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单词 Speak of
1 Speak of angels and you will hear their wings. 
2 Do not speak of your happiness to one less fortunate than yourself. 
3 He didn't speak of the accident.
4 Speak of the devil.
5 Whenever you hear a man speak of his love for his country, it is a sign that he expects to be paid for it. ——H. L.
6 We've had no food to speak of today.
7 The house had no garden to speak of.
8 She didn't speak of her husband at all.
9 They've got no friends to speak of.
10 Often had I intended to speak of it.
11 We've not had any summer to speak of.
12 They have no weaponry to speak of.
13 Well, speak of the devil-here's Alice now!
14 Please don't speak of this,I don't want it to get round.
15 I don't think his handwriting was anything to speak of.
16 People speak of Mark Twain as a signal humourous writer.
17 The village you speak of does not fall under my jurisdiction.
18 The heavy rain speak of the impossibility of the picnic this afternoon.
19 She's saved a little money but nothing to speak of.
20 There's been no rain to speak of for several months.
21 It had no bones to speak of.
22 There were no Republicans to speak of then.
23 One can scarcely speak of unity in national literature.
24 One might as well speak of even-handed socialism.
25 The love of their country is with them only a mode of flattering its master; as soon as they think that master can no longer hear, they speak of everything with a frankness which is the more startling because those who listen to it become responsible.
26 She has saved a little money, but nothing to speak of.
27 Official reports put the death toll at under one hundred, but unofficial estimates speak of at least two hundred dead.
28 If there were any inhabitants of the moon, they would see our earth reflecting the light of the sun, again like a huge mirror hung in the sky. They would speak of earthlight just as we speak of moonlight.
29 He was possessed of a large fortune, but sadly no brains to speak of.
30 Did you hear what happened to Anna yesterday - oh, speak of the devil, here she is.
1 He didn't speak of the accident.
2 Speak of the devil.
31 Local media reports speak of at least 80 deaths.
32 Friends and relatives speak of him in glowing terms.
33 Should one speak of biological science or sciences?
34 The flight home was nothing to speak of.
35 No wind-chill to speak of, to polish us off.
36 In all, the unit has a staff of 18 and no budget to speak of.
37 The two men speak of their friendship in glowing terms.
38 We also reject the belief that knowing how to use terminology in which to speak of language is undesirable.
39 But it would be misleading to speak of separation given the religious foundations of his natural philosophy.
40 We continue to speak of a scientific revolution because earlier systems of belief were emphatically overthrown.
41 There was no discipline problem there, to speak of, because the principal and teachers ran such a tight ship.
42 No ad campaign, no sales to speak of, no one showed up for readings.
43 Although sofas speak of home, they have moved beyond the confines of our living rooms.
44 Despite the generous role played by the testator's intention in these cases, the texts never speak of voluntas here.
45 There are no restaurants or motels, no industry to speak of, only deer and wild turkey roaming the surrounding forest.
46 Sir C: I believe you speak of the practice whereby the political inclination of a parish is physically manipulated.
47 Now to speak of the School and the methods Cizek employs.
48 Instead townspeople speak of Maan's glorious role in sparking another great rebellion, the Arab revolt against the Ottomans.
49 The true language of sisterhood does not speak of the pain of childbirth or the indignities of male oppression.
50 For convenience throughout this paper, I shall speak of male-to-female transsexuals.
51 His supple skin had no lines to speak of; he preserved it with various expensive creams and face masks.
52 Rabin's works speak of both the realities of everyday life and of a yearning for the spiritual.
53 No kin to speak of, except for that rowdy bunch in Ireland,(http:///speak of.html) of course.
54 Increasingly, however, city officials tended to speak of the grant as a source of general fund revenue.
55 In most cases of explanatory surveys it is perhaps less appropriate to speak of samples at all in the strict sense.
56 There are only subjective likes and dislikes, and one should not speak of value at all.
57 When I speak of reading aloud short chapter books, then, these are not the ones I have in mind.
58 Perhaps we can speak of two stages, conscious and unconscious, neither of which could operate without the other.
59 Mystics frequently speak of enlarging, of loss of body sensations, bubbling up, or becoming airborne.
60 It was unrealistic to speak of giving tests and homework to children who were already under great academic pressure.
61 She had the impression that he had something on his mind and was uncertain whether or not he should speak of it.
62 We speak of some one who is stiff-necked long before they may become crippled with arthritis.
63 One might almost speak of a complex symbiosis of different elements in society.
64 Only then can we speak of them as part of our cultural heritage.
65 A separate group of specialists may speak of high school problems.
66 In order to justify medical insurance, clearly you must speak of health and disease in order to qualify as medical.
67 For he is the AESTHETE, as I had Yeats speak of him.
68 Some of those present say they too have heard this story and speak of what they know.
69 Thus, we can speak of six dimensions of variation among haciendas in the area.
70 This raises the prior question of whether we can usefully speak of control, except perhaps of systems controlled by people.
