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单词 Null
1) Their actions rendered the contract null and void.
2) This contract is null and void.
3) The election was declared null and void.
4) The contract was declared null and void.
5) They declared the agreement null and void.
6) The agreement will be considered null and void.
7) The court ruled that the claim was null and void.
8) A spokeswoman said the agreement had been declared null and void.
9) There were 909,[http:///null.html]377 null or void votes.
10) The elections were declared null and void.
11) He decided that the marriage was null and void.
12) So the null hypothesis that it is only unpredictable monetary growth which influences real output can not be rejected.
13) The null hypothesis that can then be tested by using the F distribution as explained in chapter 3.
14) The use of the null hypothesis does have one very practical use.
15) The null hypothesis of no heterogeneity can not be rejected in any of the variants of the model.
16) In effect the researcher uses the null form in order to neutralize his own bias regarding outcome.
17) For the short observations, the null hypothesis is that only Poisson noise is present.
18) Of the votes cast 7 percent were null or void.
19) The researcher may actually expect that the null hypothesis is faulty and should be rejected in favor of the alternative H1.
20) The change in the law makes the previous agreement null and void.
21) Functions have to return an answer, but the value returned by this function is a null string.
22) This eases the problem, because a number of circuits exist which give a complete null at one frequency.
23) On Oct. 28 the Council declared this clause unconstitutional and therefore null and void.
24) Judge Mershon ruled that the agreement was signed under duress, and was therefore null and void.
25) If the contract has not been signed by witnesses, it is considered null and void.
26) When this indicated a probability of less than 0.05 for the null hypothesis Student-Newman-Keuls analyses were performed to determine which values differed significantly.
27) The application of these tests may increase the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is in fact true.
28) My effective vote could be my first preference vote, in which case all my other preferences are null and void.
29) Went in there, saw the judge, and he say the deed was null and void.
30) Such reservations include a warning message, flagging of the citing field or a setting of the citing field to null.
1) Their actions rendered the contract null and void.
2) The election was declared null and void.
3) The change in the law makes the previous agreement null and void.
31) Dealing with null values is one of the problems that extensions to Codd's original relational model do take into account.
32) Departures from the null hypothesis were assessed at the 5% significance level.
33) As far as he was concerned, all of the points of agreement that had already been reached were null and void.
34) This gives variables of exactly known distribution, so that we can calculate the significance of any given peak under the null hypothesis.
35) Figure 8.5 Projections of two neighbouring null geodesics on to the plane.
36) Yet it was Shirley Place who kept the interview firmly null and void.
37) However, church law has taken into consideration the cases of those who claim that their marriages were null from the beginning.
38) Also null and void is any stipulation releasing a partner from playing an active role in running the business.
39) The null in the directional response of such an antenna is quite independent of the Q of the coil.
40) That is why the null check was put in.
41) An endorsement by the deawee is null and void.
42) Exceed insured value of, overage null and void.
43) The null set is any set subset.
44) The null subset corresponds to the term 1.
45) If nullable, it will contain the NULL value.
46) Strings are initialized to null, not empty string.
47) Always check a delegate for null before invoking it.
48) This check is null and void.
49) Truncate insignificant trailing zero when using null scale.
50) A promise obtained by force is legally null.
51) The operator O is the null operator.
52) Null String Variant cannot be converted to a character.
53) Substituting for null or unset variables.
54) This article discusses the 25-pin null modem cabling.
55) The easiest way to connect your computers is to use null modem serial cable.
56) It is shown that the proper acceleration of null geodesic with conjugate points approaches infinity.
57) The trustee brings an action based on the revocatory right, after trial, if the disposition is revoked, it will be null and void from the beginning.
58) Or a reference type variable might not hold a reference to any object, in which case it is said to be a null reference or a reference to Nothing.
59) When using the structure based IO method, RPG will create the initial storage for the input and output buffers, along with storage for the null indicator map.
60) The null result was directly related to a central postulate of the theory.
61) You want to enforce uniqueness in a column that allows null values.
62) New Term: A null statement is a statement that does nothing.
63) A null - balance system is provided by balancing the magnetic forces by electrostatic forces.
64) The declaration was null and void as it was proclaimed in completely illegal circumstances.
65) Suretyship contract would be null and void not only because of being null and void of the principal contract but also because of its own.
66) The null result of the Michelson - Morley experiment suggests that the effects of the ether are undetectable.
66) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
67) Both null and undefined macros expand to null strings, but a macro defined as a null string is considered defined in preprocessing expressions.
68) Any alteration of this Agreement without duly authorized signature shall be null and void.
69) Null modem is a communication method to connect two computers directly using a RS-232 serial cable.
70) However, the tests such tools come up with tend to be fairly trivial and basic stuff, like whether a method can handle being passed a null argument.
