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单词 James
1. I sold my car to James for £800.
2. James loved her dearly .
3. I'm waiting for James to arrive.
4. James and I halved the apple.
5. James was rather aggrieved at Cameron.
6. James flicked a peanut at her.
7. James whacked the ball over the net.
8. I wonder how James is getting on.
9. James broke down and wept.
10. James 2-putted the 14th hole.
11. James has sold his car.
12. I sold James my car for £800.
13. James can imitate his father perfectly.
14. He called at Mr. James this afternoon.
15. The James Bond films are always being rerun on television.
16. It was James Mill who was the best publicist for utilitarian ideas on government.
17. James Roach was electrocuted in South Carolina in 1986 .
18. James unzipped his bag.
19. Marilyn Monroe and James Dean are still icons for many young people.
20. Good morning, Sir James.
21. James said he'd better be getting back or there'd be a fuss .
22. It looks like a miniature version of James Bond's car.
23. The letters were a real find and James went on to publish two volumes of them.
24. James is taller than Paul, but Richard is the tallest.
25. I've got to speak to James Lewis vis-a-vis the arrangements for Thursday.
26. James came out of his bedroom, toweling his wet hair.
27. James is a very deep individual.
27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
28. If you see James, do convey my apologies .
29. James has a fine treble voice.
30. James was a handsome devil and rich, too.
1. I sold my car to James for £800.
2. James loved her dearly .
3. I'm waiting for James to arrive.
4. James and I halved the apple.
5. James was rather aggrieved at Cameron.
6. James flicked a peanut at her.
7. James whacked the ball over the net.
8. I wonder how James is getting on.
9. James broke down and wept.
10. James 2-putted the 14th hole.
11. James has sold his car.
12. I sold James my car for £800.
13. James can imitate his father perfectly.
14. He called at Mr. James this afternoon.
15. The James Bond films are always being rerun on television.
16. It was James Mill who was the best publicist for utilitarian ideas on government.
17. James Roach was electrocuted in South Carolina in 1986 .
18. James unzipped his bag.
19. Marilyn Monroe and James Dean are still icons for many young people.
20. James said he'd better be getting back or there'd be a fuss .
21. It looks like a miniature version of James Bond's car.
22. The letters were a real find and James went on to publish two volumes of them.
23. James is taller than Paul, but Richard is the tallest.
24. I've got to speak to James Lewis vis-a-vis the arrangements for Thursday.
25. James came out of his bedroom, toweling his wet hair.
26. James Dean was a cult hero of the fifties.
27. John was competing against James for the prize in arithmetic.
27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
28. The court decided against the plaintiff in the case of James vs . Smith.
29. It got a bIt'spooky when James started telling ghost stories.
30. As a pitcher, Luther is better than James by a long chalk.
31. Why had James behaved so extraordinarily?
32. James does nothing but lounge around the apartment.
33. James is good company .
34. James took his habitual morning walk around the garden.
35. James accepted the generously salaried job at the bank.
36. You did a good job today. Nice work, James!
37. James will be back at once, hang on.
38. Sometimes I don't understand James.
39. James is such an old queen.
40. His name is James but he calls himself Jim.
41. James leaned over to whisper something to Michael.
42. We'll rendezvous with James in Nicosia.
43. James usually wakes up early.
44. Fancy James winning the competition!
45. James Bond was a boyhood hero of mine.
46. James was extremely susceptible to flattery.
47. I happened to see James in town.
48. James Barron turns in a delightfully camp performance.
49. James I created him Duke of Buckingham.
50. James Dean was a cult hero of the fifties.
51. James watched with regal detachment.
52. James went to his daughter and hugged her tightly.
53. I found James Joyce's 'Ulysses' totally unreadable.
54. She glanced over at James for confirmation.
55. James lost his licence for six months .
56. James was the first to arrive.
57. Oh, James, you really are a hopeless case !
58. James reads quite well for his age.
59. After the Tudors, James I came to the throne.
60. They told James he could no longer live rent-free.
61. James has gone down with a fever.
62. James was a foolish man, full of impractical plans.
63. James Brown is the master of funk.
64. I wonder why James is always late for school.
65. James blocked the shot but conceded a corner.
66. James usually drives a little hatchback.
67. James Spencer, prosecuting, claimed that the witness was lying.
68. James tends to drive too fast.
69. Can James ride a bicycle yet?
