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单词 Richer
(1) America was far richer in the nineties.
(2) The richer countries of the world should take concerted action to help the poorer countries.
(3) You are richer today if you have laughed, given or forgiven.
(4) The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
(5) Avarice makes rich people want to become even richer.
(6) She threw him over for a richer man.
(7) Richer countries must do more to cut back carbon emissions.
(8) He is grander and even richer than the Prince of Wales.
(9) The timbre of the violin is far richer than that of the mouth organ.
(10) Richer countries must dig deeper into their pockets if global problems, such as pollution, are to be solved.
(11) For instance, the more versatile Singaporeans, with richer experiences of life, might have been deterred from taking part for fear of losing face within sight of friends and relatives, should they perform ignominiously.
(12) Our people are in no need of richer nations' largesse.
(13) Small investors like myself are probably none the richer after handing over their financial affairs to professional advisers.
(14) They are healthier, happier, safer, better educated and richer.
(15) The liquid thus becomes richer in naphthalene.
(16) Older, richer, wiser and more scarred, Capt.
(17) This sound was richer, more vibrant.
(18) They are bigger, richer, greedier, more detached now.
(19) As they exchanged ideas and memories, both felt richer.
(20) Windows are larger, stained glass richer, tracery more complex.
(21) The Result: A richer, more vibrant colour.
(22) Then he tasted the richer salty taste of blood, where the cut on her mouth had opened up.
(23) Who have become grotesquely richer as children die in civil wars fought in their inner cities?
(24) Men do not desire merely to be rich, but to be richer than other men. 
(25) It's the same old story - the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
(26) We were at a distinct disadvantage compared with children from richer families.
(27) It will be reluctant to propose a law to make banks £500m richer at the expense of local taxpayers.
(28) There is no reason to believe that a new chancellor would make Britain richer.
(29) As the vapours rise in the column through each successive equilibrium, they become richer in the more volatile component.
(30) In that code could be genes that hold the secrets of higher yields, better pest-resistance and richer nourishment.
(1) America was far richer in the nineties.
(2) The richer countries of the world should take concerted action to help the poorer countries.
(31) It will be both a richer world and a less expensive one.
(32) We are pudding fanatics as a family, the richer and more fattening the better.
(33) That leads to the social absurdity of the poorer members of society paying taxes to subsidize the richer.
(34) And remember that, although a stock split makes you feel richer, you gain no additional value, just more paper.
(35) The richer the city the greater the incentive to stifle opposition.
(36) In the 1970s, when declining profitability caused plant closures in the industrialized North, they constituted cheap labour for richer countries.
(37) But this will make it richer and more real when you recommend books to others who are questioning and searching.
(38) At present we are mirroring the system which maintains the basic effect of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
(39) Every musical form which passed through his hands emerged immeasurably the richer.
(40) Acidification is less of a problem on the richer lowland soils because rainwater acids are quickly neutralized.
(41) I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice. Abraham Lincoln 
(42) Coefficient b shows the direct effect of being one of the richer respondents on preparedness to break the law.
(43) The rich get richer and the rural population is doomed to remain in absolute poverty.
(44) Around the globe, the richer nations have made easing the overcrowding of third world cities a top aid priority.
(45) Many soon found themselves in long-term debt to richer peasants, particularly in the Famine areas.
(46) The richer the vein was the less the tribute paid by the mine; the leaner the vein the greater the tribute.
(47) It is hardly news that a writer may enjoy an imaginative life richer, kinder than his pragmatic circumstance.
(48) A millionaire becomes richer not when he earns his next million but when he spends it on noble cause. RVM 
(49) This gives an illusion of a richer polyphonic texture and relieves the sameness of homophony.
(50) Winner's aim was to reveal the truth of a society becoming richer but less happy.
(51) A poor fisherman who knows the beauties of the misty mornings is much richer than a wealthy man who sleeps till noon in his palace! Mehmet Murat ildan 
(52) The most striking change as countries become richer is in the quantity of discarded paper.
(53) That polar seas are richer than polar lands is immediately apparent at either end of the world.
(54) Whybrew, at 79, is still very much alive and feeling lucky,[http:///richer.html] but for reasons richer than mere existence.
