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单词 Interpreting
1. The girl is interpreting for foreign visitors.
2. Some degree of latitude is required in interpreting the law on this point.
3. Translation and Interpreting 3. Cultural and orientation briefings 4.
4. Children learn to read by interpreting visual symbols.
5. Historians are skilled in collecting facts and interpreting them.
6. Alexander had a knack for interpreting events around him.
7. A guide to interpreting discordant systematic reviews.
8. It is also important for balance when interpreting laws.
9. However, interpreting their actions nowadays suggests to us that this is not altogether true.
10. A distance scale is needed in interpreting the coordinates and this is what the metric equation provides.
11. Interpreting the stories depends on the reader's own cast of mind.
12. But parents also have to be smart about interpreting, and acting on, the new findings.
13. That apparently has resulted in lobbyists interpreting the rules on their own.
14. In interpreting data, then, the gradual changes in the social framework at Oxford United have been taken into account.
15. Souquet etal also emphasised the difficulty in interpreting parietal thickening in patients evaluated after radiation therapy.
16. Only a skilled interpreter with teaching skills can teach interpreting. It is horses for courses.
17. With most of Dylan's lyrics, however, there are other ways of interpreting the words.
18. Is the only explanation to be found in the liberal application of intention in interpreting trusts?
19. Discussion Meta-analysis increases the statistical power of tests but does not eliminate causes of bias and difficulties in interpreting the results.
20. Finally, for Megill, the artist-philosophers are more concerned with interpreting reality as an aesthetic phenomenon than with traditional truth-telling.
21. The physicists lived for the emulsion trails and double checked to see if they were interpreting them correctly.
22. That, however, though serious, is not the most difficult task to be faced in interpreting these issues.
23. The central set of skills which are needed are interpreting, translation and the complementary skills for service providers.
24. Process control has reams of output data that need organizing and interpreting.
25. Horton refused to speculate, and so his dancers were forced to follow their own hunches in interpreting the characters.
26. These are the main cases in which an explicit reference is made to the importance of intention in interpreting trusts.
27. Confusion between the sources of faunal diversity could easily lead to mistakes in interpreting its meaning.
28. This would count as a very serious mistake in spoken language interpreting.
29. A topic has to be definite because of its function of setting the framework for interpreting the sentence as a whole.
30. However, it is very likely that articulating a second language interferes with the processing of the first during simultaneous interpreting.
1. The girl is interpreting for foreign visitors.
31. I am now going to offer you five ways of interpreting the cross.
32. He thereby pays less attention than he might to interpreting the science of art as a cultural phenomenon.
33. The experiment illustrates how careful you have to be when interpreting results.
34. Interpreting is limited to the oral skills and implies that the translation is being done by a professional linguist.
35. In interpreting statutes, additional words should not be implied or introduced when the plain and natural meaning is clear.
36. In the latter case the hardware may provide some assistance in interpreting the extracode.
37. Some specialize in forensic accounting investigating and interpreting bankruptcies and other complex financial transactions.
38. The conceptual problem is that of interpreting the effects of localized stimulation in a system that probably deals with patterns of input.
39. The administrators are also responsible for interpreting and applying many public policies that set guidelines for the behavior of individuals or groups.
40. A number of authoritative scholars seriously question the propriety of interpreting prehistoric remains by reference to the customs of modern primitive peoples.
41. And it does so in syntax which calls for quite a feat of structuring and interpreting.
42. Interpreting the new rules could prove a very difficult task in a political culture where the limits of secrecy are never defined.
43. The difficulties of interpreting the law are shown by a number of cases that have arisen.
44. The long-wave framework, therefore, has considerable appeal for interpreting modern structural change.
45. Volatile and unpredictable exchange rates result in difficulties in interpreting the market's signals.
46. Hydrogeochemical maps are being developed as an aid to interpreting environmental problems such as acidification and agricultural and mining pollution.
47. The briefing sheet also provides help in interpreting the data.
48. However, even when this is achieved(), there may still be problems in interpreting what this information means.
49. This experiment showed how important learning can be in interpreting a signal.
50. The problems of interpreting perinatal mortality rates have been described by Campbell and MacDonald Davies and Tew.
51. There are two main ways of interpreting them and these will be discussed below.
52. The problems they encounter in creating and interpreting them are as sophisticated and as complex as they come.
53. The rules do not prevent the use of extrinsic evidence in interpreting genuine ambiguities in the words of the contract.
54. An option in one language includes an introduction to specialist translation, machine translation techniques and interpreting.
55. The model may be the context for interpreting the clause,(/interpreting.html) but the interpretation need not be a full one.
56. This would involve interpreting loss in terms other than pecuniary, for example, in terms of loss of reputation or market standing.
57. There must always be a danger in interpreting an ambiguous text.
58. Several potential limitations should be considered in interpreting the results of this study.
59. Although so far no one has succeeded in interpreting the Etruscan language we can fully appreciate their sculpture, painting and craftsmanship.
