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单词 Finer
1. He tried to appeal to their finer feelings .
2. She's a fine actor and an even finer dancer.
3. Microfibre fabrics are three times finer than cotton.
4. I've never seen a finer wild animal.
5. We still have to iron out the finer details.
6. Sand is finer than gravel.
7. I relied on an appeal to his finer feelings.
8. It won't grind down any finer than this.
9. Use a finer piece of sandpaper to finish.
10. I don't understand the finer points of snooker but I enjoy watching it on TV.
11. Read the manual to learn the program's finer points .
12. Role-playing situations allows a finer assessment to be made than in pen and paper exercises.
13. We stayed up discussing the finer points of Marxist theory.
14. Some of the finer type-faces are corrupted by cheap, popular computer printers.
15. They would spend hours discussing the finer points of various cars.
16. You can hardly expect such finer feelings in a thief.
17. Max has no appreciation of the finer things in life.
18. They spent the evening discussing the finer points of world politics.
19. No Elizabethan dandy ever sported a finer ruff.
20. I have never lectured in a finer classroom.
21. Finer details of plumage only visible at close range.
22. We don't really need to know these finer points.
23. Women's bodies bring out all his finer feelings.
24. We have in consciousness a finer mesh than that.
25. The finer the food particles, the easier it is to digest.
26. Studies of the finer detail show that each major zone includes several types of neurons and a great variety of nervous connections.
27. He has become something of a stickler for the finer observances of royal protocol.
28. I understood in general what she was talking about, but some of the finer details/points were beyond me.
29. These are only rough paraphrases, and we leave the finer details to the brave reader.
30. Although a barrow boy at heart, he had a yen for the finer things in life.
1. He tried to appeal to their finer feelings .
2. She's a fine actor and an even finer dancer.
3. Sand is finer than gravel.
31. One grade coarser is twice the size of its predecessor and one grade finer is half the size.
32. Nothing can be finer for honest books than to stand unashamed and free to the air.
33. This alone could not take into account the much finer distinctions that it is necessary to look at when determining social class.
34. Briefing box 1.1 Making classifications: Aristotle and Finer Description and classification are the building blocks of comparative politics.
35. The records are even finer grained than that: cold, bump, points of light, waiting.
36. For example, some of the finer type-faces are corrupted by cheap, popular computer printers.
37. It hasn't learned this behaviour; it was born with it, though it gradually learns the finer points.
38. To begin the evening Laurent Perrier will conduct a champagne tasting, educating us all on the finer points in choosing champagne.
39. It starts out with a familiar idea and then builds on it, making neater analogies and finer distinctions.
40. Bedwyr, the poet and dreamer, who suffered ten times over for one grief, was the finer man.
41. Looking back, I can not imagine that I understood the finer points of the contract M. Chaillot placed before me.
42. Cake flour, which is milled from a soft wheat, has a finer texture and a lower gluten content.
43. Nigel Hawthorne's performance is wonderful: he is becoming a finer and finer actor.
44. I think my mother chopped the nuts a little finer.
45. Yet the finer details needed to implement this idea in the context of international trade have proven contentious and divisive.
46. His elucidation of the finer points of betting is also excellent.
47. He lectures foreign students on the finer points of democracy.
48. Large seeds, such as sweet peas, are easily spaced by hand, but other techniques are needed for finer seeds.
49. I searched the town for finer combs, washed all our clothes again and shampooed both of us morning and night.
50. What a relief to find that in the midst of change, some of the finer things stay the same.
51. The larger the particle phi number the finer the particle.
52. I ran a constant low fever waiting for my ride to come and take me away to something finer.
53. High-priced scotch will more likely remain an investment in finer living[/finer.html], and not just for the monied class.
54. The meat is marbled by a thick tracery of finer fat.
55. The more rapid the cooling, the finer the grain size and the poorer the crystallinity.
56. They were clearly mass-produced in permanent kilns using a finer fabric and were a far more standardised product.
57. Powder the rest of the face. Loose translucent powder is best, as it's much finer than pressed powder.
58. Every baby born into the world is a finer one than the last. Charles Dickens 
59. The extra strength of synthetic fibre allows Evergreen to spin finer yarns with efficiency.
60. His politics are not of the kind which nurture nastiness; he was fashioned for finer things.
61. He could not have made a finer creature in his own vats.
62. A masochist could think of no finer way to spend the months until November.
63. More memory would allow the use of a smaller delay unit and hence finer control over exposure.
64. If Jack wanted something he was not going to let any finer emotions or sensibilities stand in his way.
65. The agonized hand-wringing about internationalism and the finer points of world politics were thrust aside.
66. But he is not only a fine actor and an even finer dancer he is also uncommonly and unabashedly sexy.
67. The slower the speed, the finer the grain and the greater the resolving power of these films.
68. The finer the foam, or the smaller the cartridge, the more often it will need cleaning.
69. What finer sepulchre of honour could any Marine ever aspire to?
70. Though Pilger was a committed left-winger, he was lacking the finer points of the new feminist-influenced Right-On etiquette.