(55) It might apply to Hopkins' architecture, too, which has similarly evolved into richer and more complex patterns.
(56) An old road always looks richer and more beautiful than a new road because old roads have memories! Mehmet Murat ildan 
(57) Church services too became more elaborate and ornamental with the lavish use of incense and ever richer vestments.
(58) The substrate may be richer than usual for the genus because this plant grows out of the water.
(59) Logically, a far richer recruitment seam is available where case management is a day-to-day activity-in solicitors' private practice.
(60) Hunt's Free is richer and more ambitious than 1959 in some ways, and less successful in others.
(61) And the sporty model, with its bigger tires, felt better in highway twists and turns than its richer sibling.
(62) Since then blacks have got richer at almost the same rate as whites, but they have not caught up at all.
(63) The richer the mix of people, the more likely that new connections will be made, new ideas will emerge.
(64) Memories obviously lingered of the War Communism strategy of trying to divide richer from poorer peasants.
(65) From richer areas of the Roman world, sarcophagi have been found with many of the Labours in relief.
(66) The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. Eleanor Roosevelt 
(67) But even the much richer Soviet collections issued in the twenties were given scant attention in the West.
(68) The richer nations will never concede equal status to the poorer countries.
(69) Encouragement and funding by richer nations could establish more national parks, essential for preserving the many different kinds of forest.
(70) One significant cause has been a redistribution of income towards richer people on a scale without parallel this century.
(71) However, comprehensives in relatively affluent rural and suburban areas will become richer.
(72) Subpolar seas of both hemispheres are richer than polar seas, with a longer but less intense season of high productivity.
(73) Then try Camembert Le Rustique's creamy texture and richer taste.
(74) The education target is in even more danger unless richer nations act. / Happy as Lowry?
(75) A large project like the power station will not benefit these people(), but richer people can afford the appliances and electricity.
(76) New knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth. The more truth we have to work with, the richer we become. Kurt Vonnegut 
(77) Salary caps are imposed to prevent richer clubs gaining an unfair advantage over poorer rivals by offering players vastly inflated salaries.
(78) The landscape turned two shades darker, richer,[] and the air in the car cooled off even more.
(79) Regrettably, this illogical and antediluvian attitude still persists even when we are dealing with nations substantially richer than ourselves.
(80) The hordes of weak orientals ... and the fewer but richer, deadlier westerners.
(81) Add to that a £60 bonus for each away goal and Glenavon left Clandeboye £1,360 richer.
(82) I am richer than you are; all this is an offset to your silver plate and your gold plate.
(83) The richer empirical studies, however, have indicated that there are different dimensions of political participation.
(84) A richer alternative is a small proportion of ground almonds.
(85) Cox, as the elder, more established, and richer man, was the financial backer and often the named publisher.
(86) To gain a richer understanding of the problem of holism we must therefore distinguish it from the problem of determinism.
(87) Driven out from richer regions, all they now had were these vast but very sparse pastures.
(88) Life is often richer in these seams than anywhere else.
(89) Salary caps are imposed to prevent richer clubs gaining an unfair advantage over poorer rivals by offering players inflated salaries.
(90) Invariably, she is richer after meetings at her local track, Oaklawn, just across the state line in Arkansas.
(91) Thus the blacks on the boats reflect as lighter richer browns.
(92) Sometimes, where a richer effect was required, a veneer of thin slabs of veined gypsum was added.
(93) Its advantage is that it allows a far deeper and richer assessment to be made than the pen and paper exercise.
(94) They are demanding that richer countries cut back their carbon emissions to compensate.
(95) They just happen to play a game that offers challenges greater than the Olympics, rewards richer than a gold medal.
(96) The rich got richer, while the multitude struggled just to survive.
(97) When schools shut for lack of fuel in the winter, they gave private lessons to the richer peasants' children.
(98) Labour standards improved in the West as countries became richer, not because draconian conditions were imposed on them from outside.
(99) The liquid composition then becomes richer in benzene and travels along the curve c'-E.
(100) Here investment, the use of hired labour, the differentiation between richer and poorer peasants, made minimal progress.
(101) As we become richer as a country we shall be able to do all these things.
(102) Under this government the rich seem to have got richer and the poor poorer.
(103) Some were richer and more prestigious than others(), and their favour presumably the more worth having.