71 While recalling their moments upstairs, he could speak of scrambled eggs.
72 In much of his treatment of Kabylia Bourdieu is loath to speak of symbolic capital at all.
73 And where once union leaders talked of struggle and solidarity, now they speak of profitability and competitiveness.
74 Where there are definite intuitions about which elements belong at a given level, we may speak of substantive levels.
75 Let a man not speak of cannibal deeds among the blessed gods.
76 But we must go further and when men speak of dark skies, we must think of our own bright interior skies.
77 How far is it possible to speak of a partnership at all if only a restricted set of activities is undertaken?
78 Hence it is not unnatural to speak of a lexical unit standing in a particular semantic relation to other lexical units.
79 Those who knew Billy Callender still speak of him with affection and regard all these years later.
80 The resuscitated patients often speak of a great sense of disappointment and loss on waking.
81 The less people speak of their greatness, the more we think of it.”./speak of.html Francis Bacon 
82 Parents often speak of the importance of identifying the normal features of their child, which become increasingly evident as he grows.
83 Indeed Bourdieu is wont to speak of functions or their functional equivalent.
84 If one can speak of a vocal Achilles heel, then Miss Roocroft's is still her cloudy diction.
85 So why do so many of his own White House associates speak of him in tones of regret?
86 Indeed it is hardly too much to speak of jade and gold as embodying distinct standards of value.
87 We speak of a political culture just as we can speak of an economic culture or a religious culture.
88 On some nights one can see so many of these popularly-called shooting stars that we speak of a star or meteor shower.
89 They speak of economic justice, economic redevelopment, fiscal conservatism and good business.
90 My father used to speak of intellectuals as playboys and used to curse the Yiddish writers as poisoners of youth.
91 Developed countries speak of rapid reaction forces as the future of their military strategies.
92 None of us ever heard her speak of the war again.
93 We often speak of climbing the ladder don't we when it comes to the world of work or material success.
94 Therefore, I can speak of the experience when four hon. Members sit in quasi-judicial godliness hearing the arguments for and against.
95 All of them, however, speak of their work with a sincere and passionate commitment.
96 He knows Latin, not to speak of English.
97 Economists speak of an inelastic price structure.
98 Men often speak of their genitals as food.
99 Our loss was nothing to speak of.
100 "Any fresh developments?" — "Nothing to speak of."
101 Speak of the spring, and foison of the year.
102 He could not speak of such things to gentlewoman.
103 This is nothing to speak of.
104 Look! Speak of the devil and he just appears.
105 It is nothing to speak of.
106 Well, speak of the devil, here's old Johnson.
107 He knows French, not to speak of English.
108 Speak of the devil here she is!
109 Her performance was nothing to speak of.
110 Captain Shakespeare: Oh, my word! Speak of the devil.
111 Speak of my lameness, and I straight will halt.
111 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
112 Speak of the devil and he will appear.
113 She knows French, not to speak of English.
114 Today only a few people still speak of aether and hardly any aether particles '.
115 There was no need of this caution, for the elder Sedley himself began immediately to speak of the event, and prattled about it, and wept over it plenteously.
116 The "Mansions" is a singular noun, but most people who live and work there speak of its five blocks, A to E, their lifts connecting only at the dim and claustrophobic bazaar on the first two floors.
117 Into thought of danger to still speak of stock issue.
118 When we speak of unity, we do not mean unprincipled peace.
119 I am not free on Sundays, not to speak of Mondays.
120 It reassured him to speak of the fear of another.
121 It will need much time, not to speak of the expense.
122 Mystics speak of a spirit world that the vast majority of humans never encounter.
123 " What happened at the meeting? "" There was nothing to speak of. "
124 We see most eloquent orators voiceless as fish they speak of Thee, O Jesus our Saviour.
125 With this power, we will speak of his mighty works as recorded in the scriptures.
126 A girl: "Oh What a coincidence, both of us are talking about you, to really speak of the devil."
127 Speak of the devil! John and I were just talking about you.
128 Delicately, analytically, Freud does not speak of foreigners: he teaches us how to detect foreignness in ourselves.
129 She can speak German and French, not to speak of English.
130 The Card Room seems to speak of a thousand games of whist and bridge and the Gold Room, especially as the westering sun burnishes its teak ceiling, is the ideal place for a pre-dinner sherry.
