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单词 Confirmation
1) There has still been no official confirmation of the report.
2) The police are seeking independent confirmation of certain details of the story.
3) Here, graphically displayed, was confirmation of the entire story.
4) I'm still waiting for confirmation of the test results.
5) She glanced over at James for confirmation.
6) Flu prevented her from attending her daughter's confirmation.
7) Written confirmation came three days later.
8) She nodded in confirmation.
9) They took her resignation from Bendix as confirmation of their suspicions.
10) We will send you written confirmation of our offer shortly.
11) We are still awaiting confirmation of the exact number of casualties.
12) Most hotels require confirmation from a prospective guest in writing.
13) Travel arrangements are subject to confirmation by State Tourist Organisations.
14) We need confirmation in writing before we can send your order out.
15) Please send a cheque with written confirmation of your booking.
16) She scans my face for confirmation.
17) Abrams's White House appointment, however,[http:///confirmation.html] required no congressional confirmation.
18) Seek confirmation that the other party understands your meaning.
19) Fission-track also provides independent confirmation of dating results.
20) He brought the children to the bishop for confirmation.
21) The existence of treachery finds confirmation elsewhere.
22) So I needed confirmation, a witness.
23) The guilty finding and sentence are subject to confirmation.
24) The post does not require Senate confirmation.
25) There was no immediate official confirmation.
26) Some were raised in confirmation hearings.
27) During Senate confirmation hearings, Sen.
28) Evolutionary biology provides good confirmation of moral judgements.
29) It was announced that the times were provisional and subject to confirmation.
30) Her confession was no surprise to him, - just the confirmation of a long-held suspicion.
1) There has still been no official confirmation of the report.
2) It was announced that the times were provisional and subject to confirmation.
3) The police are seeking independent confirmation of certain details of the story.
4) Written confirmation came three days later.
5) We need confirmation in writing before we can send your order out.
31) The confirmation numbers speak for themselves.
32) But there is no confirmation, and rumors still abound.
33) No independent confirmation of the report was available.
34) But the final confirmation of this accord never came.
35) But first-hand confirmation did nothing to raise her spirits.
36) I reach for my hand mirror for confirmation.
37) Geoffrey Fisher prepared him for confirmation.
38) Had it been the final confirmation of her suspicions?
39) Gates' 1991 confirmation was nearly derailed by similar complaints.
40) There was no confirmation of the report and no organization has taken responsibility for the killings.
41) If in any doubt, we should ask the client for written confirmation of our understanding of the criteria.
42) The Senate leadership quickly gave its consent and we ran many of the confirmation hearings live.
43) Such a confirmation was to be of great propaganda value to the papacy in addition to its immediate political and financial value.
44) I came across these two booklets on confirmation and wondered if they would be of interest to either you or Paul.
45) Without waiting for Senate confirmation, Polk sent Slidell on his way.
46) I could chortle at this further confirmation that Microsoft's operating systems are secure only when not connected to the Internet.
47) The bishops received word in February that a revised draft would receive Vatican confirmation if it were resubmitted.
48) I understand that the exact venue in London will be notified to me with confirmation.
49) For about a month, while he awaited confirmation as Attorney General(), Ed Meese was also on hand.
50) It eased p to 34p on the news with investors also awaiting confirmation of a planned name change to Signet.
51) The Insurance Synopsis will be sent with your Confirmation and this gives full details of cover and exclusions.
52) Your agreement to the terms of engagement contained in this letter will be confirmation of our authority to comply with this requirement.
53) Obviously she had understood the gist of the will and just wanted confirmation.
54) It was confirmation that I was on the right road-at last.
55) In old age, however, the likelihood is that the overwhelming need will be for confirmation and acceptance of their situation.
56) Graham looked towards Laidlaw for confirmation that it was Barak.
57) It was widely agreed that the episode had damaged the public image of Congress and had discredited the confirmation process.
58) At her Senate confirmation hearings, she wasted little time proving him right.
59) We will send written confirmation of your booking as quickly as possible.
60) When it comes to winning Senate confirmation of their Cabinet choices, presidents have history on their side.
61) Yes, I have changed insurance companies and, yes, I have asked for written confirmation of cover.
62) I will await confirmation of these dates before I contact the owner of the site or arrange local publicity.
63) Once the carrier provides confirmation, the carrier transmits the relevant information to the new holder.
64) The administration designed the package in hopes of winning speedy Senate confirmation for all three.
65) The Senate Judiciary Committee did not make her charges public and closed the confirmation hearings without calling her as a witness.
66) As is customary with appointees facing confirmation hearings, Albright declined to be interviewed for this article.
