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单词 Gulf of mexico
1. The Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico.
2. Hurricane Andrew was last night heading into the Gulf of Mexico.
3. The Mississippi disgorges its waters into the Gulf of Mexico.
4. In the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico, oil rigs attract shoals of fish, and fishermen too.
5. The Gulf of Mexico is a continuation of the Caribbean Sea.
6. The Mississippi rolls south to the Gulf of Mexico.
7. The ship sailed into the Gulf of Mexico.
8. Thousands of ships enwombed in the gulf of mexico.
9. N Carolina to Florida and eastern Gulf of Mexico.
10. Gulf of Mexico - Origins, Waters, and Biota.
11. Fairhope is on the gulf of Mexico.
12. The BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has reached America's shores.
13. Most of the river drains into the Gulf of Mexico.
14. Gazetteer Western Atlantic: northeastern Florida, USA and northern Gulf of Mexico to Bay of Campeche .
15. A city of southwest Florida on the Gulf of Mexico south of Fort Myers. It is a resort and has a shrimp-fishing industry. Population, 19, 505.
16. A laughing gull, covered in oil from BP's Gulf of Mexico oil spill, sits in a cage at the International Bird Rescue Research Center in Buras, Louisiana, June 6, 2010.
17. ExxonMobil, for instance, remains BP's partner in Thunder Horse, the largest producing platform in the Gulf of Mexico.
18. Even before the fires, the two-month gusher in the Gulf of Mexico was threatening the long-term survival of sea turtles.
19. In addition, the Interior Department will continue lease sales in the Central and Western Gulf of Mexico, which have proved to have sizable reserves.
20. A gray triggerfish peers into the camera as it hovers in front of old chicken-transport pens—one of many permitted artificial reefs that benefit recreational fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico.
21. A city of southeast Mississippi on an arm of the Gulf of Mexico west of Biloxi.
22. Some of these whales may already be near the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports.
23. The U. S. Coast Guard has confirmed the first deposits of oil from the massive spill in the Gulf of Mexico have hit the shores of the southern state of Louisiana.
24. A low offshore island or reef, especially in the Gulf of Mexico; a cay.
25. The Western Interior Seaway divided across the Dakotas and retreated south towards the Gulf of Mexico.
26. Vorticity flux through the Yucatan Channel and Loop Current variability in the Gulf of Mexico.
27. In May 2010, Plumb was sent to the Gulf Coast by the U.S. Department of the Interior to help determine how the April 2010 ongoing Gulf of Mexico oil spill might affect the Gulf ecosystem.
28. Last month the President ordered British Petroleum to put billions of dollars into an escrow account for payment of claims for losses caused by the BP oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico.
29. The HSE documents also undermine claims by the major oil companies that last year's Deepwater Horizon explosion in the Gulf of Mexico that killed 11 workers was unlikely to ever happen to them.
30. One of 25 species in the deep-water genus Benthoctopus, this cephalopod lives in Gulf of Mexico waters as deep as 13,000 feet.
31. The Deepwater Horizon oil rig burns in the Gulf of Mexico.
32. A ghost crab eats oil from the Gulf of Mexico spill, shown glowing yellow-orange under ultraviolet light, at Gulf Islands National Seashore near Pensacola (map), Florida.
33. The US Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has sharply criticised the oil company BP for its handling of the huge oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico.
34. The minute creatures, barely 2cm tall, were elusive even before the spill, found only among the seagrass in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
35. U. S. President Barack Obama is angrily blasting oil industry officials who he says are failing to accept blame for the massive oil spill into the Gulf of Mexico.
36. Vast quantities of soil reach the Gulf of Mexico to become ocean sediment.
37. Brazil's prospects of becoming a leading oil producer increased yesterday when it emerged that a giant offshore field could be double the size of BP's discovery last week in the Gulf of Mexico.
38. S. aerospace industry, and a deep-water port connected with Galveston Bay and the Gulf of Mexico by the Houston Ship Channel. Houston is also the largest city in Texas. Population, 1,630,553.
39. Do you celebrate Fat Tuesday? If you live in New Orleans , Louisiana, or any place else along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, you probably do.