(104) Life becomes harder for us when we live for others, but it also becomes richer and happier. Albert Schweitzer 
(105) The lesson to chess players is more clear-cut: chess turns out to be a much richer world than they thought.
(106) The rest comes from rural businesses that flourish only in richer areas.
(107) Video helps us provide a richer and more varied language environment within which learning can take place.
(108) By associating with the cat, one only risks becoming richer. Colette 
(109) To this extent the region was actually encouraging the formation of richer peasant strata at the expense of the poorer.
(110) Seeds, of course, are much richer in nutriment than any fleshy coating.
(111) This deliciously light and quick-to-prepare dinner party menu makes a welcome change from the richer, traditional fare of the season.
(112) Earth's richer zones have erred by forcing others to pay for their religion.
(113) Tuesday afternoon Decide to give the rich a chance to get richer.
(114) Yet Portamento is richer still when it changes tack.
(115) Nothing pays richer dividends than magnanimity.
(116) This, in turn, makes speech and written communication richer.
(117) At bedtime, apply an even richer formula: look for one with a blend of lipids such as squalene or ingredients like panthenol to seal moisture into the skin while you sleep.
(118) But as the capital's residents became richer following economic development, they ditched their bikes for four-wheeled transport.
(119) As the IMF gets richer, will the poor get a raw deal yet again?
(120) China and Japan lagged England because "their richer classes ... were surprisingly unfertile."
(121) Moreover, many admirers of CSR confuse the sort of creative destruction that makes us all richer, in the long run, with corporate skulduggery.
(122) I know that for most Java technology developers, Swing is a no-brainer because it has a richer set of controls, yet I personally do not like Swing.
(123) In 1930 John Maynard Keynes imagined that richer societies would become more leisured ones, liberated from toil to enjoy the finer things in life.
(124) This one is a corsair from the Basilisk Islands who believed the Rhoyne would offer richer pickings than the Summer Sea.
(125) Social benefits could be created by using more liquid salt in a richer brie area.
(126) Nevertheless, society has been richer by the labour while the coat lasted, that is, until society, through one of its unproductive members, chose to consume the produce of the labour unproductively.
(127) "It has a richer flavor and it's milder and sweeter than beef," says Ellensburg beefalo breeder Mark Merril, "and more juicy."
(128) An existence full of irreconcilable contradictions is so much richer and creative.
(129) The Tamarin project aims to accelerate your ability to create and deliver richer, more interactive experiences that work across multiple platforms.
(130) Only a dozen economies are bigger, and only six nations are richer—of which Switzerland alone has even a third as many people.
(131) Japan has not merely slowed down, as is inevitable when countries get richer; it has become a global symbol of economic mismanagement.
(132) Richer than Howard Hughes!
(133) Its consumption of oil roughly tallies with the economy's size but is likely to grow faster than GDP as China gets richer and buys more cars.
(134) On Tuesday, the UAW detailed its tentative four-year labor agreement with GM that would give workers richer profit-sharing checks and return thousands of union jobs lost in recent years.
(135) Data bulk of new edition almanac is greater, content is richer, use more convenient.
(136) Kite became popular among civilians with a richer variety of forms and reached the peak point in the Song Dynasty (960-1279).
(137) Itcan enlarge images without loss of high frequency information, and make the enlarged imageclearer and richer.
(138) That share will provide a powerful incentive for other manufacturers to include better SVG support in their browsers and open the doors to create richer graphics experiences for your customers.
(139) Beneath the Painted Desert of northern Arizona, for instance,[] doubtless lie mineral treasures galore. The country is all the richer for leaving them in place.
(140) In practice, however, the de facto formats used today on the Internet with parallel Web techniques do not offer much flexibility for extension to new data formats and richer semantics.
(141) Our lives are richer for having stayed in a tribal longhouse in Sarawak, Borneo, spotted orangutans in the majestic rainforests of Malaysia, and cycled through the tranquil villages of Laos.
(142) You seem to be hungry for new sights, sounds, and stimulation in general, and curious about how you can create richer experiences to your life.
(143) Unlike its richer cousin coconut milk, coconut water is low in fat and calories.