67) McCarthy supplied the first confirmation that the hostages are still alive.
68) It was suggested that the isoforms were the likely result of alternative splicing although this awaits confirmation.
68) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
69) There is no vacuum. Evolutionary biology provides good confirmation of moral judgements.
70) More positive was confirmation that draft legislation for a Bill of Rights should be ready by July 1990.
71) Powell was equally reassuring and calming in his Senate confirmation testimony.
72) The development of the law along these lines is recent and confirmation of it by an august Commission is ominous.
73) What we are witnessing is a further confirmation of the judgment that capitalism is in its death agony.
74) Written confirmation of your telephone call must be received by your branch or the above address within 7 days.
75) I would therefore propose that September 1993 be set as a tentative deadline for the confirmation of events, dates and locations.
76) The gains had been welcomed by the government as confirmation that its economic policies had received a good response from investors.
77) The two leaders went to military headquarters for confirmation and were told that the staff were otherwise engaged.
78) I do remember locating Warner in the bedroom of his hotel for confirmation.
79) A different view of royal opportunism can be seen in the confirmation of charters for leading monasteries outside the demesne.
80) Earl Robert stood tranquilly where he was,() and bowed away the necessity for any such confirmation.
81) Sammler thought of him as a man who badly, even desperately, needed confirmation, support, and touch.
82) Such a hypothesis requires, however, confirmation in a large group of patients.
83) Baptismal, confirmation, membership and communicant figures do not tell the whole story.
84) The crisis follows confirmation by Railtrack that the Hatfield crash has cost it £600m so far.
85) Andrew Cuomo had the combined feminine power of two dynasties backing him at his Senate confirmation hearings Wednesday.
86) Lake is not granting interviews as he prepares for his confirmation hearings.
87) It does not provide confirmation that the various conditions of s135 are satisfied.
88) The reservation form and confirmation slip copy are then filed alphabetically in date of arrival order. 6.
89) The Warranties generally require confirmation that a state of affairs exist at a certain date, eg Completion.
90) Eventually, satisfied that he had found what he wanted, the Doctor halted, waving the box around for final confirmation.
91) I later received confirmation of my new job in a letter indicating the start date.
92) As with any newly proposed risk factor, independent confirmation of our results will be necessary.
93) This is described as the de minimis and serves as confirmation that the vendor will not be troubled by small claims.
94) Thomas won confirmation by a bare two votes, but the case never really closed.
95) This is not, by its nature, the sort of theory that lends itself to easy confirmation.
96) Significant advances will be marked by the confirmation of bold conjectures or the falsification of cautious conjectures.
97) Within 28 days we will forward your confirmation, full details of your holiday and insurance cover.
98) There has been no official confirmation that the documents are genuine,[http:///confirmation.html] although sources suggest that they are.
99) The little-noticed trench warfare over Senate confirmation of presidential appointees is nothing new.
100) Police are almost certain the torso was Mr Davison but they're awaiting confirmation by a DNA test.
101) A hereditary Forest warden had therefore to seek royal confirmation if he wished to grant away his bailiwick.
102) The political Greens took it as confirmation that industrial society was indeed not sustainable.
103) I later received confirmation of my new job in a letter indicating a start date.
104) Only thus can there be confirmation that the patient can not in fact sustain his own vital functions.
105) Once the testing laboratory receives the samples, it will screen them for drugs and then perform confirmation testing to minimize errors.
106) Regular radiological confirmation of successful transit through the bowel is essential.
107) Another confirmation of the transformation of the press was its proneness for take-over for financial rather than political ends.
108) I find confirmation of this in the fact that in describing Pelops's wing of the gable he ends with Alpheus.
109) Diagnostic difficulties in those cases were related to confusing radiological and endoscopic appearances or failure to obtain histological confirmation of lymphoma.
110) Then, with confirmation from the counts that their political mouthpiece had performed splendidly at the polls(), they turned on Portadown.
111) Your agreement to the terms of engagement contained in this letter will be confirmation of our right so to withdraw.
112) Most traders, by the middle of this week, were still waiting for confirmation from maltsters on the accurate nitrogen tests.
113) Lee appeared with her but did not speak in keeping with the traditional practice among nominees awaiting Senate confirmation.
114) She says that it's good to have confirmation that penicillin does work against this form of the disease.
115) A curious fact which might seem at first to constitute an exception to this explanation turns out to provide further confirmation of it.
116) All this contest provided was confirmation that this team is nowhere near what it claimed to be, and fading fast.
117) He saw the knowledge in her face that he was already chairman - all he needed was the official confirmation.
118) The share price was pared by confirmation it will suspend operations of its subsidiary Priority Wireless.
