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单词 Mammals
1 Mammals have an inborn fear of snakes.
2 He's a world expert on marine mammals.
3 Suckling is an instinct in mammals.
4 Whales are mammals that live in the sea.
5 Marine mammals generally swim with the current.
6 Carnivores are usually socially complex mammals.
7 The boa feeds on birds and small mammals.
8 Humans, insects, reptiles, birds and mammals are all animals.
9 Birds and mammals are warm-blooded.
10 Most mammals live on land.
11 Birds, fish, mammals, amphibians and reptiles are all vertebrates.
12 When did mammals appear on the earth?
13 Whales belong among the mammals.
14 The young of some mammals continue to suckle for years.
15 There are lots of marine mammals such as whales and seals in the sea.
16 Most mammals use their sense of smell to find food.
17 Bats are the only mammals to have wings and to achieve sustained flight.
18 Humans, dogs, elephants and dolphins are all mammals, but birds,[] fish and crocodiles are not.
19 Although some marine mammals are protected by environmental laws, many remain unprotected.
20 Measured EQs among modern mammals are very varied.
21 Senators F. Sea mammals 7.
22 Among the mammals they are comparatively rare.
23 What is the largest of all land mammals? 7.
24 In mammals, however, parthenogenesis seems to be a non-starter.
25 Whales, like all mammals, breathe air and give milk.
26 Much obviously will have survived, but large mammals have probably been greatly reduced in number.
27 Humans experience a delayed maturity; we arrive at all stages of life later than other mammals.
28 Cats are constantly on the watch for mice or other small mammals.
29 Until recently many authorities stated categorically that cats, almost alone among mammals, were incapable of detecting sweet tastes.
30 It chews and bites the venom into its victims, generally small mammals and birds.
1 Mammals have an inborn fear of snakes.
2 He's a world expert on marine mammals.
3 Humans experience a delayed maturity; we arrive at all stages of life later than other mammals.
4 Whales are mammals that live in the sea.
5 The boa feeds on birds and small mammals.
6 Most mammals live on land.
7 Whales belong among the mammals.
8 There are lots of marine mammals such as whales and seals in the sea.
9 Bats are the only mammals to have wings and to achieve sustained flight.
31 These two lizards use their venom to kill their prey, which comprises small mammals such as mice and birds.
32 They included a trophy, a book on mammals and complimentary tickets to the Washington Wildlife Trust.
33 Much maligned, the adder is our only venomous snake, feeding on other reptiles and small mammals.
34 In most mammals, apart from the cat, the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus projects exclusively to area 17.
35 A large brain relative to body size is an almost universal foetal characteristic of vertebrates, and certainly of mammals.
36 Add in the E. coli living in other mammals and the number becomes even larger.
37 Certainly, it plays a more important role in higher mammals than in lower ones.
38 The researchers estimated Diatryma's athletic ability as quite adequate to catch most of the contemporary mammals.
39 The few year-round species of high-arctic birds and mammals make good use of feathers, fur and subcutaneous insulation.
40 Numbers of large mammals, including elephants, will have fallen victim to booby traps and land-mines.
41 This is known in other mammals including Ring-tailed Lemurs - also to be seen in the Walled Garden.
42 Lagomorphs such as rabbits and hares are also included here as small mammals.http://
43 Predation One of the major causes of mortality in small mammals is predation.
44 The tundra is widely grazed by mammals, especially voles and lemmings that burrow in the undergrowth.
45 Indeed, the surprise is that more mammals and birds do not adopt this system.
46 Communication Colour is more important to fish than to mammals and birds, and in fish it is often highly variable.
47 The category of "mammals" contains creatures as diverse as whales, elephants, and human beings.
48 Colugos differ in so many ways from other mammals that they thoroughly merit an order of their own.
49 Perhaps the right mix of plants and mammals in their symmetrical demands could support each other.
50 The actual numbers of surviving big mammals are astoundingly small-grizzly bears in the lower forty-eight states can be counted in the hundreds.