71. They're just the people to spot the finer points of ornithology, are they?
72. On the other hand, you might appeal to their finer feelings, their sense of duty and responsibility.
73. Thus the higher values on the cumulative percentage by weight plot occur in the range characterized by the finer particles.
74. Ven Gajdusek had no such finer feelings, of course, either conscious or subconscious.
75. Q Whilst still on double jacquard, can you only use the finer yarns?
76. Apart from the finer details of the carving, which she hadn't stopped to note, all the doors looked alike.
77. Sometimes they were right, news crews rarely had the time or the inclination to pursue the finer points.
78. There are a few finer details to be worked out, a couple of modifications and so on, and some more costing.
79. The latter can, declares S E Finer with pardonable exaggeration, be counted on one's fingers and toes.
80. Experiments over the centuries resulted in the predominance of the Cheviot breed with a fleece eminently suitable for finer grades of cloth.
81. The finer details of the proposals from Environment Secretary Michael Heseltine still have to be ironed out.
82. The finer the threads, the higher the count and the softer the fabric will be.
82. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
83. But luck was replaced by pluck and you won't see a finer display of it than last night.
84. It was of a different, finer, texture than then his whistle as he crossed the courtyard.
85. Once the topics are agreed, questions will be asked which will fill in the finer points of the hypotheses.
86. Worms reject the finer particles when feeding.
87. Stainless steel refiner, grinding finer and more health.
88. You couldn't pick a finer medical school than Michigan.
89. Thread is finer than rope.
90. The town - hall had never looked finer.
91. The weather became finer and more settled.
92. Install finer mesh strainer element in the strainer.
93. The more deformation, the finer ferrite grain size and more spheroidized pearlite is.
94. However, for all there finer qualities, the mourning dove is so common many people simply take them for granted; ignore them even.
95. The 3D microwave filter was simulated and optimized by the electromagnetic field analysis software and gained a finer result.
96. Effect at the same time, give the eye skin more comprehensive protection and finer trophoblast. But because of its nutrients were higher.
97. Because acoustic printing provides finer control than other printing methods, the technique uses 50 percent less cadmium telluride and eliminates further processing steps that require expensive tools.
98. Any traveler with an interest in slowing down and experiencing the finer things -- a good cup of coffee, fine wine, heavenly music, or a Sacher torte with whipped cream -- will feel right at home.
99. The results shown that the higher the shear rate, the finer the dispersed phase size.
100. Be without scruple the ground shows the woman's attractive double leg , a handsome edge make a figure finer on the vision.
101. In 1930 John Maynard Keynes imagined that richer societies would become more leisured ones, liberated from toil to enjoy the finer things in life.
102. The study also illustrates that the finer structure of porous bodies will be beneficial for improving the cathode emission uniformity and resistance to ion bombardment.
103. Aerodyne cylindracea 3 from the Sanming Mycological Institute of Fujian Province behaves finer than other varieties.
104. Those, in turn, can be implemented using Universal Resource Locator (URL) or Portable Document Format (PDF) technologies that are too reusable resources of the EC, just at a finer level of detail.
105. Your accent is something finer than you could purchase in so removed a dwelling.
106. Furthermore, gray relationship analysis is done to the structure of total value, and some finer results are gained.
107. A coarser sand lowers workability, and a finer sand decreases water retentivity.
108. Wang is a thin and slightly effeminate young man in his mid-twenties, who is devoted to the finer things in life.
109. An alternative open() method provides finer control over the channel, allowing file attributes to be set.
110. Or we might add on his behalf that Jarrell, a fine poet, was perhaps an even finer critic .
111. There is not a finer county in England than Derbyshire.
112. Chinese lady palm with more slender stems and finer sheath fibers than Rhapis excelsa.
113. The black - disk approximation used so far reproduces the coarse features, but not the finer details.
114. But in the rush to privatize, too little attention has been paid to these finer points.
115. Market internationalization forces the constituent structure with be searched finer and system.
116. This killed her efforts at a finer relation with him.
117. Therefore both fingerprint features and facial thermogram features have their origin in the detailed network of blood vessels and finer structures of the cardiovascular system.
118. It was a finer mental strain in her that made possible her depression and loneliness.
119. At the same temperature, the as - cast lead brass has the finer prolongation at the higher velocity.
120. While we still rush through lunch at a fast food restaurant, we prefer to take time to relax and enjoy the finer tastes of home-style dinner with our family after work.
121. Find satisfaction in the finer things of life, and lift yourselves up into the Light.
122. In comparison with conventional electromagnetic stirring, A-EMS can produce a finer and more uniform semi-solid structure with the average grain size decreased by 31% under the same stirring power.
