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单词 ready
释义 Word family  noun readiness the ready adjective ready verb ready adverb readily ready  read·y1 /ˈredi/ ●●● S1 W2 adjective  1  prepared 准备好的 [not before noun]READY if you are ready, you are prepared for what you are going to do 准备好〔做某事〕的 Come on. Aren’t you ready yet? 快点,你还没准备好吗? When the doorbell rang he was ready and waiting. 门铃响的时候,他已经准备好在等着了。ready to do something Everything’s packed, and we’re ready to leave. 所有的东西都装好了,我们可以走了。 Why does it take you so long to get ready to go out? 你外出怎么要准备那么长时间?ready for something I don’t feel that I’m ready for my driving test yet. 我觉得我还没有准备好参加驾驶考试。 I felt strong, fit, and ready for anything. 我感到精力充沛,身体康健,干什么都行。ready with something At the end of the lecture, I was ready with questions. 讲座结束的时候,我已经准备好一些问题要问。make ready (=prepare to start doing something) 做好准备 We made ready for our journey home. 我们准备好返程回家。when you’re ready (=said to tell someone that you are ready for them to start doing something) 你准备好了就开始〔告诉对方自己已经准备好,等他开始做某事〕ready when you are (=said to tell someone that you are ready to do what you have arranged to do together) 我准备好了,就等你了〔告诉对方自己随时可以做安排了一起做的事〕 → prepare2  for immediate use 可立即使用 [not before noun]READY if something is ready, someone has prepared it and you can use it immediately 〔某物〕准备好的,可即刻使用的 When will supper be ready? 晚饭什么时候准备好?ready to use/eat etc The computer is now set up and ready to use. 电脑已安装好,随时可用。ready for something Is everything ready for the exhibition? 展览会所需的一切都准备就绪了吗? I’ve got to get a room ready for our guests. 我得准备好一个房间给客人用。3  have something ready to have something near you so that you can use it if you need to 备好某物 I had my calculator ready. 我已备好计算器。4  be/feel ready for something spokenWANT to need or want something as soon as possible 急需[渴望]某事物 I’m really ready for a vacation. 我真的需要去度一次假了。5  be ready to do something informalWILL to be likely to do something soon 可能快要做某事 She looked ready to burst into tears. 她看样子就要哭出来了。6  willing 愿意的 [not before noun]WILLING very willing to do something 愿意〔做某事〕的;乐意的ready to do something He was always ready to help us. 他总是乐意帮助我们。 She was ready and willing to work hard. 她工作积极肯干。7  quick 快的 [only before noun]FAST/QUICK available or coming without delay 迅速的;现成的 They need to have ready access to police files. 他们需要立即能查到警方的档案。 a ready supply of drink 现成的饮料供应 I had no ready answer to his question. 他的问题我一时想不出答案。 an intelligent man with a ready wit 一个头脑机敏的聪明男人8  ready money/cash MONEYmoney that you can spend immediately 现款,现金 The company is short of ready cash. 公司现金短缺。9. ready, steady, go!steady, go! ready British English, get ready, get set, go! American English spokenDS used to tell people to start a race 各就各位,预备,跑!〔用于赛跑发令〕 → readily, readiness, → rough and ready at rough1(15) THESAURUSready [not before noun] having done everything that needs to be done in order to prepare for something 准备好〔做某事〕的Are you ready? The taxi’s here. 你准备好了吗?出租车来了。I don’t feel that I’m ready for the test yet. 我觉得自己还没有准备好参加测验。prepared [not before noun] ready to deal with a situation, because you are expecting it or have made careful preparations 〔对某种情况〕做好准备的The police were prepared for trouble. 警方对于骚乱有所准备。The team looked well-prepared for the game. 那支球队似乎为比赛做了充分准备。be all set to be ready to start doing something that you have planned to do, and be just about to do it 一切准备就绪We were all set for a barbecue when it started to rain. 我们都准备好烧烤了,这时天却下起雨来。be good to go American English informal be ready to start doing something after completing all the necessary preparations 一切搞定We just need to get you a pair of skis and you’re good to go. 我们只要给你一副滑雪板,你就一切搞定可以出发了。nripe ripe fruit are soft, sweet, and ready to eatDon’t pick the apples until they’re really ripe.a delicious ripe plumbe in place if the arrangements or the equipment for doing something are in place, they are ready to start being used 〔安排或设备〕就位,准备就绪The television cameras were in place for the wedding. 摄像机已就位,可以拍摄婚礼了。All the arrangements are in place for a new constitution and democratic elections. 修订宪法和举行民主选举的所有准备工作已安排就绪。be standing by if people are standing by, they are ready to take action and help if they are needed – used especially about medical teams, police, the army etc 〔尤指医疗小组、警察、军队等〕待命,准备行动Officers in full riot gear were standing by outside the police station. 全副防暴装备的警察在警局外待命。Several ambulances were standing by. 几辆救护车随时待命。Examples from the Corpusready• Lunch is ready!• That's settled then. I'll go and get ready.• There was need for haste, but all was ready.• On the Internet, you have ready access to huge amounts of information.• When the pasta's ready, add the sauce.• The wedding guests were all ready and waiting long before the bride arrived.• a ready answer• The pans scrubbed, ready for another action-packed day.• I was getting the table ready for the captain's breakfast.• It was soon time for the actors to get ready for the evening performance.• Is everything ready for the party?