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单词 Airsickness
1. The bumpy flight brought on a bout of airsickness.
2. Perhaps he was suffering from a bout of airsickness brought on by the turbulence.
3. Give me some airsickness pills, please.
4. Will you bring me an airsickness bag?
5. I feel vomiting, where is airsickness bag?
5. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
6. Do you have any medicine for airsickness?
7. Yes. But I had a little airsickness.
8. Could you give me some airsickness pills?
9. Please give me some airsickness pills.
10. May I have some medicine airsickness?
11. Many of them suffered from airsickness.
12. May I have another airsickness bag?
13. I think you are suffering from airsickness.
14. Is there any airsickness bag?
15. My I have some medicine airsickness?
16. Do you have pills for airsickness?
17. Have you ever suffered from airsickness before? You're probably airsick.
18. Car sickness, nausea, airsickness and space motion sickness are due to the vestibular system abnormality activity leading the disorder of visceral function.
19. TITe's airsickness bag behind the seat those's in front of you.
20. The airsickness bag is in your seat pocket in front of you.
21. Theoretically, there are at least 3 internal factors that in-fluence the susceptibility to airsickness, i. e. receptivity, adaptability and retentivity.
22. I ~ m not feeling well. Do you have some tablet for airsickness?
23. Poor Lillie. She had been throwing up all the way because of airsickness.
24. A : And do you have any medicine for airsickness?




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