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单词 Framed
1. I didn't do the job, I've been framed up.
2. I keep meaning to get that photo framed.
3. His lips framed the words.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. Her charming face was framed with raven hair.
5. Her pale face was framed by raven locks.
6. The accused man said he had been framed.
7. The accused man siad that he had been framed.
8. He stood framed in the doorway to the hall.
9. Sarah's face was framed by her long dark hair.
10. On the wall is a large framed photograph.
11. I'm going to get the picture framed .
12. She framed Tom for something he never did.
13. The two men were framed for murder.
14. He claimed he'd been framed by the police.
15. He was framed by the real criminals.
16. A hat framed her pretty face.
17. He framed his life according to a noble pattern.
18. A framed parchment hung on the wall.
19. A dense mass of black hair framed his face.
20. The party framed its message in unashamedly patriotic language.
21. Her thick blonde hair framed her face.
22. The photographs will look nice framed in red.
23. Forts are framed for defense.
24. The photographs will look nice framed in black.
25. The swimming pool is framed by tropical gardens.
26. She stood there, framed against the doorway.
27. To the right of the fireplace are various framed certificates.
28. He was framed by the real criminals and became the victim of the evil and injustice.
29. The interview would have been more productive if the questions had been framed more precisely.
30. The picture is now ready to be mounted and framed.
1. I didn't do the job, I've been framed up.
2. I keep meaning to get that photo framed.
3. His lips framed the words.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. Her charming face was framed with raven hair.
5. She framed Tom for something he never did.
6. He framed his life according to a noble pattern.
7. The photographs will look nice framed in black.
8. The prisoner claimed that he had been framed up by his enemies.
31. Her face was framed by a mop of black curls.
32. Needham's lawyers claimed that he had been framed by the police.
33. He stood there, head back, framed against the blue sky.
33. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
34. They framed a policy looking towards the development of industry.
35. The photograph had been framed and hung on the wall.
36. The prisoner claimed that he had been framed up by his enemies.
37. Her face was framed by chestnut curls.
38. Alternative transport systems, framed environmental constraints.
39. On the wall were several framed floral scenes.
40. Malcolm Kennedy claims he was framed by police.
41. I never framed it and I really like it.
42. His chin is framed with a wispy beard.
43. They were framed by the kitchen doorway.
44. Photographs, framed posters, the odd award statuette.
45. Emma's got it framed in her bedroom.
46. It fits all Kangol framed child seats.
47. Her eyes glinted through round wire. framed glasses.
48. The window framed a deep blue square of sky.
49. The doors opened up to a mess of more wrapped, framed works scattered everywhere.
50. This small natural-looking pool is framed by a richly varied planting including variegated grasses and irises, hostas and primulas.
51. I roamed around archways leading nowhere and windows framed by stone walls standing in isolation.
52. He was framed in a window less than a yard away.
53. Besides, they had David Gentleman prints on the hall walls, framed in aluminium frames.
54. The law is framed widely, in the expectation that it will be enforced selectively.
55. The two projects deal with masonry diaphragm wall construction and off-the-frame clay brickwork cladding to framed construction.
56. Her face was long and thin, framed by mousy hair which tumbled down to her shoulders.
57. Such people often see their lives more effectively framed by the reality metaphors that modern quantum physics and chaos theory provide.
58. Framed in the airlock, he seemed like his ship to have his own light source, shining white and gold.
59. My own dead-straight mousy fringe and dimpled chin framed my face as it distorted in agony.
60. On the walls are framed prints of herons and egrets in cypress swamps and watery glades.
61. The hood framed her expressive face, emphasising the grimace of determination before she lowered herself into the starting blocks.
