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单词 Advisory
1. The council has an advisory.
2. The committee has a dual function, both advisory and regulatory.
3. She is employed by the president in an advisory capacity.
4. The head of department serves on the advisory panel.
5. He acted in an advisory capacity only.
6. He was employed in a purely advisory role.
7. The advisory group has outlived its usefulness.
8. The moribund Post Office Advisory Board was replaced.
9. He was appointed to the advisory committee last month.
10. We operate as an advisory service for schools.
11. The advisory panel disagreed with the decision.
12. I have worked in an advisory capacity with many hospitals.
13. Rollins will be working in an advisory capacity on this project.
14. She is the chair of the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Military.
15. The Careers Advisory Service will be running a series of workshops for students.
16. For further details, I refer you to the advisory department.
16. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
17. The advisory committee did not apply for a general increase in the ceiling.
18. We are simply involved in an advisory capacity on the project.
19. So some quangos and advisory committees have been eliminated.
20. He served on a Commerce Department technical advisory committee.
21. The school is visited by a competent advisory service.
22. The army is acting only in an advisory capacity.
23. Some clinics have special youth advisory sessions.
24. A simple brass plaque spelt out Brook Advisory Clinic.
25. Two practitioner-based advisory bodies were also assembled.
26. We've opened a non-denominational advisory centre for teenagers.
27. We will improve consumer representation on government advisory committees.
28. A Washington-based advisory group on historic preservation must first evaluate the proposal.
29. There was considerable kudos attached to being on the advisory board.
30. Get hold of the company list from your careers advisory service.
1. The council has an advisory.
2. There was considerable kudos attached to being on the advisory board.
3. The committee has a dual function, both advisory and regulatory.
4. She is employed by the president in an advisory capacity.
5. The advisory group has outlived its usefulness.
6. The moribund Post Office Advisory Board was replaced.
7. He was appointed to the advisory committee last month.
8. We operate as an advisory service for schools.
9. I have worked in an advisory capacity with many hospitals.
10. The advisory committee did not apply for a general increase in the ceiling.
31. There is also a national advisory body, without executive powers, the Bishops' Committee on Church Music.
32. Even when two schools utilized a similar device, advisory, the implementation of that program came out in very different ways.
33. Despite these difficulties, it is still possible to give good readers' advisory service in this area.
34. The city chose existing citizen advisory boards and commissions as its vehicle for citizen participation.
35. A city advisory board concluded that it would require 35 pages of changes in the regulatory code, just for a start.
36. The California Debt Advisory Commission has concluded that most lease-finance deals in the state have been well-managed.
37. The latter has led to the development and promotion of improved systems of hill sheep production by the official advisory services.
38. They were also concerned with curriculum development, advisory support and in-service education.
39. The instructor should take every opportunity to stress the professional's advisory role.
40. The advisory teacher was then well placed to act as broker between the course requirements, the students and the schools.
41. Belfast City Airport Forum is a new advisory body set up to discuss environmental issues affecting the airport and the surrounding area.
42. One is to ask the Tucson City Council to place the idea before the voters as an advisory referendum.
43. The Commission acts in an advisory capacity to the government.
44. Also installed in March was a 19-member advisory body, the Council of State.
45. Romance readers' advisory service is connecting the romance reader with the proper romantic story.
46. The Culture Secretary, Chris Smith, and an advisory panel will decide how to handle claims for restitution.
46. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
47. Listing would be by statutory instrument made on the advice of an advisory committee.
48. If you are thoroughly bewildered by the long-awaited report of the Social Security Advisory Council, do not be.
49. In the past improved productivity was achieved with the help of the government-funded advisory service and the company representative.
50. Most of the people sitting on supposedly independent government advisory bodies have direct links to biotechnology companies.
51. The nature of the work undertaken will also be substantially determined by the size of the advisory team.
52. Planning Guidance on Architects Advisory panels for panel members and panel users was prepared together with model terms of reference.
53. He also asked his bioethics advisory panel to conduct a full review and report back to him in 90 days.
54. Her teaching duties have included head of sixth form and advisory teacher for 16 to 19 education.
55. Mr Clifton paid particular tribute to the work of the trades union representatives on the advisory committee.
56. It will take on minimum portfolios of £100,000 for discretionary management and £250,000 for advisory.
57. They include a prohibition on management advisory services, and rotation of auditors.
58. However, the issues here will now need to be considered by governing bodies as well as advisory staff.
59. Just 15 percent of shows containing violence carried an advisory or content code at the beginning of the program.
60. The Judiciary Committee rejected a proposal that would have made the sentencing guidelines only advisory.
61. Bennett said all proposals for future attractions will be placed before the wharf advisory group for approval.
62. Just before leaving office, he commissioned an advisory commission to study the highway extension proposal again.
63. The advisory committee which decided on research and development money for renewable energy was dominated by nuclear proponents.