123. The wavelet packets provide a finer decomposition fora given signal and give a better localization.
124. Numerical simulation of currents of the western North Tropical Pacific Ocean have been carried out by using a barotropic primitive equation model with finer horizontal resolution.
125. Compared with other sintering methods, the nano-ceramic materials with the finer grain size and the higher density can be obtained by SLS technology.
126. They thought panda poop would produce an even finer quality paper, he said.
127. Everpure precoat systems use Micro-Pure, a unique blend of filtering materials containing mostly powdered activated carbon that provides 40 times finer filtration than other drinking water systems.
128. Here, indeed, in the sable simplicity that generally characterised the Puritanic modes of dress, there might be an infrequent call for the finer productions of her handiwork.
129. Compared with base metal, the microstructure in fusion zone is finer, and the hardness is higher. The hardness difference exists at various places in fusion zone.
130. Walking exercise may be boring at times but early on a clear sunny morning there can be nothing finer.
131. A finer - grained lock has been converted to a coarser - grained lock.
132. However, Call Me Dave (CMD) is seen by most people as a bit of a "toff" - a member of the privileged classes who is used to the finer things in life.
133. Pasterns of moderate length perceptibly finer in bone than the leg, and slightly slanting.
134. He was just plain Cracker, a small farmer, half-educated, prone to grammatical errors and ignorant of some of the finer manners the O'Haras were accustomed to in gentlemen.
135. Used to take the place of hyphen in many occasions when finer typography is required.
136. The Engineering venture of Xiluodu project shall be attached importance to and ladder of management should be finer.
137. These are the coarsest mills, in which all gossip is first rudely digested or cracked up before it is emptied into finer and more delicate hoppers within doors.
138. And a brave lad you were, and smart, too, ' answered Silver, shaking hands so heartily that all the barrel shook, 'and a finer figure-head for a gentleman of fortune I never clapped my eyes on.
139. Note that the higher the yarn number, the finer the yarn.
140. The one-piece forged brake caliper body houses two opposed pistons, with a choice of high-power metallic pads or resin pads offering finer modulation.
141. Through stepwise refinement, I can drive the model to finer details, to a point where I can start generating concrete implementation artifacts from it.
142. The management cadre need learn use the data base management system, understand and be good to agile use computer,[/finer.html] the ability quite keeping cam finer fields give play to his or it's acting.
143. The model reflects the atomic properties, such as bulk work funtion, atomic radius and first ionizing energy value, and ignores the finer UFP structures.
144. Histopathology with lightened inflammation of hepatocytes and finer complete fibrous septums in model rats.
145. Once found, a process that could take up to six months, researchers will insert the genes into bacteria that are genetically engineered to mass-produce enzymes for even finer testing.
146. I won't go over many of the finer points of the Monitor programming model like triggers, timers, and nested monitoring contexts, but will focus simply on the basics of event processing.
147. From the comparisons QUICK is recommended and finer grids should be used after the grid independence test being made.
148. Silver may be drawn out into a wire finer than a human hair.
149. Using ultraviolet rather than visible light in microscope allows for the perception of finer detail.
150. Conclusion:The finer planning and the elaborative nursing of perioperative was key to decrease complication and raise operative effect.
151. They are united less by their income levels than by a daily unending quest for something better: a nicer car, a bigger meal, a finer education, a higher status.
152. Compared with the most light fiber we have nowadays—georgette whose fiber number is 14, the fiber number of this gauze is just between 10.5 and 11.3, which means it is much finer and lighter.
153. Mark and Shores went from mimeograph to copiers to laser printers, which allow finer work.
154. En dash (En rule): A rule the length of which equals an en. Used to take the place of hyphen in many occasions when finer typography is. required.
155. In this paper, we go further into the theory about linear closed convex set and make two finer algorithms in order to simplify the previous computations.
156. He is well educated in the finer things of life.
157. The results show that the higher the rotating speed of centrifugal casting machine with magnets is, the finer and more uniform the microstructure of Al-Si alloy is.
158. In the silicious matter which the water deposits is perhaps the bony system, and in the still finer soil and organic matter the fleshy fibre or cellular tissue.
158. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
159. So, in this article I'll show you how to combine Groovy with Ant inside Maven for greater expressiveness and a finer degree of behavioral control in the build process.
160. Now that you understand which messaging styles to use for routing in different scenarios, let's look at several routers you can use for achieving finer control over message routing.
161. When this rotating speed ratio is an irrational number, the distribution of grinding track becomes finer.
162. Men, if you wear less eyeliner and give up the tri-cornered hat (sorry, gotta do it.), adopting some of the finer points of Sparrow's persona might drive a lady mad.
163. Thin slab casting and rolling (TSCR) of lowcarbon steel has some distinguished characteristics, such as finer microstructure.




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