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单词 Disproportionate
1. You spend a disproportionate amount of your time on sport.
2. There are a disproportionate number of girls in the class.
3. The punishment was grossly disproportionate to the crime.
4. The government devotes a disproportionate share of the budget to military expenditure.
5. The area contains a disproportionate number of young middle-class families.
6. We spend a disproportionate amount of our income on rent.
7. The country's great influence in the world is disproportionate to its relatively small size.
8. A disproportionate amount of time was devoted to one topic.
9. A disproportionate number of these patients were elderly.
10. Clough was small in stature with disproportionate physical strength and powers of endurance.
11. It never occurred to me how disproportionate was the punishment to the offence.
12. Television also received a disproportionate amount of public attention in the press and parliamentary debate.
13. Capitalists command disproportionate influence over state agencies and funding for public campaigns.
14. Long-term residents affected While seniors account for a disproportionate number of owner move-in evictions, other long-term residents are also affected.
15. The report shows that a disproportionate number of black women do unskilled, low-paid work.
16. For example it was highlighted that a disproportionate number of Black women remained in refuge accommodation for longer periods before they were rehoused.
17. Meanwhile the opinions of newspaper proprietors played a disproportionate role in determining politicians' views of what the public wanted.
18. Our fantasies about motherhood are as disproportionate as the disappointment and self-recrimination that inevitably ensue.
19. Some fields get disproportionate funds, he opined,(http:///disproportionate.html) while others go hungry.
20. They suddenly found out that they had spend a disproportionate amount of their money on clothing.
21. New Hampshire, with a population of only 1. 1 million, has long had a disproportionate influence on presidential politics.
22. The government often overreacts to newly discovered dangers and pours disproportionate resources into hastily conceived remedies.
23. Children who disrupt lessons at school take up a disproportionate amount of the teacher's time.
24. The graduate assignments the following year were reportedly very disappointing, with a disproportionate number being sent to rural areas.
25. In both houses, the reformers claimed, committee chairmen exercised disproportionate power.
26. Yes ... high earners will get bigger fines ... but they may be disproportionate to the offence.
27. Yet what our little coterie suffered was, I believe, disproportionate to our vices.
28. But just as all doctors have patients who consume disproportionate amounts of time so we have papers that slow us down.
29. For years, the female tilt toward the Democrats was balanced by disproportionate white male support for Republicans.
30. It arose out of genuine social issues, not because there was a disproportionate number of prejudiced personalities living in the locality.
1. There are a disproportionate number of girls in the class.
2. The punishment was grossly disproportionate to the crime.
3. We spend a disproportionate amount of our income on rent.
31. The disproportionate population of samurai attracted vast numbers of retailers, craftsmen and servants to service the large and wealthy consumer market.
32. Also in Medicaid, the budget proposed to reduce payments to hospitals that serve a disproportionate number of poor patients.
33. Each, in its disproportionate way, affirms the truth of evolution.
34. Of course, this was grossly disproportionate to their strength in terms of votes.
35. The Inspection department's role is to ensure that quality standards are properly maintained, without incurring disproportionate costs.
36. The Act of 1988 was not disproportionate to the legitimate end to be achieved. 107.
37. Nationally, a disproportionate 48 percent of all foster children are minorities.
38. The reality is that Americahas a disproportionate number, though still a minority, of very heavily armed people.
39. The Home Secretary is receiving a disproportionate amount of attention from the press for the action that he has taken.
40. Complicated things are never robust and things that are not robust require a disproportionate amount of attention.
41. Many people feel that packaging creates a disproportionate amount of litter.
42. Now a generation of southern Republicans, brought up resenting the interfering ways of the federal government, is wielding disproportionate power.
43. New Hampshire unquestionably possesses a disproportionate influence over the nominating process.
44. They are equally aware that achieving the last few percentage points in performance of ten causes a disproportionate increase in costs.
45. Mr Hattersley said giving disproportionate power to small, minority centre parties would not improve democracy.
46. The fact that interest on home mortgages and property taxes remain deductible is of disproportionate benefit to high-income groups.
47. Clearly in simple population terms the older age groups account for a disproportionate amount of health care expenditure.
48. Making travel safer will not necessarily reduce the number of casualties if there is a disproportionate increase in the amount of travel.
49. Grossly disproportionate amounts of money per pupil for each system reinforced these differences.
50. A disproportionate number of visits in the late evening were to young children.
51. The richest areas of the country are getting a disproportionate share of government grants.
52. Apart from the ethical questions(/disproportionate.html), the costs of these measures are disproportionate to any public health benefits.
53. Marshall had taken to calling it the rumour factory because a disproportionate amount of time seemed to be wasted on chatter.
54. This sentence is totally disproportionate to the alleged offence.
55. Disproportionate head measurements may indicate hydrocephaly or microcephaly.
56. Your market report active but your order disproportionate try utmost.
57. This preference is disproportionate to its relative volume in CNS and so far has not been satisfactorily explained.
58. These enzymes act to disproportionate two molecules of superoxide anion to hydrogen peroxide and water, and plays important role in extreme environment adaptation of Antarctic microorganism.
59. The population of the superrich, or those with $30 million or more in investable assets, increased 8.8% last year globally, while their fortunes grew by a disproportionate 14.5%.
60. Over these thirteen days, we have learned that no one supports corporations' disproportionate influence in the political sphere.
61. There is a disproportionate ratio of men to women at university.
62. In a related wrinkle, a hugely disproportionate amount of money (at least, by Western standards) is loaned out on a long-term basis, only to be paid back a month later.
63. Experts are also a vital group because they have a disproportionate influence on less experienced users.
64. the most obvious [driver] appears to be the massive and disproportionate flow of mortgage lending since the Thatcherite deregulations...
65. In some fraud cases, the promoters never drill at all; in others, they devote a disproportionate amount to sales commissions and other in-house expenses not related to production.
66. There is something dangerous and disproportionate in its place in human nature, for whatever reason.
67. If heterosexuality is normal, why a disproportionate number of mental patients heterosexual?
68. Weak businesses usually require a disproportionate amount of management attention.
69. At that time, NATO condemned Moscow's military action as "disproportionate" and said it cannot continue "business as usual" with Russia.
69. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
70. By contrast, Italian CPI moves more slowly than in most European states due to the disproportionate importance of excise duties.
71. "There is an increased level of anxiety disproportionate to the actual risk," says Jerrold Bushberg, who directs programs in health physics at the University of California at Davis.
72. But you must not allow it to usurp a disproportionate share of your interest.
73. A vastly disproportionate burden falls on women for child care.
74. Around the same time, we already wondered a bit about Twitter's $1 billion valuation, which seems somewhat disproportionate to Twitter's current revenue stream.
75. This project has to be stopped, because investment and production are disproportionate.
76. To much of the world, that looks like a crazily disproportionate response.
77. But the big audit firms believe the risks are disproportionate.
78. You must not allow it to usurp a disproportionate share of your interest.
79. These include one-shot exchanges such as DNS lookup, where the cost introduced by BEEP would be disproportionate, or tightly coupled RPC protocols like NFS.
80. We spend a disproportionate amount of our money on rent.




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