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单词 Inauguration
1 Three celebrated tenors sang at the president's inauguration.
2 They later attended the inauguration of the University.
3 The inauguration of the President is announced for Friday.
4 The year 1889 was the centennial of the inauguration of George Washington.
5 The inauguration of a President of the United States takes place on January 20.
6 Rumors of financial malpractice overshadowed the President's inauguration ceremony.
7 At 73 on the next Inauguration Day, he would be the oldest person ever to assume the presidency.
8 On Inauguration Day, members of the military and police forces stand shoulder-to-shoulder along Pennsylvania Avenue.
9 His inauguration cost roughly $ 44 million. Do the math.
10 Following his inauguration for a second term,[] Roosevelt immediately overstepped his mandate.
11 He was to celebrate the inauguration in Florida speaking up for the black voters who feel disenfranchised.
12 Jack Kennedy summoning Robert Frost to deliver an inauguration poem and confer a bardic benediction on the new administration.
13 The tentative quality of the inauguration conceals a determined and set political course.
14 The inauguration of the new astronomer royal presaged a drastic reversal of fortune for John Harrison, whom Halley had always admired.
15 Inauguration Walesa was sworn in as President for a five-year term on Dec. 22.
16 In his inauguration speech Brazauskas declared that upholding the independence of the state was his primary aim.
17 Formal inauguration ceremonies are planned for December 17 followed by free rides over the December 18-19 weekend.
18 And the Stone of Inauguration, upon which the Kings of Alba were enthroned.
19 Bush has pledged cooperation until Clinton's inauguration on January 20 and seemed almost relieved to be through with a vicious campaign.
20 They very kindly invited my sister and myself to the inauguration.
21 Some Honor Guard members will escort dignitaries at the inauguration and the White House reviewing stand.
22 The election was not settled until close to the inauguration, so not much time was available to plan the festivities.
23 Today marks the start of three days of hoo-ha surrounding the governor's inauguration.
24 Elie Wiesel and Elmo, a great thinker and a great tickle, will help President Clinton celebrate his second inauguration.
25 The committee also is establishing an Inaugural Channel with up-to-the-minute news and multimedia clips on the inauguration.
26 Then it seemed that the consummation would follow soon on the heels of its inauguration.
27 Visitors poured into Washington for the kickoff activities for the Presidential inauguration.
28 When Jefferson defeated Adams for the presidency, Adams left town before the inauguration rather than shake hands with him.
29 Others will stand in a cordon on the perimeter of the inauguration site.
30 Whatever it is, it was in full force on Inauguration Day, at least on television.
1 Three celebrated tenors sang at the president's inauguration.
31 He opposed the inauguration of fluoridation.
32 The inauguration was a solemn event.
33 After the inauguration, Bundy promptly slaughtered committees right.
34 The two preachers who spoke at the inauguration put it more forcefully.
35 The fact is that these themes are inseparable—the death and resurrection of Christ mark the inbreaking of the eschatological age and the inauguration of the new creation.
36 He will place his hand on the same Bible that Lincoln used at his first inauguration in eighteen sixty-one.
37 This made Jiang angry very much , and the sight at inauguration happened.
38 The Finance Committee's vote thepackage will be about two weeks, which the week of Obama's inauguration.
39 The Nepal president Yadav, presided the inauguration in the president's office in Katmandu the capital of Nepal.
40 And as I said during my inauguration speech, if countries like Iran are willing to unclench their fist,[/inauguration.html] they will find an extended hand from us.
41 And it's scary to think how much more can go wrong before Inauguration Day.
42 In this is never-before-seen photograph, the Apollo 7 float, which included the capsule and crew (out of frame), take part in President Richard M. Nixon's first inauguration in 1969.
43 "The president will have done as much as possible in the 10 months between his inauguration and Copenhagen, " Bookbinder said.
44 The best that historians can say is that the oath has ended with "so help me God" at least since Chester Arthur's inauguration in eighteen eighty-one.
45 On Tuesday, U.S. voters elected Barack Hussein Obama the 44th president of the United States. But on Wednesday, Obama was more than two months away from inauguration and the economy was still weak.
46 H. E. Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Spain delivers his congratulatory speech at the inauguration ceremony of Airbus (Beijing) Engineering Centre.