70. James bore her no malice .
71. His love of James Dean movies verged on fanaticism.
72. James was taken to hospital but died soon afterwards.
73. I asked James to buy some bread.
74. James Bell suffered second-degree burns in an explosion.
75. James flailed about in the shallow water.
76. The missing man has been named as James Kelly.
77. James is coming tonight, or so he said.
78. James can imitate his teacher's speech perfectly.
79. We'll call the baby James.
80. She shut out memories of James.
81. James did not push her into stealing the money.
82. James is busy practising for the school concert.
83. He did impressions of Sean Connery and James Mason.
84. James Joyce's Ulysses'challenged the literary traditions of his day.
85. James looks strange with a turban around his head.
86. James Hawes's first film boasts major-league stars.
87. Miss James could not afford to sue for libel.
87. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
88. James walked by without even looking in my direction.
89. James had provided for just such an emergency.
90. The author borrows heavily from Henry James.
91. The film features James Dean as a disaffected teenager.
92. James heard footsteps close behind him.
93. Mr James sat down in his chair.
94. James was subpoenaed as a witness.
95. James is a fighter - he never gives up.
96. James began to show signs of impatience.
97. 'I'm warning you!' said James, losing his patience.
98. James was upset because he had lost his ticket.
99. It got a bit spooky when James started telling ghost stories.
100. In our picture, clockwise from top left, are James Brown, Helen Taylor and Holly Jones.
101. She came to visit England, where she was presented at the court of James I.
102. We thought we'd call on James on the way home.
103. The doctor said James had now deve-loped a heart murmur.
104. None of our attempts at contacting Dr James was successful.
105. James was called to see the producer and got the job on the spot.
106. Mr James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst.
107. That was the one and only James Brown , with'Try me '.
108. James took the books off the little table to make room for the television.
109. The crowd than turned their anger on Prime Minister James Mitchell.
110. She was pitchforked into power by the early death of her husband James V.
111. James wasn't invited. We've been out of touch for years.
112. You can attend embroidery classes under the tutelage of Jocelyn James.
113. James was keen to put some of the things he had learned into practice.
114. He rang James, who was a good friend as well as the family doctor.
115. The actor James Dean acquired the status of a cult hero.
116. He went into TV and got his first break playing opposite Sid James in the series "Citizen James".
117. We've got two people called Paul James working here, so it's a bit confusing!
117. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
118. James has been making hearts flutter ever since he joined the company.
119. James works as assistant chef at a fast food restaurant.
120. I spoke to James today. He was asking after you.
121. James whistled in amazement.
122. We, the undersigned, strongly object to the closure of St. Mary's Hospital: Jack James , Philippa Curry , Hugh Edwards.
123. Francis, having concluded his business with James, left for Miami.
124. John was competing against James for the prize in arithmetic.
125. James had been unfaithful to Christine for the entire four years they'd been together.
126. The Brady Bill is named for former White House Press Secretary James Brady.
127. It is with great sadness that we report the death of James Banks yesterday.
128. In 1978, Naomi James became the first woman to sail solo around the world via Cape Horn.
129. At last James had an office that befitted his status.
130. James and I see pretty eye to eye on most things.
131. James was hit in the mouth as he struggled with the burglars.
132. James Watson, Philip Mayo and I gave a slide and video presentation.
133. James is so mercenary that he'd turn in his own mother for the reward money.
134. James looks younger than his wife but in actual fact he is several years older.
135. "I'm in a bit of a rush. I'll give you a ring, " said James,() and off he trotted.
136. The Brady bill acquired its name from its best-known sponsor, James Brady.
137. Mr and Mrs James are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Henrietta.
138. She saw James walk in and hastily lowered her lids.
139. I was grieved to hear of the suicide of James.
140. We elected James chairman.
141. I don't suppose you could tell me where James Street is could you?
142. Things haven't been right between me and James for some time.
143. Fatherhood doesn't immediately spring to mind when you think of James.
144. "I'm a real intellectual-type guy, Tracy," James joked. "Oh, give me a break," Tracy moaned.
