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单词 Invest in
1 He doesn't invest in the arms industry on principle.
2 I have decided to invest in a new car.
3 Now is a good time to invest in the property market.
4 It's very short-sighted of the government not to invest in technological research.
5 They had the foresight to invest in new technology.
6 I decided to invest in some government bonds.
7 People rushed like lemmings to invest in the company.
8 The company wants to invest in new distribution facilities.
9 The factory plans to invest in new computers.
10 It pays to invest in protective clothing.
11 We've decided it's time to invest in a new computer.
12 If you don't invest in these shares, you're saying no to a fortune.
13 They would have to offer cast-iron guarantees to invest in long-term projects.
14 He's not certain whether to invest in the property market.
15 She decided to invest in her future by taking a management course.
16 The company lacks sufficient money to invest in new products.
17 We won't invest in any company that pollutes the environment.
18 The school is appealing for funds to invest in new equipment.
19 We have to invest in new technology if we are to remain competitive.
20 I told Norman I would invest in his venture as long as he agreed to one proviso.
21 Why don't you invest in a phone call to find it out?
22 If you don't invest in this, you're saying no to a potential fortune.
23 Frankly speaking, I don't think it any good to invest in real estate.
24 People put up their homes as collateral in order to raise the money to invest in the scheme.
25 Thousands of pensioners were persuaded to mortgage their homes to invest in speculative bonds.
26 The Opposition is making a lot of political capital out of the Government's failure to invest in education.
27 She wanted to set up her own company to invest in films.
28 These political tensions explain the reluctance of financiers to invest in the region.
29 The company has not kept faith with its promise to invest in training.
30 The law clearly recognizes that a company is separate from those who invest in it.
1 He doesn't invest in the arms industry on principle.
2 I have decided to invest in a new car.
3 Frankly speaking, I don't think it any good to invest in real estate.
4 People put up their homes as collateral in order to raise the money to invest in the scheme.
5 Now is a good time to invest in the property market.
6 It's very short-sighted of the government not to invest in technological research.
7 The company lacks sufficient money to invest in new products.
8 These political tensions explain the reluctance of financiers to invest in the region.
31 The easiest way to make ice cream yourself is to invest in an ice cream machine.
32 We must invest in the fabric of our hospitals and start rebuilding them.
33 We're going to have to stop living in the past and invest in new technology if the firm is to survive.
34 The industry has failed to invest in new product development.
35 Education is the best way for a nation to invest in the future.
36 It is foolish not to invest in stocks, so I will show her how to be bearish without them too, if she chooses.
37 They offer every inducement to foreign businesses to invest in their states.
37 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
38 Perhaps they all wanted to invest in commercial property.
39 He really wanted to invest in the stock market.
40 Companies must look forward and invest in new technologies.
41 Shows you can invest in. Bank on.
42 Invest in yourself; take courses to help your career.
43 The government should invest in these industries rather than propping up increasingly fickle, unsustainable industries at times of crisis.
44 Third party test facilities are another option for manufacturers which do not want to invest in their own facilities.
45 They contract with hospitals to buy services on behalf of patients and can use any surpluses to invest in the practice.
46 A rise in wage levels, Barton argued, encouraged employers to invest in labour-saving technology.
47 I hope that all hon. Members representing Northern Ireland will take the opportunity to invest in the economic future of the Province.
48 Richard thought I should invest in indirect lighting, maybe paint the walls peach, make it a little cozier.
49 Individuals could invest in stocks and bonds themselves, creating their own retirement nest eggs.
50 A few years ago I wanted to invest in a new spindle moulder.
51 Furthermore, they may be reluctant to invest in expensive post-registration education funding.
52 Now is a good time to invest in mutual funds because the long-term paybacks are potentially large.
53 It stretches your resources and endangers your ability to continue and to invest in new opportunities for your business.
54 Do I want partners to invest in my idea? How long before I can earn the money back?
55 Most people who invest in PEPs prefer to have their income reinvested to boost the value of their investment.
56 I sold shares and got a bunch of different people to invest in it.
57 You invest in the equity market to provide yourself with a stream of future dividends which will hopefully outpace inflation.
58 He saved enough to invest in an already up-and-coming business.
59 You may simply wish to borrow from a lender who does not invest in industries that exploit people or animals.
60 Invest in good-quality furniture and you can turn it into a luxurious haven that will look good for years to come.
61 Rather than expending vast sums on political posturing, we may in-stead choose to invest in potentially profitable space enterprises.
