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单词 Dreamed
1. He dreamed to be an officer.
2. It's just like I dreamed.
3. She dreamed of flying away to exotic faraway places.
4. She dreamed the whole thing up.
5. I often dreamed of my younger brother soon after I left home.
6. I dreamed up a plan to solve both problems at once.
7. She dreamed about a handsome young prince coming to rescue her from her misery.
8. When she was a little girl , she dreamed of becoming a ballerina.
9. Mist dreamed along the mountains.
10. She dreamed of becoming a chef.
11. They dreamed of owning their own home.
12. I too dreamed of living in London one day.
13. The plot of the film is simply dreamed up.
14. They dreamed of travelling to foreign lands.
15. She dreamed of reaching the dizzy heights of stardom.
16. I dreamed that I was in London.
17. Who would have dreamed that this would happen?
18. We dreamed of having a car and a house.
19. She dreamed of becoming a Hollywood screen goddess.
20. He has dreamed of a trip to Beijing.
21. Ivor dreamed that he was on a bus.
22. I never dreamed of such a thing.
23. The scheme was dreamed up by a local businessman.
24. She dreamed that one day she would be famous.
25. She dreamed up a new plan to save money.
26. She dreamed about her baby.
26. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
27. She fell asleep and dreamed strange dreams.
28. She had always dreamed of appearingopposite Olivier.
29. Colleen had dreamed of mothering a large family.
30. You must continue to dream the wild dream that you dreamed when you were young.
1. He dreamed to be an officer.
2. It's just like I dreamed.
3. She dreamed of flying away to exotic faraway places.
4. She dreamed the whole thing up.
5. I often dreamed of my younger brother soon after I left home.
6. I dreamed up a plan to solve both problems at once.
7. She dreamed about a handsome young prince coming to rescue her from her misery.
8. When she was a little girl , she dreamed of becoming a ballerina.
9. She dreamed of becoming a Hollywood screen goddess.
10. He never dreamed that his request would be laughed off as a childish fancy.
31. I never dreamed that such a thing could happen!
32. His son hadn't dreamed it up.
33. John dreamed of being a writer and had tried his hand at poetry.
34. I dreamed to "weather along" someday,as sailors say,when I was a child.
35. Now he can begin to earn the sort of mega-bucks he has always dreamed about.
36. When I was young I dreamed of becoming a scientist.
37. He never dreamed that his request would be laughed off as a childish fancy.
38. I never dreamed that I would finish up owing such a lot of property.
39. I never dreamed that I would be able to afford a home here.
40. She dreamed she saw someone standing at the foot of her bed.
41. We now have a big house of which we could not have dreamed years ago.
42. She dreamed of being a bareback rider in a circus.
43. He got the first place this time, but he never dreamed about it.
44. He dreamed of emigrating to Canada-the land of milk and honey.
45. As a schoolgirl, she had dreamed of becoming an actress.
46. The government has dreamed up some cockeyed scheme for getting unemployed youngsters back into work.
47. He dreamed of being in the United States last night.
48. I never dreamed of there being a picture on the wall.
49. I've long dreamed of paying a visit to the Great Wall.
50. We never dreamed that we would get through to the next round.
51. He never dreamed that he would finish up owning such a lot of property.
52. I never dreamed that I would fetch up owning such a lot of property.
53. I had always dreamed of living in the country.
54. Plato dreamed of an ideal society.
55. Louisa had slept badly and dreamed ill.
56. In fact, I never dreamed of being a Springbok.
56. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
57. He performed the necessary tricks, dreamed the necessary dreams.
58. I dreamed I was on a case.
59. I've dreamed as far as the first posting.
60. I never dreamed of being the Springbok captain.
61. I had only dreamed about him.
62. He went to bed and dreamed again.
63. On other nights I dreamed of other pests.
64. So this was the moment she had dreamed about?
65. They never dreamed of getting them back.
66. Jodie dreamed of being a rock singer.
67. What devilish torture had Raimundo dreamed up now?
68. She dreamed of loud noises and flashing lights.
69. And she had everything she had ever dreamed of - more.
70. Avis always dreamed of an exotic vacation in some faraway place.
71. And on the floor, still as far from white men as the limitless continent they once dreamed of, he died.
72. The future was more secure than he had ever dreamed possible.
73. Zoe Nesbitt was a top class rider who dreamed of becoming an equestrian star.
74. She had dreamed of this night of lust for seven weeks.
75. Wolf meanwhile dreamed of becoming a designer of Soviet planes and trained as an engineer.
76. Some confessed, some made love, some slept exhausted and dreamed of childhood friends or long-forgotten moments with grandparents.