131 On the day I speak of he looked for the Menyanthes, detected it across the wide pool, and, on examination of the florets, decided that it had been in flower five days.
132 Speak of the devil! All of us were just talking about you.
133 Although the Qur'an in the main speaks of a personal judgment(), there are several verses that speak of the resurrection of distinct communities that will be judged according to "their own book."
134 When we speak of black panthers, the others think of predatory animals. We, however, think of the untamed dangerousness of architecture.
135 Speak of the devil! We were just talking about you.
136 Shakespeare endorse polygamy: he speak of the merry wives of windsor ; how many wives do Mr. Windsor have?
137 He said that what he had done was nothing to speak of.
138 Others speak of utter devotion to work, combined with a degree of ruthlessness.
139 Morrigan: "Let me tell you one thing, and then let us speak of it no more."
140 You speak of Paiute legends, in fact most of the tribal indigenous recognized what they termed 'Star Nation'.
141 All writers, without exception, speak of the importance of a memorandum book.
141 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
142 Those who serve well as deacons will win honorable rank, with authority to speak of Christian faith.
143 She is a good housekeeper, not to speak of being a good cook.
144 Speak of the devil! Everyone was just talking about you.
145 First the Greeks, then the Romans began to speak of the Seres (people of silk), a term to designate the inhabitants of the far-off kingdom, China.
146 Then we speak of a test of the problematic premise.
147 To rent a seven - room flat, not to speak of owning it, is considered a luxury!
148 There is no finite velocity of propagation, and we speak of a standing wave.
149 Get of Fenris : As the saying goes, Speak of war and they'll scream for more.
150 He was viewed by many people as the symbol of the democratic feelings of his time, and later generations were to speak of his democratic ideas and practices as Jacksonian Democracy.
151 Speak of taxi line of business, often abandon famous work " camel auspicious child " medium manpower 2 rounds of cars (common weighs jinriksha) have to carry.
152 They speak of my drink but never consider my drouth.
153 Along the busy two-lane freeway, the bus would sometimes stop to pick up passengers, though there were no designated bus stops to speak of.
154 If we don't speak of our achievements, they won't run away . If we don't find out our faults , we'll be in a bad way.
155 It is an established convention to speak of the fixed stars as a standard reference frame.
156 This move caused consternation among universities and the government, not to speak of the students affected.
157 Speak of the devil, she is one of the secrets of this company's success.
158 Recent reports from Iranian Kurdistan, for example, speak of 100 or more checkpoints being erected by Revolutionary Guards and the shelling of PJAK positions inside northern Iraq.
159 The DRAM manufacturers almost have no profit margins to speak of.
160 We can only speak of rationality relative to a frame of reference.
161 Statues on Watertown, New York's town square speak of honor, country, and wars fought in the past.
162 Speak of the devil! I was just talking about you.
163 Newspapers and blogs speak of the "ant tribe" of recent graduates living in cramped basements in the country's big cities while futilely searching for work.
164 He found it invigorating to speak of the struggle for realism.
165 If you know a state in which the perceiver is perceiving himself without bringing in other objects of perception, then only can you validly speak of the perceiver.
166 When they speak of his second coming, my friends, it is at hand.
167 A few years ago it was fashionable to speak of a generation gap.
168 He can't afford the ordinary comforts of life, not to speak of Luxuries.
169 To convince and conform others really, you have to speak of unprejudiced word so as to reach the nature realm.
170 Of course , it is distasteful - and inauspicious , Thais believe - to speak of King Bhumibol's death.
171 Speak of the devil, if it isn't Jimmy. I was.
171 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
172 I had a look round the new shop but it's nothing to speak of.
173 We just strolled around the streets and nothing to speak of.
174 It's also what the Germans mean when they speak of Bildung , and the Harry Potter books are of course a multivolume Bildungsroman - a story of "education, " that is to say, of character formation.
175 He loved to speak of his ancestors as rooted in Normandy.
176 When foreign executives speak of their American counterparts, are apt to be more scornful than awestruck.
177 When we speak of Greeks, we unwittingly speak of today and yesterday.
178 It is pointed out that, it is incorrect to speak of the ovoid spiral scanning system as an elliptical scanning system.