51 A ubiquitous process that starts immediately after death is of course decay, which in small mammals progresses very quickly.
52 The most primitive of the armoured mammals are the five species of echidnas, or spiny anteaters, from Australasia.
53 Those of some larger mammals, for example hares and lynx, fluctuate in longer cycles of 10-13 years.
54 Small mammals therefore do not live in cold countries, and birds migrate south in winter.
55 Insects, like mammals, extract the orientation of edges within the retinal image.
56 A diverse family of warm-blooded mammals whose grace and beauty are well-known and appreciated across all five continents.
57 The state of California includes among its natural endowments an unusual variety of valuable marine mammals.
58 They found that the mammals had been separated into three groups.
59 Although it occurs among mammals and birds, few other fish possess binocular vision.
60 For example, birds have higher maximum lifespans than mammals and are less prone to death in the wild.
61 Critics, however, point out that dinosaur joint surfaces were not usually smooth and polished like those of mammals.
62 Only one of the hoofed mammals has never been a game animal.
63 Small mammals avoid the harshest winter conditions by living within or under the snow.
64 Many birds, small mammals and fish have become extinct or are seriously threatened.
65 In the older Secondary rocks there seemed to be no mammals at all, only bizarre reptiles.
66 The mammals of the northern hemisphere have a quite different way of going about things.
67 An estimated 145, 000 of the marine mammals live off the California coast.
68 This behaviour is typical of many predatory mammals - and indeed birds.
69 From the concentrations of birds and mammals in high latitudes has grown the myth that all polar seas are immensely productive.
70 Then they will suddenly swoop down to catch mammals or sometimes insects or worms.
71 The very first mammals were small insectivores, probably very similar to this modern tree shrew.
72 In most mammals sperm are viable in the female's reproductive tract for a matter of hours.
73 Again the design of the sea-lion enclosure has been of great help in the management of these attractive marine mammals.
74 Birds[], bats and gliding mammals simply take to the air.
75 Moving from insects to reptiles to mammals, the importance of learned, as opposed to genetically determined, behaviour gradually increases.
76 More versatile hunters such as the Kestrel will take any small mammals, birds, reptiles or even beetles as they are available.
77 For the large mammals, clearing the mountainsides for planting was inevitably disastrous.
78 The world's list of mammals is about five thousand long, but three thousand more may be waiting in the wings.
79 They are expanding their knowledge of brain circuitry and learning-related physiological changes in the brains of higher mammals.
80 Read in studio Conservationists are about to conduct a census of one of our rarest mammals - the dormouse.
81 Of the 57 species of reptiles, land birds and mammals, more than 80 % live nowhere else.
82 Like small birds, small mammals may occasionally indulge in mobbing to rid themselves of a feared killer.
83 This is probably a comparatively rare occurrence for small mammals, but it certainly does occur.
84 Our technology and ability to cooperate in societies allows us to overcome many of the things that kill other mammals.
85 Aquatic birds and mammals, equipped with subcutaneous blubber, may also have a covering of fur or feathers.
86 Other mammals and birds recuperate or grow to maturity in outdoor enclosures.
87 Poisoned wheat is put inside the holder which is designed to let in grey squirrels and exclude other small mammals.
88 They crawled into a forest like the big, unlucky mammals they were.
89 Birds, also to some extent like mammals, have involuntary nervous controls to regulate heat; for instance, shivering.
90 It covers fisheries, marine mammals and other resources within EEZs, providing for stocks that are shared by neighbouring states.
91 Among mammals, however, the desert camel shows the greatest tolerance to dehydration.
92 Presumably they would be unable to burrow or hide from the Sun like small mammals.
93 The effects of trampling by large mammals on pellets can be destructive, especially if the pellets are fresh or wet.
94 Fish, reptiles, birds and mammals all protect their young and often each other, with great vigour, when danger threatens.