47 The inauguration ceremony for the new building will be held this morning.
48 Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus said he still hoped Geithner could be confirmed on Inauguration Day.
49 Franklin Pierce was a young man. And his inauguration speech was about a young America.
50 Residents of Beijing watch 44th U. S. President Barack Obama's Inauguration on a large outdoor television screen at the Beijing Railway Station.
51 A few days ago, the school settled down Mr. Cai's epigraph as the school's credendum , and held the inauguration.
52 As ties deteriorated after last year's inauguration of President Lee Myung - bak conditionaloperation.
53 At his inauguration last month, the president said his administration would reach out to rival states, declaring "we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist."
54 On January 11, 2006, the inauguration ceremony of President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev was held in Astana.
55 Washington gave the shortest one ever -- just one hundred thirty-five words --during his second inauguration in seventeen ninety-three.
56 An even more curious incident happened shortly after the inauguration when a toy company produced a line of dark-skinned dolls called "Sweet Sasha" and "Marvellous Malia".
57 On Inauguration Day, the financial sector of the S & P 500 lost 16 % of its value.
58 Richard Milhous Nixon used his middle name at his first inauguration, but dropped it at his second.
59 By inauguration day , Jan . 20, the situation won't have improved much, they say.
60 A coronation was a big event, like our president's inauguration.
61 He did not attend the inauguration of he next President, Thomas Jefferson.
62 Mr Bush will travel to Europe soon after his inauguration.
63 Betty Ford, first lady, did some last-minute checking of White House mementoes on Jan. 19, 1977, the eve of Jimmy Carter's inauguration and her departure with President Gerald R. Ford.
64 The next day, I decided to watch Obama's inauguration speech online.
65 We listened intently to the words spoken on Inauguration Day service, duty, honor.
66 When the inauguration is over, please exit according to the entrance route.
67 They also note work on his economic recovery package began weeks before Inauguration Day.
68 But he was put in a coma just 2 weeks after his inauguration.
69 The inauguration took place at midday on May 7 th.
70 A juristic person's legal capacity dates from its inauguration to its termination.
70 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
71 On March fourth, eighteen sixty-nine, Ulysses Grant traveled to Washington for his inauguration as the eighteenth president of the United States.
72 An Irish bookie is offering odds on phrases that may be used by US president-elect Barack Obama in his inauguration speech Tuesday.
73 Madame Tussauds plans to complete several copies of the life-size wax figures by U.S. Inauguration Day, January 20, 2009, for display in Washington, D.C., New York City, and Las Vegas.
74 This is not just because a presidency knocked sideways by the events of September 11th 2001, is ending. Next week's inauguration also bears witness to America's awesome power of self-renewal.
75 It was highlighted by the laying of the cornerstone by the Governor General of the Confederation Building on Wellington Street and the inauguration of the Carillon in the Peace Tower.
76 Scan a photo of the inauguration and you can just make him out, standing a few rows back from the new president. He looks grey, owlish, bespectacled and glum.
77 The inauguration ceremony for the new Hengqin Port Joint Inspection Complex Building was ceremoniously held on the morning of December 8th.
78 Russia's state-run news agency Itar-Tass reports that the Russian ambassador will attend the inauguration ceremony.
79 Sadly, their release was delayed until the day of President Reagan's inauguration, proof that all leaders play politics, even in a theocracy.
80 Lincoln's Gettysburg address and his second inauguration speech also marble wall.
81 At the inauguration , the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court swore in the new President.
82 The case method received a major boost in 1948 with the inauguration of the Interuniversity Case Program (ICP).
83 Kennedy now had sventy - three days to go until inauguration.
84 Costa Rica , where he attended the inauguration of Costa Rican President Oscar Arias on Monday.
85 Chui said in his inauguration speech Sunday , which stressed economic diversification.
86 Obama officials said the current number of applicants may double by Inauguration Day.
87 Song said he was here to attend the upcoming inauguration of the Chinese Consulate General in Montreal, Quebec on behalf of the Chinese side.
88 In a village in north-west China, the local administration introduces the Enthronement Ritual from Tibetan Buddhism and applies it to the inauguration ceremony of the village leader.
89 President Bush had just been re-elected and was preparing his triumphal second inauguration that was to mark the high-water mark for neoconservatism.




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