62. It too is filled with inscriptions, with banners and with a multiplicity of framed thank-offerings.
63. It takes 900 separate pieces of oak to build a typical timber framed house.
63. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
64. The lowest six stories were fully framed and concrete floors were being poured.
65. The case was also, however, framed as a conspiracy between Shell and others to contravene the sanctions order.
66. I'm going to get the picture framed and give it to Mom for her birthday.
67. So we get bits of all these: all superficial, all framed around the most drearily predictable judgments.
68. These words, in his own hand, are to be found, framed, inside the hall.
69. But unfortunately the Act is framed in such a way as to permit it to be circumvented.
70. There was a framed poster above it, advertising a livestock sale of the 1860s.
71. If the floor is properly framed, you should not need extra support underneath to bear the weight of the fireplace.
72. Wanda claims she was framed by her ex-husband and his brother.
73. Framed by the silver fur her face took on a glow that emphasized her high cheekbones.
74. Each station has a cutaway wall, framed behind thick glass, showing the strata through which the archaeologists dug.
75. Hearing the noise of the car she turned and he saw a peaked, delicate face framed with red-gold hair.
76. The ravioli are draped in a parmesan-cream sauce and framed with whole fried sage leaves, like sage potato chips.
77. That's not my handwriting and it's not my signature! I've been framed.
78. One day Tod took from the trash a framed certificate and went and hung it on the toilet doornail.
79. Hanging red lights shone on leatherette couches and framed relief pictures of vintage cars. Pop music pounded from the jukebox.
80. For their success the staff were given a framed certificate, together with £100 to donate to the charity of their choice.
81. Urquhart stepped forward out of the blackness, his profile framed by the window.
82. Between the lamps, just as in a proper home, was a pair of framed photographs.
83. Hanging red lights shone on leatherette couches and framed relief pictures of vintage cars.
84. Rank-and-file members are allowed to have one small framed photograph on their desks or in their work areas.
85. Her face was exquisite, he says, framed by her shining black hair: a flower.
86. Healey agreed to defend two young men, who were being framed in a local murder case.
87. She had a plump, pretty face, framed by dark curls that resisted every effort at restraint.
88. Questions should therefore be framed to look for attitudes of mind rather than simple quantity and frequency of use.
89. Windows and doorways fitted with wire guards against bombs framed figures that seemed to be locked in cages.
90. Voice over Border Oak builds around 30 timber framed homes a year from manor houses to small cottages.
91. We will have to learn to live with work situations that are not framed by job descriptions and clear reporting relationships.
92. Saturday night at the Shoreline Amphitheatre he was wearing a white shirt and thick framed glasses.
93. Contradictory discourses are contained and framed by a dominant discourse.
93. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
94. An upright piano stood against one wall, a row of framed photographs on top of it.
95. Likewise, a peek at a window framed by title bar and scroll bars is enough to evoke the sacraments of Mac.
96. The convention which framed the constitution was indeed elected by the state legislatures.
97. Each owned a weird splotch of colour in a white and silver frame, painted and framed by a local artist.
98. There are many framed paintings on the wall, showing warriors and nobles of Imperial, Kislevite and Bretonnian origins.
99. A cinema screen fills the small stage of the Cottesloe, framed by steel scaffolding and lit with red beacons.
100. He ignored both the display cases and the safe which was concealed behind a framed eighteenth-century engraving of the City of London.
101. He will be presented with a framed certificate at a ceremony in London.
102. Along the shadowed walls are framed photographs of men and women.
103. Some were placed in beds framed with ropes and pulleys to prevent movement.
104. At certain times of the year, the Horns would also have framed the Sun in their graceful curve.
105. A wardrobe and a wicker chair and a large, framed notice on the wall.
106. Kathy paged through magazines while John tried to concentrate on a framed print of grazing cattle.
107. I would suggest that ten or twenty questions would be satisfactory to cover the subject area framed by the major research question.
108. These will be made up into an album of at least eight prints and the best portrait will be specially framed for you.
109. A pin-up was tacked to the wall with drawing pins, whereas a reproduction print was carefully framed and positioned.
110. The band presented the Company with a plaque commemorating their visit, together with a framed print displaying the regimental battle honours.
111. His back looked comically enormous framed by the floral white lace of the curtains.
112. Most forms of complementary medicine are framed in terms of traditional medical systems from other cultures.
113. This internal dialogue will not be confined to technical questions framed within the discipline.
114. There was a large framed picture of John Wayne, six-guns drawn.
115. My five-year-old godson's grandparents brought him a small, framed drawing for his christening present.
116. The single framed print hanging on the wall on the first landing, the dead lightbulbs suspended pointlessly from their dusty flexes.
117. Drying off after a shower, I stood looking at two framed movie posters on the bathroom wall.
118. And there, framed in the open left-hand doorway of the stalls, was the T'ang's birthday gift to his son.
119. Her thick dark bobbed hair framed a face that was as frozen as a photograph.
120. The face was female, sculpted, golden, mellow, ideal and framed by a lion's mane of light.
121. Her eyes wide and solicitous and framed by jet-black lashes I made thick and long by trimming the ends every few months.
