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单词 matey
释义  mat·ey1 /ˈmeɪti/ adjective British English informal  FRIENDLYbehaving as if you were someone’s friend 友好的;亲近的;亲热的matey with She’s been very matey with the boss lately. 她近来跟老板很亲近。Examples from the Corpusmatey• He is not a matey deity who shines a flashlight into some dark corner of his recalcitrant universe on demand.matey2 noun British English informal  MANTALK TO somebodyused by men as a very informal or disrespectful way of speaking to another man 伙计〔男子之间十分随便或不礼貌的称呼〕Examples from the Corpusmatey• Arrgh, matey, who could have expected finding a buried displeasure here? 12: 38.• You're talking walk in the park, matey!• Well matey, you'd better write to Vicky then!mat·ey1 adjectivematey2 nounChineseSyllable  were as behaving you someone’s if Corpus friend




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