77. Some thought it was the breakthrough scientists had dreamed of.
78. And behind him, a hundred people lamented and laughed and made bets and dreamed.
79. But he could only have dreamed as a schoolboy that he would one day hold lovely Kylie in his arms.
80. At first he assumed that he had dreamed of discussing the pros and cons of murdering Ivor Newley with Dougal.
81. I know a highly successful radiologist who has always dreamed of being a singer, but he has no voice.
82. In short, this film of which I dreamed was not a montage of standard scenes and stock characters.
83. Reality is a much more tedious, recalcitrant beast than was ever dreamed of in Phil Redmond's philosophy for Brookside.
84. The comedy of reassurance, still, but with a self-conscious, ironic twist that Bruce Forsyth would never have dreamed of.
85. But also, I had dreamed of having my own investment business for at least a decade.
86. Concocting any half-truth that suited some harebrained plan dreamed up by the spooks in Century House./dreamed.html
87. No theatre producer could have dreamed up a more dramatic introduction.
88. It has a magic sound to a voter, just like fairyland is spoken of and dreamed of by all chil-dren.
89. That night Jay dreamed in glorious technicolour with full Dolby stereo.
90. I Dreamed more bullets into the gun, and shot him full of more lead.
91. I never overstayed my welcome and always dreamed up some excuse if any of them suggested meeting me outside working hours.
92. During the 1960s, neighborhoods fought against the urban renewal schemes dreamed up by professional city planners.
93. Meanwhile she lived the life of which she had dreamed.
94. Value added tax has been put on spectacles and surgical boots, which we would never have dreamed of doing.
95. He had never dreamed that it would happen to him.
96. The boy, facing life-threatening illness, dreamed of taking a life.
97. But she had dreamed of it endlessly in those days when she had adored him.
98. I dreamed my little baby was alive mewing for me from somewhere in the room.
99. He never really achieved the fame and fortune he dreamed of.
100. I was sure I mailed the letter yesterday, but I must have dreamed it.
101. And when I was growing I dreamed about what I wanted to do in mine.
102. The permissive society of the 60's and 70's was not yet dreamed of.
103. Today the Hardys have their own successful Amway business, earning and giving away more money than they ever dreamed.
104. Rachaela dreamed of Adamus bending over her, his hair a black cowl.
105. Murder was to make him something he had always suspected he might be, but had never dreamed of becoming - interesting.
106. His prophecy was now coming true, perhaps even sooner than he would have dreamed.
107. There are certain dreams that once they are dead can never be dreamed again.
108. Our information technologies and our knowledge economy give us opportunities to do things we never dreamed possible 50 years ago.
