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单词 Raindrop
1) The raindrops have left spots on the windows.
2) There were raindrops on his bald crown.
3) Big raindrops splatted against the windscreen.
4) The raindrops melded into a sheet of water.
5) They could hear raindrops spattering on the roof of the caravan.
6) The water butt juggles with raindrops.
7) Dixie wipes a raindrop from his brow.
8) Rain Rainwater can be collected in different-sized containers, raindrops observed going down window panes, etc.
9) From watching raindrops, bubbles and insects walking on ponds it is obvious that water and other liquids have a surface tension.
10) I was like a thirsty man watching raindrops fill a bucket.
11) Lightly falling raindrops splashed into her open mouth and eyes, skittering across her taut,(http:///raindrop.html) shiny face.
12) One applet sent lovely blue raindrops streaking across my screen.
13) But what he had taken at first for raindrops on the wagon floor were actually pennies, halfpennies and farthings scattered everywhere.
14) Rivers of raindrops created the illusion that all the faces were melting, were weeping.
15) Mr. Raindrop, falling away from me now.
16) The raindrop falls on my face.
17) Building a better mousetrap, one raindrop at a time.
18) Gravity is pulling every raindrop and snowflake and hailstone.
19) The raindrop was beating against the windowpanes.
20) The raindrop, humidified vapor or liquid usually contain minerals that erode the precision parts instrument.
21) Keeping his mind steadied was like trying to nail a raindrop to the wall.
22) Toos threw unending series of berserk punches, ignoring incoming rounds as if they were raindrops on a pleasant spring day.
23) The tracers coming at me now seemed as thick as raindrops.
24) As a youngster, you used to train by punching raindrops as they fell off a tree branch.
25) Dixie and the breadhead pause at the bottom, then turn to face each other. Dixie wipes a raindrop from his brow.
26) It was drizzling very lightly, and I could hear the tiny patter of small raindrops.
27) The shape is a little odd (sort of like an upside down raindrop), but it boasts an 8 megapixel camera, dual side pico projectors, wireless charging, and an embedded Bluetooth dongle.
28) When it rained, funny sounds came from the splashing raindrop on the butterbur leaf.
29) My hands reached out , catching nothing but a raindrop, on a leaf that had withered.
30) Little cookie unfolds her colorful umbrella hurriedly in order to block the raindrop.
31) My hands reached out, catching nothing a raindrop, on a leaf that had withered.
32) Its lens, no bigger than a small raindrop, magnified objects hundreds of times. Leeuwenhoek had made it himself; nobody else had one so powerful.
33) Inside a bowling alley : Please be quiet, we need to hear raindrop.
34) This paper studies the influence of seeding work on the raindrop spectrum at the antiaircraft gun site, based on the raindrop size distributton in seeding experiments.
35) The tribo - surface produces electrical pitting and appears local fusion and molten raindrop metallic grain splashed af.
36) The counting process of load cycles is fulfilled to make use of "the raindrop flow method".
37) Then something - a pebble, a raindrop - breaks the surface and shatters the mirror.
38) Each raindrop makes a sound the first time it falls on a surface.
39) Excessively long fall distances are required for drops of raindrop size to attain terminal velocity.
39) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
40) The raindrop whispered to the jasmine, " Keep me in your heart for ever. "
41) None of the substances would serve as the center of a snow crystal or raindrop.
42) A series of numerical experiments have been done to test the seeding effect of artificial icecristals or raindrop embryos using a one-dimentional time dependent cumulonimbus cloud model.
43) My hands, catching nothing but a raindrop, on a leaf that had withered.




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