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单词 Soul-destroying
1. Repetitive work can become soul-destroying after a while.
2. Most people are unaware of the back-breaking, soul-destroying labor required in past centuries.
3. It was soul-destroying to him but it gave him money for his wife and child.
4. Nothing is more soul-destroying than being completely dependent on another person.
5. A soul-destroying activity and one calculated to make any cat lower its personal standards.
6. It is tough but not as soul-destroying as is sometimes presented in more melodramatic stories.
7. For at least some of those with soul-destroying morning commutes, liberation may indeed be at hand.
8. Believing yourself to be in the wrong job can be soul-destroying.
9. Going to the unemployment office and having to wait there for hours is a soul-destroying experience.
10. They spend all day sticking paper labels on toy cars - it's soul-destroying.
11. He could remember every dismal dreary moment of it, with soul-destroying clarity.
12. And he found himself trying to suppress a bitterness that was soul-destroying.
13. In general,(/soul-destroying.html) headwinds are the hardest thing to deal with – they're so soul-destroying.
14. He knew what it meant to be one of the disinherited, to be chained to the deadening routine of the machine and to soul-destroying labor for an insufficient reward.
15. He knew what it mean to be one of the disinherited, to be chained to the deadening routine of the machine and to soul-destroying labor for an insufficient reward.




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