40. A batfish as flat as a pancake was dredged up from the oil-slick waters in the Gulf of Mexico.
41. A city of southeast Mississippi on a peninsula between Biloxi Bay and Mississippi Sound on the Gulf of Mexico.
42. The Mississippi River watershed drains directly into the Gulf of Mexico,[] where dead zones frequently occur.
43. Rural and undeveloped land rings the metropolitan area, and Galveston Bay to the southeast (image lower right) provides access to the Gulf of Mexico.
44. I travelled by express coach south from Dallas to Veracruz on the Gulf of Mexico: 750 miles, 36 hours, $115.
45. But chances are that he or she remains ignorant of how the rain flows through the city on its way to the White River, the Mississippi and, finally, the Gulf of Mexico.
46. On Sunday, May 2, NOAA restricted fishing in federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico from the mouth of the Mississippi to Pensacola Bay for at least ten days.
47. The oil slick may be particularly obvious because it is occurring in the sunglint area, where the mirror-like reflection of the Sun off the water gives the Gulf of Mexico a washed-out look.
48. The Gulf of Mexico was speckled and streaked with small clouds on July 20, 2010, when the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Terra satellite captured this image.
49. An Interior Department report published on Tuesday said that more than two-thirds of offshore exploration licences in the Gulf of Mexico have yet to be acted upon by oil companies.
50. It is popular in Persia, the United States Gulf of Mexico and Saudi Arabia's belly dance.
51. A ribbon snake is seen on salvinia in a cypress swamp adjacent to marsh that stretches to the Gulf of Mexico in Barataria Preserve.
52. A sawfish stretches its namesake snout across the floor of the Gulf of Mexico.
53. A batfish as flat as a pancake was dredged up from the oil-slick waters in the Gulf of Mexico. A new species of antelope was found on sale at a West African bush meat market.
54. On April 20, 2010, a deadly explosion at the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling platform started a catastrophic oil leak into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
55. The US Coast Guard has said five times as much oil as previously thought is leaking from a well beneath where a rig sank in the Gulf of Mexico last week.
56. "The Gulf of Mexico is like Grand Central Station for the birds of the eastern United States and especially the Mississippi Flyway, " said Audubon President Frank Gill.
57. The US Coast Guard official leading the operation to contain the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico says BP's new operation is doing better than initial estimates.
58. the Gulf of Mexico.
59. Gulf of Mexico accident exploitation of natural resources for our wake - up call, deserves our deep thinking.
60. Every year, for example, a mother lode of nitrogen drains into the Mississippi River, mostly from agricultural lands, and pours into the Gulf of Mexico.
61. To recreate outer-space conditions of micro-gravity, the plane performed 6)parabolic flight 7)maneuvers over the Gulf of Mexico after 8)taking off from north Florida.
62. The Gulf of Mexico is known for its bounty — blue crab, shrimp, grouper, tuna, oysters — but ever since oil tainted a portion of the Gulf's fishing grounds, the seafood has been a tough sell.
63. The oil still spreading through the Gulf of Mexico has reinvigorated national debate about how we get our oil.
64. The Independence Project is a world-class subsea tieback development of 10 natural gas fields in the ultra-deepwater of the Gulf of Mexico.
65. Our part drained eventually into the Gulf of Mexico, and the other part into the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
66. Delacroix is the last stop in Louisiana's St. Bernard parish before the Gulf of Mexico begins.
67. A cold front moving down from Canada and butting up against moisture out of the Gulf of Mexico has produced freezing rain, snow and flash floods from Kansas down to Texas and eastward into Missouri.
68. Wild cotton, for instance, creeps past the Florida Keys, across the Gulf of Mexico and into Mexico.
69. US Coast Guard is searching the Gulf of Mexico for at least 11 oil workers missing after an explosion and fire on an off-shore drilling platform.
70. This summer, such systems helped seal a BP well a mile below thethe Gulf of Mexico.
71. He said: "This finding also shows that psychrophilic microbial degradation of oil abound, their Gulf of Mexico after the final status of oil pollution control plays an important role."
72. The observed spread of the surface oil in the approximately 100 days since the explosion highlights the connectivity between the deep-water areas and coastlines of the Gulf of Mexico.
