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单词 nippy
释义  nip·py /ˈnɪpi/ adjective informal  1  COLDweather that is nippy is slightly cold 〔天气〕有点冷的,冷飕飕的 SYN chilly It’s a bit nippy out there. 外面冷飕飕的。2  British EnglishFAST/QUICK able to move quickly 敏捷的,动作快的 a nippy little car 小巧灵便的汽车Examples from the Corpusnippy• Their aircraft was also in a class of its own, being small and very nippy.• The weather's getting warmer, but the mornings are still nippy.• It is early June, but the mornings are still nippy.• Say that it's quite nippy, and jolly safe when overtaking.• It's more a case of being nippy balanced and willing.• So big a man is never going to be exactly nippy, but he is not slow and not without ball-sense.• His emphasis is on the practical strategies and nippy footwork essential for survival.• I'm going indoors. It's a little nippy out here.• It still seems a little nippy out there.• Right: The Vauxhall Chevette looks what it is: a nippy, small family hatchback saloon car.• A nippy three-door hatchback, the Metro 1.1s is a car for all the family to enjoy.nip·py adjectiveChineseSyllable  cold nippy slightly Corpus is that is weather




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