62 Under conditions of hyper-inflation no factory manager has either capital or financial stability to invest in any kind of serious modernisation.
63 This new and expanded role for employees will exert enormous pressures on employees and companies alike to invest in education and retraining.
64 Not only has this industry failed to invest in new-product development in the past, it has had to adopt electronics too.
65 Investment in canals had brought prosperity for many shareholders and there was similar enthusiasm to invest in the railways.
66 Either way, it looks like women will be as eager as men to invest in a tux for Christmas.
67 Invest in a stock mutual fund. Buy a short-term bond fund.
68 We will require the gas and electricity companies to invest in insulation and other energy-saving measures.
69 To invest in local funds they must have a local partner with at least a 30 percent share.
70 They invest in the preparation of the site and enter into a contractual agreement to grow free range chickens for.
71 Make sure you invest in firms with solid track records.
72 However, there are also positive grounds for governments to invest in education and training for independence and employment.
73 In turn, government should provide industry with incentives to invest in innovation.
74 Also, will more efficient personal transportation detract from incentives to invest in mass transit?
75 Many of the world's poorer countries are now beginning to invest in nuclear weaponry.
76 Foreign manufacturers have preferred to invest in states where the work force is more skilled and the infrastructure is better.
77 The company also plans to invest in some of its remaining 11 refineries to make them more efficient.
78 It says, in effect, that people who invest in children will be making gifts to the system.
79 Better still, avoid paper altogether where possible; buy loose tea, and invest in a coffee percolator.
80 Breweries, bakeries and many other businesses will be forced to invest in new, cleaner machinery.
81 Consultancies have been slow to invest in the available new technology for the efficient detailing of their everyday work.
82 Landed proprietors generally did not much invest in the funds, although some individual peers had substantial holdings.
83 Within a few years, feds also will be able to invest in a small-cap and an international stock index fund.
84 Most City firms rent their office space from the big institutions that invest in commercial developments.
85 How should the small investor begin to invest in the stock market?
86 They can provide extension services for farmers and invest in industries to process agricultural products.
87 You have to have a strong stomach to invest in today's bond market.
88 What we invest in is always of great interest to such countries.
89 The Christmas cake is usually the centrepiece, so invest in a cake turntable for easy icing.
90 The Government will continue to invest in a strong infrastructure, and boost technology expertise in the regions.
91 This does not mean, however, that one should invest in that declining industry beyond the level justified by short-run returns.
92 They have also failed to invest in research on better feedstuffs.
93 On this basis it makes more sense for an investor to invest in promise than in reality.
94 Equally, legitimizing insider dealing could encourage managers to invest in risky projects.
95 We continue to invest in the future to make sure we continue to prosper.
96 You can solve that problem by increasing the number of stocks you invest in and decreasing the amount per stock.
97 Remember that little interior voice that kept nagging you to invest in tripe futures -- right before menudo became haute cuisine?
98 And then when the graduates from that process come up with the goods(/invest in.html), invest in their innovative ideas.
99 The government made PEPs tax-free to encourage people to invest in shares.
100 His first collaboration began when he was invited to invest in an upmarket Roux Brothers establishment.
101 A recent objection came from a client who did not want to invest in a company that gave political donations.
102 And finally the Soft Sell - it will always be worth your while to invest in a stout umbrella!
103 The best way to invest in a portfolio of international bonds is through a managed fund, such as a unit trust.
104 Really sophisticated users may like to invest in the ultimate communications link between the two systems, a local area network.
105 Other stockholders, including those that may invest in your pension fund, also fared well in the buyout.
106 Britain's people: healthier, safer and better housed Liberal Democrats will invest in local services to enable communities to thrive.
107 If the registry manager wants to invest in new equipment or more clerks, he has to convince the legislature.
108 We will encourage school to invest in sports facilities and open them up the local community.
109 A fifth of Britain's sewage works contravene state standards on effluents because the owners refuse to invest in them.
110 Presumably, they picked the fund because it invested in what they wanted to invest in.
111 It says young people are the future and unless we invest in them, that future looks bleak.
112 The programme will oblige us to invest in higher bandwidth communication equipment for data exchange between institutions.
