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单词 Unease
(1) She felt a vague unease.
(2) Sensing my unease about the afternoon ahead, he told me,"These men are pretty easy to talk to.".
(3) He sensed a certain unease in her.
(4) A feeling of unease nagged at her.
(5) Many felt unease about the methods used.
(6) A ripple of unease passed through her.
(7) I waited with growing unease for her return.
(8) A feeling of unease permeates the novel.
(9) A shiver of unease ran through the audience.
(10) I smiled to hide my unease.
(11) A ripple of excitement/unease/etc. flowed up her spine.
(12) There was a growing unease about their involvement in the war.
(13) We left with a deep sense of unease, because we knew something was being hidden from us.
(14) They expressed their deep unease about the lack of security arrangements.
(15) He was unable to hide his unease at the way the situation was developing.
(16) She was starred into nervousness and unease by his lascivious eyes.
(17) He faces growing unease among the Democrats about the likelihood of war.
(18) Growing unease at the prospect of an election is causing fierce arguments within the party.
(19) And now I feel unease again.
(20) Nagging unease began to seep into Delaney's weary bones.
(21) But he sensed an unease beneath the directness.
(22) Good economic indicators masked widespread unease.
(23) She never lost her feeling of unease.
(24) He felt a curious mixture of elation and unease.
(25) There is a growing sense of unease in the financial world about the industry's future.
(26) The planning at Brighton revealed some of the unease in relations with the local authority.
(27) The sandglass remembers the time we lost. The hourglass forget(), we broken unease.
(28) As she neared the door, Amy felt a growing sense of unease.
(29) He looked in vain for the source of his unease.
(30) Behind the mocking laughter lurks a growing sense of unease.
(1) She felt a vague unease.
(2) Sensing my unease about the afternoon ahead, he told me,"These men are pretty easy to talk to.".
(31) Although these are legitimate grounds for unease, solutions are far from straight forward because of the diversity of quangos.
(32) Nevertheless, I admired Mandeville's skill for, as he questioned, I caught the unease of some of them.
(33) She gazed around her, impressed in spite of her unease and her determination to appear indifferent.
(34) It is a state of unease of the mind, and in the horse damages both its health and behaviour.
(35) Suddenly unease rose inside her and she faltered as a sudden thought struck her.
(36) Unease slides through my brain like an oily knife blade.
(37) The anti-slavery people were encouraged, but many others viewed the measure with grave unease or with angry disapproval.
(38) This echoed a national unease at lowering complicated inter-provincial trade barriers which would upset thousands of special interest groups throughout the country.
(39) These two areas of dispute sustained and fortified each other throughout the eighteen months of Baldwin's unease.
(40) The unease is not restricted to the desperately poor, swampy country of 10m people.
(41) The laughter faded away, leaving me with a sense of unease.
(42) My unease at having to cut into the glass, at having to add to the glass, he wrote.
(43) Three simultaneous hostage crises involving Chechen rebels added to a sense of unease.
(44) Jessamy's temper gradually faded away and in its place came a deep feeling of unease.
(45) Clearly, pupils will sense a teacher's unease in presenting poetry to them, and are then likely to respond negatively.
(45) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(46) Despite unease over his campaign performance, he is credited by Mr Major with wrong-footing Labour on tax.
(47) But unease continues over the powers it will have to enforce its code.
(48) Her brooding sense of unease wouldn't be placated by his explanation. Living things inhabited caves, didn't they?
(49) The genetically modified food giant, Monsanto, has been forced to revolutionise its image because of public unease.
(50) But the loss of traditional jobs is also contributing to consumer unease.
(51) Up the garden path and a frisson of unease: there is no house, but a vista of a majestic lake.
(52) Opinion polls have revealed a deep unease about Maastricht throughout the country.
(53) A frown touched her brow to recall the feeling of unease that had gripped her during that brief conversation.
(54) From under the dark, dried porch roof, we are watched with unease by two old black men.
(55) Their unease about Microsoft's offer stems from the fact that a behavioural remedy is difficult to police.
(56) Even at that early age, Celia sensed a strange unease, a tension amongst the grown-ups.
(57) Scientists even begin to express openly their discontent with and unease over the reigning paradigm.
(58) Those inequities have fed the public unease, and they appear to have yielded at least cosmetic results.
(59) At first, Carrington had listened with unease as Morton had blandly slid around his assassination claims.
(60) Often the furore stemmed from audiences' unease at being plugged into a musical idiom shorn of familiar signposts.
