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单词 Seashore
1, They redeployed the troops along the seashore.
2, The seashore is fouled up with oil from the wrecked ship.
3, I found her on the seashore,dreaming away as usual.
4, She doodled along the seashore.
5, They cultivated kelp off the seashore of their village.
6, He liked to look for shells on the seashore.
7, As we walked along the seashore we saw several different sorts of seaweed and lots of tiny crabs.
8, The seashore hotel charged the travelers $20 for a room for the night during the summer holiday.
9, As we walked along the seashore we saw lots of tiny crabs.
10, They built a dam along the seashore to retain the seawater.
11, Having arrived at seashore, she looks better and her feelings begin to head for herself.
12, The sea washed the seashore.
13, What can you find at a seashore?
14, Paint a big ocean and seashore.
15, Ten minutes later she appeared on the distant seashore.
16, It is more comfortable to say lakeshore or seashore.
17, Access to the seashore created a passion for collecting seaweeds and shells.
18, They walked towards the seashore and sat on the rocks, beside a pool with anemones in it.
19, We rolled up our trousers and paddled along the seashore.
20, We looked for crabs in the rock pools along the seashore.
21, We try to revegetate the saline or alkaline lands near the seashore.
22, The stink of rotting seaweed was strong along the seashore.
23, She takes her inspiration from shells and stones she finds on the seashore.
24, She has a strange affinity with nature and seems most at home by the seashore.
25, The big wooden table had been scrubbed as white as a bone on the seashore.
26, It was found a few miles from his car on the seashore near Great Yarmouth.
27, These strips are all the same,(http:///seashore.html) a sort of busy evolutionary seashore.
28, The magnificent 90 foot high tower of Orford Castle offers extensive views of Orford, and the seashore nearby.
29, The council sought an injunction to prevent a clergyman trespassing by holding services on the plaintiff's seashore.
30, During this period she herds stray animals to her seashore cave, where she feeds them during the cold months.
1, They redeployed the troops along the seashore.
2, We rolled up our trousers and paddled along the seashore.
3, The seashore is fouled up with oil from the wrecked ship.
4, We looked for crabs in the rock pools along the seashore.
31, What kept her from coming down to bathe and witness the enjoyment her child got out of being on the seashore?
32, Once the ashes had cooled, they would be taken to the seashore and tossed to the winds.
33, A few miles away at Ness Point near Lowestoft, the body of a man wasa found on the seashore.
34, When I was a kid I loved the seashore for its mix of beautiful, subtle colours and strong smells.
35, From the window of Kate's room they watched Mrs Blakey on the distant seashore throwing driftwood for the setters.
36, For safety they should cooperate when local authorities display signs, warning that the seashore is dangerous.
37, Telemachus in despair went far away along the seashore and as he walked he prayed to Athena.
38, Her parents and brothers waited till the sound of guns was no longer intermittent but continuous before they started for the seashore.
39, This is the flat leaf of powdery chalk, the cuttle bone, that is often washed up on the seashore.
40, On the balmy seashore of Juneau. Alaska!
41, They summered at the seashore.
42, He had a very pleasant vacation at the seashore.
43, The sands of the seashore beyond number.
44, One day he went to the seashore before daybreak.
45, The oil tanker started to sail for northern seashore.
46, The grass used here is called "seashore paspalum".
47, There is no property in the seashore.
48, The seashore is not far from here.
49, One day, the people on the seashore heard a cry for help.
49, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
50, As a typical halophyte living in salina and seashore, Suaeda salsa possesses high value in use, as it is rich in amino acid, vitamin and mineral.
51, No additional outlet for discharging sewage shall be allowed within marine sanctuaries aquacultural grounds and seashore scenic and tourist areas.
52, The children picked up many sea shells at the seashore.
53, A person with a terrifying hot temper will become, I believe, as meek as a lamb after a long stay by the seashore.