64. The Clay Roofing Tile Council offers you a free technical advisory service on any aspect of the use of clay tiles.
65. They also notify the government's other watchdog body the Genetic Manipulation Advisory Group.
66. The Pentagon is currently drawing up a new list of project proposals, to be evaluated by a scientific advisory committee.
67. It consisted of the advisory teacher, an educational psychologist and sixteen of the teachers who had been at the course.
68. Heads responded to advisory views of good practice in different ways, ranging from unthinking conformity to outright rejection.
69. I got a call from the community college where I sit on the industry advisory board.
70. The advisory council goes out of business now, having delivered its long-awaited report.
71. In making policy city officials rely on over fifty citizen advisory boards and commissions for citizen input.
72. But the Worcestershire diocesan advisory committee for the care of churches has been critical.
73. As such they can not be ignored, unlike the findings of a public inquiry which are purely advisory.
74. Dow Chemical supports 26 advisory panels that address issues of importance to the community.
75. Already, Caughlan has met with local community and advisory groups.
76. One thing the advisory teacher had failed to convey was that the syllabus was being covered via these activities.
77. Citizens advisory groups have been set up in border cities.
78. Households are also staying in temporary accommodation for longer periods, a report to Middlesbrough Council's homeless advisory committee reveals.
79. It has also been held that non-statutory government advisory panels are subject to judicial review.
80. We hope our advisory group will help us clarify our responses to these and other questions during the consultative process.
81. We will examine whether certain regulations affecting individual citizens within their own homes could be made advisory, rather than mandatory.
82. Advisory services are more expensive than execution-only broking. Expect to pay higher dealing commissions.
83. They are also angling for control of the Careers Advisory Service.
84. NatWest believe it is the first bank in the world to offer this kind of computerised advisory service to business customers.
85. It allows collaboration between teachers in schools and other educational institutions and with local advisory staff.
86. This was evidenced by the continuation of her long-established teaching methods and forms of classroom organisation between sessions with the advisory teacher.
87. I know we met with people on the advisory council to hear what their concerns were.
88. But the advisory panel told Congress that it found no evidence that more money retains private insurers.
89. The court has heard how some couples lost their life savings after investing with a financial advisory service run by Christopher How.
90. The advisory committee report did little to resolve the mystery surrounding Gulf War illness.
91. Although advisory at present such protocols could be used to regulate clinician behaviour.
92. Some civilians are upset at the prospect of sharing power with the armed forces, even in an advisory capacity.
93. We are grateful to him and to all the other people who serve on the advisory board of the know-how fund.
94. In Committee, we discussed the report of the disabled persons transport advisory committee many times.
95. The current restructuring of the advisory service provides a timely opportunity to address some of these issues.
96. At the hearing, nearly all dischargers on the advisory committee favored disbanding the program.
97. But its 1993 report sounded some warnings and suggested that governments consider advisory votes for controversial projects.
98. This Council had been firmly established as an advisory and executive board by the start of the fifteenth century.
99. Nielsen Media Research, provides information services for broadcasters; and Gartner Group, provides advisory services in the technology sector.
100. The laboratory provides an environment for academic research, client based projects, teaching activities and advisory and information services.
101. But they said the organized process of the advisory council w ill create political pressure for the supervisors to heed the recommendations.
102. Prop 105 would require a charter review advisory committee to be established every 10 years.
103. Since all faculty members are involved, each advisory group consists of only ten students.
104. John was called in initially in an advisory capacity with Laings and the architects.
105. The staff and technical advisory group agreed that new construction should play a substantial role in the first-year housing goals.
106. The role of the ergonomist is essentially an advisory one.
106. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
107. After 1406 its advisory role may have become more prominent.
108. For the time being the parliament serves only as an advisory body of Noriega loyalists.
109. The way in which the advisory role is carried out can vary in different locations.
110. A big debate within the advisory council concerned what would happen to individualized accounts once people reach retirement.
111. Experience on statutory advisory committees to the health board has shown me how slow and often ineffectual they are.
112. An elected health commissioner would run the system with an appointed medical advisory board and regional directors.
113. The department emphasised last night that it had agreed to meet Acas in its advisory capacity.
114. Yet individually, advisers and advisory teachers earned considerable respect for the extent and quality of support they provided.
115. First, the concept of advisory reduces school size by putting students in close contact with a single faculty member.