145. By now, James was so far behind in the race that he knew he had little chance of making up the leeway.
146. Thank you for coming, James. Unfortunately, I don't think your presence will make a whit of difference to the outcome of this meeting, as I'm fairly sure our demands won't be met.
147. For further information on the life of William James Sidis, see Amy Wallace,(http:///james.html) "The Prodigy".
148. Some commentators compared his work to that of James Joyce.
149. James abused his body for years with heroin and cocaine.
150. It did not take James very long to get addicted.
151. The court decided against the plaintiff in the case of James vs . Smith.
152. Let James sit there.
153. When his court case was coming up, James promised to reform.
154. James left the restaurant, settling his account by credit card.
155. After announcing himself at the reception desk, James was led upstairs.
156. An amendment to the proposal was tabled by Mrs James.
157. When there's a James Bond film on TV, I never ever miss it.
158. James is streets ahead of the rest of the class at reading.
159. Mr James persuaded the banks to accept a large write-off of debt.
160. By a happy coincidence , James was also in town that weekend.
161. Bloomsday has turned into a carnival, attended by thousands of people who know little about James Joyce.
162. I did not think it fitting to ask James about his daughter's death.
163. James had worked every summer since he was eleven .
164. We congratulate James on his well-deserved promotion to Chief Executive.
165. Some James Bond films have dated more quickly than others.
166. James Fox is best known as the author of White Mischief.
167. James Bond is known for his sophistication, his style and his sense of class.
168. A big welcome to our special guest, Sir James Greenan.
169. James, if you'll pardon me, you've got it all wrong.
170. From a distance he looks a bit like James Bond.
171. It got a bIt'spooky when James started telling ghost stories.
172. Shock, horror! Carl James was seen talking to a woman and it wasn't his wife.
173. James and Elliott tussled.
174. I know that James is a solid type of person.
175. James is able to retain an enormous amount of factual information in his head.
176. I'm happy for James. He's a much-maligned player but has tremendous spirit.
177. He accused Mr James of mischief-making by raising allegations against Mr Aitken.
178. Marlon Brando, Steve McQueen, and James Dean are now legends of the silver screen.
179. 'Sorry to barge in on your cosy evening,' James said.
180. Mind that bike, James!
181. He can trace his ancestors back to the reign of James the First.
182. James sneered at my old bicycle. He has a new one.
183. Chefs at the St James Court restaurant have cooked for the Queen.
184. The normally dour Mr James was photographed smiling and joking with friends.
185. Whom would it profit to terrify or to kill James Sinclair?
186. Liz travelled round the world for a year with her boyfriend James.
187. The conflict with James has dragged on for two years.
188. If you must know , I was with James last night .
189. James loves sneaking up on his sister to frighten her.
190. As a pitcher, Luther is better than James by a long chalk.
191. Sir William James is thought to be the originator of fingerprinting as a means of identification.
192. James had been dead a quarter of a century and the doctors had turned their coats several times since.
193. James got to his feet and started to come over, but the girls hastily backed away.
194. It was altogether owing it to himself that James won the prize.
195. James was hit in the mouth as he struggled with the raiders.
196. James began poking about in the cupboard, looking for the sugar.
197. Bill played badly, James played worse, and I played worst of all!
198. James Joyce was saluted as the greatest writer of the 20th century.
199. Our economics correspondent, James Morgan, is just back from Germany.
200. Yours sincerely, James Brown.
201. This is Alan James sitting in for Suzy Williams on the mid-morning show.
202. James crossed the finish line in just under four minutes.
203. James arrived at the docks expecting to see a luxury liner.
204. James is very bright, but he doesn't make full use of his abilities.
205. James Bond now takes on international media magnates rather than Rosa Kleb.
206. When I landed in Bombay in April 1958, a lady from Filmfare came to meet me and told me I looked like James Dean. I didn’t have a clue who James Dean was! Dharminder 
207. Sir James was an immensely distinguished architect in the vanguard of his profession.
208. He's cut loose from this business except, possibly, where James is concerned.




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