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单词 Speechwriter
1 Charlie Manganelli, our chief speechwriter, always included such a self-deprecatory line.
2 Very frequently, speechwriters are recruited from the ranks of journalism, which accounts for a great deal.
3 Speechwriters are not expected to have the same moral values as other people in political life.
4 The leaden hand of the Government's speechwriters set no pulses racing.
5 The Prime Minister needs better speechwriters, better advice-and better instincts.
6 The speechwriters go back to work after his editing and bring him a new draft.
7 Every great speechwriter knows this.
8 Pat Buchanan , a speechwriter who considered himself Nixon's conservative conscience,[] was morose.
9 Next Thursday, some presidential speechwriter dude is coming to speak fourth period.
10 This is your speechwriter, your joke writer, your spin doctor, your makeup man, and your personal trainer.
11 But Reagan didn't need a speechwriter. He was a good one himself.
12 Attie, who served as chief speechwriter to Al Gore during the ill-fated 2000 campaign and who wrote many of the key Santos episodes of the West Wing, put in a call to Obama aide David Axelrod.
13 Ben Rhodes, Obama's chief foreign policy speechwriter, said Obama told him "to cast a wide net" in preparing the address.
14 He is the youngest chief speechwriter on record in the White House, and, despite such youth, was at the centre of discussions of the content of today's speech, one which has so much riding on it.
15 Unlike the minister or his speechwriter, I am involved in angel investing, so I know what a foolish error this was.
16 Let them eat in the regular mess, with deputy assistants and speechwriters!
17 Well, as a rural westerner, I think Mark Helprin might not be the person Dole needs as his speechwriter.
18 I hoped to become an assistant at least, or an adviser or perhaps even — dare to dream — a speechwriter.
19 "The authority and grandeur that come with the office allow a president to say things that a prime minister cannot, " observed Blair's former speechwriter Philip Collins.
20 But often it is not the speakers who write these moving speeches a speechwriter.
21 Tommy Vietor, a National Security Council spokesman, and the speechwriter Jon Favreau are competitive, and Mr. McClellan sometimes pits them against Sam Kass, a young White House chef.
22 As it happens, early in 1968 I found myself in Sacramento working as a speechwriter for Reagan.
23 The new creed has notably raised the stock of Henri Guaino, Mr Sarkozy's speechwriter and a long-standing advocate of state intervention.
24 Few White House staffers are as important to the success of a presidency as the chief speechwriter and his or her deputies.
25 And if you came up with more than one, you're probably either a former presidential speechwriter or a historian.
26 Buckley persuaded Reagan that he needed me for a speechwriter, even though I had never written a political speech.
27 O. P. establishment. As David Frum, the former Bush speechwriter, has put it, "Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox.
28 Do you want to join a candidate's campaign and learn to a speechwriter?
29 Anthropologist Edward Smith recalls that when he worked as a White House speechwriter, there was a rule against wearing the White House tag after work.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:55:24