54, This is you from seashore insolation return period of time, not only long spot and nigrescence , moreover the very long time with difficulty restores reason.
55, The roof of a beach house at Cape Hatteras National Seashore in North Carolina sits in shambles August 27 due to high winds from Hurricane Irene.
56, A ghost crab eats oil from the Gulf of Mexico spill, shown glowing yellow-orange under ultraviolet light, at Gulf Islands National Seashore near Pensacola (map), Florida.
57, We had a delightful time by the seashore last Sunday.
58, European seashore plant (Eryngium maritimum) having prickly, fleshy , bluish leaves and heads of blue or purplish flowers.
59, It is not surprising that the Greek orator Demosthenes (c 384–322 BC) was reputed to have practiced his diction and volume along the seashore by placing pebbles in his mouth.
60, Much wearing and breaking of rocks takes place on the seashore.
61, Hunji rock is formed in seashore environment, mixed carbonate sediment in beach or tideland facies with quartz sand taken from bayou or beach by coastwise flow and circumfluence.
62, The proposed third course will be turfed with Seashore Paspalum.
63, Wasn't John Kennedy responsible for the creation of the Cape Cod National Seashore?
64, It indicates that the storm tide will still be the triggering force of seashore topographic profile evolutions in the future.
65, He spends holiday at the seashore, and goes to participate in surfing every day.
66, The new East Course was planted with Seashore Paspalum in 2007.
67, Taizhou Pterodactyl Green Farm Produce co. , Ltd Brief Introduction The east seashore of Zhejiang, the beautiful city of Linhai, it is one of the areas with more developed coastal economy of China.
68, Any of various succulent annual seashore herbs of the genus Cakile, of the mustard family, having pungent foliage and white to lavender flowers.
69, What makes seashore paspalum so special is that it can survive and thrive in high-salt environments. So brackish water or partially salty water can be used to irrigate this grass.
70, So do golfers rate seashore paspalum as a birdie or a bogie?
71, Living near the seashore may lead to an interest in shells and shell collecting.
72, A person place in the seashore, the sea breeze front surface blows.
73, The trip to the seashore brought her out of her depression.
74, A European seashore plant (Eryngium maritimum) having prickly, fleshy, bluish leaves and heads of blue or purplish flowers.
75, On the same seashore road, the lonely streetlamp was excuding a thread of obscureness and it appeared indistinctly.
76, Its mild maritime climate, colorful seashore resorts and hospitable habitants attract people to come to travel, recess, or spend their senectitude.
77, A couple plays at the seashore on June 24, 2011, during Saint John's night in Malaga, Spain.
78, At Point Reyes National Seashore in Marin County, California, a plant called Tidestrom's lupine is holding on for dear life.
79, Located next to the refuge is the Assateague Island National Seashore, which provides amazing opportunities to photograph the true essence of a coastal barrier island.
80, Seashore paspalum appears to be a green solution that's par for the course.
81, Dr. Ron Duncan is a turf researcher at the University of Georgia and a leading expert on seashore paspalum.
82, Why did search party going to a cave near the seashore?
83, The loess along south Liaoning seashore derived from Bohai seabed during the last glacial period when sea level was low was transported and deposited by northwest wind in a short distance.
84, He says seashore paspalum has other advantages besides being environmentally friendly.
85, Oil-stained brown pelican chicks huddle on Cat Island[/seashore.html], a barrier island forming the westernmost point of Gulf Islands National Seashore.
86, Joe had a vacation, so he decided to go to the seashore for a few days.
87, Baked Scottish Salmon with Seashore Vegetables, Broad Beans, Herb Garden Salad, Mayonnaise and Wild Garlic-scented Irish Soda bread.
88, Clambake:a seashore picnic where clams, fish, corn, and other foods are traditionally baked on heated stones covered with seaweed.
89, Tempest roams in the pathless Sky, ships are wrecked in the trackless water, death is abroad and children play. On the seashore of endless worlds is the great meeting of children.




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