119) Extrapolations are, therefore, best seen as working hypotheses requiring confirmation by studies made on people.
120) Ross's complaint was that astronomy was more in need of confirmation from Scripture than vice-versa.
121) But only now did she have confirmation of the full extent of her betrayal by Urquhart.
122) The process of confirmation and clarification attempts to solve both problems.
123) The matter seemed to lie beyond the pale of any definitive confirmation.
124) Such invasive treatment has limited use for these patients, and more confirmation of its efficacy is needed.
125) The day began with confirmation of what the Clippers already knew: Sealy has a fractured thumb.
126) At the Confirmation Mass each of us had our special responsibility as musician, reader or at the preparation of the gifts.
127) Herman seemed headed for confirmation after the Senate Labor Committee unanimously approved her nomination last week.
128) We allow 7 days from confirmation of the booking for monies to reach us by post.
128) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
129) Please that this letter as confirmation that Oxford University Press will be settling their bills for room and breakfast.
130) Confirmation of the official safety review came after a n investigation by Channel Four television into the deaths of patients.
131) When costs and details are finalised, they will be sent out with booking confirmation.
132) By the end of the day, her confirmation seemed merely a formality.
133) Please always quote the reference number shown on your confirmation account, and the departure date.
134) This was unexpected and requires confirmation by continued follow up and other studies now in progress.
135) The Democrats need to relocate the middle ground between rubber-stamping nominees who are unacceptable and abusing the confirmation process.
136) A recent beautiful experiment by Aspect and his collaborators adds convincing confirmation of quantum mechanics rather than local reality.
137) Confirm delivery date and make sure you send written confirmation of all the details.
138) It seems that Hamilton received independent confirmation of how good the School was.
139) Hearing confirmation that a trusted employee had indeed turned thief, she had gripped the chair-arms in white knuckled rage.
140) She had the final confirmation that Jenny was not Henry's child, so the original plan was going to suffice.
141) A look of relief as much as elation spread over Lewis's face when confirmation came of her victory.
142) Give the confirmation number you got when you bought the ticket and ask to have documentation sent to you.
143) Some councils therefore still insist on every committee decision being referred to the full council for confirmation or rejection.
144) I'm still waiting for confirmation from the travel agency about my tickets.
145) Confirmation of abuse means an investigator found evidence that abuse occurred.
146) Formal confirmation will be announced by the International Board in Wellington tomorrow afternoon.
147) It is normal practice for hotels to require confirmation from a prospective guest in writing.
148) He explained that the purpose of Confirmation was to confirm the promises made by our godparents at our baptism.
149) Then the Chicago papers printed stories about the magazine stories, as confirmation of their earlier stories.
150) The predominance of the United States in the world capitalist system received fresh confirmation.
151) Confirmation of this adaptation of the V-domain interface in cell-adhesion interactions now awaits direct structural data for the ligand or the complex.
152) But the girl wanted to wear the shoes for her confirmation.
153) Convincing confirmation of this analysis is provided by the interrogative adverbs how and why in their use with the infinitive.
154) On it were her confirmation cross and the farthing Rob had given her soon after they met.
155) They include several volumes of maps, photographs, accounts of leys, theories and confirmation from various sources.
156) Confirmation of economic recession Figures issued at the end of November 1990 confirmed that the economy was in recession.
157) Confirmation that ministers were drawing up plans for local government and judicial reform was enough to satisfy many.
158) Confirmation of influence is provided by subsequent citation of that paper.
159) During her confirmation in 1993,[] several Republican senators suggested that Napolitano may have improperly coached a witness during the Thomas-Hill hearings.
160) The customer receives confirmation the purchase request has been forwarded, then he is given the name of the dealer.
161) In Jude's - or Judas Thomas's - case, there is confirmation of a bloodline.
162) Clinton had hoped to win confirmation of Rohatyn by packaging it with his reappointment of Greenspan.
163) Normally, you will receive confirmation at the time of booking. 3.
164) Somehow it was the kind of joy mixed with tears which one finds at weddings, at Confirmation, at baptisms.
165) These encouraging results in pilot studies required confirmation in prospective and randomised trials.
166) Your written confirmation includes an invoice for the balance due.
167) Decisions taken, said the Code, require papal confirmation, but a Council exercises supreme jurisdiction over the Church.
168) Previously they had the conviction and the confidence but this tape was the final proof, the confirmation of the possibilities.
169) President Clinton and the Republican Senate are waging election-year warfare over the confirmation of 135 presidential appointees.
170) C., refused to hold a Senate confirmation hearing on the nomination.
