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单词 Indirect
1. The benefits from pure research are often indirect.
2. Losing weight is an indirect result of smoking cigarettes.
3. I got informed by an indirect.
4. On the way home, we took an indirect route.
5. The building collapsed as an indirect result of the heavy rain and storms.
6. The increase in indirect taxation is intended to neutralise the reduction in income tax.
7. Businesses are feeling the indirect effects from the recession that'sgoing on elsewhere.
8. There would be some benefit, however indirect, to the state.
9. George's comments were an indirect way of blaming me.
10. What he said was very indirect.
11. Journalists always have indirect channels for getting information.
12. He gave only an indirect answer.
13. The plant prefers indirect sunlight.
14. The government may put an indirect tax on books.
15. We went to the house by an indirect road.
16. They took an indirect route, avoiding the town centre.
17. The goods went by a rather indirect route.
18. Negotiations between the enemies are of necessity indirect.
18. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
19. The indirect effects of climate change may be profound.
20. Indirect effects of the fighting include disease and food shortages.
21. The increase in indirect taxation is intended to neutralize the reduction in income tax.
22. His remarks amounted to an indirect appeal for economic aid.
23. In 'Give him the money', 'him' is the indirect object and 'money' is the direct object.
24. There are two indirect ways of validating these estimates.
25. Measures are developed for indirect areas.
26. But the indirect effects may be more profound.
27. The help that the government gives the industry amounts to an indirect subsidy.
28. In selling there is a broad division into direct and indirect methods.
29. Researchers are trying to get at the same information through an indirect route.
30. In the sentence 'Give Val some cake', 'Val' is the indirect object.
1. The benefits from pure research are often indirect.
2. Losing weight is an indirect result of smoking cigarettes.
3. I got informed by an indirect.
4. On the way home, we took an indirect route.
5. The help that the government gives the industry amounts to an indirect subsidy.
6. The building collapsed as an indirect result of the heavy rain and storms.
7. The increase in indirect taxation is intended to neutralise the reduction in income tax.
8. Businesses are feeling the indirect effects from the recession that'sgoing on elsewhere.
9. There would be some benefit, however indirect, to the state.
10. What he said was very indirect.
11. He gave only an indirect answer.
31. Her language is not indirect at all.
32. There is a range of hidden or indirect costs.
33. The indirect taxes are collected by Customs and Excise.
34. The case illustrates that an indirect cause is sufficient.
35. It sells entirely through indirect channels.
36. So they had to resort to indirect tactics.
37. They are what is meant by indirect discrimination.
38. The room was dimly lit by indirect illumination.
39. Avoid negative words that leave writing vague and indirect.
40. These all illustrate the general problem of indirect control.
41. Includes both open-market and private transactions involving direct and indirect holdings.
42. There is no false modesty here, no subtle, indirect swaggering; the author's honesty rings true.
43. Their plight is an indirect result of the closure programme.
44. Alternatively, where relevant, any of the indirect controls mentioned in Chapter 5 may be relied upon.
45. By vastly cheapening the carriage of heavy materials over long distances, the canals also brought about indirect changes in the landscape.
46. Direct and indirect taxes: is it better to tax incomes or goods?
47. Comprehensive statutes deal with the direct and indirect taxation of individuals and companies.
48. And just as indirect observation in general doesn't need linguistic signs, nor does the special case of communication.
49. They do not in themselves betoken infection, although they can be taken as indirect evidence of infection in many cases.
50. The increase in greenhouse gases is the direct result of pollution, and the indirect result of a reduction in the atmosphere's ability to absorb them.
51. Prof Henshaw's team found an indirect mechanical effect on the body, which allowed the build-up of pollutants in the lungs.
52. In 1988, he stumbled across an indirect link in the scientific literature between Raynaud's disease and dietary fish oil.
53. Taken to its logical extent, this point implies that even such indirect tests as those previously described are invalid.
54. The question of who should receive higher education was an indirect way of asking what higher education was for.
55. In other countries considerable indirect influence is apparent, particularly in teacher education programmes.
56. Moreover, language change offers important indirect evidence about the nature of human language namely, that it is rule-governed.
57. The recent shift towards indirect taxation would have lowered even further the position of this country in the comparative scene.
58. It was believed that the accident happened as an indirect result of heavy rain and snow storms in the city.
59. As such it can be an indirect as well as direct method of exporting, depending upon the arrangement.
60. Different types of organisation for international selling were considered, including agents, distributors, licensing and export houses under indirect methods.
61. Net national product exceeds national income by the amount of indirect business taxes-sales and excise taxes, primarily.