• I don't feel that I'm ready for the test yet.• It took several months to get the boat ready for the voyage.• When everyone is ready, I'll give the signal to start.• City officials said the master plan should be ready in December in time for a public hearing.• Your dry cleaning will be ready on Thursday.• Are you ready? The taxi's here.• A well organised right-hander, he, too, seems ready to advance to higher things.• In a year's time, the wine will be ready to drink.• Bridge that gap with over-wintering onion sets, ready to eat from May to July.• My sister always spends hours getting ready to go out.• Your suit will be ready to pick up on Wednesday.• Keep warm until ready to serve.• Hudspeth is ready to talk about lawyers in general.• "Shall we go then?" "Yes, ready when you are."• I'm sorry, your car isn't ready yet, sir.• Wait a minute. I'm not ready yet.• Is dinner ready yet?ready and waiting• The Rhodesian forces are ready and waiting.• Then when they'd finished eating they picked up their guns and the animals were there, ready and waiting.• Something inside him was ready and waiting and familiar.• Three o'clock found them ready and waiting, arrayed in their most festive attire.• They had plenty of berries and there would be jobs ready and waiting for them.• He discovered it has two electrons that could be described as ready and waiting to form chemical bonds.• She was ready and waiting when Roman tapped on her door.• You will then have the right specimens ready and waiting whenever anyone decides to up sticks and move.ready to use/eat etc• Cook or serve food only when everyone is hungry and ready to eat.• Cover bowl and refrigerate until ready to use.• If not eating both grapefruit halves at the same time, keep the remaining filling in the bowl until ready to use.• The muffins will still be quite warm but will also be finished and ready to eat.• Bridge that gap with over-wintering onion sets, ready to eat from May to July.• He is quite ready to use his abrasive manner in an effort to get a better life for the orphans.• I was ready to eat it all, the wrappings, the glass containers, the windows in the walls.• Camlab has announced a new ready to use system for discontinuous, denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of proteins.ready to do something• Throughout the day and night, we have to be ready to accept all kinds of aircraft.• Kadish said the planes were ready to go 96 percent of the time.• Equipped for racing, ready to go for this season.• I was glad, at the end of the week, when she said she was ready to go home.• Fate appears ready to hand him a Big Moment, and he is eager to seize it.• A six-level parking garage is ready to handle 15,000 cars.• Britain said it was ready to lift the sanctions at once.• All my love and kisses, Sue Marion put the letter in her bag, ready to take to work tomorrow.ready supply• He has a ready supply, and despite the heavy atmosphere and flat light it carries us out to Langdale.• This ensures a ready supply for a few weeks without having to repeat the process.• So they always have a ready supply of air in their lungs with which to generate clicks and sing songs.• A ready supply of meat that makes weekly shopping for meats unnecessary. 2.• It means I've always got a ready supply of paint stirring or glue sticks.• Dozens of national ticket brokers have a ready supply to pass on, albeit for a profit.ready2 verb (readied, readying, readies) [transitive]  formalREADY to make something or someone ready for something 使…〔为某事〕做好准备 SYN prepareready somebody/something for something I tried to ready him for the bad news. 我设法让他有思想准备接受这个坏消息。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusready• I waited for her to try to scream again, readying myself to leap upon her and bear her down.• Hurrying down to his men, he readied them.ready3 noun  1  at the ready PREPAREavailable to be used immediately 随时可用 Soldiers stood around with weapons at the ready. 士兵们在周围站着,手里拿着武器。2  the readies British English informalMONEY money that you can use immediately 现钱 I’m getting a new car as soon as I can scrape together the readies. 我一凑足现钱就去买一辆新车。ready4 adverb  ready cooked/prepared etc already cooked, prepared etc by someone else 已煮好的/准备好的等 They seem to live on ready cooked meals. 他们好像就吃方便餐过日子。Examples from the Corpusready• And you have the framework of your story ready made for you, a great help to the beginner.From Longman Business Dictionaryreadyread‧y /ˈredi/ adjective ready money/cash/source/supply money etc that is easily available to be used at any timea government initiative to ensure a ready supply of skilled software graduatesOrigin ready1 (1100-1200) Old English ræde “prepared”read·y1 adjective →THESAURUS1ready2 verbready3 nounready4 adverbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Business are you prepared ready, are you for if Corpus




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