122. His interests and habits had been too strictly and personally framed for him to be anything less than completely reliant on them.
123. A sob rose in his throat, blending with an incredulous, nervous giggle framed by his lips.
123. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
124. As I pace I notice a framed photograph hanging over the glass-front cabinet.
125. After breakfast, we proceeded across the main courtyard, a spacious square framed by columns and archways.
126. There were flags on the walls and various weapons, also a few sporting trophies and framed photos of long forgotten footie teams.
127. The canopy, which hinges forwards, is made of flat sheets of poly-carbonate, framed with carbon fibre for stiffness.
128. The graceful pink hotel stood outlined against a clear electric-blue sky, framed with the black silhouettes of palms and umbrella pines.
129. It is not only that the sophistication level with which the question or technique is framed must be appropriate to the patient.
130. There was an upright piano in the far corner with a row of framed photographs on top.
131. It was theoretically out of these debates that the legislation on research and technology policy was framed.
132. The clause was not framed as an obligation on the vendor to negotiate with the purchaser in good faith.
133. Framed photographs of Manningham swinging a club decorated the lime green walls.
134. The cane furniture, silver framed pictures, and extravagant, wall-mounted lighting seemed out of place in this shoddy high rise.
135. It was about eight inches square and framed in black teak.
136. But even as she framed the words in her mind, confidence deserted her.
137. There were framed photographs and testimonials on the panelled walls, and some bits of polished machinery in a glass case.
138. She glanced at the framed print of John at the Salpertons' wedding, which was lying on top.
139. Lynn's eyes came to rest on a framed picture on the bookshelf.
140. Since his last visit she has framed the letter that arrived with some magazine subscription sweepstakes.
141. It is framed by gentle hills that look down on oak groves that abound with deer, bobcats and golden eagles.
142. The door was opened and Evelyn stood framed against a long hallway.
143. It was framed on the principles of modern political economy.
144. There beside him, tacked up on a long corkboard and framed inn glass, were the familiar pages of the Tribune.
145. It is not yet known whether a claim in tort can be framed in terms of loss of chance.
146. Then the Sun sank below the rings, so that they framed it with their arches, and the celestial fireworks ceased.
147. The Endomorph isn't necessarily large framed but is sturdily built with a large rib cage, waist and hips.
148. On a table near the bed there was a framed photograph of a blond, beefy-faced young man.
149. A letter knife, an ink-block, a framed photograph and a large, folio-sized journal.
150. Mrs Zamzam looked up to the wall of the room where there hung a framed portrait of a young man and woman.
151. A framed photograph of Jimmy Hill was dislodged behind the bar and fell, shattering bottles and glasses.
152. Once having framed the thought in my mind that I was a lesbian I found myself unable to keep silent about it.
153. The Chemehuevi lived in a curve-topped dwelling framed by cottonwood and covered with bark.
154. What intrigues me about programmes like You've Been Framed is their bad faith.
155. A framed photograph of Sarah, taken on her eighteenth birthday, was on the sideboard.
156. Her face was framed by her Pamela bonnet, a nimbus of straw trimmed with pink ribbons and blue silk anemones.
157. Near the window, he put up a framed map of the New York City subway system.
158. The bold declarations of liberation were framed as sweeping and uncompromising rejections.
159. Wooden framed windows are best secured with locks resembling small mortise security bolts.
160. The badge of the Airborne Division had been enlarged in colour and framed as a centrepiece.
161. Poverty hung about the place like they'd framed it and nailed it to the walls.
162. We begin with a discussion of approaches to researching children framed by differing conceptualisations of childhood.
163. Helen had taken it to a special place to have it framed, Theresa recalled.
164. In the middle was a framed photograph of a woman, whom Dexter recognised as Maggie Parkin, holding a baby.
165. Science in this sense came to stand as a meta-discourse, framed by the broader contours of the conjuncture.
166. His dark face was framed by raven-black hair so perfectly cut that it barely changed its set as he moved.
167. The kitchen door opened at last, and suddenly she was framed in its bright rectangle of light.
168. A soft-faced old man was framed by the double doors that opened on to a room of unparalleled luxury.
169. These safeguards are framed in an adjudicative fashion, albeit one which is significantly modified to take account of the circumstances.
