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单词 Prussic acid
1. There was arsenic, cyanide, prussic acid and - the list stopped there.
2. The Kamikaze: One part liquid helium, two parts prussic acid.
3. I should fancy it was prussic acid , as she seems to have died instantaneously.
4. But amygdalin reacts with an enzyme in the almond to produce glucose and two very characteristic compounds, benzaldehyde and prussic acid.
5. When the seeds of cherries are crushed, chewed, or even slightly injured, they produce prussic acid (hydrogen cyanide).
6. He went behind the counter and got a half ounce of prussic acid.
7. Above all, children must be protected: "I would rather give a healthy boy or a healthy girl a phial of prussic acid than this novel."
8. The bitter almond contains amygdalin. Acid or enzyme can decompose amygdalin to prussic acid and benzaldehyde. Prussic acid is a poisonous substance.
9. "He went behind the counter and got a half ounce of prussic acid . The pure stuff, undiluted. " Then he let Old Man Fellows take a little whiff of it.




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