113 The situation could be particularly acute for basic rate taxpayers who invest in PEPs.
114 Most people do not drink enough plain water - so invest in a water filter to try mineral waters.
115 The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes. If you foolishly ignore beauty, you will soon find yourself without it. Your life will be impoverished. But if you invest in beauty, it will remain with you all the days of your life. Frank Lloyd Wright 
116 Some residents may be employees of the government or invest in its securities.
117 For those who are waiting for the most opportune time to invest in a home, this is an excellent time to do that.
118 Commercial banks, on the other hand, normally prefer to invest in short-term loans.
119 Associates introduced a new fund to invest in technology stocks amid sneers and snickers from analysts and rival fund groups.
120 The new fund will be more diverse than the Passport fund, since it will invest in both large and smaller companies.
121 For this reason, learning organisations invest in creating face-to-face opportunities for learning and knowledge sharing as as well as information technologies.
122 At the time of its flotation I had an argument with some one who was planning to invest in it.
123 The effects of the U. S. market decline were felt most yesterday by mutual funds that invest in technology stocks.
124 Throughout the year, the Group continued to invest in maintaining and enhancing the value of its tree existing core brands.
125 Matching this positive development on the sales side, Lyle continue to invest in quality.
126 Those who have made money have the money and contacts to invest in the new opportunities to make more money.
127 Experts' advice Investment: Build up a cash reserve and then use both Isa allowances to invest in equities.
128 You do not invest in the equity market to make capital gains!
129 Inner-city degradation requires the responsible confidence of local business to plan and invest in schemes of regeneration.
130 If neither solution is practical, try burning a joss-stick or invest in a large aerosol spray.
131 The whole consumer and retailing area can be a very exciting area to invest in.
132 The government would likely use the funds to invest in projects that generate foreign exchange, Ross said.
133 To stay at the forefront, however, it is now necessary to invest in corporate research.
134 My financial advisor suggested we invest in convertible preferred stock.
135 Activist want the government to invest in low-impact eco-tourist facilities.
136 Rather, it would intervene where needed and invest in research and development and training, he said.
137 To invest in a balanced portfolio of assets with the requirement to maintain total shareholder returns.
138 Your accountant can be a perfect excuse for you not to invest in your friends' financially uncertain ventures.
139 We should invest in the technology needed to make these images accessible and usable. 7.
140 We will encourage industry to invest in innovation and to improve the provision of seedcorn capital.
141 We encourage people to invest in Lesotho.
142 Invest in a telephone headset for your office phone.
143 Invest in the continuing education of your employees.
144 Invest in household industry and then clothing industry.
145 You might lose money to invest in the project.
146 Don't invest in a quant fund.
147 With so many deals on short sales and foreclosures, and with great negotiating position on cash offers, they fell that now is a good time to invest in real estate.
148 It isn't clear whether sophisticated investors would want to invest in TARP recipients at any price.
149 Instead of spending money on personal things, invest in professional things that make you smarter, skilled and more self-aware.
150 The lower house of Russia's parliament, the Duma, passed legislation Friday limiting the ability of foreigners to invest in industrial sectors considered as strategic.
151 Frozen plant of company many invest in, attract consignor thick as hail.
152 You said you wanted to use the fund to invest in China, the expansion of business, the Chinese government has to invest in abroad are welcome.
153 Jiang said that China supports the government of DRC's efforts towards economic reconstruction and will encourage reputable Chinese businesses to invest in the DRC.
154 You may need to invest in new tools to automate as much as possible your compliancy efforts.
155 Ross Klein, a cruise-industry analyst, says that cruise lines' decision to invest in colossal ships may help them diversify their customer base without losing elderly customers.
156 Long-term securities affect rates on home mortgages and other loans. Lower rates on corporate bonds could lead businesses to invest in more equipment and jobs.
157 Invest in a pair of nose hairs trimmers or tweezers and make sure you always keep those puppies where they should be-in your nose!
157 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
158 I need not have to run around to collect rents from tenants just because I like to invest in properties. I can simply invest in companies that have proven moneymaking people.
159 You need to invest in building a compliancy culture within your organization.
160 Why do small investors struggle to find a few dollars here and there in order to invest in some possibly risky venture?
161 God reminded us to invest in His Kingdom and not hoard up wealth on earth.
162 The Bahamas, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Netherlands Antilles and Panama, and British Virgin Islands all function as offshore financial centers. Of course, they invest in Treasury Securities as well.
