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单词 Bit by bit
1. The work was never finished and bit by bit the building fell apart.
2. He dug the garden bit by bit.
3. They assembled the model ship bit by bit.
4. Bit by bit, the group accepted the idea.
5. We'll do it bit by bit.
6. He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit.
7. I saved up the money bit by bit.
8. Bit by bit, I was starting to change my mind.
9. Bit by bit I began to understand what they were trying to do.
10. Bit by bit memories of the night came back to me.
11. He saved money bit by bit until he had enough to buy a car.
12. They reviewed each aspect of the plan bit by bit.
13. His father began to lose his memory bit by bit,(/bit by bit.html) becoming increasingly forgetful.
14. Bit by bit Bob had nudged Fritz into selling his controlling interest.
15. The experiment faltered bit by bit.
16. Bit by bit, our apartment started to look like a home.
17. But then, slowly, bit by bit, year by year, I began to change my mind.
18. Then, bit by bit, the shining, scented constellation sailed closer, promising - Chesarynth didn't know what.
19. Thus, bit by bit, the child learns to string together more complicated sequences.
20. The information only came out bit by bit since she's still not easy in her mind about talking to us.
21. Bit by bit, queasy with sorrow, a child must unravel the fabric of her parents' lives.
22. In therapy, we chip away at this, bit by bit.
23. So bit by bit you're being written into the programme and fed into the computer.
24. You can shop meal by meal, or bit by bit.
25. He says it was all done in stages, bit by bit.
26. As the mist cleared, the house came into sight bit by bit.
27. He bought up businesses that were in bad/poor shape, and then sold them off bit by bit.
28. The cuckoo's adaptations were simply too perfect to have evolved bit by bit, in piecemeal fashion.
29. The declared aim of such finance pirates is to break up the giants, and sell them off bit by bit.
30. Make a small cut and then try to pull the gall to pieces bit by bit.
1. As the mist cleared, the house came into sight bit by bit.
2. The work was never finished and bit by bit the building fell apart.
3. They assembled the model ship bit by bit.
31. The artist cut away the marble bit by bit.
32. The collective wealth has been accumulated bit by bit.
33. I am deeply touched by these young people, SIFE students enthusiastic, vibrant, they get down to the success of using the accumulated bit by bit to prove.
34. That's how we are educated, bit by bit, to be a girl, through archetypal unconsciousness.
35. China is thus moving towards civility one step at a time, and society is thusly becoming nicer bit by bit.
36. As an executive coach, he sees managers collapse several issues into one large mess, so he often asks them to remove the emotion, the anxiety and start untangling things, bit by bit.
37. His fire of life was extinguished bit by bit by the onset of the lovesickness.
38. Of course, the habit of old nurturance is very difficult change, bit by bit him conquer!
39. Bit by bit , she extracted from him discreditable history.
40. Bit by bit,[] we have pieced together incredible vistas of creation next to which we and our entire Earth are less than ants in an anthill.
41. On my word of honor, rather than die in bed, of an illness, slowly, a bit by bit each day, with drugs, cataplasms, syringes, medicines, I should prefer to receive a cannon-ball in my belly!
42. An extreme example is asset stripping, where the main motive for the acquisition is short-term gain by buying up undervalued assets and selling them on bit by bit.
43. He slowly approached Liana's cage, gazing at Liana in silence, icy eyes melting bit by bit.
44. Bit by bit , the price of pampering farmers is being paid, writes Tobias Buck.
45. Workers cutting heavy metal tube and plate bit by bit in Chittagong, Bangladesh, Dec. 10, 2009. They usually work without proper safety gear and work for more than 12 hours every day.
46. It's begin with collectivity and then introduces the software bit by bit imperceptibly.
47. Bit by bit, the standard components of modernity were put into place, including stock, bond and commodity markets, asset management and credit analysis.
48. Well, the Cheshire Cat-like Rick Perry — he seems to be fading out, bit by bit, until only the hair remains — claimed, implausibly, that he could create 1.2 million jobs in the energy sector.
49. Let us emulate Mother Teresa in giving up the earthshaking undertakings; let us assume the attitude of "like a willing ox with head bowed", and let us start the service bit by bit!




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