(61) Mr Wahid's policy somersaults seem to show Jakarta's growing unease at the developments in Papua.
(62) Nevertheless, a feeling of unease persists about the face validity of these accounts.
(63) Again the drone of the plane seemed to echo a deeper unease, which again came to the surface of her mind.
(64) Occasionally one of them would glance the youth's way as if expressing some general unease about him.
(65) A fire truck or an ambulance whoops somewhere beyond the window, adding cruelly to my unease.
(66) Blanche shivered with unease, as though she had stumbled into a crypt.
(67) His unease disarmed her.
(68) Their prey is kept in a state of constant unease, afraid of putting a foot into a hidden trap.
(69) Mr Putin's authoritarian tendencies have caused unease at home and in the West.
(70) Others are recalled as causing unease because of ways thought unsuitable for women of their age.
(71) He felt a twinge of unease even now at the memory.
(72) Cannes society, or rather its top echelons, was now flocking into the ballroom, and Rose's unease grew.
(73) Yet she could not, once that first convulsion was past, feel any unease.
(74) The fight may have been over and apologies rendered, but there was still a sense of unease and distrust.
(75) Hess, however, took it with equanimity(/unease.html), and laughed at Edward's own unease.
(76) As all lovers know, the other's unease is balm for the soul.
(77) It was just a gut feeling, a sense of unease.
(78) Because of his success in Hollywood, Korngold's music seems to breed a sense of unease among the musically established.
(79) There is a brooding oppressiveness here that induces a feeling of unease.
(80) Her brooding sense of unease wouldn't be placated by his explanation.
(81) A further cause for unease is that adherence to a free market philosophy combined with reduced taxation has increased economic inequality.
(82) The unease cuts across party lines.
(83) He felt a worm of unease.
(84) Beneath his unease I sensed a nice nature.
(85) They worried a lot about the social unease.
(86) The unease goes far beyond the Johanneum.
(87) This does not quite account for his unease.
(88) There was a certain amount of unease between them.
(89) There is, however, unease in feminist circles.
(90) That unease has gradually faded.
(91) Affectionate and sad sentence, is the time back, as water cirsoid unease over four seasons.
(92) Says Napier, it's "really ... about psychological apocalypse -- about generations and ... an internal sense of unease and concern about the future."
(93) Some European regulators responded to the unease by banning short sales of financial stocks, calming share markets on Friday.
(94) Blisteringly an eerie feeling of unease fills every meticulously composed frame.
(95) Literature often reacts magnificently to an ambience of unease or apparent breakdown.
(96) Investment is scarce and not likely to pick up in the near future, given the limited resources of the Abkhaz government and unease in the private sector about the volatile politics of the region.
(97) Such unease is unsurprising given the psychological scars that last autumn inflicted.
(98) And there right of cancellation given of right to plea of unease traditionally.
(99) I trusted and valued that flicker of unease, and I wanted to feel it play out more, to see Donoghue go deeper into the mucky,[] messy territory of growth.
(100) Hong Kong lacks any non-discriminatory ordinance, and many locals still regard homosexuality with unease.
(101) And if you do take one, you'll probably make the shop assistants feel unease, they might be doubtful of your intentions.
(102) US unease with the way the episode is playing with victims' families was highlighted last night when the White House condemned the scenes at Tripoli airport in unusually undiplomatic language.
(103) With the increase of the greasing intensity , the activity of soil sucrose, unease and polyphone oxidize all decrease.
(104) While getting rid of a lady-of-the-night might avoid a storm (even at the cost of killing her) a great storm was seen by the upper crust as nature's unease at the death of a leading citizen.
(105) I can no more explain these than the brown seed can explain the flowering tree. Deep in the soil in time's midwinter, my very stirring and unease seems a kind of growing pain toward June.
(106) Amid widespread lay - offs and consumer unease, household spending slid 1.1 %.
(107) The markets are unambiguously signalling unease about the inflation - fighting credentials of the Federal Reserve.
(108) The build - up has sent ripples of unease across China's neighbourhood.
(109) Its repeated claims over all of the South China Sea and ostentatious sailing of a small flotilla between Japanese islands all add to a deepening sense of unease in Tokyo.
(110) Garland tried to appear casual, but he couldn't conquer his unease.
(111) The test is a small step in the long journey towards building a viable carrier group, but it is already stoking unease in India, and prompting fears of an arms race between Asia's two emerging powers.




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