60. The press was at first unhelpful in either explaining or interpreting the events.
61. Although calibration complicates the process of interpreting the radiocarbon results, it is essential.
62. Since these behavioural data are so crucial to interpreting the physiological findings they will repay careful scrutiny.
63. But there are two ways of interpreting the high level of agreements being reached between farmer and park authority.
64. One can see that the task of interpreting will share similarities in its processes nomatterwhich languages are being used.
65. A social worker is interpreting the proceedings for Mr Robson, a carpenter, who has speech difficulties.
66. The court in interpreting the clause, leans against the seller.
67. We accept our responsibility not to retreat from interpreting the full meaning of the covenant in light of all of our precedents.
68. You have little chance of consistently interpreting information in a superior way.
69. In such circumstances one would have to be very careful about interpreting the results of Turing tests.
70. These include classifying, observing, predicting, inferring, hypothesizing, interpreting data, and measuring.
71. In interpreting the clause, their lordships observed that this was a limitation of liability clause and not a complete exclusion clause.
72. His parents welcomed him, assuming he was back for an indefinite stay and perhaps interpreting this as a change of heart.
73. The skills pupils need are the strategies of problem solving; interpreting mathematical forms and statements; representing situations mathematically.
74. There is, of course, always the problem in economic analysis of interpreting the dynamic relationships between factors of production.
75. The counsellor is helped in interpreting this complex situation by the generality of family behaviour.
76. This should be kept in mind in interpreting the results.
77. Interpreting services shall always be competent(), impartial and professional.
78. People have an instinct for interpreting non-verbal communication.
79. Decoding: The computer process of interpreting instruction code.
80. Have you got to do any interpreting next week?
81. The drawing procedure is reviewed before interpreting this figure.
82. Historians find difficulties in interpreting certain records.
83. Our tools for measuring and interpreting information are inaccurate.
84. To practice interpreting for product promotion.
85. Conventional sequence stratigraphy interpreting methods are only using convention seismic and well - logging data.
85. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
86. Come on, Brother Busby, are you objectively interpreting your data here or merely preaching to us?
87. Fish, Stanley. "Literature in the Reader" pp. 22-37, and "Interpreting the Variorum" pp. 148-173. In Is There a Text in This Class?
88. Your radiologist attends the fair to assist in interpreting these screening tests.
89. They used eye movement trackers to monitor where the participants were looking when interpreting the expression _ rS.
90. GIS has the strong capability of processing mega-data, and RS can acquire the ground image information quickly, and interpreting the RS image helps to derive the information of urban biotope.
91. As a subdiscipline of anthropology, visual anthropology has the function of interpreting the cultural phenomenon with the audio-visual language.
92. Piggy knelt by him, one hand on the great shell, listening and interpreting to the assembly.
93. Article 22: The Ministry of Commerce is in charge of interpreting these Procedures.
94. Press conference is a special activity type. This paper tries to explain and verify the interpreting force of activity type theory toward Chinese text.
95. It is an alternative to the commonly-used " reductionist " method of interpreting artistic phenomena and artistic ecology.
96. Typically, this means only interpreting the Layer 3 and Layer 4 IP headers, comparing these to the internal rules set and the current connection table, and deciding whether the traffic is allowed.
97. Based on the experiences and practices, an anonymous author wrote a book for interpreting dreams and predicting the auspiciousness and inauspiciousness, which was named Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams.
98. An administrative act applying or interpreting articles of canon law.
99. The selected pictures induct the audience to understanding and interpreting news from particular perspectives.
100. In this paper, the interpreter system of the Soft-PLC is researched and discussed. Based on the instruction of Mitsubishi PLC, a PLC Instruction List program interpreting process is analyzed.
101. Courts often look to legislative intent for guidance in interpreting and applying a law.
102. Some take hope from the upward slope of the oil-futures curve, known as contango, interpreting it as indicating higher prices ahead.
103. Interpreting CMMI SM for Operational Organizations by Brian Gallagher , Carnegie Mellon University.
104. Origen practiced this way of interpreting scripture I had illustrated for you from the medieval period, that scripture always has more than one level of meaning.
105. This thesis adopts Shu Dingfang's classification (2000) and attempts to put the ostensive -inferential mode to the practical application by interpreting different types of metaphors.
106. When we lack a specific context, the implicit concept constructed mainly by default assumption will function in identifying and interpreting metaphor.
107. Combining with the condition of the Xi′an geothermic field , interpreting the outcome of analysis.
108. Interpreting : " What's behind the website like this is a result of education polity which brainwashes. "
109. The interpreting process of anthropology is an important and indispensable part of ethnographical practice.
110. The article describes the Anglo-American law of evidence as it applies to forensic-science testimony interpreting the significance of a "match" to trace evidence.
111. In addition, standard performance analysis principles apply to interpreting these results.
112. Effective communicators are also capable of observing and interpreting nonverbal communications.
113. Article 51 right of interpreting these Articles of Association lies with the SAEFI Council.
114. According to the superposition principle, the formula of dimensionless pseudopressure is derived, the new comprehensive interpreting typical curve is developed, and its character is discussed.