62. Decisions about its value are therefore based on indirect evidence.
63. Direct and indirect effects Multiple causality means that two or more causes tend to work together to produce an effect.
64. It has contributed to the decline in direct portfolio investment as opposed to indirect investment through tax exempt institutions.
65. Nevertheless, it is probable that ownership does contain within it the potential for direct and indirect control.
66. However, others suggest that consumers are well aware of the impact of indirect taxes on the price level.
67. They were designed principally to search for direct and indirect evidence of life on the Martian surface.
68. The defeated Arab states, fearful of being picked off one by one, insisted on indirect and collective negotiations.
69. The government's budget was strengthened by increased customs revenue and more particularly by a spectacular rise in indirect taxation.
70. In addition, there are indirect costs that must be considered.
71. So far we have discussed the impact of indirect taxes on allocative efficiency.
72. In contrast to the redistributive capital tax considered in Section 8-3, the indirect effects reinforce the transfer.
73. Table 3.3 shows this indirect employment creation classified by the product category of the initial input.
74. All these provide indirect means of converting solar energy to forms of energy which are useful to us.
75. A system of indirect control and accountability is thereby established over the directors as those responsible for the management of the company.
76. Sales taxes are another form of indirect taxation popular in the South.
77. We must therefore resort to more indirect methods, such as the variation with time of copper-alloy composition or technology of production.
78. Dissatisfaction with this highly indirect method of attempting to secure a modus must have been considerable.
79. While schools and housing were required to tackle indirect discrimination[sentencedict .com], Whitehall was looking after its own.
80. In the case of married persons living together, a spouse's interest is an indirect interest for this purpose.
81. To calculate the effect of an indirect causal path, the values of adjacent paths are multiplied.
82. For these reasons, indirect taxes are usually regarded as a more flexible instrument of macroeconomic policy.
83. Peasants were also able to cushion the impact of indirect taxes by falling back on barter and home products when necessary.
84. In one indirect way, however, the new rate-of-return rules will affect the soon-to-be-privatised water and electricity industries.
85. These included indirect costs such as losses incurred by the state export credit guarantee agency Coface.
86. In full shade there is no direct sunlight, but there is some indirect light.
87. We might have expected this switch to reinforce the downward trend in the ratio of direct to indirect tax receipts.
88. But other details, some of the most interesting, can not be confirmed by such indirect means.
89. However, in practice so far most organisations have selected the indirect method.
90. Although indirect taxes as a whole are regressive, there is some variation between different types of indirect tax.
91. But there is now some strong indirect evidence that trypanosomes also lurk in the human choroid plexus.
92. Indirect taxes are, as a group, regressive, though this is not the case for all indirect taxes.
93. Indirect evidence of mounting demographic pressure is also provided by the steady destruction of the forests.
94. Both forest management and afforestation are responsible for direct and indirect environmental change.
95. The procedure can thus be viewed as being an indirect way of assessing the effects of habituation training.
96. The costing of indirect costs or overheads is discussed in detail in Chapter 11.
97. Labor Party leaders have denounced the talk as an attempt by the right to escape indirect blame for the assassination.
98. The analysis of trends over time offers another indirect method of considering age and cohort related effects upon health.
99. A black and white room and indirect lighting helps the visual perspective for the partially sighted.
100. The first indirect evidence for a falling population is the movement of wage rates.
101. As for indirect taxation, estimated Engel curves relate the expenditure of groups of households on taxed goods to total expenditure.
102. Indeed, it may well have had the indirect, beneficial effect of encouraging the search for better methods.
103. Don't fit an immersion heater boss to an indirect self-priming cylinder.
104. Some young people have died as a direct or indirect result of sniffing glue or other solvents.
105. Channel D is another version of a shorter, indirect channel.
106. Upgrading cylinders Direct cylinders can be converted simply to indirect ones using a cylinder conversion kit.
107. After midnight, taking his careful, indirect route home from his dockside rendezvous, he had met two men.
108. Arguably the indirect consular channel, like the modes of transmission still to be noted, is solely a creature of conventions.
109. It did not outlaw indirect discrimination and indeed the concept of indirect discrimination did not appear in the legislation.
110. Alternatively, indirect effects involving the regulation of epithelial cell function by mesenchyme are also possible.
111. It emphasizes the direct and indirect effects of political control and intervention on the pattern of industrial relations.
112. The Matiba faction demanded a direct secret ballot of all party members while Odinga insisted on an indirect method.
113. The indirect solutions for ecological appropriation have a more familiar land reform ring but are not without positive environmental implications.