170. Statuettes, framed photographs and a clock crashed against the wall.
171. He framed his college diploma.
172. Never had he so loftily framed a lofty thought.
173. The newspaper carried the martyr's photo framed in black.
174. They have framed a plan of action.
175. An elegant occasional table is framed in the window.
176. He framed the problem within the psychoanalytic paradigm.
177. Chandler's weasel face framed innocent eyes.
178. We have framed up our wedding picture.
179. Long blonde hair framed Karen Sloan's face.
180. Brennan is measuring pitchforks and spraying them with luminal as Booth shows Gavin the bamboo - framed sunglasses.
181. Figure 1 is a screen capture of the framed output generated by the disassembler.
182. We have added framed fruit, a vintage breadboard, an old paint palette, etc. etc. to the doors and walls and even painted the fridge black, edged in bronze.
183. Yes, thighs strain with effort,(http://) but I'm distracted by the twirling toes and the bleached teeth framed by rictus smiles.
184. I remembered that I was a Carolinian, from a State which framed this iniquity by law.
185. Hydraulic control cycle is framed based on the study of slip control system.
186. Huck was silent while he framed a duly cautious reply.
187. Comet Lulin is framed by red-lit trees in Virginia's Shenandoah National Park in a picture taken February 23.
188. There are several amazing baskets, a signed and framed Robert Bateman print, At The Cliff, and an outdoor fire pit up for grabs.
189. Merchants can not only find his favorite cross-stitch brand, also can find framed cross-stitch box and related equipment, every second.
190. He claimed that he had been framed by the police.
191. Continuous prestressed concrete rigid framed arch bridges without spandrel members are new development of the application of conventional rigid framed arch bridges.
192. Allwine also voiced Mickey in Mickey's Christmas Carol and Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
193. Her black, waist-length hair, which hung straight beside her cheeks, framed large, fathomless eyes.
194. Each aluminium framed unit has its self - supporting structure with simple bolt - locking connections at every stacked level.
195. His square - framed perpendicularity showed more fully now than in the crowed and bustle of the markethouse.
196. The strain mode is sensitive to structural damage, and joint damages of framed structures can be diagnosed successfully using Element End Strain Mode shift.
197. Often when a search engine lists your framed page, it will display frame on the left.
198. Each aluminium framed unit has its own self-supporting structure with simple bolt-locking connections at every stacked level.
199. The bank framed the acquisition as a way to boost its non-interest income and potentially develop new business with airline companies.
200. Fireplace: Opening made in the Base of a chimney to hold an open fire. The opening is framed, usually ornamentally, by a mantel (or mantelpiece).
201. Some parents came hugging framed photographs and dog-eared achievement awards, placing them on the spot where their children died under heaps of broken concrete.
202. Rudely he broke away, hastening on to that house near the end of the street, in each of whose quaint windows fancy framed the longed-for face.
203. There was the blown-up and framed picture of Rudy Giuliani standing with a glowing Alice, taken when he had shown up one day.
204. The pale blue walls of this room hangs the black lacquer framed seascape.
205. He used his lecture fees to aid fugitive slaves, headed the Rochester station of the Underground Railroad, and framed a plan for the establishment of an industrial college for African Americans.
206. They climbed stairs to ground level and he immediately noticed Romanesque churches, framed by sunbaked dwellings, the roofs and walls all the tint of dirty sand, the feel clearly Italian.
207. I sent them out to be framed in Lucite .
208. She was the same as ever, only a little pale; her delicate face was framed in a bonnet of violet velvet, her figure was concealed beneath a pelisse of black satin.
209. Take these items and get them professionally framed in a three dimensional montage.
210. The American poet Walt Whitman, whose framed picture Neruda later kept on his table, became a major influence on his work.
211. Who Framed Roger Rabbit is the zany story of a cartoon bunny's madcap antics as he battles a corrupt legal system that has framed him for a brutal homicide.
212. Your wife tolerates your autographed framed picture of Eugene Stoner.
213. Opening made in the Base of a chimney to hold an open fire. The opening is framed, usually ornamentally,() by a mantel (or mantelpiece).