(144) Contrast ratio determines the level of detail that can be seen on the display, with the higher ratio providing richer color and crisper lineation.
(145) The product has the richer nutrition and smooth, is a good healthy condiment.
(146) The Israeli Prime Minister must be convinced that he will reap a richer harvest of votes by going to the electorate well before October.
(147) Technology should be used to give man a happier, fuller, and richer life.
(148) Collect of network literature skirmisher is formed normal " a group army ", and the content with more mature mode, wider range, richer do one's best.
(149) If we want to change this situation, we should clear up the abstract character and solipsism of pedagogy knowledge and pay attention to richer and more colorful educational practice.
(150) The new oleophobic screen is brighter and displays warmer, richer colors than previous iPhones.
(151) In water mold, element was obviously richer where closer to the earth surface, due to the latent culture effect of water mold.
(152) Along with "Knight-errant swordsman World" 150 levels of opening, the game will pursue will be richer, presents pursue, the pursue rank grade disassimilation development.
(153) A machine can use equivalence of the URLs to check semantic equivalence -- and WordNet allows you to go even further, using its thesaurus-like facilities for richer semantics.
(154) Wester's supplementary contract also causes the team wings lineup to be richer.
(155) This means that poorer countries with low income - variation can outscore richer ones with high variation.
(156) All three are richer than Korea but all are, in different ways, exceptions: Singapore and Hong Kong are city states, while Taiwan's disputed sovereignty makes it sui generis.
(157) Aromatic Description: Much richer in aroma than ground cinnamon. Peppery, earthy, spicy, bright yet slightly woodsy.
(158) Caught at a depth of 1, 300 feet (400 meters), the new species is described as a "living fossil" by survey member Bertrand Richer de Forges, a marine biologist based in nearby Noumea, New Caledonia.
(159) Being with the beloved should have its own value unrelated to external benefits, such as getting richer, increasing one's status or having frequent orgasms.
(160) There are two ways to change direction to create a better, fuller, richer life: incremental change and radical change.
(161) "Deng Xiaoping's open-door and economic reform policies have made Chinese richer, freer, and more independent-minded, " noted Victor Lee, a film producer.
(162) The second is that your emotional life will become richer. You may find that you had been experiencing emotions in black-and-white, and now you’re in HD technicolour.
(163) After braking, a carbonized organic matter layer with richer copper and iron forms on the worn surface of the asbestus.
(164) The types of HMW glutenin subunits in Aegilops species are much richer than those in bread wheat.
(165) This paper analyses the space and the lens language of building the space just for the purpose of finding the potential and much richer ideographic contents in his movies.
(166) Both sides were raising the rhetoric on the day South Korea launched big land and sea military exercises, prompting North Kor ea to denounce its richer neighbour as a warmonger.
(167) China, being richer than Ukraine, can easily get Ukranian girls.
(168) The air moves through the silver plating much quicker than the brass – and has a far richer harmonic content.
(168) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(169) She added that Siberian shamans, or latter-day witch doctors, were also buried in this way but with richer funeral accessories to appropriate to their elevated position in society.
(170) TEL is considered a more effortful cognitive encoding process where the brain has to "scaffold" its way to making richer associations and linkages in order to reach the correct target information.
(171) The final section provides evidence to suggest that for most of the world's richer countries, the era of persistent inflation may well be at an end.
(172) STEP-NC makes information bidirectional between CNC and other CAX systems, the richer information in the program file raise the level of intelligent functions of CNC.
(173) Soaring commodities like oil and steel also helped make the rich richer, as did the overall recovery of the global economy over the past few years.
(174) Health spending tends to rise disproportionately as countries become richer; but even adjusting for this, America is a case apart.
(175) While the 2005 vintage in Coonawarra is richer and riper , the 2006 is producing wines that are elegant and refined with good cellaring potential.
(176) The coffee made from this kind of coffee Bean tastes richer, mellower and more satisfactory.
(177) Nevertheless, among the richer nations, increases in average income contribute little to well - being .
(178) The second book is richer, more considered and more damning than the first.
(179) But though society grows no richer by unproductive labour, the individual may.
(180) If I give you a pfennig , you will be one pfennig richer and Ill be one pfennig poorer.
(181) In traditional Chinese painting, line becomes richer and masterly because of the infiltration of literator and calligraphy.