116. The continuing theme during basic training will be interviewing skills, without which the advisory process may not get under way.
117. Meanwhile, the International Court of Justice and other international tribunals are frequently asked for an adjudication or advisory opinion.
118. This is a critical problem for teachers, advisory teachers, advisers and educational psychologists to resolve.
119. Nevertheless, the Lord Chancellor's Advisory Committee was convinced by the indirect evidence that there was such a drift.
120. Advisory groups were created to look at various educational issues.
121. His work will include much personal advisory work with students, which is similar to a lecturer's tutorial responsibilities.
122. Hernandez says he believes the community should act in an advisory capacity rather than as a combatant.
123. Government ministers rely on the conclusions from the Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment prior to the field trials.
124. The court ruled that the Federal Advisory Committee Act does not apply to such subcommittee working groups.
125. The draft proposals tend to emphasize advisory structures and roles.
126. Our advisory services answer thousands of queries from people all over the country.
127. Look up your nearest Brook Advisory Centre in the phone book and make an appointment.
128. The upgrading of the working environment of advisory staff must be treated as a priority.
129. An international organisation can express its interest through the advisory jurisdiction of the International Court.
130. For people who are nervous about the stock market an advisory service may be more suitable.
131. It is a quality that comes not only from advisory, but from the organization of instruction as well.
132. The students were placed in pairs in three secondary comprehensive schools with which the advisory teacher was familiar.
133. In each city a project director oversees the program in coordination with the school district and an advisory board of local businesses.
134. There is no legislative assembly, although the formation of an advisory assembly has been under consideration since 1980.
135. The commission charged is usually lower than for advisory and discretionary business.
136. As part of the process[sentence dictionary], the company must seek an advisory opinion from the California Attorney General.
137. Barclayshare's advisory service, which has £250m under management, has the same charging structure, but costs £15 quarterly.
138. We should welcome the initiative of the Advisory Board for the Research Council in looking at quantitative measures of research output.
139. The staff and advisory commissions also make recommendations, in one-page position papers.
140. A January report by a federal advisory commission suggested a possible increase from 6. 2 percent of wages to 7 percent.
141. To identify changes and trends in trade and consumer practices and as a consequence research and recommend appropriate enforcement/advisory techniques.
142. Does the name the Catholic Marriage Advisory Council, mislead the public?
143. She contributed a great deal to the original strategy and remains very involved as a member of our player advisory board.
144. The entire system, according to the Thayer Advisory Handbook, is about communication.
145. Appointing lesbians or gays to two positions on its advisory council this year.
146. Your call is free and goes to a central advisory unit rather than to your local Social Security office.
147. The advisory teacher and Betty disagreed in their views about how a task might be presented.
148. It is these qualities that have made our audit and advisory roles valuable to our clients and to the public interest.
149. There is also a 210-member consultative council, the Shura, which has advisory powers.
150. A consumer advisory board would be formed of any state resident who paid $ 10 to join.
151. The regular training programme is jointly planned by adult education advisory tutors and senior speech therapists.
152. The Government has set up an advisory group of experts, headed by Baroness Sally Greengross, to develop the scheme.
153. Gartner provides market research and advisory services to information technology executives.
154. Profits from client advisory services, which include funds management, fell to $ 13 million from $ 30 million.
155. For important projects, one may also use an advisory board representing those who will be most influenced by the project.
156. The organisation will consist of executive and advisory boards and adhoc committees and task forces will be set up for specific projects.
157. Their plan received five of the 13 votes on the advisory council.
158. They also help design the curriculum through their role on advisory committees.
159. Welcomed the Advisory import valves, valve import order.
160. Now my role is strictly advisory.
161. Scope: Electrical Technical Advisory Service Technical Advisory Service.
162. He participated in the conference in an advisory capacity.
163. Agency advisory activities take many forms.
164. Report of the International Cotton Advisory Committee are expected.
165. He accompanied the President in an advisory capacity.
166. The committee is an advisory body reporting to the Department of Health.
167. Hepatology Digest: You have lots of data. How are you going to congeal this so it can be applied at a public health advisory level?
168. No. Only international organizations can request for an advisory opinion,( ) although sometimes such a request by a member of the organization or some member countries was first raised.
169. Similar methods are used in advisory work in the Netherlands.
170. Although OSHA appointed advisory committees for some of its initial regulations.
171. Ministers are awaiting the findings of the - Human Genetics Commission, a government advisory body.
172. Some agencies, however, have developed elaborate informal processes for rendering advisory opinions.
173. All the above were subsequently forwarded to the Labour Advisory Board for consideration.




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