95 In mammals, the cytoplasm controls only a few divisions, and then the genes of the new embryo take over.
96 In percentage terms the number of larger mammals, including primates, is very low.
97 Amphibians, like birds and most mammals, have soft bodies that are easily squeezed in predatory jaws.
98 It should be noted, however, that the sample tested is far smaller for mammals than for humans.
99 Sea mammals can, however, easily cope with an intake of sea water.
100 The mammals have their own special and characteristic way of fuelling their developing young.
101 The smell of decay will attract mammals and insects that consider it lunch.
102 Their most important protein sources are from the sea as land mammals are now in decline.
103 Interestingly,[/mammals.html] this is also true of mammals from which the auditory cortex has been removed.
104 The small mammals alive at this time did not hibernate, but had insulating fur and could burrow underground.
105 They are of great importance not only as food for birds and mammals, but also in pollination and recycling of nutrients.
106 But they possess no vocal chords as man and other mammals do.
107 In similar vein, it could be that all the rules of development that apply to amphibians also apply precisely to mammals.
108 Few infant mammals grow as quickly as an elephant seal pup.
109 As a community project, I had them trapping small mammals to get an idea of the world under the snow.
110 Under the microscope even the bone structure of these dinosaurs looks more like that of living mammals than cold-blooded reptiles.
111 Monkeys and apes are the only mammals with good color vision.
112 The Anisakidae are ascaridoids whose adults are parasitic in a wide rage of animals, including marine mammals and birds.
113 It is thought that the very first placental mammals were tiny insectivores, but no fossil evidence of them remains.
114 Some other mammals do make use of bedding, it's true.
115 The oldest Tertiary rocks contained archaic mammals that bore no resemblance to the living families within the class.
116 The only mammals with a venomous bite are certain moles and shrews.
117 Larger pests Where birds and mammals are concerned some gardeners are squeamish about killing them.
118 It had previously been thought that pollution posed the greatest threat to inshore marine mammals.
119 Large mammals also select their environments carefully, and bunch together to reduce surface heat losses.
120 So I got that net out of there myself and found a lot of dead fish, but at least no mammals.
121 In the absence of divine intervention, virgin birth for mammals is not an option.
122 Dozens of other mammals call this forest safe haven, among them the increasingly threatened jaguar.
123 They are accumulated at the rate of about one hundred per genome per generation in mammals.
124 Was there something peculiar about mammals, and in particular about differentiation in mammals, that would prevent this?
125 It did not replace my fascination for mammals, birds and reptiles.
126 Therefore, it is not surprising that they are the only mammals decorated with bright colors such as blue and pink.
127 Even amongst those organisms with well-coordinated nervous systems, a good case can be made for the dominance of beetles over mammals.
128 It may predate larger animals as well as small mammals, with records of prey as large as juvenile foxes and roe deer.
129 Other forms of natural mortality of small mammals occur when burrowing rodents may be trapped in their burrows by flood water.
130 International concern for these extremely rare mammals arose after thousands of grey seals were wiped out by the canine distemper virus.
131 A cross between man and other branches of mammals, that lived in the sea?
132 If the mammals had prevailed when the opportunity first presented then the scope for speculation becomes mind-boggling.
133 If there are otters in the neighbourhood monopolising the fish supply, the mink simply turn to small mammals and birds.
134 In other words mammals and living creatures generate kinetic energy and heat when food is burnt in respiration.
135 Their noise would have undoubtedly caused enormous damage to the sensitive hearing of marine mammals.
136 Some scientists believe that these marine mammals may be more intelligent than human beings.
137 Varanus can also increase its metabolic rate, like mammals but often more effectively.
138 For instance, most birds considerably outlive mammals of comparable size.
139 But not all mammals are as dependent upon their eyes as you.
140 Coniferous forests, often hunting by day for mammals as large as squirrels and lemmings.
141 While larger mammals can often adapt, many lovely birds, butterflies, moths and other insects can not.
142 Recording the electrical activity of single brain cells in mammals only became a viable proposition in the 1950s.
143 Compare this with most mammals, in which mating is timed to coincide much more precisely with the release of an ovum.