171) I will seek confirmation from both parties as to the factual accuracy of any such memorandum.
172) Balance of Payment Our Confirmation and Account will show the total charge for the services to be provided by us.
173) This was what she said at her confirmation hearing.
174) We are waiting for confirmation of the news.
175) Release Production order and follow order confirmation.
176) We're waiting for written confirmation from the Americans.
177) A confirmation order is enclosed for your reference.
178) This offer subject to our confirmation.
179) After Shenzhou seventh airship replenishment propellant, to will launch the location with rocket docking and the vertical transportation, will carry on the final condition check and the confirmation.
180) Kindly give us an order sheet in confirmation of the message by telephone of this morning.
181) In the United States, that includes ordering stamps and packing supplies online and providing delivery confirmation electronically without mailing back a receipt.
182) Confirmation of the authorisation of the cancellation will be faxed to the client on request.
183) In order to handle OOS results, avoid the misusage of OOS results and insure OOS results without any approval or confirmation should not be accepted, delivered or shifted to the next procedure.
184) We would appreciate confirmation of your refusal of our invitation to take part.
185) Any Notice may be delivered by hand or sent by fax with confirmation receipt followed by first-class mail posted within 24 hours or by overnight courier.
186) According to this, the article confirms the best overawing modal about the prevention and punishment of crime and the best combine-modal about the confirmation and severeness of punishment.
187) This passage briefly covers the confirmation of the load of electric energy consumption and subcircuit in housing electric design.
188) The new president's appointee for Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, Michele Flournoy, was asked about that at her Senate confirmation hearing on Thursday.
188) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
189) The teletransmission will be deemed the operative reimbursement authorization or reimbursement amendment, and any subsequent mail confirmation shall be disregarded.
190) The cancellation of company, as subsequent step of dismission and liquidation, is the confirmation of loss of company's main corporation qualification.
191) There is no formal confirmation so far that he is at liberty.
192) Location: Xuhui Elderly Center lies near Jinjiang Park Station Line 1. Detailed address will be sent to volunteers by confirmation email and reminder.
193) This article, in view of this change, mainly discusses the confirmation and amortization method of the unrealized financing profits by the lessor of finance leases of assets.
194) Once SAS signed, Production spec will be issued to factory, and confirmation samples can be made.
195) Location: CereCare lies in Xuhui District near Shanghai South Railway Station Line 1/3. Detailed address will be sent to volunteers by confirmation letter and remind letter.
196) Note: A 'mop-up' refers to a rapid and massive, house-to-house immunization response within four weeks of confirmation of a circulating poliovirus.
197) A confirming bank may extend its confirmation to an amendment and will it advises the amendment.
198) She turned to Miss Baker for confirmation: " An absolute rose? ".
199) a. An authenticated teletransmission of a credit or amendment will be deemed to be the operative credit or amendment, and any subsequent mail confirmation shall be disregarded.
200) If it is non-firm offer, it may be contain fewer items, but also terms must be reserved such as "subject to our final confirmation".
201) Instead, they are relying on general practitioner assessment rather than laboratory confirmation.
202) U.S. senators criticized the Federal Reserve but offered measured support for the central bank's leader in a confirmation hearing Thursday.
203) Some problems in the confirmation and counting of invisible assets in the current Accounting Standard of Invisible Assets were discussed, and some suggestions were made.
204) For example, a tester using the second style would find it easier to overlook a spelling error in the confirmation popup, or even that it was the wrong popup.
205) This item will be shipped via USPS first class mail with delivery confirmation.
206) Confirmation of income and expense in building contract is core and difficulty to building industry accounting check.
207) At beneficiary's request negotiating bank may add their confirmation to this credit provided confirmation charges are for beneficiary's account.
208) Kindly let us have confirmation of these order by telegraph to morrow by 3 p.m.
209) The renewed ATA carnet may, upon confirmation of the local competent customs office, replace the former carnet .
210) Methods The ESBL confirmation was taken by double disc confirmatory test.
211) I also have free delivery confirmation on all of my items.
212) International Fair participants – confirmation of the payment for the renting an exhibition area.
213) He occasionally give a smart nod, as if in confirmation of some opinion.
214) Besides cost confirmation and reconciliation statement of account between forwarders agents could also be realized.
215) Retrospective confirmation of the case brings the cumulative total in China to 20.
216) Dialog boxes ( confirmation dialogs in particular ) ask questions. Toolbars offer choices.
217) First, the book seller sends a confirmation of the order, along with the expected dispatch date.
218) Prepare documentation for goods delivery including order confirmation, delivery note, proforma invoices and other required documents.http://
219) EBW procedure of pyramidal horn antenna was researched, including joint design , welding parameters confirmation, etc.