115. Familiar with PCBA test process and strong at failure analysis. Capable of interpreting electrical drawings, gerber files and schematics preferred.
115. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
116. In general, Said the critic and Ondaatje the writer coincide in interpreting the connotation of post-colonialism in their respective writings.
117. That blog entry then stimulates an online debate, with climate sceptics interpreting the results their way, and others firing off rebuttals.
118. Unfortunately, people usually stop way too soon when interpreting this verse.
119. In chapter 3, it analyzes the psychological process of conference interpreting, especially the auditory perception process.
120. The human mirror system functions effectively in people blind from birth, indicating that it is capable of interpreting nonvisual sensory information to acquire knowledge about others.
121. Objective To establish a stochastic model suitable for interpreting the variation in fecal Schistosoma japonicum egg count, and to estimate its parameters and to describe it.
122. Interpreting microsimulation output by Emily Seaman SIAS. Traffic Engineering and Control TEC June 2006 Emily Seaman.
123. No kremlinology required over interpreting their words, as Foreign Secretary David Miliband put it to us last week.
124. When interpreting a law the judicial branch sees itself as trying to ascertain congressional intent.
125. Extracting and interpreting the seismic velocity spectrum data manually is kind of tedious work.
126. Therefore , its Seven Emotions Etiological Theory occupies much superiority in interpreting psychosomatic relation.
127. Interpreting figures is an important part of the accountant's function.
128. Interpreting is a constant toying and froing between different ways of thinking and cultural universes.
129. This paper tries to reconstruct the history of the Western Chinese art history by interpreting "Stylistic Analysis", "Iconology" and "Situational Analysis" applied in West-ern Chinese art history.
130. Interpreting is not only a cross-linguistic and cross-cultural communication activity, but also a language service.
131. The main novelty in "The Grand Design" is the authors' application of a way of interpreting quantum mechanics, derived from the ideas of the late Richard Feynman, to the universe as a whole.
132. This assumption is very important because it assists users of financial statements in interpreting changes in financial position and changes in net income.
133. The purpose of note-taking in consecutive interpreting is to supplement memory efficiency so as to facilitate the listening-transference-speaking process.
134. The relation between cognitive psychology and interpreting of numerical information is also discussed.
135. This thesis aims at analyzing and interpreting the connotation of Betty Friedan's feminist thought,() as well as its development and its meaning for women today.
136. Inadvertently, adults – including many child experts and policy makers – continually sexualise children by interpreting youngsters' behaviour through the prism of adult motives.
137. The essence of Socratic method is a process of interpreting the text of law.
138. "Oneiromancy" is the practice of predicting the future by interpreting dreams.
139. A classical statistic method of interpreting the diamagnetism is introduced.
140. Also, annotations (citations) to court decisions interpreting the statutes are not included in the official U. S. Code.
141. The general comment on isotopes should be carefully read before interpreting iso-tope values.
142. Chapter 4 introduces several training and practice strategies on interpreting of numerical information, which is derived from and based on the findings in Chapter 3.
143. Rightly interpreting her silence, Gerald patted her arm and said triumphantly: " There now , Scarlett!
144. Interpretation is defined as an extempore oral reproduction, in one language, of what is said in another language. And people who do interpreting are called interpreters.
145. In the past, the process of listening and understanding during interpreting is largely depicted in descriptive language and from a macro perspective.
145. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
146. In interpreting Miss Bart's state of mind, so many alternative readings were possible.
147. GIRLS - This report presents a complete silhouette directive for loungewear, interpreting the Rave trend with a full list of design developments.
148. The Awakening, written by Kate Chopin, is a remarkable work of feminism, therefore interpreting and commenting on it is a challenging task.
149. An empirical study indicates that the functions of PICC serving as the governing law and as interpreting means have been realized in some way.
150. However, the earliest judicial decisions interpreting the delegation doctrine contained broad, uncompromising statements.
151. Theoretical studies by them have led to quantitative techniques for interpreting potential anomalies.
152. Interpreting ( especially Simultaneous Interpreting ) is a particular form of language processing.
153. The mirror was giving visual feedback that the sensory cortex was interpreting as a real hand.
154. For this interface unframed mode transparently transports the TDM frame without any attempt at interpreting the data , it seamlessly interfaces to all existing PBX equipment.
155. However, the Justice Dept. attorneys did not cite a single case that would deprive the Court of Appeals from interpreting rights under treaties.
156. In the series of theories interpreting the diversification strategies of the enterprises, the Nine-cell matrix has offered a method which concerned on the outer circumstance of the firm.
157. Therefore, the interpreting course should intensify the training of Chinese officialese interpreting while the students should further improve their English proficiency and note-taking skills.
158. When the other person receives the coded message, they go through the process of decoding or interpreting it into understanding and meaning.




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