144 In general, all female mammals are cyclic, but only some are seasonal.
145 Like many other mammals, bats are also particularly well endowed with olfactory receivers and transmitters.
146 Mammals with non-spiny armour include the twenty-one species of armadillos and the seven species of pangolins, or scaly anteaters.
147 I wasn't used to handling dead things, like chicks, not to mention mammals like rats and mice.
148 They are nocturnal and live on leaves, insects, small mammals and birds.
149 Like so many baby mammals, young elephants spend a great deal of their time playing.
150 For example, since all mammals have a cerebral cortex we must assume that the ancestral form also had one.
151 Such mammals as dolphins, whales, seals inhabit the sea.
152 We are awe-struck by enormous mammals that float.
153 The cannon of hoofed mammals are edible.
154 Most wild carnivorous mammals are monestrous.
155 Other seed - eating mammals may become troublesome.
156 Mammals as a class are not strong on sociality.
157 Mammals damage orchards on every continent by girdling roots.
158 Whales are mammals; fish are not.
159 In mammals, MAOs have two isoenzymes MAOA and MAOB which differ in specificity for substrates, sensitivity to inhibitors and primary amino acid sequence.
160 This suggests that the cooperation and coordination needed for group living can be challenging and over time some mammals have evolved larger brains to be able to cope with the demands of socialising.
161 Autoeroticism in female mammals, as well as heterosexual and homosexual intercourse (especially in primates), often involves direct or indirect stimulation of the clitoris [...].
162 Some pizazz on the ankle boot is fine; but bundles of fuzz that look like wild mammals are eating your feet are not so cute.
162 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
163 Warm-blooded animals, such as modern mammals and birds, can live anywhere and move around or hunt for food at any time of day.
164 The 17 sea mammals on gruesome display included porpoises, white dolphins, common dolphins, aa pilot whale, a beaked whale and a pilot whale.
165 "The cetaceans are on the whole the most peculiar and aberrant of mammals, " he remarked peevishly.
166 A supporting bone of the leg in some hoofed mammals, analogous to the metacarpus of the hand or the metatarsus of the foot in human beings.
167 Biologists have long recognized that mammals larger than rabbits tend to shrink on small islands, presumably as an adaptive response to the limited food supply.
168 Most mammals hae just two kinds of photopigment in their retinas : one is encoded in the X chromosome and the other in an autosomal (non-sex) chromosome.
169 Most mammals have a gene that makes an enzyme called uricase that breaks down uric acid, but humans lack the ability.
170 Biologists spent decades studding the foraging strategies of the burrowing mammals.
171 Fish, some amphibians and primitiveegg-laying mammals such as the duck-billed platypus use similar pitsto pick up electric fields generated by nearby animals.
172 Any of various SWIFT - running ruminant mammals of the family Bovidae, native to Africa and Asia and having long horns and a slender build.
173 Many primitive lineages went extinct as sharks and bony fish became masters of the waters and tetrapods, the four-legged animals that eventually evolved into dinosaurs and mammals, conquered the land.
174 Fetus: Unborn young of any vertebrate, particularly mammals after it has acquired its Basic form.
175 The paper summarizes the toxic effects of lindane on birds and mammals, as well as poisoning signs and some effect mechanism, on basis of tests in vitro and in vivo.
176 The rest are cynodonts, cold - blooded, reptile - like animals he ancestors of modern mammals.
177 The young of mammals are suckled on milk secreted by the mother's mammary glands.
178 Civet:any of various carnivorous catlike mammals of the family Viverridae of africa and asia, having anal scent glands that secrete a fluid with a musky odor.