73. A city of southern Texas on Corpus Christi Bay , an arm of the Gulf of Mexico.
74. On the one hand, Lafitte avoided American ships throughout much of his career as a pirate, instead preying on English and Spanish vessels that ventured into the Gulf of Mexico.
75. We've ordered inspections of all deepwater operations in the Gulf of Mexico.
76. Mr. Gallegos, 48, is a traditional warlock, one of dozens who work in this idyllic town, nestled near the Gulf of Mexico by Lake Catemaco in the state of Veracruz.
77. Such insulated pipe-in-pipe flowline assemblies are necessary to maintain the temperature of the produced fluids during transport through the very cold water of the deep Gulf of Mexico.
78. It borders Canada on the north, and reaches south to Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico.
79. You can fish the surf or the points where Pensacola Bay runs into the Gulf of Mexico.
80. A group of 33 young Green, Kemp's Ridley, Hawksbill and Loggerhead sea turtles returned to paddle the briny waters of the Gulf of Mexico on Oct. 21.
81. Do you want to learn how to fly-fish for tarpon in the 1)Gulf of Mexico?
82. Mr. A has visited the Philippines and the Gulf of Mexico.
83. A city of eastern Mexico on the Gulf of Mexico. It is a suburb of Tampico. Population, 32,444.
84. In the Gulf of Mexico, trawlers ply back and forth year in year out, hauling vast nets that scarify the seabed and allow no time for plant and animal life to recover.
85. The city doesn't sit on a fine natural harbor like San Francisco but rather abuts upper Galveston Bay, 60 miles inland from the Gulf of Mexico.
86. US interior secretary Ken Salazar has rejected claims that BP has reached an agreement to restart drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico.
87. This deep sea creepy-crawly gave oil workers a fright, after the unexpected visitor hitched a ride on a submarine sent from a rig in the Gulf of Mexico.
88. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With oil still gushing unchecked into the Gulf of Mexico, U.S. lawmakers are set to turn up the heat on the offshore oil drilling industry.
89. A population of sperm whales lives near coastal waters just south of the Mississippi Delta, according to the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies in Corpus Christi, Texas.
90. A shifting flock of flamingos assumes a whimsical shape in the Gulf of Mexico.
91. Crevalle jack (Caranx hippos) are a common sight at the mouth of the Homosassa River, where fresh and salt waters mix as the river spills into the Gulf of Mexico.
92. Imagine if a Chinese naval battle group sailed off New York's Long Island, into the Florida Strait off Cuba, or in the Gulf of Mexico?
93. A city of southeast Texas south-southeast of Houston on Galveston Island at the entrance to Galveston Bay, an arm of the Gulf of Mexico.
94. The US government has ordered BP to submit a plan for reopening its capped well in the Gulf of Mexico amid concerns that oil may be seeping from the ocean floor near the well.
95. Indian Rocks Beach is a town of about 4, 000[/gulf of mexico.html], located 28 miles west of Tampa on a barrier island between the Gulf of Mexico and the Intracoastal Waterway.
96. On this Earth Day, a year after the Deepwater Horizon explosion, scientist Samantha Joye is convinced that much of BP's spilt crude still lies at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.
97. A rescue worker feeds a northern gannet bird from the Gulf of Mexico region a dose of Pepto-Bismol today to combat complications from oil ingested when the bird tried to preen its feathers.
98. USA: St. George Island, Apalachicola Florida - located in the Gulf of Mexico next to Apalachicola Florida.
99. A city of southwest Alabama at the mouth of theMobile River, about 61 km (38 mi) long, on the north shore of Mobile Bay, an arm of the Gulf of Mexico.
100. A river of northwest Florida flowing about180 km(112 mi) southward from the Georgia border to Apalachicola Bay, an inlet of the Gulf of Mexico.
101. Visitors to Corpus Christi, Texas, on the Gulf of Mexico, can visit this warship which is now a museum. Jim Tedder tells us more.
102. The oil platform burned for 36 hours after a massive explosion, then later sank into the Gulf of Mexico on Thursday, April 22, 2010, the U.S. Coast Guard said.




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