163 Don't invest in unnecessary bells and whistles such as expensive office furniture.
164 They usually have business experience and are often prepared to invest in a risky venture.
165 People are having sexual relations from early ages on up to those who invest in medical aids to keep it going well into their golden years.
166 For example, the company has developed more than 70 Islamic indexes to help individuals invest in accord with Islam's Shariah laws.
167 A fringe benefit of advising on buy - outs is the invitation to invest in them.
168 Large organizations have dedicated IT staff and can afford to invest in custom-built software.
169 Macket owners and the leaseholder should allot these regulation:Anyone can't break the rules if he wants to work or invest in retailing markets.
170 A lean company will have more resources to invest in top line growth.
171 Voluntary schemes urging firms, intent on maintaining wafer-thin cost advantages in the Pearl River Delta, to invest in costly green technologies haven't proven popular so far.
172 First, since it is hard to spot an absolute bottom, you should use 'dollar-cost averaging' to invest in broad-based , inexpensive index funds.
173 But again, I caution you to first invest in your financial education before you invest with debt.
174 It is thought that the primary request may be for China to invest in a special purpose vehicle for distressed debt.
175 Officials in cities and provinces have created hundreds of municipally backed funds to invest in promising ventures.
176 She decided to invest in a new shirt as a birthday gift for her brother.
177 Not long ago, our country began to invest in some American financial investment institution.
178 That's why the private sector under-invests in basic science — and why the public sector must invest in this kind of research.
179 But after almost a decade of high oil prices - until last summer - Russia has done little to invest in infrastructure, or to help its backward, poverty-stricken regions.
180 II. A fund may actively invest in the equity shares as issued in the share-trading reform.
181 You can invest in a unit investment trust for as little as $ 1000.
182 If you do like to use 140 CCPM swash plate setting but do not want to invest in a new radio, you can use a 120 degree CCPM setting combined with an elevator-to-pitch mix of approximately 35%.
183 Even so, they continued to invest in Latin America, albeit at a frenetic pace.
184 The authorities are also trying to make e-bikes themselves greener: manufacturers are being compelled to invest in lighter materials and to replace lead-acid batteries with lithium ones.
185 Partners invest in every transaction, aligning their objectives with their clients'goals.
186 The head of China's flagship sovereign wealth fund is looking to invest in Europe after expressing relief that snubs from the continent saved Beijing from embarrassing investment losses last year.
187 The company has decided to earmark a portion of this year's profits to invest in securities.
188 Ugandan president vows to invest in long - term goals to benefit future generations with prospective oil wealth.
189 "There is no doubt that the American families are having difficulty, wanting to invest in big-ticket home items during this economic situation()," J.C. Penney's CEO Myron Ullman said.
190 Slim down the toiletry case: Invest in smaller bottles and use the bathroom supplies, such as shampoo, soap, mouthwash, hair dryer etc., provided by the hotel to keep your toiletry case light.
191 U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson then "reluctantly" called Buffett at Fuld's behest and signalled he would like the billionaire to invest in Lehman, but "did not load the dice."
192 Shares of mainland Chinese firms climbed even higher amid talk of heavy buying by institutions in China able to invest in Hong Kong.
193 Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson then "reluctantly" called Buffett at Fuld's behest and signaled he would like the billionaire to invest in Lehman, but "did not load the dice."
194 Well - known educators from Taiwan,[] industrialist Dr. Wang Naichang invest in the construction.
195 But if we are going to achieve universal access, we will need to invest in applied research and move new products and approaches quickly into the field.
196 China's export of its surplus capital is both unavoidable – because it is diversifying from its US holdings to invest in Japan and Europe – and welcome.
197 Invest in plastic moulding equipment, hire the appropriate expertise and integrate plastic container production, with the TT filling line effectively becoming a container maker.
198 He got a job in New York as a fixed-income trader in 2000, and later raised money to invest in new markets and help develop avenues for investments.
199 In 1978, Hillary and I, along with Jim and Susan McDougal, took out bank loans of more than $200, 000 to invest in land along the White River in northwest Arkansas.
200 The opportunity cost of the decision to invest in stock is the value of the interest.
201 In the master bedroom, invest in extra fluffy bedding complete with a hotel - style bed tray.
202 I'll invest in that company I don't want to miss the boat.
203 It may be difficult to believe but speculators are shrugging off the bleak outlook for the housing market by continuing to invest in new-build developments in the hope of turning a quick profit.




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