114. Later we will argue that some indirect effects occur due to cross-level interactions with chaotic population dynamics.
115. Passive-aggressive children are rarely viewed as discipline problems by school authorities, since their hostility toward authority is so indirect.
116. Indirect taxes can be varied more quickly and easily, taking more immediate effect, than can direct taxes.
117. This result has indirect value as well as direct practical significance.
118. In political terms this failure forced heavy dependence on indirect revenue sources.
119. Whether the magnitude of the income and substitution effects will be the same for indirect as for direct taxes is quite another matter.
120. A more indirect and subtle consequence for reliability may be the effect of liberalization on the technological configuration of the system.
121. Furthermore, the City of Detroit is the chief benefactor of much indirect revenue sharing.
122. Because such consequences are hard to predict, some Republicans argue that indirect government is worse than direct meddling.
123. George's comments were an indirect way of blaming me for the situation.
124. The very narrow tax base meant continued heavy reliance on massive borrowings and indirect taxes.
125. Their logic is reflected in the kinds of indirect tax that are levied.
126. Existing direct cylinders can be upgraded to indirect - see below.
127. Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody was measured in 31 patients by indirect immunofluorescence.
128. In addition to probing the critical state near T c, these measurements allow the indirect determination of the residual, normal-state resistivity.
129. A further 30 seats were reserved for women, to be filled by indirect election by the Jatiya Sangsad.
130. Leeds brought a good save from the Southampton keeper with an indirect free kick before half-time.
131. An equivalent definition of indirect race discrimination occurs in the Race Relations Act 1976.
132. For convenience we shall compare the systems under four main headings, with indirect taxes considered first in each case.
133. Fifty percent of Sun's business comes from indirect channels and this will remain so in future, said Thompson.
134. Provide clear if indirect indications that the interview is ending. 8.
135. Nevertheless, the Lord Chancellor's Advisory Committee was convinced by the indirect evidence that there was such a drift.
136. This result is the first, albeit indirect, observation of gravitational radiation.
137. The findings presented here can provide only indirect evidence about any possible adverse effect of cimetidine on motor neurone disease.
138. But Derrida's subtle analyses show that logocentrism tends to manifest itself in extremely indirect ways.
138. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
139. We have the subject - she, the object - the hammer, and the indirect object - the nail.
140. There may well be important indirect contributions they can make, if they wish to.
141. The rationale for judicial intervention on the Y level is more indirect.
142. The main reason for the change is the rise in indirect taxes such as valued added tax which affect the poor disproportionately.
143. It may carry out its views of public policy whatever indirect effect they may have upon the activities of the states.
144. But it was perhaps their indirect influence which, ultimately, was more significant.
145. Though we found no direct effects on pay, holding other things equal, we found indirect effects of motherhood on pay.
146. Until recently, most governments have exercised either direct or indirect control over national telecommunications as well as international links.
147. Moral virtues were a cunningly indirect alibi for modish economic vices.
148. Further, the limited evidence points to both indirect and direct discrimination within the social security system.
149. The typical life cycle is indirect, and the intermediate host is usually a mollusc.
150. An indirect channel utilises intermediaries or middlemen, such as wholesalers. 25.
151. There may of course also be hidden or indirect costs involved in training.
152. For example, the Long-term programme of Economic Stabilization recommended that there should be a shift away from indirect taxation towards direct taxation.
153. The job losses were an indirect result of lower cost imports.
154. This would act as a public forum to discuss and recommend improvements to the controversial Tinkhundla system of indirect elections.
155. We can say that being female therefore also has an indirect effect on absenteeism, through the type of work performed.
156. Only 14 out of 105 Crohn's disease patients showed perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody reactivity by indirect immunofluorescence assay.
157. Radical cuts to income tax plus large increases in national insurance and indirect taxation have made the tax system far more regressive.
158. CLARiiON will not use Data General's own sales force to market the products, only indirect channels.
159. The university research covers fundamental and applied research in various disciplines and is heavily dependent on direct and indirect government funding.
160. This gradient reflects sinusoidal pressure and is an indirect measure of portal pressure.
161. The training of agents is important to indirect selling in overseas markets, particularly if the products are technically complex.
162. Their optimistic figure conveniently overlooked, for example, indirect taxes, such as those on petrol and drink.
163. Altering banks' liquidity or the rate of interest are indirect methods of controlling spending.
164. Incitement, direct or indirect, must be treated with the full rigour of the law.
165. Keynesians argue that they have an indirect and uncertain effect. 2.
166. Implication is an indirect way of conveying one's own meaning; inference is a process of discovering a fact outside oneself.
