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单词 Thinking process
1 Piaget's research focused on children's thought processes .
2 I couldn't see what thought processes led him to that conclusion.
3 The youngest, the neocortex, governs our rational thinking processes.
4 His thought processes are entirely different from mine.
5 Thought processes become distorted and you hallucinate.
6 Might not some essential aspects of quantum theory also be playing crucial roles in the physics that underlies our thought processes?
7 No studies examining the criminal's thought process will appear because the author can write the book only if the criminal co-operates.
8 It defines the physical actions and thought processes which must be undertaken to perform a task.
9 It is a moot point whether hierarchies exist outside our own thought processes.
10 I think you may have a fundamental flaw in your thought processes.
11 This may be easily overlooked because the slowed thought processes and loss of interest may be wrongly attributed to the disease itself.
12 Her thought process was primarily focused on the injustice of being in the hospital and projecting blame on to her parents.
13 The third time he took chromium, he felt his thought processes slowing down.
14 By which is meant that they have developed their ability to focus both senses and mind upon a thought process.
15 He was thinking while he listened to the logical thought processes of Leon Gusev.
16 Many people insist that most of their political knowledge is based on their own rational thought processes.
17 Foveal and peripheral awareness Our senses, and our thought processes too, function through centres of energy.
18 The thinking process of artistic language embodies the aesthetic differences of the utterance subject.
19 The creation of art for the thinking process of artists possesses special psychological form.
20 Every ingestion of food can affect our mood or thinking processes.
21 But at the core of it all is a profound curiosity about the thinking process.
22 No one who can be as objective about her own thinking processes as you are could be otherwise.
23 IDG and the subsequent entry, also experienced a change in the thinking process.
24 Many new things will occupy your new and enlightened thinking process.
25 Alan Hawkins, a professor of family life at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, says there's a lot of research on factors that predict divorce but "virtually no research on the thinking process."
26 A Chinese English student must restrain from using the Chinese-English translation thinking process that he is accustomed to.
27 Taking corresponding measures, teachers can help students set a satisfactory thinking process mode of English writing.
28 Consequently, the process of Visual Art's creation and acceptance is called visual thinking process.
29 Menglun travel to the town to illustrate positioning methods and their thinking process.
30 Cognitive physics, from the perspective of natural language, focuses on the thinking process that is from quantity to quality and from data to knowledge as well as the organization of information.
31 Once this English thinking process begins, many learning issues will no longer be issues.




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