179 After a while everyone ceased to speak of Hal except in passing.
180 What do we mean when we speak of nuclear deterrence?
181 Speak of the devil! We were just talking about you! How did you know that?
182 The miser won't even lend you one dollar, not to speak of US $ 1 , 000.
183 Sailors speak of mizzen masts because the word for mast in Arab is mazzan.
184 Many think that to speak of headship within the marriage relationship reeks of prejudice, inequality, and injustice.
185 Chinese speak of Alexandria will return to their place of birth.
186 You speak of trading thing disaccord others, because you know nobody can be clear.
187 The "Field of Chiefs" and its Standing Stone, where the clans can come to speak of peaceful alliances, fearless of treachery, is a living piece of history.
188 Some spying in the queue to the restrooms offered as good an indication as any. The coiffed, bejewelled visitors could speak of little other than Japan and their fears of a nuclear meltdown.
189 Ferguson used to speak of City in the kind of slightly patronising way someone might refer to a little cousin.
190 He cannot afford the ordinary comforts of life, not to speak of luxuries.
191 He was heard to speak of Sir Kenelm Digby, and other famous men- whose scientific attainments were esteemed hardly less than supernatural- as having been his correspondents or associates.
192 They would speak of earthlight just as we speak of moonlight.
193 Remember what unbecoming to do is also unbecoming to speak of.
194 Said in his controversial book "Orientalism. "... After De Lesseps no one could speak of the Orient as belonging to another world, strictly speaking.
195 Seal Yuan to speak of euphonic all is exceedingly slow-moving moderate, but more is so, listen of person more is have no base son.
196 Speak of the devil ! Hi, Mark! We were just talking about you.
197 Yes, and I shall speak of the present trouble as another instance of the wonder-working faithfulness and love of the LORD my God.
198 Today only a few people still speak of aether and hardly any of'aether particles '.
199 We were talking about him when he came in. Speak of the devil.
200 Mary's injures were nothing to speak of, just a few scratches.
201 Geneticists speak of the "molecular clock" that recordsthe passage of time. These molecular data also show how variousorganisms are transitional within evolution.
202 It would be an anachronism to speak of George Washington riding in an automobile.
203 It will take a long time,(http:///speak of.html) not to speak of the huge expense involved.
204 The highest possible honor in the communal Gand society, janwuine involved the right of an individual to speak of her- or himself in the first person and to use personal pronouns in conversation.
205 They , too, got that type of nausea that we call seasickness and that the French speak of as mal de mer , or 'sickness of the sea .
206 Speak of the devil! Some of the girls were just talking about you.
207 Or we'll speak of a wrong-doer as washing their hands of a crime.
208 Reports speak of Berlin putting together an aid package for Moscow.
209 Seat of Loving County, the least populated county in the lower 48 states, Mentone sits smack in the middle of furnace-hot desert with oceans of oil belowground and not much to speak of above.
210 They speak of my drink that never consider my drouth.
211 He can't even afford a secondhand cell phone, not to speak of a brand - new one.
212 But speak of from the back talk deeper to feel more from the back have very large collaboration possibility.
213 To hear Kirkland talk, it's reminiscent of a young Mike Tyson, who would speak of maiming opponents and driving their septums into their brains.
214 The DRAM manufacturers almost have no profit margins to speak of. Many of them suffered losses.
215 They mock and wickedly speak of oppression; They speak from on high.
216 She is so near to me that it almost seems indelicate to speak of her.
217 I speak of fishing only now, for I had long felt differently about fowling,[http:///speak of.html] and sold my gun before I went to the woods.
218 When we often speak of quality, just often gesticulate to the quality of industrial product.
219 This should allocate from the check the number of bow hand first speak of.
220 Have you any difficulty with this? - No, nothing to speak of.
221 Speak of the devil and he is sure to appear.
222 Aeschylus made them the terrifying chorus of his tragedy Eumenides, and Euripides was the first to speak of them as three in number.
223 Board money wouldn't cover the actual cost, not to speak of the work, anxiety and bother.
224 I feel too nervous to speak in English class, not to speak of in English Corner.
225 If the first axis is perpendicular to the ground we speak of an azimuthal mounting.
226 That farmer said that his crop of apples was nothing to speak of.
227 Stannis had commanded Jon not to speak of that one either.
228 When the economists speak of a balanced economy, he envisions an overall balance between production and consumption.
229 The elves speak of a moon goddess, did you know?




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