(182) The beginning feels awkward: remnants of an older style full of grabby italics and wisecracking dialogue sit uncomfortably alongside the richer, more complex tone that takes over.
(183) The main amplifier uses proportion enlargement, widening the bandwidth, recording richer earth decline information, which can be well used in the earthquake forecast.
(184) Richer countries shouldexport capital to poorer ones, not the other way round.
(185) But, paradoxically, as democracy gets stronger and the middle class grows richer, it can realize it has more to lose than gain from a real enfranchisement of society.
(186) Glass decorative graphic design diversity, the larger richer personality, or exquisite flowers, or grandiose , or even mysterious flavor.
(187) Saracen Militias are richer townsfolk who have been levied into militia to guard their settlements.
(188) To clarify this issue, we carried out a study to determine whether or not otoliths in the lagena of homing pigeons are richer in magnetic elements than those in the saccule and the utricle.
(189) You surmount every obstacle , that no other man may be richer than yourself.
(190) Due to this roll-off , pink noise sounds less bright and richer in low frequencies than white noise.
(191) Then we'll all be smugger, richer and happier, and none of us will have the need for price comparison websites or manufactured, unverifiable surveys.
(192) A cold engine needs a richer mixture to run satisfactorily.
(193) Russia's rich have gotten richer, often obscenely so. But the poor are doing better too: workers' salaries have more than doubled since 2003.
(194) A baby parented this way will become an adult with better self-control, fewer incidences of depression and anxiety disorders, greater empathy, deeper and richer friendships, and many more friends.
(195) If completely successful tests, so their products will provide richer multi-purpose protection.
(196) The paper cites the oft-quoted saying by the economist and philosopher John Stuart Mill: "Men do not desire to be rich, but to be richer than other men."
(197) QSC can make cabinet and absorbing terminal unit has richer function and optimized power comsumption capacity.
(198) Sorrow is God's plowshare that turns up and subsoils the depths of the soul[Sentencedict], that it may yield richer harvests.
(199) The farmers living in the suburban area of that town are getting richer and richer.
(200) Whiles Mammon is worshipped as never before , the rich get richer and the poor, poorer.
(201) J. Ausubel and P.Waggoner, 2009 As America got richer in the the 20th century, emissions of sulphur dioxide rose.
(202) Assay of hamamelitannin shows that Witch Hazel bark extract is 31 times richer in hamamelitannin than the leaf extract and 87 times richer than the stem extract.
(203) There are richer water and heat resources and much more plant and animal products could been produced in the national subtropic zone.
(204) Fees are calculated on a sliding scale according to income, ie Richer people pay more.
(205) Only by owning loneliness, pulchritude and solitude can we have our flowers fostered many years, the longer the time it takes growing , the richer the fragrance is .
(206) A "better and richer and fuller" life was no longer just what America promised its hardworking citizens individually; it was an ideal toward which these citizens were duty-bound to strive together.
(207) The results indicated that, at the end of compress stroke, the mixture in cylinder was stratified and richer ignitable mixture was concentrated around the spark plug under the action of the lon...
(208) MaTai effect: poorer the poor; richer the rich. The last winner get all of earns.
(209) Compare with the species both in midgut and hindgut, it can conclude the bacteria live in hindgut was richer than midgut, not only the amount, but also the class belong to.
(210) The richer and more intact awareness of Judgement Day in Christianity cannot deny the fact that weak awareness of Judgement Day also exists in Taoism.
(211) With AJAX, Internet applications can be made richer and more user - friendly.
(212) This command has a much richer set of options and arguments than nslookup.
(213) However, some find liquid non-dairy creamer more convenient and richer in texture and taste.
(214) Last week, I wrote that there are only two ways to change direction to create a better, fuller, richer life: incremental change and radical change.
(215) Richer young people wining and dining at the Sheraton or the Palestine Hotel.
(216) And the richer they are, the more wastefully people eat.
(217) Women in India are sometimes permitted, even encouraged, to "marry up" into a higher income bracket or caste, so richer men find it easier to get a bride.
(218) Hyundai's messages of the early clunker rebates, along with Assurance and the Gas Lock programs, gave the marketer "a better and richer story to tell, " he said.




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