167. The nail is an indirect object because it is related to the verb through the preposition - on.
168. Paraphrase and summary of the arguments of other texts correspond to indirect speech.
168. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
169. I.. Estimate your expenditures for the first year of your business on a monthly basis: a. Total your indirect costs.
170. For individuals, the costs of maintaining a safe environment are, however, by no means all in the category of indirect taxation.
171. No one living in a rural district can altogether escape the indirect power of these influences.
172. Taken together these are a significant help and in effect constitute an indirect government subsidy.
173. Channel C represents one of the shorter indirect channels, where the retailer is omitted.
174. The nature of social chit-chat, then, and indeed of the bulk of our talk, must be tentative and indirect.
175. The feistier sort of Republican is as hostile to big government by indirect means as to the direct variety.
176. The cab driver obviously took the indirect route to the hotel.
177. What is the effect of the combination of direct and indirect taxes?
178. First, they allow direct and indirect causal effects to be calculated and compared.
179. Since he left his wife Rick has only had indirect contact with his children.
180. It may also disabuse ministers of the belief that people notice indirect taxes less than direct ones.
181. Give examples of expenditure that would be classified, in a manufacturing organization, as direct cost and indirect costs.
182. In other words, the income and substitution effects we considered above apply to higher indirect taxes as well as to higher direct taxes.
183. Few discussions about politics can occur without direct or indirect reference to power.
184. But some of the country's economic difficulties have direct and indirect effects on provision.
185. Indirect immunohistological staining using fluorescein conjugated antibody Exactly the same procedure was carried out as described above.
186. In bright or open shade, there is no direct sunlight but plenty of indirect light.
187. Faecal concentrations, however, provide only an indirect estimate of the drug available in the tissues.
188. Provided the discrimination was not indirect and unintentional, damages can be awarded to take account of injury to feelings.
189. Taxes may therefore be classified as either direct or indirect, according to the administrative arrangement for their collection.
190. Only a little more indirect is the effect of the same cuckoo genes on the behaviour of the besotted host.
191. The first is the selection as the primary or preferred mode of transmission of the indirect consular channel.
192. There are additional costs of producing the accounts both direct and indirect.
193. To understand it, it is necessary to make a distinction be-tween the direct and indirect influence religion has on reproductive behavior.
194. The railways not only made a direct physical impact on the landscape: their indirect effects were equally powerful and far-reaching.
195. These are the indirect links and they are as essential for profit contribution as the direct links.
196. Company officials also report indirect benefits including improved productivity and reduced absenteeism.
197. As instructional material it is indirect in that the reader is not necessarily told what to do, as in a routine.
198. Artificial light suits it very well, but in indirect sunlight it sometimes becomes pale.
199. The added price of inconvenience is hard to measure and must be inferred from indirect evidence.
200. Some of them have been used as an indirect way of seeing the file by parents denied access for themselves.
201. Subsequent interviews with key executives become more indirect but still useful.
202. Sometimes this is clearly reflected in the work of art produced, sometimes the connection is more indirect.
203. The second type of discrimination, indirect discrimination, is to deal with the more hidden forms of bias.
204. It may seem odd that sterile animals can evolve a variety of forms, but this too comes from indirect natural selection.
205. Just as Bill Kestell noted earlier concerning tracks, the indirect effect of booby traps on infantry movement was serious.
206. I adjust the value upward to reflect third-party effects through indirect business taxes. 5.
207. Merrill felt her face grow warm at this indirect reference to her rebuff of the previous evening.
208. The annual tab for direct medical liability costs is about $ 7 billion, but indirect costs are much greater.
209. The direct and indirect employment incomes generated will be used to purchase goods and services.
210. Today's techniques for DNA sequencing are comparatively laborious and indirect.
211. Hubble was forced, therefore, to use indirect methods to measure the distances.
212. Its actions on various organs are the result of a combination of both direct and indirect effects.
213. Individuals should follow an indirect strategy, guiding their action by one standard in order better to conform to another.
214. The evidence for the next higher stage is not entirely absent but, in this case, it is indirect.
215. So far the evidence is only indirect.
216. The threat was neither implied nor indirect.
217. There were indirect references to his opponent.
218. the indirect effects of the war.
219. That is an indirect answer to the question.
220. Hetty had passed her happiest hours in this indirect communion with the spirit of her mother.
221. His influence has been profound, but it has been indirect.
222. Proof of consistency by the method of models is an indirect process.
223. Millions could die of hunger as an indirect result of the war.
224. When you write, avoid sandwiching the bad news between an irrelevant, indirect, or overly cushioned beginning and end.




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