214. Own a piece of six-foot embroidered peony (Blossoming) cross-stitch, not framed, price negotiable.
215. A yurt is a portable, felt - covered, wood lattice - framed dwelling structure traditionally used by nomads.
216. This " lattice analogy'seeks to capitalize on well - established methods for analysis of framed structures.
217. He framed this question three different ways in search of an answer.
218. The equivalent plane frame method proposed in this paper is a semi-analytic method used to analyze framed tube structures in tall buildings.
219. A smallish man with vulturine features framed by thick grey hair opened the door. His impenetrable aquiline gaze rested on mine.
220. Under the charge of his friend and Senatorial candidate, his mission is to set things straight. But when more people turn up dead, Shaw realizes that he's been framed.
221. Facing west on the skywalk, one can enjoy a deliberate framed view of having conversation with the local community.
222. The following communique was therefore framed and agreed to by all.
223. Resting on a bookshelf is a framed program from the 1963 March on Washington, where civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous "I have a dream" speech.
224. Steering according to the wind, he also framed his words more amicably.
225. His tightly framed study of the portraitist is unexpectedly moving investigation of the artistic process.
226. Thailand's political crisis is often framed, simplistically as a battle between haves and have-nots.
227. In recent years important research activity has been undertaken in order to evaluate the earthquake performance of light gauge steel framed house structures.
228. The server read the framed RTP data packets from the source server, send to many connected players, and then make use of the received report returning from the players to adjust to the sending rate.
229. Atypical social engagement is framed in terms of disorders such as autism and Williams Syndrome, as well as in the effects of adverse early rearing environments such as institutions.
230. By optimizing the cross section sizes of the portal framed structure component, the weight of the portal framed structure had been decreased when it meets the requirement of strength.
231. In a second George stood framed in the door, and he looked disapprovingly about.
232. My realtor friend kept a framed copy of her Million Dollar Club certificate over her desk.
233. No glass mounts or framed photographs will be accepted. No signature, subtitle or water print effect will be accepted either.
234. This article introduces the material composition and manufacturing technology of integrally framed P/M magnetic pole used in auto starting motor and its performance obtained in laboratory.
235. Blocking the open - sided porch, framed by the enveloping fog, stood a tall grave - faced policeman.
236. This event truth is that the gifts that Qian Liu had given to as a gift had not satisfied An Chonghui's lustfulness, An Chonghui framed a of against Qian Liu right away.
237. Above the bed in his tiny, cigarette-strewn hotel room hangs a framed photo of him and the matronly AIDS worker.
238. A framed satellite image of the Bering Strait that separates Alaska from Russia like a thread hangs from his office wall.
239. Basic operating examinations of ECM are scientifically framed and done.
240. Aluminum - framed arc doors inlay coffee acrylic sheet by consummate craft.
241. The sheathing - to - framing joints are the primary influencing factors of the light wood - framed shear walls.
242. He said he was framed by his ex - wife .
243. The Emperor and his retinue were framed by the escort and fell from power.
244. There are two major methods in the static analysis of framed structures, i.
245. The first thing you see, after the turnoff, is a heavy, dun-colored metal gate framed by a white tiled arch, and then the guards standing in front with long-barrelled automatic weapons.
246. Charolais are medium to large framed beef cattle with a very deep and broad body.
247. The bare office was warmed only by a framed picture of Admiral Mayo on the bulkhead.
248. The story is framed in a format that is part thriller, part love story.
249. My bare feet were propped on the rail, and between my left and right big toes was framed the afore-mentioned cabin cruiser.
250. To finish it off, I painted in the framed picture with the palette knife.
251. Glazed walls framed in teakwood have been introduced to let in natural light and to visually connect the guests to the surrounding landscape.
252. Colored perspective effect drawing ( framed in thistle board 1200 ×750 mm ).
253. At that moment my flashlight's beam framed the silhouette of a child,[] Pasang Puti.
254. The rules should be so framed that they do not allow of misinterpretation.
255. Resting on a bookshelf is a framed program from the 1963 March on Washington, where civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous " gradually has made the Oval Office his own.
256. Following her lead, I strapped on a pair of lightweight, aluminum - framed snowshoes and began awkwardly high-stepping on top of the packed powder.
257. This means that constitutive equations must be framed in tensor language.
258. The bifurcated pipe of the TGP lock emptying culvert is a reinforced concrete framed structure.
259. What president had a spaniel whose doghouse was decorated with framed political photographs?




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