descend another staircase in the opposite direction.
91. She led her up a stone staircase into a small room where Brownies were sitting on wooden toadstools.
92. Standing on top of the wooden staircase she hurled herself to the ground, landing in a heap at the bottom.
93. The trial judge held that the brewery, through their employee, Taffe, were the occupiers of the staircase.
94. The door of the solar closed behind them; their feet felt a way silently down the staircase.
95. There was no staircase to it, but Jack found a way.
96. The man turns and trots away from me up the right-hand staircase from the mezzanine to the station platform.
97. The instructions had to be carefully studied, the little staircase sandpapered down and fitted into place.
98. A great staircase is then lowered from the back of the stage.
99. A massive walk-in metal safe was built into a space near the main staircase.
100. And the kiosk, with its staircase leading down to the sewers, was actually located at Karlsplatz.
101. The store is housed in a gabled two-story Tudor Revival building with a magnificent split staircase to the second level.
102. Inside the doorway, a spiral stone staircase climbed, within the thickness of the massive walls.
103. Thereafter, if I passed him in the corridor or on the staircase, those eyes registered no recognition.
104. I put the list away in my file, lock the room and carefully pick my way down the little staircase.
105. I descend the narrow, creaky staircase and notice another public-service-law-oriented program on the lower floors.
106. I climbed a narrow staircase leading to the first floor balcony.
107. He walked down the staircase, his shoulders bowed as if by a great weight, and Kate saw him pull himself erect.
108. Inside, high ceilings, plaster cornices, marble fireplaces and a pine staircase contribute to its air of grandeur.
109. Two steps, and the staircase seemed to melt like jelly; she had to grip the banister with both hands.
110. A fine oak staircase with barley sugar bannisters leads out of the stone flagged hall and the south-east facing sitting-room is panelled.
111. They filled it with period furniture and even had an antique staircase installed.
112. There was the main staircase she had climbed with Clive a while - how long? - ago.
113. As I came down the main staircase in Hovde House, they emerged into the hall below.
114. A narrow spiral staircase leads up from chamber 2b to 2c; characters must ascend in single file.
114. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
115. Her frozen limbs were dragged up an impressively wide staircase and then along a hallway.
116. The seating areas are constructed on two levels linked by a spiral staircase.
117. Picking up his suitcase he headed towards the back staircase.
118. The law courts, with their outside staircase, are also impressive.
119. Find out where you lived and climb your staircase, touch the walls you touched, imagine you?
120. The nave is barrel vaulted and on its north side a staircase leads to the upper storey which has a round gallery.
121. She walked down a stone staircase to a basement where you could hang your coat.
122. It led to a five-foot-wide walnut staircase that swept up in a sumptuous curve to the floor above.
123. When he had finished his tea, he slowly climbed the staircase.
124. The main staircase must be near, somewhere in the centre of the house.
125. Each pair of houses shared a front door, staircase and a passageway which led to the small rear yard.
126. Money in the drapes, and in the pottery that had a shelf to itself by the wide, dark wood staircase.
127. The light above her was remote and useless, blocked off by the triangular edges of the staircase.
128. I had to go up this wide, curving staircase and along about three miles of landing to get to my room.
129. Bianca walked regally across the hall and ascended the marble staircase.
130. To find out what, one of us would have to slink down that narrow iron spiral staircase in the dark.
131. Baptiste was standing on the bottom step of the wooden staircase, affecting surprise at the sight of her.
132. The balcony is accessed by a spiral staircase from the bar.
133. She went through the hall to the ante-room below the great upward-plunging staircase.
134. You reach the apartment by going up an outside staircase at the back of the building.
135. There had once been an outside staircase leading up to the flat roof but that, too, had collapsed.
136. Holly was inspecting the wooden dowel on the staircase with the intensity of an archaeologist with a shard.
137. At the top an arched door opened into a grand marble hall with an elegant horseshoe staircase.
138. It began as a rough-hewn two-room house whose top floor could be reached only by an outdoor staircase.
139. He lurched forward and groped his way up the staircase, gasping and retching in the stale air.
140. Lightning flickered in the ragged aperture where the ground-floor staircase door had been.
141. Features clearly cast in Harvey's foundry include the iron balustrade over the porch and the balusters of the main staircase.
142. Chewing on her lower lip, she trundled after him along a flagged passageway and up an ornate wooden staircase.
143. To their left, the finely wrought balustrade of a stone cantilevered staircase rose like a border of black lace.
144. They walked up a grand staircase, first the minder, then Sylvie,[] then Alexei.
145. A roof garden looking out at the Hollywood Hills is on the third level, accessible by staircase from the second floor.
146. Down below on the staircase, the thing that had been Farley Peters was trying to crawl up the steps towards him.
147. Ranulf scooped his dice into his leather wallet and they went down the spiral wooden staircase and into the hall.
148. Mr Stone, when leaving the premises by a narrow, unlit staircase at approximately 1.00a.m. fell and was killed.
149. Flanked by the two men, they walked down a wide marble staircase, and out into the brilliant sunshine.
150. On the staircase, Ried's hand can be seen again in the rib vaulting of c.1500.
151. Once inside the gallery, we walked to the top of a small staircase and gasped out loud.
152. The staircase and walls are of white marble, with the addition of lapis lazuli for the geometrical floor pattern.
153. At the bottom, the spiral staircase descends directly into area 70.
154. The staircase gleamed, and the banisters and railings all around the gallery gave off the same sheen.
155. Elizabeth left me and I searched every corner of the hotel - every dark doorway and staircase.
156. The little room could be entered from the living room and from the staircase outside their flat.
157. She shook herself slightly and took a final look down the proud granite staircase towards the traffic.
158. Ahead was a short marble staircase, leading to what appeared to be a lecture-room on the next floor.
159. But then they began to climb up a narrow, spiral staircase, and she saw no more.
160. His hostess was beginning to wilt as she greeted the guests who, by now, were queuing half-way up the grand staircase.