179 It is thought the burning sensation of the chilli pepper is an evolutionary ploy to stop mammals eating them.
180 Of or belonging to the order Edentata, which includes mammals having few or no teeth, such as anteaters, armadillos, and sloths.
181 Lactation is the final phase of the reproductive cycle of mammals.
182 Professor Owen has subsequently extended the same generalization to the mammals of the Old World.
183 Any of various carnivorous catlike mammals of the family Viverridae of Africa and Asia, having anal scent glands that secrete a fluid with a musky odor.
184 Thus, the formation of papillae is an important first step in development of the gustatory system in mammals...
185 Mammals arose from a fairly primitive reptile in the Mesozoic era.
186 The highly vascular fetal membrane that consists of the fused chorion and allantois, found adjacent to the eggshell in reptiles and birds and constituting the placenta in most mammals.
187 Most mammals are diphyodonts.
188 A new study describes evidence of a hepadnavirus (a virus group that includes hepatitis B, which infects humans as well as other mammals and ducks) hiding in the genomes of modern songbirds.
189 In contrast to a vast majority of mammals, including other hyena species, female spotted hyenas are substantially more aggressive than males, and they are also socially dominant over males.
190 Heterogametic sex The sex with dissimilar sex chromosomes, one (in mammals the Y chromosome)being shorter than the other(the X chromosome).
191 Those interviewed spoke of a change in the range of species of mammals (moose and beaver) as well as a decrease in the number of some bird species (ptarmigan).
192 The answer is the cacomistle, according to a surprising new study indicating that lower elevations and lower latitudes seem to speed up microevolution in mammals.
192 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
193 For example the genes PHF7 and PAK3 are found in mammals, but in the zebra finch, these genes have been duplicated and many variants are present in the finch's brain.
194 Any of various mammals of the family Leporidae, especially of the genus Lepus, similar to rabbits but having longer ears and legs and giving birth to active, furred young.
195 And Audubon acknowledged that mammals were not his area of expertise when he enlisted a specialist in mammals, John Bachman, a naturalist and minister, as a collaborator on the book.
196 Reptiles, amphibians, diving birds, and diving and burrowing mammals may have a prolonged time to loss of consciousness with inhalant gases.
197 Beginning. This genus is considered a chordate , and the phylum Chordata includes fish, mammals and man.
198 In regard to animals, Diphyodont evolved into Reptilia, which evolved into mammals.
199 Another problem with plastic bags is they do not biodegrade in landfills and pose a danger to many marine mammals.
200 Women- one kind of low level mammals, they are dinginess , ugly and useless!
201 The main groups of vertebrates are: fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
202 Mammals stimulating the lateral hypothalamus seem to be caught in a loop, Panksepp writes, "where each stimulation evoked a reinvigorated search strategy" (and Panksepp wasn't referring to Bing).
203 Dinosaurs rose up as rulers of Earth around 230 million years ago, eventually dominating all other species and relegating mammals to the shadows.
204 A platypus (duckbill) is an amazing animal. Its genes come from birds, mammals and reptiles.
205 Wallabies are marsupial mammals like kangaroos and eat diets high in vegetation.
206 Only two kinds of egg-laying mammals are left on the planet today—the duck-billed platypus and the echidna, or spiny anteater.
207 The findings indicate that laminar and columnar properties of the neocortex are not unique to mammals, and may in fact have evolved from cells and circuits in much more ancient vertebrates.
208 Any of several principally arboreal carnivorous mammals of the genus Martes, related to the weasel, mainly inhabiting northern forests, and having a slender body, bushy tail, and soft fur.
209 Because the Cenozoic saw the expansion of warm-blooded creatures like ourselves, it is ALSO termed the age of mammals.
