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单词 Grudging
1) He even earned his opponents' grudging respect.
2) She was very grudging in her thanks.
3) He looked at Nick with grudging respect.
4) She won the grudging respect of her boss.
5) There seems to be a grudging acceptance of the situation.
6) One by one they came forward, mumbled grudging words of welcome, made awkward obeisances.
7) He felt a grudging respect for her talents as an organizer.
8) Despite her annoyance, she couldn't help feeling a grudging admiration for him.
9) I didn't think his grudging remarks really counted as an apology.
10) Cole grants them a grudging accolade.
11) Oliver was grudging about accepting Wickham's innocence.
12) He chewed his lower lip in a grudging silence.
13) Well, I have a grudging admiration for the advertising sociologists.
14) At best, this organization achieves a grudging,[http:///grudging.html] superficial conformity to officially sanctioned patterns of thought and action.
15) There was a kind of grudging admiration to be detected in Janet Holloway's tone.
16) Lewis was inclined to ground his grudging acceptance of democracy on the doctrine of original sin.
17) It did so with only grudging recognition of the need for national consultations with Social Democratic leaders.
18) You are envious, Biddy, and grudging.
19) His tough stand won some grudging admiration.
20) He was grudging in his praises.
21) Europe's grudging attitude to the new president is not only discourteous. It is unwise and self - defeating.
22) At which Willi would give a small grudging appreciative smile.
23) When mistakes are made a full apology is often less damaging than a grudging admission that events have not gone as planned.
24) That was the malign beauty of it all, which I spent seven grudging years admiring.
25) Initially this was scoffed at as farfetched conjecture, but gradually it has received grudging respect and empirical support.
26) His defiance of Uncle Sam has even earned him a grudging respect.
27) But Carrick has now gained an age where young lads metaphorically doff their caps and older spectators offer grudging respect.
28) Riven forgot why he had come, and stood in grudging admiration for their speed and sureness.
29) Yet the status accorded to the national team is grudging.
30) Mr Cates thinks there are three main reasons why intangibles are winning only grudging acceptance.
1) He even earned his opponents' grudging respect.
2) He felt a grudging respect for her talents as an organizer.
31) It took Louis until Easter to coax a grudging consent from the French King.
32) Being poor white, they were not even accorded the" grudging respect that Angus Macintosh's dour independence wrung from neighboring families."
33) Yet Los Angeles receives only grudging recognition as a creative center.
34) My loneliness and I are a pair of partners , like grudging.
35) Israel's grudging change of heart was also imposed by a court ruling.
36) Even Sir John Cowperthwaite might have given these statistics grudging acceptance.
36) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
37) After a pause he added'sir. " in a dilatory , grudging way.
38) There's always something slightly grudging about the English, which is curious.
39) So there is the basis for a bit of grudging respect.
40) He could not help feeling a grudging admiration for the old lady.
41) A point I often make that surprises people is that Kim Il Sung was really beloved, even hard-bitten defectors I know still speak with maybe grudging reverence for Kim Il Sung.
42) The poorer one is, the more he looks upon money as dirt. I often wonder why a miser should be so rigid in self-denial, even grudging to spend every single cent for himself.
43) Whether appearing at the Grammys or on the "We Are the World" benefit album, Mr. Dylan "almost always kills it with some really sour, clanking or grudging performance, " Mr. Lethem said.
44) True to type , the boss started to treat him with grudging respect.




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