220) In written answers to senators at his confirmation hearing in January, he stated that China was “manipulating its currency”.
221) Madame Defarge looked superciliously at the client, and nodded in confirmation.
222) These Cabinet appointments are subject to confirmation by the new Congress after Obama is sworn in.
223) In this paper, from the problem of the confirmation of the vendition amount, the author makes an in-depth discussion on the amount calculation and the criminal patterns related to vendition amount.
224) The buyer himself must sign the Purchase Confirmation on the spot.
225) With regard to purchase confirmation No.85 , please ship the goods as soon as possible.
226) Article 33 Where the parties conclude the contract in the form of letters or data-telex, etc. , one party may request to sign a letter of confirmation before the conclusion of the contract.
227) First confirmation of welding cable clamp and copper ears have reliable connectivity, will bolt copper ears, and welder polarity "-" reliable output link.
228) This is the best offer we can make and is subject to our final confirmation.
229) When a confirmation box is issued routinely, users get used to approving it routinely.
230) In a related story, Republicans have announced that Sotomayor's confirmation hearing will consist of three questions and a timed obstacle course.
231) Step 2 . You will get our confirmation and payment notice before the course beginning.
232) I want to make use of my present visit to settle our claim on you for the 100 tons of Bleached Cotton Waste, as per Sales Confirmation No. 1250E.
233) to be responsible for the confirmation, investigation and punishment of illegal stock issuance and illegal securities issuance and organize relevant coordination.
234) The freight cost will be quoted on the sales confirmation and charged accordingly.
235) The only address confirmation in my hand is bank bill please understand me.
236) Please accept our sincere thanks for your letter enclosing confirmation of your cable order.
237) If designer confirm to participate in the consultation activity upon letter of invitation is received, the designer shall fax a confirmation sheet.
238) There is no tracking number, but we do use USPS delivery confirmation.
239) Stock exchanges shall handle relevant procedures upon the strength of the letter of confirmation issued by the CIRC department in charge of overseeing the management of insurance funds.
240) Legislating and constitutionally establishing the protection and relief in favor of worse-off people as a state obligation requires theoretical confirmation and validity verification.
241) They gloat over profits or trash confirmation slips for losing trades.
242) Payment unless otherwise specifically agreed is to be made by letter of credit established telegraphically immediately upon receipt of confirmation of order.
243) Once order is received, we shall order confirmation by email to confirm your order.
244) Confirmation Note will be sent on acceptance of this application.
245) We confirm having purchased from you and a confirmation order is enclosed for your reference.
246) It is applied in traffic peccancy visual monitoring system and makes the confirmation of peccant vehicle more automated and intelligent.
247) Frame semantics interprets the confirmation of the anaphor and cognitive discursion.
248) Offer subject our confirmation 100000 tons cotton 24 pence propound fob Alexandria Feb shipment.
249) When the requirement definition gets confirmation from stakeholders, the project team delivers the requirement baseline and then manages it during the project life cycle.
250) However the above news not yet obtains the Shanghai gold exchange official frontage confirmation.
251) Despite the gazillions her husband has raised for his foundation from iffy foreigners, she looked set to breeze through her confirmation hearings this week (see article).
252) Materials and Methods DCBE was performed in 84 ca ses with hematochezia and suspicious of colonic polyp, of which 46 cases underwent colonoscopy for further confirmation or therapy.
253) FXCM will credit client's trading account after confirmation of funds receipt.
254) And to show the honestto this cooperate , we've attached our purchase order, please reply after confirmation.
255) Please advise the form of two-signature Proof of Funds to be submitted by the client - whether a Bank Confirmation Letter, Bank Tear Sheet or Bank Statement. Which one?
256) Figure 11 - 3 : Here is a horrible confirmation box that stops the proceedings idiocy.
257) Pyongyang, says the Sejong Institute's Song, "did not like Hillary's nuance at the confirmation hearing, that denuclearization comes before a sincere dialogue.
258) The bankers had definite confirmation today that Tsinan's been evacuated. ".
259) Please provide the Employer's Letter of Confirmation and Certificate of Incorporation.
260) The delivery and invoice are simultaneously deemed to represent an order confirmation.
261) AL is not a univocal concept, as people normally understand it, "privilege", "empowering", "ban lifting"or"confirmation"; it is a plurality of ratification, constraint and b.
262) Separately, Attorney General-designate Eric Holder testified at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
263) One original copy of the letter of confirmation of Party B to complete the technical documentations as specified in Appendix 2 of the contract within 2 months after the contract takes effect.




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