210 A bony process projecting from the scapula toward the sternum in mammals.
211 Weigenaer said, water dragon is the beast so far found the most ancient ancestors of mammals.
212 Like marsupial mammals, Hutts nurse their young Huttlets in special brood pouches.
213 These Ice Age mammals equiped with large tusks and long thick hair.
214 The placenta is a flattened circular organ in the uterus of pregnant eutherian (i.e. placental) mammals that nourishes and maintains the fetus through the umbilical cord.
215 The Mesozoic saw the ascendence of dinosaurs, although mammals also appear in the fossil record about 200 million years ago.
216 There is strong evidence that this infectious agent promotes diseases of both plants and mammals, which is very rare.
217 Unlike typical mammals, which heal wounds by forming a scar, these mice begin by forming a blastema, a structure associated with rapid cell growth.
218 Of mammals only humans and some primates enjoy color vision.
219 They're cold - blooded like fish, but they always have lungs like mammals.
220 Just as many other mammals living in temperate zone, tree shrew belongesto photosensitive seasonally breeding-mammals.
221 The neuromotor pathways for orgasmic contractions are similar in males and females in all mammals.
222 Mammoths were herbivorous mammals.
223 In mammals, including humans, a master clock in the brain and subordinate clocks found in organs throughout the body coordinate daily, or circadian,[http://] rhythms of behavior and physiology.
224 Of or belonging to the family Viverridae, which includes small carnivorous mammals such as the civets and mongooses .
225 The tooth count was the primitive mammalian number (44) and the teeth were differentiated as are the heterodont teeth of today's mammals.
226 Mice, like most mammals, normally view the world in colors limited to yellows, blues and grays , similar to what people with red-green color blindness see.
227 Any of various extinct ungulate mammals of the Eocene to Pleistocene epochs, having distinctive three-clawed,() three-toed feet.
228 In Yosemite, scientists from the University of California, Berkeley have documented many species, particularly small heat-sensitive mammals such as the American pika, moving to higher ground.
229 In the late 1890s, sexologists considered human sexual masochism a natural evolution of that evidenced in lower mammals.
230 A member of the Monotremata, an order of primitive egg-laying mammals restricted to Australia and New Guinea and consisting of only the platypus and the echidna.
231 Panksepp has spent decades mapping the emotional systems of the brain he believes are shared by all mammals, and he says, "Seeking is the granddaddy of the systems."
232 RT-PCR results showed that GDF8/11 gene was expressed in new fertilized cell, early gastrulation and knife-shaped embryo, which was different from that in mammals.
233 In most mammals mature erythrocytes are biconcave disks that have no nuclei.
234 Duck-billed dinosaurs lack they type of jaw joint found in mammals that allows us to slide our teeth in a side-to-side motion.
235 Estrogen receptors are located in many tissues of mammals, which mediate a majority of estrogenic effects.
236 Tasmanian devils have for some years been plagued with a mysterious and lethal cancer. Now, the dog-sized mammals are fighting back: They are breeding at younger ages.
237 Kays suspects that the tree's most consistent pollinators may be two arboreal mammals that few have heard of and fewer still have studied: the kinkajou and the olingo.
238 He lists three types of steroid sex hormones that function in mammals.
239 Among the mammals profiled here are the unusual and exotic spectacled bear, the capybara (the world's largest rodent), and the common llama.
240 Shubin writes: "The conclusion was inescapable: the same gill arch that formed part of the jaw of a reptile formed ear bones in mammals.
241 No mammals other than people may enter the country without lengthy quarantine.
242 There are thousands of reverse - transcriptase genes in the genomes of all mammals.
243 Many of the men spend weeks away from home hunting seals, narwhal, walruses, whales and other mammals.
244 The grey wolf had one of the widest distributions of all mammals on the planet.
245 Of or relating to certain hoofed mammals, such as horses and rhinoceroses, of the order Perissodactyla, that have an uneven number of toes .
246 The microorganisms had lain dormant since the Eocene epoch, a time when Australia split off from Antarctica and modern mammals first appeared.