71) This paper introduces embedded multivalued dependency, generalized join dependency, subset dependency under fuzzy null value circumstances and corresponding axiom.
72) In Java, it is a common practice to assign a null value to a reference type when it is not referencing any object.
73) If the XML parser sees a null character in its input, it throws an exception and stops processing.
74) Passing a Null String as the MachineName parameter identifies the local machine.
75) How many times are you using the ternary operator to change the value of a variable if its content is null to assign it some default value?
76) Administrative punishments shall be null and void, if they are inflicted without legal basis or without the observation of the legal procedure.
77) An error could occur in the first test and prevent the variable's value from being set, thus resulting in the other tests receiving a null value.
78) Normal control characters (characters with values less than 32): This especially includes character 0, traditionally called NUL; I call it NIL to distinguish it from C's NULL pointer.
79) The record header is followed by the data contents of the columns. Columns that are NULL are omitted.
80) Until standards bodies recognize and map this wrapped array pattern appropriately, this solution is something you should apply only if you really must distinguish a null array from an empty array.
81) Chinese null subjects can be further distinguished as PRO and ellipsis subject.
82) A novel face recognition method called null space discriminant projection embedding(NDPE) is proposed.
83) A binary coded genetic algorithm based on sorting is presented and applied to null steering of linear arrays by controlling only the current phases.
84) The null indicator values are populated during the execution of the SQL FETCH statement.
85) Rescinded civil acts shall be null and void from the very beginning.
86) This makes it possible to typecast a long string directly to a null - terminated string.
87) The research result shows that the chaotic self-motion of a redundant robot is influenced by the initial conditions and has a direct relation with its victors in the null space.
88) Long - term isoproterenol infusion also induced premature ventricular contractions and atrioventricular heart block in junction - null mice.
89) The NULL argument to spe_context_run would become a third argument to the main function on the SPE; there's no need for it in this example.
90) The strchr function finds the first occurrence of c in string , or it returns NULL ifc is not found. The null - terminating character is included in the search.
91) The device provides extreme sensitivity through a small range around the null point.
92) If the pointer for an overlapped operation is set to NULL, DeviceIoControl will work in a blocked (synchronous) way.
93) Note that the test for null values is gone from the FOR statement, because you want to handle that condition by writing a diagnostic record.
94) All the securable resources have a better than null security descriptor.
95) The duration of the null zone will be uncomfortable for any physical body that is not "lightened up."
96) Any such purported assignment or transfer shisl be deemed a go against of this Agreement and shisl be null and void.
97) By means of null compensator testing [Sentencedict], an off - axis aspherical mirrora lager - aperture rectangle is tested successfully.
98) First, by redefining the within class scatter matrix and the between class scatter matrix, a new null space method was presented.
99) Remember, in C, a string is nothing but an array of characters with a terminating NULL character (ASCII 0).
100) This new validation will enforce NOT NULL column constraints by rejecting null values, but only in situations where your database would reject a null value.
101) Two fluid transport laws corresponding to isotropic and anisotropic permeability are available. The fluid-flow null model is also provided to specify impermeable materials in the flow domain.
102) This gave rise to the need for a "null value" to represent unknown or inapplicable values in relational databases.
103) There are other places on the planet that are difficult to live, and that's at the null point.
104) This null - balance system is usually more accurate than the direct - readout bridge.
105) When the galvanometer reads zero the circuit is in the null - balance position.
106) Failure. The NULL value has been passed as a parameter.
107) Note that when using OLAP data sources, you will not be able to use null in the else statement, and will need to use a static value.
108) If mem block is NULL, the pointer is ignored and free immediately returns.
109) If it is NULL, the dialog object's parent window is set to the main application window.
110) More formally, sets contain no pair of elements e1 and e2 such that e1.equals(e2), and at most one null element.
111) Numerical results show the effectiveness of the proposed technique, the null depth levels obtained are lower than those reported in the literatures. Nulls are imposed both at the specified directi...
112) If the argument is a null pointer, all open files are flushed.
113) When you use a null modem to make a direct serial connection between two computers, your cable must be wired, as shown in Listing 1 below.
114) First, by employing the DCT instead of the "pixel grouping" and redefining the within class scatter matrix, a new null space method is given.
115) By using the generalized elimination method, the subproblem is equivalent to an unconstrained optimization problem in the null space.
116) A null character is appended after the last character written.
117) Contracts, agreements and other documents signed by taxpayers that contravene tax laws, tax administrative rules or regulations shall be null and void.
118) Hemostatic, vitamins are null and void and can not simply Xiya radical.
119) A code block is simply a block of code that returns a value, and if no value is returned then a NULL object is returned.