161. She herself would use the back staircase as the entrance to her flat, approaching it from the courtyard.
162. They'd there's a little back staircase that goes down to the kitchens - sorry, lad, galley!
163. Falling asleep is like descending a staircase, with each stage of sleep becoming deeper than the previous one.
164. Adam didn't move until he was sure he could no longer hear her penetrating voice echoing on the staircase.
165. He braced his hand on the staircase rail at his left and looked around him into the shadows.
166. She did look beautiful as she made her entrance down the main staircase.
167. They were standing on the main staircase, two flights up from the party room.
168. The carved chestnut central staircase is a showpiece, and the mahogany paneling gleams in the spacious living room and dining room.
169. A bare wood staircase led up to the first floor, which comprised a bathroom and two bedrooms.
170. A marble staircase leads to wide corridors of bedrooms, which are comfortably furnished and equipped with modern bathrooms.
171. I use the left-hand staircase to climb up to the flat.
172. Brass rods, tethering the red carpet to the flights of the staircase, were importances she never saw neglected.
173. He winced in pain as he climbed down the staircase leading on to the tarmac, where an airline bus awaited him.
174. She dried herself, wrapped the soft,[http:///staircase.html] fragrant robe around her slim body and cautiously descended the staircase.
175. She pulled herself back up the spiral staircase and made for the bathroom.
176. They clambered up the rickety wooden outside staircase to Louis's workshop in what had been the grooms' quarters.
177. He went quickly up the metal staircase, leaving Amanda entangled with a group below.
178. The study doors are those that face one as one comes down the great staircase.
179. They sat silently and listened to her footsteps fading away down the staircase.
180. The steps approached without haste the bottom of the staircase, and began to climb.
181. After the appropriate phone call, I am ask d to walk down an oak spiral staircase one floor.
182. Her inspection of the bedroom finished, she walked down the staircase into the coolness of the stone-flagged hallway.
183. Along the staircase of the Legislative Council building are old paintings of water buffalo and bamboo paddies.
184. He scampered up the outer staircase and disappeared into the hall.
185. At seven-thirty Paige descended the grand sweeping staircase to the hall.
186. William blushed a bit, so I turned his shoulders toward the staircase and herded us all in that direction.
187. A china light-switch, finger-flicked, showed her a narrow wooden staircase.
188. The guards were above us and we always had good warning of their approach down the little staircase to the iron door.
189. Wall sconces providing a dim light, they climbed the staircase in silence.
190. Inside, they quietly ascended the huge curved staircase which led to their bedrooms on the upper floor.
191. The foyer and staircase are hung with Mondrian-inspired abstract paintings.
192. The need to incorporate a staircase prevented perfect symmetry.
193. The wicket opened on a stone staircase, leading upward.
194. Lydia turned and ran, choking, toward the staircase.
195. On the staircase he met Signor Pastrini.
196. Where are the emergency exit and staircase?
197. A prelude phase-locked staircase to type V intermittency in a model of a electronic relaxation oscillator is reported.
198. A classic example of this is the moving staircase to Dumbledore's office.
199. A spiral exterior staircase extends up the tower to the platform where the "muezzin" called the people to prayer.
200. Next to the building entrance, a staircase rises to the seating area above.
201. Known for opulence,the MSC Fantasia boasts the exclusive MSC yacht club featuring a staircase of Swarovski crystals as well as a private lounge with transparent ceilings.
202. Twenty-four people were injured at 8:50 am Tuesday when the moving staircase at Guomao Subway Station in Shenzhen suddenly ran in the opposition direction at a higher speed, Xinhua reported.
203. Now he made himself believe he was racing down an endless staircase.
204. The result is the staircase pattern shown in Fig 6 - 22.
204. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
205. America'sFirst Lady stood on the sweeping staircase of the White House.
206. Foreign Collections Room is located on the second floor. Get upstairs by the western staircase, turn right and walk for about 20 meters. Then you will find it.
207. A 28-meter staircase leads up to where the eight-bell carillon tops the tower.
208. She ran for the staircase and down the steps, taking them two at a time.
209. There is a white - spindled staircase leading to the pulpit.
210. The majestic staircase is also made of marble, set with elaborate mosaics of glass, stone, and mother-of-pearl.
211. Image above: The focal point of the cottage is the cast-iron spiral staircase, which we commissioned.
212. ' My love, the staircase is as still as Death.'.
213. Staircase stubble shall be reserved, if necessary, for bricklaying break or rework.
214. Charles looked round him at the dingy smoke - discoloured walls, the wormeaten staircase.
215. I crossed the staircase landing, and entered the room she indicated.
216. Kurt popped up with his assault rifle and opened fire. Ash and Olivia were at his side, MA5Ks spitting rounds down the staircase.
217. To get your heart rate up, go to your staircase.sentence dictionary
218. Charles looked round him at the dingy smoke - discolored walls, the worm - eaten staircase.
219. End product staircase, staircase column, stainless steel guard rail, staircase fitting, stair rails, front door handle and hardware fitting.
220. To encourage people to use the stairs, they set up a subway staircase to look — and sound — like a piano keyboard.
221. When we take a trip, we get to the top of mountain by cable car. When we arrive at the hotel, we get to our room by elevator or moving staircase .
222. A light step on an adjoining staircase arrested my attention.
223. To the right of the entranceway is a big medium colored wood spiral staircase with matching steps and sides going up to the restaurant area, with wine bottles stored in the sides of the staircase.
224. Our products include courtyard gate guardrail and shutter, staircase armrest, furnishings and etc.
225. One of the vertical supports of a handrail on a staircase.




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