247 He thinks they are part of an ancient sensory system and they are likely present in all mammals.
248 Influenza viruses bind through hemagglutinin onto sialic acid sugars on the surfaces of epithelial cells; typically in the nose, throat and lungs of mammals and intestines of birds.
249 Any of various large, thick - skinned, hoofed mammals such as the elephant, rhinoceros, or hippopotamus.
250 Peninsula Valdes in Patagonia is a site of global significance for the conservation of marine mammals.
251 Trichinellosis is a serious parasitic zoonosis with worldwide distribution, which infect human and more than 150 species of mammals.
252 It is one of the few tailless mammals besides the apes and man.
253 A new study finds that mammals with larger brains - relative to body size - tend to live longer.
254 In mammals, vasotocin evolved into two closely related peptides[sentence dictionary], oxytocin and arginine vasopressin.
255 Parthenogenesis – the production of offspring from an unfertilized egg – is a frequent contender, but parthenogenesis is unheard of in mammals.
256 These mouselike creatures are among the small minority of mammals — less than 5 percent — who share humans' propensity for monogamy.
257 These primitive predators, though dinosaur-like in appearance, are actually considered the forerunners of mammals.
258 This endangered tropical savanna features an unusual trio of rare mammals the giant anteater, giant armadillo, and maned wolf.
259 Consumption of grains or seeds contaminated with the fruiting structure of this fungus, the ergot sclerotium, can cause ergotism in humans and other mammals.
260 Schistosome infected people or other mammals from the discharge of faecal egg, if manure contaminated the water, eggs were brought into the water, hatched miracidium in the water.
261 Though the Cretaceous asteroid cleared the stage, mammals did not really get going until 10m years later, in the Eocene epoch.
262 The current results have provided evidence for the hypothesis that empathy is phylogenetically continuous in mammals and has provided a rats' model of empathy for further research.
263 Birds and mammals have been the worst affected, with climate change blamed for the sudden mass death of flamingos around Lake Nakuru in central Kenya last year.
264 The results support the hypothesis that ambient temperature combined with photoperiod induce the thermogenic adjustments for small mammals.
265 Since the work of Hubel and Wiesel, it is generally accepted that visual orientation and direction selectivity are achieved by processes in the visual cortex in the higher mammals.
266 Galileo Galilei asked himself the question: Why are mammals as large as they are and not much larger?
267 Complex behavior in insects, fish and lower mammals has intrigued scientists for centuries.
268 Since plants cannot locomote , the sensation of experiencing pain would be superfluous. Thus, plants differ completely physiologically from mammals.
269 In mammals and most birds, individuals emerge into the world after a complex ontogenetic history in which behavioral differentiation played as important a role as tissue differentiation.
270 Among the remains, the team noticed a spherical bone, called a basioccipital condyle, found in all mammals and reptiles that joins the base of the skull to the spinal cord.
271 In mammals, defensins have evolved to have a central function in the host defense properties of granulocytic leukocytes, mucosal surfaces, skin and epithelial.
272 The marine sanctuary on Tria Island was established to protect certain marine mammals.
273 Even within our own class, mammals, roughly 300 new species have been discovered in the first decade of this century—mostly rodents, but also marsupials, a beaked whale and a slew of primates.
274 Any of several piglike hoofed mammals of the family Tayassuidae, found in North, Central, and South America and having long, dark, dense bristles.
275 The Australian short-beaked echidna, a monotreme, is one of the oldest living mammals on earth.
276 Any of various small, principally nocturnal mammals of the order Insectivora, characteristically feeding chiefly on insects and including the shrews, moles, and hedgehogs.
277 The existence of such an RNase inhibitor (RI) was first inferred in 1952 from the decrease in RNase activity in liver supernatants, and it exists in almost all mammals.
278 The red wolf diet consists mainly of white-tailed deer and small mammals such as marsh rabbits, raccoons and nutria.
279 They were a far cry from the often mouse-sized mammals that scurried around dinosaurs.




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