120) When you want to determine whether a given row includes a comment, you no longer need to check for a null value in the COMMENT column.
121) The loop body is a null statement caused by the extra semicolon following the condition.
122) Whenever we reject the null hypothesis, the conclusion we do accept is called the alternative hypothesis.
123) An alternative null hypothesis — that global warming is already occurring — could be the basis of our policy.
124) Generally speaking, for a null array of objects such as SimpleTask, the returned SOAP message will look like Listing 14.
125) If the former is true, then the indicator variable for that column is set to -1 which results in the column being updated with the null value.
126) If this is NULL,[http:///null.html] the object handle cannot be inherited.
127) The null pointer into the target type of a null pointer.
128) When told to print no more than n bytes, snprintf guarantees that it creates a string of length no more than n-1, with a null terminator at the end of the string.
129) Now, even if the same code segment tries to access p before a value has been assigned to it and it has proper handling of the Null value (which ideally it should be), then it will behave properly.
130) One solution to the memory leak in Listing 5 is to make the JavaScript object obj null, thus explicitly breaking the circular reference, as shown in Listing 6.
131) VTL supports a quiet reference notation to avoid rendering nonexistent or null references.
132) ACTS shall be null and void from the very beginning.
133) Each node has a reference to the node that comes after it, and the last node in the list terminates with a null reference.
134) In a JAR file, it's impossible to locate the resource using "." (current directory indicator), so java.lang.Class.getResource(".") returns a null object.
135) A null field descriptor is the descriptor that forms the blank division in export.
136) Then, it does the null check from the original code, finally calling the Struts addParameter() method.
137) A pointer to a NULL - terminated string representing a device instance identifier.
138) XML does not distinguish between a null array and an empty array.
139) A simple structured optical testing method-reflecting null correction on a large F-number metal mirror under deep cryogenic environment is presented in the paper.
140) Therefore, if the collector runs before line //2 attaches a strong reference to the re-created object, the object is lost and wr.get() returns null.
141) In many null-pointer exceptions, the true bug occurs where the variable is actually assigned to null.
142) For example, if an order status field is 'Open', then the shipment date should be null or blank.
143) If that value is null, the project name is used.
144) Must be able to handle null field name for backward compatibility.
145) For that effect, JSON defines the following main data structures: number, string , boolean (true and false), array (an ordered sequence of values), object (collection of key value pairs), and null.
146) To let users select the file to import, specify a null string for filename .
147) The unary operator -z tests for a null string, while -n or no operator at all returns True if a string is not empty.
148) Then, we would have to add a NULL character after the last char copied into s1.
149) The dot character ". " matches any single character except null character and newline character.
150) By employing the pole-null representation, we demonstrate that the lateral shift is closely related to the null of the reflection function.
151) The difference between the two cubes is that the null point has shifted its position, or to be more precise, the cube has been moved away from the null point.
152) With a null modem connection the transmit and receive lines are crosslinked. Depending on the purpose, sometimes also one or more handshake lines are crosslinked.
153) If a call came in as the service was being replaced, and the unset was called first, there would be a chance that the shorten service could be null transiently.
154) Drum machine changes would result in a null at the punner in an intermediate state.
155) Each message, or frame, starts with a command and ends with the ASCII sign for a null character.
156) Returns:Pointer if OK, NULL on error or end of file?
157) The parameter can be NULL if the previous semaphore count value is not required.
158) Article 61 After a civil act has been determined to be null and void or has been rescinded, the party who acquired property as a result of the act shall return it to the party who suffered a loss.
159) In this...abomination," she waved at the screen, "passing a NULL pointer is a programming error, as the documentation for the function clearly states.
160) Finally, say goodbye to the dull[/null.html], everyday drudgery of null reference exceptions.
161) To avoid this problem, you can define a complex type to wrap the value type and set the complex type to be null to indicate a null reference.
162) The null indicator values are set by the RPG HANDLE_UPDATE sub-procedure prior to executing the SQL UPDATE statement.
163) CALLED ON NULL INPUT -- Specifies that the procedure is to be called even if any or all argument values are null, which means that the procedure must be coded to test for null argument values.
164) Beam pattern null in the direction of the jamming is formed by a space filtering and assisted receive channels to suppress the jamming.
165) One easy trap to fall into here is to guess that a null array inside a bean is really represented by the XML in the second column.
166) This paper discusses existence and formula of some { 2 } - inverses, which have appointed range null space.
167) The first two lines of assembly code at B0 and B5 load the instance reference from memory location 049388C8 into eax and test for null.
168) If you want to use 9-pin null modem cabling(), see the Resources section for more information about null modem setup.
169) As a result of the alternate row format of value compression, NULL values are stored more compact.
170) The NULL character when the flag is passed to the matching algorithms.




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