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- not for want of doing sth
- not for want of something
- not for want of sth
- not get anywhere
- not get a sniff of
- not get a sniff of something
- not get a sniff of sth
- not get a wink of sleep
- not get a wink of sleep/not sleep a wink
- not get sb anywhere
- not get somebody anywhere
- not give a
- not give a damn
- not give a damn about
- not give a damn about sb
- not give a damn about somebody
- not give a damn (about somebody/something)
- not give a damn about something
- not give a damn about sth
- not give a damn/shit etc
- not give a fig care a fig
- not give a fig care a fig about
- not give a fig care a fig about sb
- not give a fig care a fig about somebody
- not give a fig care a fig about something
- Talk down
- Tack on
- Strike off
- Thunder
- Slump
- Fed
- Feed
- Dug
- Drench
- Dealt
- 善举的意思,善举的近义词,反义词,造句
- 善之当为,如饮食衣服然,乃吾人日用常行事也。人未闻有以祸福废衣食者,而为善则以祸福为行止;未闻有以毁誉废衣食者,而为善则以毁誉为行止。惟为善心不真诚之故耳。果真果诚,尚有甘死饥寒而乐于趋善者。
- 善之本在教,教之本在师
- 善事难为,恶事易作
- 善于与不喜欢的人合作交友
- 善于从失败中学习
- 善于付出的人,往往受益最大
- 善于借力,因地制宜能成事
- 善于借力,有合作意识
- 善于借助外物成功
- 善于借用他人的力量
- 善于倾听
- 善于倾听他人劝导
- 善于倾听是沟通的第一步
- 善于倾听,才能找到交流的突破口
- Cytopenia句子
- X-coordinate句子
- Industrial age句子
- Noncommunicable句子
- Stop motion句子
- Daily consumption句子
- Money transfer句子
- Nra句子
- Urbana句子
- Huron句子
- Flooring句子
- Original record句子
- Land area句子
- Bookplate句子
- Solar battery句子