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单词 multinational
释义 Word family  noun nation national multinational nationalism nationalist nationality nationalization nationhood international internationalism internationalist internationalization adjective national international multinational nationalist nationalistic nationalized internationalist verb nationalize internationalize adverb nationally internationally  Related topics: Companiesmul·ti·na·tion·al1 /ˌmʌltɪˈnæʃənəl◂/ ●○○ adjective  1  BBCCOUNTRY/NATIONa multinational company has factories, offices, and business activities in many different countries 〔公司〕跨国的,在多国经营的 a multinational media corporation 跨国传媒公司2  PGCOUNTRY/NATIONinvolving people from several countries 由多个国家的人组成的,多国的 the UN’s multinational peace-keeping force 联合国的多国维和部队Examples from the Corpusmultinational• Multinational companies have often been accused of employing cheap labour in developing countries.• These are therefore the key markets for most multinational companies.• The government is attempting to stimulate the economy by attracting multinational corporations.• The recording business is now controlled by multinational corporations.• The multinational drug companies are often exploiting that knowledge in their constant search for new and more profitable drugs.• With the multinational empires torn apart, are the multinational nations next?• a multinational force sponsored by the UN• a multinational manufacturer• They are adept at arranging huge loans, underwriting stock offerings and putting together multinational mergers.• Crucially, in an era of multinational sports commerce, it also travelled better abroad.• However, they have been very active in the large multinational textile and assembly factories which employ women almost exclusively.Related topics: Companiesmultinational2 ●○○ noun [countable]  BBCa large company that has offices, factories etc in many different countries 跨国公司 Multinationals have made large investments in Thailand. 跨国公司在泰国进行了大量投资。► see thesaurus at companyExamples from the Corpusmultinational• a Connecticut-based multinational that produces chemicals• the power of the big multinationals• Local private firms had built up a skilled work force that eventually drew in foreign multinationals on terms acceptable to the government.• Moreover, the leading multinationals have been able to gain critical efficiencies in financing the whole system.• Several multinationals were fined for environmental pollution.• The multinationals that stand to benefit were deeply involved in the negotiations to establish Gats.From Longman Business Dictionarymultinationalmul‧ti‧na‧tion‧al1 /ˌmʌltɪˈnæʃənəl◂/ adjective1COMMERCEORGANIZATIONSa multinational organization has offices, factories, activities etc in many different countriesBig multinational companies can earn huge profits.a multinational concern based in Viennathe rules for dealing with multinational banks2COMMERCEinvolving companies or people from several different countriesHis access to world oil markets has been closed by a multinational embargo.multinationalmultinational2 noun [countable]COMMERCEORGANIZATIONS a large company that has offices, factories, and business activities in many different countriesIt can be very hard to compete with the multinationals.a marketing manager with a major Dutch multinationalmul·ti·na·tion·al1 adjectivemultinational2 nounChineseSyllable  has Corpus multinational company offices, a factories, Business and




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