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单词 Self-immolation
1. The play is more an act of self-immolation masquerading as rational justification.
2. Tuesday's self-immolation is the third in four days.
3. His partner, reportedly hounded by the police, attempted self-immolation.
4. He chose to protest by way of self-immolation.
5. Monday's self-immolation is the second in three days.
6. Many women resort to suicide, some by self-immolation, to escape their misery, according to Afghan and international human rights advocates.
7. Legends of people of committing the act of self-immolation date back centuries.
8. While Thich Quang Duc's self-immolation has received little attention from religious scholars, it has been interpreted from both a religious and political perspective.
9. This self-image explains in part why Bouazizi's self-immolation after the police confiscated his vending cart proved such a galvanizing event.
10. The Cheng Nan-jung self-immolation incident is a watershed in Taiwan's political movement.
11. He designed her self-immolation of death of letting nature take its course, the old things must be dead, let alone such a poisonous woman.
12. Therefore, his self-immolation is seen as a "religious suicide" and is religiously justified based on Chinese Buddhist texts written between the fifth and tenth centuries C.E.
13. After a Tunisian vendor was banned by local police, he could not stand it and resorted to self-immolation.
14. London Mayor Ken Livingstone thinks Iraq is driving "disaffected young Muslims" to murderous self-immolation, in apparent ignorance or disregard that three of the suspects are medical doctors.
15. The odd dynamic suggests that though investors are alarmed by America's flirtation with fiscal self-immolation, they're not really sure what else to do with their money.
16. Sidi Bouzid, a small town in Tunisia's unloved interior, is proud of its revolutionary son, whose self-immolation sparked the uprising that brought down the regime of Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali.
17. He was driven out of the country by the cumulative pressure of a month of protests, sparked by a young man's economic despair and subsequent self-immolation.
18. If that fails, he adds, civil-society groups, courts and the police force should be utilized before resorting to something as drastic as self-immolation.
19. In Majrouh's time the two methods of suicide were poison and drowning. Now they are poison and self-immolation.
20. The recent revolutions, it should be recalled, started with the self-immolation of a Tunisian fruit vendor, who was harassed and insulted by the authorities.




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