109. Dave dreamed up the evil pint in a cellar under Gastons, the pub his runs in Preston.
110. The author Gustave Flaubert once dreamed of lying in a curtained bed.
111. They also dreamed up another seasonal festival that remains sacred in our calendar: Crufts, inaugurated in 1886.
112. I Dreamed the mess under our wheels into tissue paper and drove off before the rest of the place could go up.
113. I dreamed of becoming a writer, although sometimes I considered becoming a college lecturer like my father.
114. Almost daily the disease made the news, but never had they dreamed that polio would find our family.
115. It sounded like the most ridiculous excuse she could have dreamed up to use.
116. By then Mike, though insecure in his ability to improvise[Sentence dictionary], dreamed of being a jazz musician.
117. The theory must have sounded wonderful to the think-tankers who dreamed it up.
118. Right in the middle of the action, where he has always dreamed of being but never quite reached.
119. Once in his own, he dreamed again of Tatiana, but she was far away from Broadstairs.
120. The rest you dreamed up for yourself, you obvious wee shite.
121. Ferdi would be kissing her, his hands would find the places Volker had only dreamed about.
122. We would never have dreamed of this kind of freedom.
123. He knew the man he dreamed of did not exist.
124. The right brain noted something amiss ... Meanwhile, Yeremi's logical tech-side dreamed.
125. Prince Charles could never have dreamed of this twist to his call for respectful allegiance to the past.
126. But, like so many employees, he dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur.
127. He had dreamed of fixing up the two-story, 1, 000-square - foot summer cabin on South Mountain for his retirement.
128. Towards morning, Peter dreamed the old dream for the first time in months if not years.
129. The authority they exercise is far greater than anyone could have dreamed of in the pre-1985 organi-zation.
130. Already, she wore on her arms all the jewellery she could ever have dreamed of.
131. I still dreamed of food and the convivial, outdoor feast, but I no longer took full part in the proceedings.
132. I am doing what I love and I am playing for a team I always dreamed about.
133. When he woke it was suddenly, and to a sight of beauty he had never dreamed he might see.
134. It was raggedness linked with raving and ruin, such as none there had looked at nor dreamed of.
135. But this day is something I've dreamed of since I was a kid and I just want to enjoy it.
136. Suppose you were asked to use dreamt in one of the following passages and dreamed in the other.
137. Whoever dreamed up City Lights was a genius, I thought more than once.
138. He dreamed that he stood in a court of law, charged with some wrongdoing and sentenced to make reparations.
139. The scenes surge back overlaid with a red mist not there when I dreamed.
140. That's because large events involve extra considerations you never dreamed of when doing a small conference.
141. Sometimes I wonder now whether I dreamed some of it, so much was just unbelievable, so grotesque.
142. They would never have dreamed of telling me to take a certain attitude towards white people.
143. I dreamed that I was lying on a beach in the Caribbean.
144. Abe Lincoln had probably never dreamed there would be colleges like this, for blacks, in the South.
145. All supply people dreamed of a way to balance the books once and for all-without all that trading and shuffling.
146. As children, they dreamed about the freedoms and riches they would enjoy in the U.S.
146. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
147. Would the idyll she had dreamed of be there again, not smashed to pieces as it seemed to be?
148. He had never dreamed a person could be so powerless in his power.
149. Feeling unloved is the story of Judy Garland's life; she always dreamed of something better.
150. She longs for the anguished desolation of a late capitalism that hasn't quite worked as her generation dreamed.
151. The holiday was one I have always dreamed about and I would highly recommend the centre to any outdoor enthusiast.
152. The old anthropological concept dreamed up in the universities to describe the potentialities of nature as understood by primitive people.
153. The former quarterback still dreamed of throwing the long ball.
154. Wella's high quality, creamy formulations give you a look you never dreamed you could achieve at home.
155. When I was at college I dreamed of becoming a great novelist.
156. With Chris he had known a joy he had never dreamed of.
157. You will begin to dream about money the way you dreamed about overdue term papers when you were in college.
158. These people here have so little conception of our world that sometimes I feel myself as if I must have dreamed it.
159. She had a tremendous gift for making people see their own potential and do things they never dreamed possible.
160. Most of us have far more courage than we ever dreamed we possessed. Dale Carnegie 
161. She Dreamed up a new hobby for the Mayor, collecting antique paperweights, and made good use of them.
162. In the infamous Hayes-Tilden election, no one dreamed of taking the contest to the court as a neutral forum.
163. In 1933, the Columbia was by far the biggest river anyone had ever dreamed about damming.
164. The ratings were extraordinary, and the show was a bigger success than even he had dreamed.
165. Caro dreamed she was driving along a straight empty road.
166. I think it was an hour, I closed my eyes and dreamed of young men singing songs from open windows.
167. There could never now be that bridal night she had dreamed of, that uninhibited leap into love and happiness.
168. Mass-circulation magazines had a larger pulpit than any meeting-hall diet guru ever dreamed.
169. It was a combo dreamed up by the Marx Brothers.
170. She watched television, listened to music, and dreamed about favourite pop stars - just like any normal teenager.
171. Nothing he had foreseen, nothing he had dreamed of could have bodied forth the shape and taste of this existence.
172. Everything you ever dreamed of, they make it right here.
173. They were destroying something we dreamed of owning and playing but had no prospect of affording at the time.
174. He never dreamed he would be the butt of such a classic, almost vaudevillian joke.
175. But even then Ethel had pored over travel brochures and dreamed of ships, cruises, and faraway places.
176. The girl dreamed of entering show biz through advertisement.
177. The event was dreamed up by Mick Jagger.
178. What we are doing today is something never dreamed of by our forefather.
179. I find life more charming and more astonishing than I'd ever dreamed.
180. Once more Ralph dreamed,[http:///dreamed.html] letting his skilful feet deal with the difficulties of the path.
181. This other man I had dreamed A drunken, vain-glorious lout.
182. He had often dreamed of retiring in England and had planned to settle down in the country.
183. There were others who dreamed for Poland and plotted to throw bombs at the Tsar.
184. The girl dreamed of entering show biz through TV programs.
185. BINGO! Have you ever dreamed of killing one of America's Next Top Models?
186. Growing up with Saint Seiya and Dragon Ball, Xia had always dreamed of becoming a cartoonist.
187. While at Simpson College, Carver studied art and dreamed of becoming an artist.
188. Nobody dreamed of passing his bill to his profit and loss account.
189. She was a bright, motivated secretarial school graduate from England who had always loved animals and dreamed of studying them in Africa.
190. One night, after a Piranha editing session,[http:///dreamed.html] Cameronwent to sleep with afever and dreamed that he saw a robot clawing itsway toward a coweringwoman.
191. My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland.
192. The King and Queen never dreamed how important cocoa beans could be, and it remained for Hernando Cortez, the great Spanish explorer, to grasp the commercial possibilities of the New World offerings.
193. I never dreamed that I'd tee up with Bob Hope.




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